Emails From Cindy and her family

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Please read these!!!!!! they are not the e-mails you have been reading....scroll down to her mother's first e-mail

BTW, here's the link to the emails that I referred to. In the emails, the links to Rick's blogs are posted. I hope they are still there for those who'd like to see them and didn't know where they were. I haven't been to the site in a few months and didn't check them tonight.

I think this e-mail from Cindy's mother is alarmingly shocking!,+record,+07/14/08&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=6&gl=us

Telling her sister that Cindy is depressed, & there is a "sickness" that runs in George's family, & Cindy has thought of "Doing away with herself" if it wasn't for Caylee & her & Cindy's father!, BUT "the pressure she's under might not be enough to keep her from harming herself"!!! OMG, I can't imagine telling my 80 something mother these details, unless I was at such a breaking point!
This was written on June 5th & shows the depth of Cindy's misery.

Needless to say, there was alot brewing prior the June 15th.
I think Rick's e mails to Cindy are completely appropriate.

I've had to get pretty harsh with some friends that were making blatant mistakes and I believe it is typical for siblings to be our conscience- to offer us reality that is steeped in love.

I also don't believe he was looking for publicity, fame or money- after all, he has not been a fixture on NG & GVS & GR like Padilla has been.

I only wish it worked.
Wow is all I can say. Those emails are raw emotions...Im with Rick however.
I never read any *docs* before.. but i think ive read 80% of the post and threads..

ALOT of you sleuthers are very very smart and come up with great therories, and facts, links and funny sarcasms..This is a real life murder mystery unfolding before our eyes. Itys like reading a book and cant wait to get to the next chapter.

Merry Christmas Caylee.. Bless your lil soul and heart. :cloud9::balloons: Play on Jesus's playground. You will always be safe.
Every time someone talks about these e-mails and when I read them, I think how scary and invasive FL's open records laws are. As interesting as it is to be a fly on these poor people's walls, it hard for me to see what right the public has to read these e-mails, as I admit I have. Why should the press or the public be able to intrude into these people's lives? The police may have a right as part of the investigation. Perhaps some could end up in court, but this case may never go to trial. Such open exposure of people's private affairs in the media and all over the Internet should be a cautionary tale for us all. I fear it will make it more and more likely that people will chose not to co-operate with the police. That's not good for any of us. Personally, I'm going to do a lot more 'reaching out' by phone and snail mail myself. Poor, poor Family who Casey drug into all this drama to have their personal corespondences put out there for all to see. It's hideous but I'm sure KC couldn't give a squirrel's whisker. What a sick tragedy.
Does anyone else find it amazing that Cindy dismisses her next door neighbor's statements about Casey backing the car into the driveway & borrowing the shovel ???

She says......

"As for my neighbor he has told so many different dates and versions of the shovel we cannot keep them straight" & " they can't even remember what day in June it was" .

Good thing LE can keep them straight.

Yes, I find every excuse Cindy gives as amazing, & this is where Casey learned this behavior! Where in the statements from the neighbors does it say that they heard someone in the pool on June 16th?? I think this is important!
Yes, I find every excuse Cindy gives as amazing, & this is where Casey learned this behavior! Where in the statements from the neighbors does it say that they heard someone in the pool on June 16th?? I think this is important!

I find it interesting that Cindy's mother expressed that she thinks Casey inherited mental illness from George's family when in actuality, it appears that Casey is a carbon copy of her mother Cindy.
I find it interesting that Cindy's mother expressed that she thinks Casey inherited mental illness from George's family when in actuality, it appears that Casey is a carbon copy of her mother Cindy.

In my experience with life, I think mental illnesses, personality disorders, psychoses, however you want to label them have the capability to spread. Whether by nature or nuture or just the tendency that humans have to adapt/control to their surroundings. Maybe humans are pack animals so that it's in our genetics to take on common characteristics because somehow that was selected for survival. Sometimes one sick person in a family, or a group of friends, seems to impact everyone else's actions as well. Sometimes it almost seems as if the condition is contagious. The disease, or whatever you want to call it, seems to spread. I think we all have tendencies, some stronger than others. There's an old saying that one bad apple can spoil the whole barrell. Old sayings start new and continue long enough to become old saying because there's a lot of truth in them. It's why we tell our children to chose their friends carefully...not that they always listen, not that we listened to our parents either. Bet Amy, TonE and Jesse will be more careful in the future. Your family, though, your stuck with. Looks to me like Casey was the sick one who spread to her nuclear family, the rest of whom were at least functional until KC hit them like the plague. Personally, I from I think and Rick were wise to resist getting sucked in. I'm sorry they've had to had their dirty laundry exposed for all the world to pick over and analyze. I hope Shirley's ok. She seems like a nice lady.
I think this e-mail from Cindy's mother is alarmingly shocking!,+record,+07/14/08&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=6&gl=us

Telling her sister that Cindy is depressed, & there is a "sickness" that runs in George's family, & Cindy has thought of "Doing away with herself" if it wasn't for Caylee & her & Cindy's father!, BUT "the pressure she's under might not be enough to keep her from harming herself"!!! OMG, I can't imagine telling my 80 something mother these details, unless I was at such a breaking point!
This was written on June 5th & shows the depth of Cindy's misery.

Needless to say, there was alot brewing prior the June 15th.

June 5th is Cindy's birthday. :eek:
Yes, I find every excuse Cindy gives as amazing, & this is where Casey learned this behavior! Where in the statements from the neighbors does it say that they heard someone in the pool on June 16th?? I think this is important!

I would like to see this too. Does anybody have a page # for where the neighbors thought they heard someone in the pool on June 16th?
Did you know that early on in the case CA's brother blogged online? Some ppl didn't believe it was him, but I did. It just seemed too genuine. And sure enough, everything he said online has come out since then to be true.

I imagine he must have wanted to reach out and let people know the truth. I liked him for that brief interlude. I wish his sister would have listened to him.

Yes, Kimster, I was at topix when he did blog. I really liked him, too. Cindy needs to realize, her Brother did what he did out of love and frustration. May God Bless Rick and his Family this Christmas season.
In my experience with life, I think mental illnesses, personality disorders, psychoses, however you want to label them have the capability to spread. Whether by nature or nuture or just the tendency that humans have to adapt/control to their surroundings. Maybe humans are pack animals so that it's in our genetics to take on common characteristics because somehow that was selected for survival. Sometimes one sick person in a family, or a group of friends, seems to impact everyone else's actions as well. Sometimes it almost seems as if the condition is contagious. The disease, or whatever you want to call it, seems to spread. I think we all have tendencies, some stronger than others. There's an old saying that one bad apple can spoil the whole barrell. Old sayings start new and continue long enough to become old saying because there's a lot of truth in them. It's why we tell our children to chose their friends carefully...not that they always listen, not that we listened to our parents either. Bet Amy, TonE and Jesse will be more careful in the future. Your family, though, your stuck with. Looks to me like Casey was the sick one who spread to her nuclear family, the rest of whom were at least functional until KC hit them like the plague. Personally, I from I think and Rick were wise to resist getting sucked in. I'm sorry they've had to had their dirty laundry exposed for all the world to pick over and analyze. I hope Shirley's ok. She seems like a nice lady.

I bolded some pertinent points because I believe you are absolutely correct in that if you try to function in a dysfunctional family- or act rational with an irrational person, you have no choice but to walk away or you have to act dysfunctional or irrational as well to survive.

I used to be married to an abusive alcoholic and I stayed much too long. At the worst time in our marriage I was irrational and dysfunctional as badly as he was, just in a different way. I entered that relationship at a vulnerable point in my life, so I accept some of the blame for the dysfunction, but I really do not believe I was- or am- as sick as my ex.

I never really considered the correllation between my marriage and the Anthony family but your post makes so much sense.

However it's a chicken and egg with regard to the Anthony family. Was Casey raised in a dysfunctional family? I believe she may have been- at the very least, they had some strange dynamics that affected Casey and in turn, probably affected Caylee as well.

Or did the Anthony family become dysfunctional because of Casey? This I'm not so sure about- but I do think Casey's problems festered throughout her childhood and began to boil at the time of her pregnancy, then exploded last spring. And the Anthonys reacted in the only way they know how- with more dysfunction and irrationality.

The point in including my personal history is this- when I came out of the worst time in my marriage, I realized that I was not acting rational- and that in fact, I might have some real problems of my own. I knew I did not want to live my life that way. I sought help and managed to extract myself from the situation. It wasn't easy, but it was the best thing I ever did for myself.

I hope G&C can find the clarity and strength to step back and take a good look at this situation. The truth can be extremely painful, but after that pain comes healing. And in their case, hopefully justice as well.
It also seems very obvious that CA can not do anything right according to her family. What a mess. CA was doing all in her power to hold it together for everyone and they just sucked off of her until the well ran dry. Of course, she "let" them, but it would be impossible for me to toss a kid like KC out, knowing that Caylee would be on the streets too. Maybe the chloroform was for KC and GA, then turn on the gas and go visit Dad in the nursing home. Nevermind, she loves the pets and wouldn't want them to get hurt or die. But, I can see where she might think that she and Caylee would live happily ever after without the 2 lying, stealing leeches.

I was wondering if maybe KC wanted to use the chloroform to get rid of her parents. But after reading the emails it was CA that supported them. Maybe there was an insurance policy on CA. Seems like a real messed up family. I really feel sorry for CA after reading how GA and KC took advantage of her. Poor Caylee became the victim of the whole ordeal.
Every time someone talks about these e-mails and when I read them, I think how scary and invasive FL's open records laws are. As interesting as it is to be a fly on these poor people's walls, it hard for me to see what right the public has to read these e-mails, as I admit I have. Why should the press or the public be able to intrude into these people's lives? The police may have a right as part of the investigation. Perhaps some could end up in court, but this case may never go to trial. Such open exposure of people's private affairs in the media and all over the Internet should be a cautionary tale for us all. I fear it will make it more and more likely that people will chose not to co-operate with the police. That's not good for any of us. Personally, I'm going to do a lot more 'reaching out' by phone and snail mail myself. Poor, poor Family who Casey drug into all this drama to have their personal corespondences put out there for all to see. It's hideous but I'm sure KC couldn't give a squirrel's whisker. What a sick tragedy.

The reason Rick and Cindy email is so they don't have to talk on the phone, any phone convos will end up in screaming matches. You don't hang up on an email. I know because I come from a very very dysfunctional family, 2 siblings and 3 cousins raised as siblings with us. We have it all, paranoid schizophrenia, borderline, narcissism, GAD, depression,SAD, and just plain ancient resentments and hostilites. Every few years there is an uproar, my one cousin is very wise and he refuses to fight in emails, because everyone else SAVES them all in big thick files for years to come, in case the borderline actually goes through with any of her threats of law suits. So the moral is, FIGHT on the PHONE or in person, LOL. The old-fashioned way.
Whatever family spats he was having with CA at all does not excuse how ugly he is to her in those e-mails given HE believes her beloved Caylee is dead.

He just comes across as unbelievably mean under the circumstances.

Even if he's right about every mean thing he said, that GA and CA are stupid, etc., that they have their head in the sand, etc...there is no excuse.
I AGREE, her brother should kept his words to his family. I think he is awful brother and awful person to said the things he said to his sister. I think he wants his 5 minute of fame.:mad:
The reason Rick and Cindy email is so they don't have to talk on the phone, any phone convos will end up in screaming matches. You don't hang up on an email. I know because I come from a very very dysfunctional family, 2 siblings and 3 cousins raised as siblings with us. We have it all, paranoid schizophrenia, borderline, narcissism, GAD, depression,SAD, and just plain ancient resentments and hostilites. Every few years there is an uproar, my one cousin is very wise and he refuses to fight in emails, because everyone else SAVES them all in big thick files for years to come, in case the borderline actually goes through with any of her threats of law suits. So the moral is, FIGHT on the PHONE or in person, LOL. The old-fashioned way.

ahhhh....I have a folder myself! It was three against one---dysfuncitonal familes seem to stick together with whomever has a point of view similar to others....mine was the care over my mom---I will also state at that time my brother & sister-in-law had many psych diagnosis for my mom---(of course any mental illness was my family--according to daughter of theres is a little off center)---when it was due in part to dementia and the delusions---

I couldn't do the talk because they never listened--but then again never read the e-mails correctly either...ended no communication....lets just say it was a very weird situation when my mom passed---me&my kids(caregivers)--the others...funeral wasn't to much fun either!

does happen--you do think ahead after a while as to what they will choose to possibly use against you....
I AGREE, her brother should kept his words to his family. I think he is awful brother and awful person to said the things he said to his sister. I think he wants his 5 minute of fame.:mad:

I think he spoke the TRUTH and people who live a LIE won't hear the truth. He was not awful but living in reality which NONE of the Anthony family seem to be able to do.
I think he spoke the TRUTH and people who live a LIE won't hear the truth. He was not awful but living in reality which NONE of the Anthony family seem to be able to do.

ITA. His email even stated that he didn't want to be quite so rough on her (can't remember the exact words he used, please refer to his email). He definately was trying to help CA confront KC for the truth and stop ruining her reputation by the way she was acting in the media. He was doing the best he could do to wake her up!
I remember reading these when they first came out and the one thing I was struck by was the George bashing.

Cindy it appears told her mom all these stories much like Casey telling Cindy and they were all "woe is me"

We have Cindys moms emails talking from Cindys perspective///everything Cindy told her mom,her mom told the friend and Cindys tales weren't flattering

I think Cindy embellished to make herself appear to be so downtrodden by her family(not saying she wasn't but I believe she made it out to be worse than it was to garner sympathy)
I AGREE, her brother should kept his words to his family. I think he is awful brother and awful person to said the things he said to his sister. I think he wants his 5 minute of fame.:mad:

He doesn't seem to feel the need to walk on eggshells around his family.

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