The A's..In Denial or Covering Up the Crime?

The A's..In Denial or Covering up the crime?

  • Denial

    Votes: 91 17.8%
  • Covering up the crime

    Votes: 366 71.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 55 10.7%

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Covering up, most definitely. I think the whole family are sociopaths. Lock 'em up together in one cell and let them beat the ever-loving crap out of each other for the rest of their natural lives...
watching that video of Cindy at the bond hearing. I thought she was hostile and evasive. Plus, she outright lied as far as I can tell on a couple of things. I was surprised because she has been saying how she was co-operating with LE. So now I definately say, covering up for sure. And I LOVE that Linda Drane-Burdick (sp?) She hammered her, cut right thru her BS. She is great.
watching that video of Cindy at the bond hearing. I thought she was hostile and evasive. Plus, she outright lied as far as I can tell on a couple of things. I was surprised because she has been saying how she was co-operating with LE. So now I definately say, covering up for sure. And I LOVE that Linda Drane-Burdick (sp?) She hammered her, cut right thru her BS. She is great.

I just watched it too! She is a sociopath, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...
I hope they nail her for her role in this, because you KNOW she has a big one!
I just watched cindy at that bond hearing. I am speechless...
I cannot believe how hostile she was to the prosecution. She seemed emotional at first and it was the first time I ever saw any tears from her. Then, when the lady asked her questions, it was like a switch went off and she was NASTY.
Cindy totally lied about KC 's graduation night. I thought she didn't graduate????
She kept trying to use her lack of sleep and food as an excuse for not remembering clearly.
Wow. I really hope they lock her up too.
I think she really gets hostile when backed in to a corner to have to potentially tell the truth.
I am glad we are all revisiting this, because hopefully the state will too.
What happened the night she and KC got into the fight with her supposedly choking KC?
Why would she then tuck her into bed? NOT.
This may not make any sense at all but...

I believe they are in denial and covering up evidence at the same time. I think they *know* Caylee is dead and that Casey had something to do with it, but cannot "commit" to knowing it. I do not mean this in a bad way. I don't think they are covering up on purpose. When faced with losing a loved one, denial can be very powerful and can last a LONG time (I know from experience). The cover up, I believe, is coming "natural" to them. I believe that G and C and L loved Caylee very much and are having a hard time facing reality.

Even faced with concrete evidence of a person's death (a body) I was STILL in denial that it was my loved one. I wanted so very much to believe that it wasn't her, that I fabricated things in my mind to explain things. I don't look bad on the A's (except Casey), I believe they are in strong denial as I was at one time, and therefore do and say things to support their belief.

People have referred to statements the A's have made that sound like they know Caylee is gone, but from experience.... I remember looking at the man responsible for my mom's death and stating it was his fault she is dead, but then the next day - the denial is back. Denial is not a cut and dry emotion, it goes back and forth and truely makes a person appear and feel mentally ill.
Most likely, Caylee's death, gave them flashbacks of Casey as their innocent two-year old and they just broke down and had to help her.

I think that they are waiting for the case to be thrown out of court for lack of evidence.
I think if Cindy wasn't hiding something she wouldn't have been so nasty at the bond hearing.
Skeletons from now and from the past....
Re offing Caylee on the night of June 15, there is a sighting, by GA of both KC, and Caylee alive and well, on the am of June 16. Despite his denial GA has otherwise cooperated on official level w/ LE--yet this would entail his having, from very early on, been complicit or conspired to assist w/ cover-up by determining that this splitting of hairs (over a period of hours) would one day far down the road somehow exhonorate his daughter? And yes I DO remember the cleaning fluid being mentioned as having been found in the trunk along w/ "stinky pizza." Which seemed to me a case of CYB (cover your butt) and I posted then at length re "hinkiness" of GA's LE AND auto detailing expertise. JMO
IMO, CA has actively tried to derail the investigation. George, I think, has two faces. His private opinion is that KC is guilty, but publicly he goes along with his wife.
I say they covered up a crime, too. I have tried and tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, as they are grieving grandparents. But I can't get past so much of the stuff they have done.
1. George and Cindy and Lee KNEW that that car had a dead body in it when it was brought home. They KNEW it. No pizza story, no running over an animal. They all knew it was Caylee when she would not produce her. Thus, the statement made by Cindy to casey, "What have you done?"
2. I think when that became known they went into protect Casey mode.
3. Cindy would not cooperate with Yuri early on. Remember when he asked where the JCPenny statements were and she told him that there was nothing pertinent in the statements?
4. I am convinced, totally, that Lee deleted the stuff on her computer. He took nearly 3 hours picking it up from tony's. A 20 minute drive.
5. He KNEW that the cops wanted to get Casey's stuff from there. He went to get it (I am sure on orders from Casey) when the cops took Casey elsewhere and then acted dumb when they asked him why he didn't just let the cops get it.
6. Cindy said to the 911 dispatcher that her daughter had been missing for a month. She had Lee trying to call her and go find her (he almost found her at that bar she was at). But when on the stand in the bond hearing she claims that she spoke or texted with casey every single day.
7. I still think the story about the gas cans etc. is a total lie. There was something too weird about it.
8. I think George helped clean that trunk. It had far more evidence of decomposition before they cleaned it. George KNEW that gasoline would degrade much of the DNA.
9. The stories told about Cayee's father are absurd. First he died, then he had another family, then he and Casey sat down and discussed how he wouldn't be a part of Caylee's life. Cindy has always gotten defensive about this subject when questioned. She just dismisses the question.
10. Cindy and George keep on insisting that Casey left Caylee with a babysitter but they KNOW she had no reason for a babysitter as she had never worked. (and it continues to baffle me that NOT ONE interviewer has dared confront her on that subject!?!?)
11. Cindy removed and washed the jeans. She knew they smelled like a dead body and she helped clean that car.

I know there are more instances where they tampered with evidence or outright lied. But my head is swimming!

As always, IMO

I couldn't have said it better...Great summary!
I think on the 24th when CA was at the house and GA wanted to get the tool out of the trunk he saw something, maybe did not realize what at the time but it all made sense once the car with the oder was found. I also believe that is what he testified about to the GJ. The next few days after that CA layed low, Knowing that was a close call and she had to get rid of the body and did so on the 27th. I still find it odd that GA being an ex-homicide detective would not pick up on any of these clues. I thought I heard KP say that GA stated that he is tired of putting on an act to the public and really knows Caylee is dead.
I think on the 24th when CA was at the house and GA wanted to get the tool out of the trunk he saw something, maybe did not realize what at the time but it all made sense once the car with the oder was found. I also believe that is what he testified about to the GJ. The next few days after that CA layed low, Knowing that was a close call and she had to get rid of the body and did so on the 27th. I still find it odd that GA being an ex-homicide detective would not pick up on any of these clues. I thought I heard KP say that GA stated that he is tired of putting on an act to the public and really knows Caylee is dead.

According to LP, George stated on the phone to a friend that he was tired of the lies.
IMO this could also have been referencing KC's continual lies.
Don't you all think that IF the A's were "covering up" that LE would have caught on to that by now? Give the investigators a little credit, they have a lot of good experience under their belts plus a sense of decency that apparently most of the public does not have. Consider that they've given George and Cindy a lot of leeway... which they would NOT be doing if they even thought for a second that they were covering for Casey, or were involved in the crime itself! These guys are not idiots... if the A's were committing a crime, they would have been arrested and charged by now.
Have you ever seen one of them accusing them of covering up? Have you ever heard one of them saying anything negative about them? All I have seen and heard from LE is to pray for the family, that they are going through a nightmare. They understand the frustration they are having. They've seen them up close and personal. We haven't. All we see is what the media portrays and that is all negative.
They know that Caylee is dead... and they know that Casey is probably responsible. But they are not going to go on t.v. and admit that because they can't turn their backs on their own daughter. It's hard enough to know you've lost your grandchild... it's going to be just as hard to realize your daughter is going to prison.
If it were my daughter.... I don't think I could face that either. Easier said than done.
Don't you all think that IF the A's were "covering up" that LE would have caught on to that by now? Give the investigators a little credit, they have a lot of good experience under their belts plus a sense of decency that apparently most of the public does not have. Consider that they've given George and Cindy a lot of leeway... which they would NOT be doing if they even thought for a second that they were covering for Casey, or were involved in the crime itself! These guys are not idiots... if the A's were committing a crime, they would have been arrested and charged by now.
Have you ever seen one of them accusing them of covering up? Have you ever heard one of them saying anything negative about them? All I have seen and heard from LE is to pray for the family, that they are going through a nightmare. They understand the frustration they are having. They've seen them up close and personal. We haven't. All we see is what the media portrays and that is all negative.
They know that Caylee is dead... and they know that Casey is probably responsible. But they are not going to go on t.v. and admit that because they can't turn their backs on their own daughter. It's hard enough to know you've lost your grandchild... it's going to be just as hard to realize your daughter is going to prison.
If it were my daughter.... I don't think I could face that either. Easier said than done.

Some of the negative feelings towards the Anthonys comes from the fact that people do not see them actively searching for their granddaughter. I'm not saying that they're not searching, I'm sure there is a lot we don't know, but they give the impression of not searching. The unwillingness to give TM an article of Caylee's clothing seems a little suspicious. I can understand the A's desperately wanting their granddaughter to be alive, but I would think they would do everything in their power to see that she is found, alive or dead.

One thing I know for certain, the Anthonys do not deserve the hell KC is putting them through.
Quote: I think on the 24th when CA was at the house and GA wanted to get the tool out of the trunk he saw something, maybe did not realize what at the time but it all made sense once the car with the oder was found. I also believe that is what he testified about to the GJ. The next few days after that CA layed low, Knowing that was a close call and she had to get rid of the body and did so on the 27th. I still find it odd that GA being an ex-homicide detective would not pick up on any of these clues. I thought I heard KP say that GA stated that he is tired of putting on an act to the public and really knows Caylee is dead.

To me it appeared GA was being truthful enough in his interview w/ LE to admit that in hindsight KC was acting very strangely--ie racing him to the trunk, cutting him off, then shoving cans at him while cursing before he could even reach the car--all while publically insisting that had anything been suspicious inside the trunk (body, or foul odor) he would have seen or smelled something when he retrieved gas cans (as if she ever let him get that close). I believe at the time, GA may have simply attributed her angry attitude to defensiveness at being caught w/ cans reported stolen ("Take your f*ing gas cans!") I think wherever GA has provided differing accounts it's the testimony he's giving under sworn oath that can be believed. Evidently GA is saavy enough to try to keep the peace under his roof, but at least wise enough not to perjure himself. JMO
Quote: I think on the 24th when CA was at the house and GA wanted to get the tool out of the trunk he saw something, maybe did not realize what at the time but it all made sense once the car with the oder was found. I also believe that is what he testified about to the GJ. The next few days after that CA layed low, Knowing that was a close call and she had to get rid of the body and did so on the 27th. I still find it odd that GA being an ex-homicide detective would not pick up on any of these clues. I thought I heard KP say that GA stated that he is tired of putting on an act to the public and really knows Caylee is dead.

Guess I had a different take on this. To me it appeared GA was being truthful enough w/ LE to admit in his interview that KC was acting very strangely--ie racing him to the trunk, cutting him off and shoving cans at him while cursing before he could even get there--all while publically insisting that had anything been suspicious inside the trunk (body, or foul odor) he would have seen or smelled something when he retrieved gas cans (as if she ever let him get that close). I believe at the time, GA may have simply attributed her angry attitude to defensiveness after being caught w/ cans reported stolen ("Take your f*ing gas cans!) I think wherever GA's provided differing accounts it's the ones he's giving under sworn oath that can be believed. Evidently GA is saavy enough to try to keep the peace under his roof, but at least wise enough not to perjure himself. JMO
Those Anthony's! They're just so sneaky, aren't they?
IMO, CA has actively tried to derail the investigation. George, I think, has two faces. His private opinion is that KC is guilty, but publicly he goes along with his wife.

I'm with you.
Quote: I think on the 24th when CA was at the house and GA wanted to get the tool out of the trunk he saw something, maybe did not realize what at the time but it all made sense once the car with the oder was found. I also believe that is what he testified about to the GJ. The next few days after that CA layed low, Knowing that was a close call and she had to get rid of the body and did so on the 27th. I still find it odd that GA being an ex-homicide detective would not pick up on any of these clues. I thought I heard KP say that GA stated that he is tired of putting on an act to the public and really knows Caylee is dead.

To me it appeared GA was being truthful enough in his interview w/ LE to admit that in hindsight KC was acting very strangely--ie racing him to the trunk, cutting him off, then shoving cans at him while cursing before he could even reach the car--all while publically insisting that had anything been suspicious inside the trunk (body, or foul odor) he would have seen or smelled something when he retrieved gas cans (as if she ever let him get that close). I believe at the time, GA may have simply attributed her angry attitude to defensiveness at being caught w/ cans reported stolen ("Take your f*ing gas cans!) I think wherever GA has provided differing accounts it's the testimony he's giving under sworn oath that can be believed. Evidently GA is saavy enough to try to keep the peace under his roof, but at least wise enough not to perjure himself. JMO

who really calls the police to report such a petty theft as 2 gas cans? He said it had happened before so why report it this time? Just wondering..........
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