Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #157

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So, since we know Casey really had not been employed by US for at least 2 years before Caylee went missing but was faking that she did to her family, etc. -- where did she go everyday during that time? What was she doing? I know her parents helped, but how could she not show some income if she was supposedly working regularly.

And, anyone else think it was a little weird that Lee, when describing the emails he retrieved from Casey's computer, said that from what he could tell by the emails, she was probably doing some kind of contract work (per 400 pages). Maybe it is just part for the course with them, but with her having claimed to still be working at this place for over 2 years, isn't it odd that her brother didn't even know what kind of work she had been (supposedly) doing?
Message deleted. Sorry if I broke the rules.

No worries..I thought I would get ya before a mod did LOL.. Welcome to W/S. My first two lessons when I joined were...if you quote provide a link and don't mention that site. Welcome aboard.:crazy:
I am not perfect by any means, I do not want her to see the children unsupervised until she gets it together, although I love her the children need to be taken are of properly, I do not sugarcoat.

You did good, Gramma.
Casey certainly has the right to maintain her innocence, but it is someone disingenuous to do that while everyone around [Casey] screams that LE isn't searching while she isn't giving them any info as to where to search (or any info and/or leads that have not proven to be false/lies)

What everyone else is saying appears to be a side-show that has nothing to do with the merits of this case.
We ALL need to calm down before this thread is locked by MOD!!!
Ditto that. I find that sometimes I have to give myself a "time out" when I disagree vehemently with someone else's posts. :)
I didn't hear that one. Baez stated that he asked LE at 5:30 if they were going to arrest Casey and they said NO..He had some fax that was time stamped..he held it up. His point was she should have been given the opportunity to turn herself in...YEAH right.

Because there are "special laws" for his client, doncha know!
I'm here right now, and Murt is live on his cam.

True, but you can post on the net from just about anywhere, nowadays.

Thanks for the reply, though, and for not being angry with me for wondering!

Ohh I must be have missed a breath. Did CA encounter GA while the car was backed up in the garage?
I can't say anything about the court officer thing because I don't remember that at all but the radio interview was set up out of the goodness of his heart. He worked hard to get Josh on the radio to get more exposure for Trenton. It was not Murt's fault that the media ended up being more interested in him than in Trenton and Josh.

I think Murt's heart is in the right place and I don't think that he has ever done anything that hurt a case. Usually he just ends up hurting himself. I don't always agree with the things that he does or has done but he is basically harmless and really wants to be helpful. Plus I think he is lonely and his following these cases and trying to give people following on the web a look at what is going on is his way of coping with the death of his son and his wife.

He has been beat up in every one of the sleuthing sites for what people feel is his over involvement but truthfully, I can think of quite a few web sleuths that have pushed the involvement envelope a lot further than he ever has.

I'm just saying.......

And I agree. I shared my experience and opinion of him, and was attacked and reported as being gossip.

I, too, feel his heart is in the right place, but perhaps be better served if he joined Tim's search and not try to run one on his own with a camera.
Go to the Media Forum under August 29th, there is a link with Baez's name next to it. I think he talks in that one about the fax he sent LE etc.

It's in one of those links.

I know in all that HE says that LE said they weren't coming. I have seen some things that lead me to believe that something different was going on. IMO He knew and he did not bring her in or have Padilla bring her in so they came and got her. I don't have a link, just some things under the surface. This is all just my opinion of what is being spun.
I didn't hear that one. Baez stated that he asked LE at 5:30 if they were going to arrest Casey and they said NO..He had some fax that was time stamped..he held it up. His point was she should have been given the opportunity to turn herself in...YEAH right.

Police were waiting on a Juidge to sign the warrrant. Without that they could have arrested her, but Cindy would have had a total fit. She tried claiming they didn't have a warrant.
Fair point. But without knowing what the evidence is here, how can anyone know what's in Casey's best interests? Can't have it both ways.

Are you serious..
So far for edvidence the air tests from the body farm have been confirmed for postive decomp in the trunk of her car, not to mention the cadavar dog hits.
I think in her best intrest is to take the limited immunity deal.
If not then its her own fault when she is charged within the full extient(spl)
of the law.
Report it to the Mods if you think its out of line.. you wrote "WE ended up driving around.." Were you with him? I tried to go on that site but everyone was typing so fast I couldn't keep up..

WE were in the car, by camera view, it felt like we were there. There were almost 300 of US. It was a pleasant time out from the sadness of this case. Everyone expressed gratitude, he showed us the pertinent sites in relation to this case. A friend, older Man who likes to feel useful. I have grandparents, I know how hard it is when people you love die, a sense of uselessness can set in. We all have our own reasons for being here. I judge no ones reasons. And I love elders in society, and feel very protective of them, I was raised that way.
Sorry if this has been discussed before...

Anyone local down there -- was JB known at all before this? I mean, people have discussed Geragos a bit, but he was already ver well known in big case circles before Scott Peterson ever came along. Was he a "somebody" or up and comer down there, or does this seem to be his first time in the spotlight on a big case?
And I agree. I shared my experience and opinion of him, and was attacked and reported as being gossip.

I, too, feel his heart is in the right place, but perhaps be better served if he joined Tim's search and not try to run one on his own with a camera.

He signed up to search but couldn't, because of a medical condition. He was not searching with his camera. He was being hospitable to us.
What everyone else is saying appears to be a side-show that has nothing to do with the merits of this case.
I'm curious what you think is worth dicsussing as merits of this case.
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