The A's..In Denial or Covering Up the Crime?

The A's..In Denial or Covering up the crime?

  • Denial

    Votes: 91 17.8%
  • Covering up the crime

    Votes: 366 71.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 55 10.7%

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Don't you all think that IF the A's were "covering up" that LE would have caught on to that by now? Give the investigators a little credit, they have a lot of good experience under their belts plus a sense of decency that apparently most of the public does not have. Consider that they've given George and Cindy a lot of leeway... which they would NOT be doing if they even thought for a second that they were covering for Casey, or were involved in the crime itself! These guys are not idiots... if the A's were committing a crime, they would have been arrested and charged by now.
Have you ever seen one of them accusing them of covering up? Have you ever heard one of them saying anything negative about them? All I have seen and heard from LE is to pray for the family, that they are going through a nightmare. They understand the frustration they are having. They've seen them up close and personal. We haven't. All we see is what the media portrays and that is all negative.
They know that Caylee is dead... and they know that Casey is probably responsible. But they are not going to go on t.v. and admit that because they can't turn their backs on their own daughter. It's hard enough to know you've lost your grandchild... it's going to be just as hard to realize your daughter is going to prison.
If it were my daughter.... I don't think I could face that either. Easier said than done.

Yes, we HAVE seen LE confront CA on her lies. That was in Part II, IIRC, of her interview.

And, no, I am not going to pray for them. Have you seen them search ANYWHERE for a living baby?

LE knows the As have been trying sabotage the investigation. However, they have bigger fish to fry at that house, right now.

And, some of us DO know what we would do if our daughter murdered a baby. I'd bust her so fast her head would spin.

What if they had managed to get her off, and she got pregnant, again? How many babies would have to be endangered?
who really calls the police to report such a petty theft as 2 gas cans? He said it had happened before so why report it this time? Just wondering..........
I think a parent that is fed up with their unruly child who keeps stealing things...A parent that wants to make a "tough love" point that the "madness" has to end...And, a parent who hasn't yet figured out that his daughter has killed his grand-daughter.

He may have found out later, he may have helped with clean up but I don't believe that GA knew about Caylee when he made this report.

Think about this for a minute: GA was close to suicide ... why?

Or, he SAID he was close to suicide. The As seem to specialize in drama.

I think he knows, and is going along with the program.
I think a parent that is fed up with their unruly child who keeps stealing things...A parent that wants to make a "tough love" point that the "madness" has to end...And, a parent who hasn't yet figured out that his daughter has killed his grand-daughter.

He may have found out later, he may have helped with clean up but I don't believe that GA knew about Caylee when he made this report.

common sense would have told him casey stole them but he seemed to not consider that and assume some stranger broke in and happened to know there was gas in that shed. He never asked casey if she took them before he reported it .
Think about this for a minute: GA was close to suicide ... why?

maybe guilt ? maybe the pressure of cindy forcing him to lie constantly.
They do like drama though remember cindy on greta with her drama about lack of sleep and food and how she was goin gto collapse? Well gee cindy eat a bit and lay down we could live with out your face on tv for a day or 2 I am sure.
Think about this for a minute: GA was close to suicide ... why?

He said he wanted to commit suicide when he "hit the wall" a few weeks back. I think that was when he FINALLY realized, inside his heart, that his daughter HAD murdered his granddaughter.
He said he wanted to commit suicide when he "hit the wall" a few weeks back. I think that was when he FINALLY realized, inside his heart, that his daughter HAD murdered his granddaughter.

wonder why he told the public this anyway? For sympathy ?
Maybe this is when the gun was taken out of his car by police. Maybe a family member reported it to protect him from himself. If he was suicidal though he should have been taken for a 24 hour observation shouldnt he ?
wonder why he told the public this anyway? For sympathy ?
Maybe this is when the gun was taken out of his car by police. Maybe a family member reported it to protect him from himself. If he was suicidal though he should have been taken for a 24 hour observation shouldnt he ?

That observation comment entered my mind as well. I still have trouble with George saying that, it just doesn't jive with me. I wonder if it wasn't for sympathy.
Think about this for a minute: GA was close to suicide ... why?
Because he has chosen to save Casey and lie instead of properly grieving the loss of his grandaughter. It is a conflict for the natural process of grief over death and loss. It will create alot of depression and suicidal thought because he is "suspended" in this path he chose, where he cannot move forward in healing himself from the loss.
He is not stuck in the "denial" phase of normal grieving. There are 5 normal stages...shock/denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and acceptance. The A's have added a phase after denial...called "we know she is dead, but we have to save Casey" which really screws them emotionally...they cannot go to the next phases of the healing process. It is on hold for now.
Denial does not last this long. They are clearly past that. These are ANGRY people. They are stuck in that phase. We tend to really dislike them because they are so angry and hostile (and also because they are lying)...They will self-destruct if they don't move on to the next phases of the grieving process. Such as evidenced by George's "suicidal ideations", and Cindy's obvious self over-medicating. The anger is making them more delusional every day. The dam will burst one way or another..They will come to tell the truth and move on, or they will self-destruct.
[Quote:"...who really calls the police to report such a petty theft as 2 gas cans? He said it had happened before so why report it this time?"]

Quote: "I think a parent that is fed up with their unruly child who keeps stealing things...A parent that wants to make a "tough love" point that the "madness" has to end...And, a parent who hasn't yet figured out that his daughter has killed his grand-daughter... He may have found out later, he may have helped with clean up but I don't believe that GA knew about Caylee when he made this report."


Quote: "LE knows the As have been trying sabotage the investigation. However, they have bigger fish to fry at that house... And, some of us DO know what we would do if our daughter murdered a baby... What if they had managed to get her off, and she got pregnant, again? How many babies would have to be endangered?"

It would be interesting to see the Anthony home phone records. CA's cell records as well. I wonder if in the entire month between June 15 - July 15th she ever called Universal. Even just once. Given that she was having so much trouble catching KC to be able to speak with her, wouldn't it have been logical to try to find her at work?

Just a thought.
Because he has chosen to save Casey and lie instead of properly grieving the loss of his grandaughter. It is a conflict for the natural process of grief over death and loss. It will create alot of depression and suicidal thought because he is "suspended" in this path he chose, where he cannot move forward in healing himself from the loss.
He is not stuck in the "denial" phase of normal grieving. There are 5 normal stages...shock/denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and acceptance. The A's have added a phase after denial...called "we know she is dead, but we have to save Casey" which really screws them emotionally...they cannot go to the next phases of the healing process. It is on hold for now.

Yes ITA or as I've put it sacrificing the innocent grandchild for the culpable child. That'd make me suicidal, and it wouldn't be an act. JMHO "Blessed are those who mourn, for they (can) be comforted."
It would be interesting to see the Anthony home phone records. CA's cell records as well. I wonder if in the entire month between June 15 - July 15th she ever called Universal. Even just once. Given that she was having so much trouble catching KC to be able to speak with her, wouldn't it have been logical to try to find her at work?

Just a thought.

wow, thats so true. Of course you would try to call them at work . Unless you knew she hadnt been working but covered it up from your husband all that time.
have you noticed that cindy continues to talk in interviews as though casey worked everyday. She still says on her way home from work etc..........
how does she rationalize this in her head knowing its not true.
After watching more and more of cindy its so clear why casey turned out to be who she is. Shes alot like her mother. They are always right can do no wrong and even if thy know its a lie they will look you straight in the face and try to convince you its true.
That sounds like a whole new thread, the Apple and the Tree theory
wonder why he told the public this anyway? For sympathy ?
Maybe this is when the gun was taken out of his car by police. Maybe a family member reported it to protect him from himself. If he was suicidal though he should have been taken for a 24 hour observation shouldnt he ?

51-50s are 72 hours.
[Quote:"...who really calls the police to report such a petty theft as 2 gas cans? He said it had happened before so why report it this time?"]

Quote: "I think a parent that is fed up with their unruly child who keeps stealing things...A parent that wants to make a "tough love" point that the "madness" has to end...And, a parent who hasn't yet figured out that his daughter has killed his grand-daughter... He may have found out later, he may have helped with clean up but I don't believe that GA knew about Caylee when he made this report."


Quote: "LE knows the As have been trying sabotage the investigation. However, they have bigger fish to fry at that house... And, some of us DO know what we would do if our daughter murdered a baby... What if they had managed to get her off, and she got pregnant, again? How many babies would have to be endangered?"


The As are very good at calling LE for other issues than Caylee, it seems.
I've developed such a major hate on for Cindy.

How is it Cindy/George, especially Anal/Obsessive Cindy - had zero clue who the babysitter was or where Caylee was in the last 2 years of her life? How is it possible Cindy just blindly said "bye Caylee" and didn't inquire or have curiosity over her whereabouts or the type of person/environment she was in all day.
What a bunch of cr*p.
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