Geraldo At Large Live From Orlando Sat., 12/13/08

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Tim also said KC was walking around cooking and being on the computer....never once mentioned the name Caylee
I'm sorry the judge didn't say that JB had to wait 31 days to see the crime scene.
I wonder if Tim will be on the witness list next
Nope. LE isn't ready to turn over the scene, in fact, they beefed up the FBI presence today as in one of the articles in the daily updates thread.

The defense team just realized how very CLOSE the crime scene was to their visit to the Anthony house so they wandered down their and granted Geraldo an interview. Amazing, huh?

What a lucky coincidence. :puke:
This just broadcasts that the defense KNOWS they are in trouble. When you don't have truth on your side, attack those who do. It's a new low for Team Casey.

I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg (as to how LOW they will go). What's sad is it's not about justice these days. It's about getting your client off on a technicality, or loophole of some sort.
GR & the defense team are making me gag! They r a huge waste they belong on KC's defense team! I haven't had dinner yet & I'm losing my hunger for dinner very fast! goos thing I didn't eat already I probably would have lost it all. :furious:
Geraldo, remember the victim here? Her name was Caylee...two years old, liked to color and sing, loved by an entire nation, murdered? Do you remember?
If you do, how about mentioning her every now and then, more than just in passing.
I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg (as to how LOW they will go). What's sad is it's not about justice these days. It's about getting your client off on a technicality, or loophole of some sort.

Exactly! And then they feel like the king/queen of the world!:furious:
Baden - bag could have fingerprints inside. Edges can be matched to other bags. Duct tape could have fingerprints in spite of rain or water. Tape around skull doesn't make sense.
Geraldo is definitely not impartial in this matter and his coverage is slanted for the defense. Aren't him and JB friends? This Geraldo's M.O., always on the wrong side of things!

And I have a feeling the vault is going to be empty on this one (also). lol
Baden already discrediting duct tape around mouth.. gee quelle surprise.

Baden "authorities creating issue that shouldn't be created" grrr.

ETA: haha, "Bug Doctor"
freaking Lee ...Baden...whose wife is at the scene ...I mean I have never ever seen anything like this you guys!!!! wtf???? what do they want to see???

are they setting this up to claim planting of evidence or some other such nonsense.

Still Baden - authorities creating an issue that shouldn't be created. Never saw this before. Defense should be allowed to view autopsy. Spitz is dean of forensic pathology - bizarre that he isn't allowed in.
THe bug doctor?
The word is entomologist...entomologist, you might want to learn that Mr Esteemed Forensic Scientist...
Up next - A's attorney.

Did Casey do it? Accident? Accomplice?

More commercials. This is worse than NG.
Geraldo should have brought Kimberly Guilfoyle down there to keep this 'fair and balanced'.
Of course the forscenic expert is Ms. B's husband..... SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE!
I guess GR wants to make sure he gets invited back on JB's boat again!!
Exactly! And then they feel like the king/queen of the world!:furious:

You are so right! They just want airtime so their faces will be on TV. It's not about "this" case, but what's coming up next (and so on). What they don't understand is the vast majority of people are law-abiding citizens and we find this behavior nauseating. It's all about their careers, not the victim.
Maybe it has to do with Dr (and I use the term lightly) Lee's flapping his gums about his inspection of the car. Usually when crime scene is processed, a perp hasn't even been arrested or hired counsel, so this can't happen that often where the defense is present, yet they still manage to pull off doing their job in the courtroom based on LE's findings. How can they cry foul for not being able to witness the investigation?
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