2009.02.19 1:00 pm Haleighs family press conference

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Sounds if maybe someone has made a claim that a child is his and and paternity has not been determined as of yet. At least he did not outright deny it
Well if they were going to be quiet...maybe they should have done that from the start instead of changing their stories so many times.......
Why is it okay to pick apart the A's but not this family? The child is missing, irresponsible people were in charge of this child. Stories are changing and not making any sense.

I think the public is allowed to talk & discuss. He can say anything he wants, it's his words, LE isn't confirming or denying. How do we know he's not trying to hide something? Are we getting too close?

I never said it's ok for one family but not another.

And I didn't realize the purpose of Websleuths is to pick people apart. I'm not here to do that. I'm near to learn and study issues of murders and missing persons.
And again, Ron does not owe the public any explanations about anything in his personal life. As long as he's being honest with the police he doesn't owe us anything.

If there is another child he should not publicize it- after all, one of his children is already missing. Who is to say that whomever has Haleigh would not try to take that one too???
Well, I never really agreed with "picking apart" the A's, but I think he's avoiding the same mistake they made. They answered questions publicly about all sorts of stuff they shouldn't have talked about, and a lot of the focused was shifted to them, publicly. I'm not saying this is wrong, I'm just saying from THEIR standpoint, they would have been better to keep the focus on Caylee, and not answered nanny questions, Casey's lies, etc.

So I really feel like if he knows he has nothing to do with Haleigh missing, he's trying to keep the focus on her.

I don't see anything wrong with it. He's doing what people begged the A's to do all along: shut up and focus on your (grand)daughter.

I agree. I think he is doing a good job by asking the media to stay focused on Haleigh.
He is in a tent donated by the funeral home on property someone is letting him use, and someone has provided him with a flat screen tv, and allowed him to run cable to it, so they can watch television.
Before the presser, in the video that showed the inside of the tent, Misty had just left with detectives, and she was in the house across the street. It looked to me like the house on Chelseas myspace. The one where the Christmas lights are on the front porch. FWIW

Not the same house, sorry
Well, I never really agreed with "picking apart" the A's, but I think he's avoiding the same mistake they made. They answered questions publicly about all sorts of stuff they shouldn't have talked about, and a lot of the focused was shifted to them, publicly. I'm not saying this is wrong, I'm just saying from THEIR standpoint, they would have been better to keep the focus on Caylee, and not answered nanny questions, Casey's lies, etc.

So I really feel like if he knows he has nothing to do with Haleigh missing, he's trying to keep the focus on her.

I don't see anything wrong with it. He's doing what people begged the A's to do all along: shut up and focus on your (grand)daughter.

Some good points for me to ponder. :)
Well...that was interesting.
Why yes teh it sure 'nough was. RC admitted to "possibly" having another child - well which is it? Either you DO or you DON'T! IMO he does - and that article from yesterday was true.

Noticing body language - RC had arms crossed - defensive action. Eyes - both gma and dad several times looked down and left. If they don't want to answer sensitive questions and have their lives "drug through the mud" then why hold a press conference?

Now, on to the funeral home that is helping the family out. Funeral home printed up shirts and buttons - they were distributing them. Now, they are asking for "donations" for the shirts and buttons. hmmmm......sound familiar? Donations to BOA - funeral home guy will give out acct number so media can post.

Wow - I have to just digest this. Thought dad vowed off the media.
I just find it completely weird that he doesn't want his lifestyle investigated/talked about when his little daughter has apparently vanished into thin air. If your child is missing and you are innocent, what do you have to hide? Why not be open and transparent regarding everything about you? Sure it may bring some embarrassment or hurt feelings, but YOUR CHILD IS MISSING!

I am not sure if he is embarrassed or what about some of the obvious irresponsible behavior surrounding that child, but I would think he would want to be an open book if that helps find his daughter.
I never said it's ok for one family but not another.

And I didn't realize the purpose of Websleuths is to pick people apart. I'm not here to do that. I'm near to learn and study issues of murders and missing persons.
And again, Ron does not owe the public any explanations about anything in his personal life. As long as he's being honest with the police he doesn't owe us anything.

If there is another child he should not publicize it- after all, one of his children is already missing. Who is to say that whomever has Haleigh would not try to take that one too???

I agree!!!!
Sounds if maybe someone has made a claim that a child is his and and paternity has not been determined as of yet. At least he did not outright deny it

Right, and my question would be -- who is this mother? Does she have a grudge? Ron takes care of Haleigh and Ron JR. -- do you think it is possible for a revenge or vengeful type situation???

Also, it was mentioned that MC might have been babysitting Rons "other" child. Was she really babysitting this "other" child and that is how they met??? But paternity has not been established???
Some good points for me to ponder. :)

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that obviously I want to know about the inside info- hell, I think it's human nature;) I just think from his standpoint, he's probably doing what is best for him. Whether that's honorable or not....I can only hope it is....:(

I never said it's ok for one family but not another.

And I didn't realize the purpose of Websleuths is to pick people apart. I'm not here to do that. I'm near to learn and study issues of murders and missing persons.
And again, Ron does not owe the public any explanations about anything in his personal life. As long as he's being honest with the police he doesn't owe us anything.

If there is another child he should not publicize it- after all, one of his children is already missing. Who is to say that whomever has Haleigh would not try to take that one too???

Had they not started changing their stories...which is why people started "picking" them apart....we would not be focused on them. They, just like the A's have caused the attention by their own actions. I for one do knot believe he is being truthful with LE....
I just find it completely weird that he doesn't want his lifestyle investigated/talked about when his little daughter has apparently vanished into thin air. If your child is missing and you are innocent, what do you have to hide? Why not be open and transparent regarding everything about you? Sure it may bring some embarrassment or hurt feelings, but YOUR CHILD IS MISSING!

I am not sure if he is embarrassed or what about some of the obvious irresponsible behavior surrounding that child, but I would think he would want to be an open book if that helps find his daughter.

Yes, but unfortunately an "open book" can be distracting for the public. I can tell you right now, if I child was missing, I would try to keep people looking for her, and not focusing on my family drama (and boy, do I always have a lot of family drama :crazy:) As long as he is being an "open book" with the police, if they think something is relevant enough to generate tips, I feel sure that they'll release it:)

I think he is handling it much better than the A's
Why yes teh it sure 'nough was. RC admitted to "possibly" having another child - well which is it? Either you DO or you DON'T! IMO he does - and that article from yesterday was true.

Noticing body language - RC had arms crossed - defensive action. Eyes - both gma and dad several times looked down and left. If they don't want to answer sensitive questions and have their lives "drug through the mud" then why hold a press conference?

Now, on to the funeral home that is helping the family out. Funeral home printed up shirts and buttons - they were distributing them. Now, they are asking for "donations" for the shirts and buttons. hmmmm......sound familiar? Donations to BOA - funeral home guy will give out acct number so media can post.

Wow - I have to just digest this. Thought dad vowed off the media.

Can't stay away from media...when ya need to get info out. :crazy:
Had they not started changing their stories...which is why people started "picking" them apart....we would not be focused on them. They, just like the A's have caused the attention by their own actions. I for one do knot believe he is being truthful with LE....

I think what you say could be the case. Heck, at this point anything is possible!

But I still wonder perhaps if MC is just not a great witness??
It tells me that she has inside information that is valuable to LE. Also, that she would be the easier one to "break".

I thought so in the beginning and I still think so. I have been waiting for Misty to break from the beginning and am looking for it to happen any time now. I hope FBI is asking her questions because it IS a crime to lie to them.
He is in a tent donated by the funeral home on property someone is letting him use, and someone has provided him with a flat screen tv, and allowed him to run cable to it, so they can watch television.
Before the presser, in the video that showed the inside of the tent, Misty had just left with detectives, and she was in the house across the street. It looked to me like the house on Chelseas myspace. The one where the Christmas lights are on the front porch. FWIW

Maybe Misty could move in at police station since she is spending so
much time there.....Why wouldn't a local motel give them a room?
Well, he couldn't be more wrong that it's not about his life. His life and the people and the choices he has made for his children are the main reason this girl is missing. She was put at risk by that lifestyle and his choice of a caretaker.

Although lifestyles can be the reason for child abduction, often they are NOT.
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