Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt2

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Like I said Milopedes - JMO.........
Guess it's hard to give cc sympathy when I believe he is the reason it all happened.....
Again - JMO.......

I guess I should add - I do know some of the family. It was hard for me to believe cc was guilty - it took me a while to come around - hence, the reason I was only lurking. I prefer to stay anon for selfish reasons. Since some family members are reading these posts, I prefer to keep my id out of this.

Well, if he is found to be guilty I'll be the first to say "I hope he suffers!" This was a terrible and tragic crime. But, I would say that about anyone who was convicted as long as I believed that individual received a fair trial.
Welcome to WS, JBall~ :)

One good thing about WS is that we grab all the news and information we can find to keep it in one place for easy access when things go to trial. It is true you have to read between the lines with the media and LE, but we are pretty good at it. ;) (Maybe you could give us some hints tho!! Like did they check out the deer video?)

I am in no way affiliated with the MCS....But the answer is Yes, everything is being carefully reviewed...including that clip, like a said, a few LE have been talking about this site, thats how I found out..
Exactly! And these people just went on with their day. Lets bury the family then off to the hospital. They took his fingerprints but how long does it take to compare them to the evidence? Could LE be waiting on that for an arrest?

Ever heard of "Touch DNA"? it takes a while..
Jball - I don't know anything about touch dna - can you give a brief description? Thanks!
Actually CC immediately lawyered up and only submitted to be fingerprinted under court order. Also this is only a discussion board and we don't hand out sentences. We discuss cases and our opinion on how we feel about a suspects innocence or guilt. How we feel they should be punished is an expected part of that discussion.

And guilty or not, I don't blame him one bit! I doubt any of us would ever be in this situation, but if I were, I'm fairly certain I would cooperate but also have an attorney.

Yes, I'm aware of the fact we all discuss our feelings of his innocence and guilt. Read my previous posts, I have done the same, virtually declaring him guilty. But I use a lot of "if" statements in what I write too. (Such as, "If CC did this . . ." or "if the threats were real . . .").

IMO, it would be more constructive to discuss the merits of the evidence the police have from a more balanced perspective.

Since 95% of the people who come to this site are essentially ready to slam the jail cell shut, I don't think it does me any good to continue this discussion. I've tried to raise valid points, using the facts, from less of a "he did it" stance and more of a "this is what we know, what are the problems with it" position.
I am still catching up, but when I read this moving tribute from Sheri's father I was caught by his words and emotion. Time is too short to be estranged from your children and grandchildren. If one good thing comes of Sheri, Garrett, and Gavin's senseless should be this lesson. Distance should never be an excuse not to communicate and family is the most important part of living no matter how divorce affects your egos.

I hope Sheri's father can find a way to become closer to Mario and Angie by sincere kindness and concern. Mario needs his father and he needs his son. I am sure Sheri would tell them all to put the past behind them and embrace the future together.

Her father's post:

May 13, 2009
I will miss you forever.
I love you more than you would ever know as a mortal, (perhaps now you know).
I have always been proud of you as I watched you from afar turning into a women, wife and mother.
But as I have learned in the last few days filled with pain, anger and immense sorrow,
I have also learned of the great things you have done for others in need, the love you shared, and the commitment you had for your faith and your children. My pride is now amplified by a factor of 10. The world is a measurable better place to live because of you. Even with all the wonderful things you have done in your short life, I ask of you (selfishly), please talk to me in my dreams.

Garrett and Gavin,
My sweet grandsons. Before I ever met you, I felt I knew you. You are so beautiful. Your mother did everything right. Please watch over her in heaven. I so wish we could have been closer. The child in me misses you so much. My heart is in a thousand pieces. Watching the two of you grow up and become men, was on the top of my list of life’s pleasures. Now that list is faded and gray.

I love you more that you will ever know. You are my only child now. I need you more than ever.
I hope some day you will learn to live with the pain. Please seek help from people you love, (me too).

I’m in a lot of pain, but I know your pain eclipses mine. You talked to Sheri every week, you had the pleasure of visiting with her and our grandsons. You and Mario were an every day part of their life. But yet, I am jealous. I would rather have your level of pain now, if only I could have been as much a part of their lives as you have enjoyed. My heart aches for you and all of your extended family.

Welcome to Websleuths WhoKnew and JBall72 :) Glad to have you.

Yes, welcome!

Despite what my last few posts may have implied, the increase in knowledge and the varying persectives add great value to what we are doing here - discussing the case.
And guilty or not, I don't blame him one bit! I doubt any of us would ever be in this situation, but if I were, I'm fairly certain I would cooperate but also have an attorney.

Yes, I'm aware of the fact we all discuss our feelings of his innocence and guilt. Read my previous posts, I have done the same, virtually declaring him guilty. But I use a lot of "if" statements in what I write too.

IMO, it would be more constructive to discuss the merits of the evidence the police have from a more balanced perspective.

Since 95% of the people who come to this site are essentially ready to slam the jail cell shut, I don't think it does me any good to continue this discussion. I've tried to raise valid points, using the facts, from less of a "he did it" stance and more of a "this is what we know, what are the problems with it" position.

The problem I see, is that if we wait for solid facts, we'd have nothing to discuss and no need for a thread until the case went to trial. And if we limit discussion of guilt, then we'd have to wait for a guilty verdict.
They are all back at the house on Dixie Dr in Chester

The cops and unmarked MCS are all over Chester (I have not seen this many cops strolling the streets in Chester for a long time - will explain later)

The father came into Walmart today after they got back from Cape G (maybe to fill a medicine prescription for his wife?)

Fox News is parked on the Walmart parking lot which is about 1/8 mile from the Coleman home on Dixie Dr.

Sheri & Chris' cars are not at the home in Chester. MCS was parked out by the house (but I did not do a head count or a car count because I wanted to act uninterested as I went by the home. There were other cars parked at the house.

People who live on Dixie were going about their daily chores like nothing was going on (many older people were out working in their yards or sitting in lawn chairs on their front porches.)

Everything seems as normal as can be in Chester - I did not hear any one talking about the case or Chris when I went into Walmart and the grocery store.

I bet MCS is knocking on doors in Chester trying to get people to talk. All it takes is one person to give the name of another person and off the MCS goes. (this may be why I see them driving around town in the unmarked cars - unmarked cars have only a spot light near the side drivers mirror)

I really think LE is releasing more info in the hopes that people in this small town will come forth. Again I must remind you that many are devoted to Grace Church and people in town may look badly at them if anyone helps LE in anyway because many of the church members still believe Chrissy could never kill his family.

I am even afraid to talk it about it with other people in town because you never know if they are a Grace Church droid or not.

I did say something to one gal that works at Walmart and you could tell she did not want to say anything to me about it. She probably was a Grace Church droid.

That will probably be it for a little while as I have to prep and cook dinner soon.

Anyone ever think if attention focused on Chester,IL that LE could freely investigate in Columbia,IL/ South County,Mo where the acual crime took place....hmmm Slide of hand....
See bold #1 above: I don't think his parents are "babying" him. For the love of God, his family was just brutally murdered. He is, after all, their son. How can you criticize them for standing by him? Just seems wrong to me.

See bold #2 above: So far, it is my understanding that he has done just that. He went in for questioning, and then returned for fingerprints. I personally think he is guilty, but for one second consider the alternative - what if he isn't. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they'll be looking at him as the prime suspect.

See bold #3 above: Does he deserve any punishment yet? I don't think so. I like coming to this site, and I am not trying to single you out because many people on here do this, but let's not jump to conclusions just yet. While I too, think he is guilty, I honestly do not know for sure. Thus, I cannot claim he should be punished just yet!

Your right .......he returned for finger prints after LE had to get a court order in my neck of the woods we DO NOT call that cooperating.

Sorry did not realized this was already addressed.
See bold #1 above: I don't think his parents are "babying" him. For the love of God, his family was just brutally murdered. He is, after all, their son. How can you criticize them for standing by him? Just seems wrong to me.

See bold #2 above: So far, it is my understanding that he has done just that. He went in for questioning, and then returned for fingerprints. I personally think he is guilty, but for one second consider the alternative - what if he isn't. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they'll be looking at him as the prime suspect.

See bold #3 above: Does he deserve any punishment yet? I don't think so. I like coming to this site, and I am not trying to single you out because many people on here do this, but let's not jump to conclusions just yet. While I too, think he is guilty, I honestly do not know for sure. Thus, I cannot claim he should be punished just yet!

Good post, milopedes. I concur with your sentiments.

For the record, I'm still firmly convinced Coleman did NOT harm his family.

I believe there is much more to this matter than meets the eye.
I am still catching up, but when I read this moving tribute from Sheri's father I was caught by his words and emotion. Time is too short to be estranged from your children and grandchildren. If one good thing comes of Sheri, Garrett, and Gavin's senseless should be this lesson. Distance should never be an excuse not to communicate and family is the most important part of living no matter how divorce affects your egos.

I hope Sheri's father can find a way to become closer to Mario and Angie by sincere kindness and concern. Mario needs his father and he needs his son. I am sure Sheri would tell them all to put the past behind them and embrace the future together.

Her father's post:

May 13, 2009
I will miss you forever.
I love you more than you would ever know as a mortal, (perhaps now you know).
I have always been proud of you as I watched you from afar turning into a women, wife and mother.
But as I have learned in the last few days filled with pain, anger and immense sorrow,
I have also learned of the great things you have done for others in need, the love you shared, and the commitment you had for your faith and your children. My pride is now amplified by a factor of 10. The world is a measurable better place to live because of you. Even with all the wonderful things you have done in your short life, I ask of you (selfishly), please talk to me in my dreams.

Garrett and Gavin,
My sweet grandsons. Before I ever met you, I felt I knew you. You are so beautiful. Your mother did everything right. Please watch over her in heaven. I so wish we could have been closer. The child in me misses you so much. My heart is in a thousand pieces. Watching the two of you grow up and become men, was on the top of my list of life’s pleasures. Now that list is faded and gray.

I love you more that you will ever know. You are my only child now. I need you more than ever.
I hope some day you will learn to live with the pain. Please seek help from people you love, (me too).

I’m in a lot of pain, but I know your pain eclipses mine. You talked to Sheri every week, you had the pleasure of visiting with her and our grandsons. You and Mario were an every day part of their life. But yet, I am jealous. I would rather have your level of pain now, if only I could have been as much a part of their lives as you have enjoyed. My heart aches for you and all of your extended family.


All I can say is WOW, that brought tears to my eyes...
Besides waiting on forensic testing, I'm thinking we might also see the case brought before a grand jury before there is an arrest and charges are filed.
Don't forget about the Coroner's Inquest, too. (At least they can't claim accidental deaths like they did with Kathleen Savio's murder.)
Police said Christopher Coleman left home at 2854 Robert Avenue about 5:45 a.m. on May 5 to work out at a gym in St. Louis County. We've discovered that he went to the Gold's Gym in Sappington, which per Map Quest is an 11 mile drive from his home. Map Quest also indicates this is a 15 minute drive, but as we know, he may have encountered traffic.

We do not know his regular routine, so at present it is impossible to tell if he worked out early in the mornings or not. Since we know he was a night security guard for Joyce Meyer Ministries, it could be possible that he routinely worked out after his night shift. But this is pure conjecture.

Gold's Gym does require a scan card. Not sure if they have any cameras. Police would have all of this information.

Per the police, shortly before 7 a.m. (FYI: I heard 6:50 a.m. on the news last night) CC called the police (via 911?) because he could not reach his family by phone. Upon checking the home, the police discovered the bodies.

I'd like to see the cell phone "pings" if the police get them. I'd also like to know when he first called his home and received no answer. If he left at 5:45 a.m. and began calling his house at 6:00 a.m., just as he arrived at the gym, we would be left to believe one of three things:

1. The killer waited nearby and entered the home once he left; or
2. The killer was in the home and knew when he left; or
3. CC killed his family.

Playing devil's advocate, we have to consider the problems the prosecution will face. The broken screen / open window at the rear of the house can raise reasonable doubt. Sure, CC could have staged it. But it is just as likely someone could have entered the house via that entry point. I suppose if the family had, in fact, been receiving threats a potential killer could have been waiting in the woods nearby waiting for him to leave (or in the house before he left). Maybe the killer knew his routine, and decided to finally strike? If the killer entered the home through the back of the house, it would take extra time to get in quietly, but it could be done.

Ultimately, I think that forensics will help the police on this quite a lot. We have no way of knowing yet, but I'm sure that any determination that death occurred outside the time-frame of 5:45 - 7:00 a.m. would leave only CC as the culprit.

My Bold... aren't #2 & #3 one in the same? I firmly believe the killer was in the house; and knew exactly what time he left (5:43 a.m. is what LE is saying - very precise, IMO)

Let's do play devils advocate for a minute. So LE & CC has stated 5:43 a.m. is the time CC left the house. Why would he immediately begin calling the house (Connor stated this last night on NG) to make sure Sheri & the kids are up when he just left the house. Wouldn't he know whether they were up or not? And why would they be up that early when the school starts at 8:05 a.m.? In my experience, it doesn't take 2 hours to get kids ready for school.

So CC starts calling the house immediately and apparently he did over & over without getting an anwser. If you'd been receiving threats and didn't get an immediate answer would you proceed to the gym? Let's say he got to the gym by 6 - probably earlier as traffic isn't so bad yet here, still no answer at the house. Do you go into the gym and start working out since there hasn't been an answer? Or do you drive back home and see if everything is okay? He choose to stay to pump some iron. It's been stated that he continues to make calls home. So let's say he calls again at 6:10 and gets no answer. He chooses to still stay at the gym. Who knows how many phone calls, but it's a bit strange that he makes the choice to stay at the gym, instead of going directly home. The I'm worried, but I'm not worried enough to leave the gym is the huge red flag to me. It's obviously apparent he was trying to establish his alibi of being elsewhere when the bodies are discovered; and acting like a concerned dad & husband by calling numerous times.

As for the broken screen/open window... they haven't told us if the screen was broken as in the frame being broken, or if there was just a rip in the screen. They also haven't said if the window was merely unlocked, or wide open. If that POE, I'm sure it's been dusted and we'll see if it was infact used as POE - but I doubt it. I think the killer was in the house because he owned the house.

I just highly doubt some unknow crazy psychopath killer had it in for this guy, and choose to take out the entire family and not just CC. I can't imagine a killer taking the time to strangle 3 people - that would take some time; and then deciding hey while i'm here, let me prance around the house to spray paint messages on the walls so people know I told him I'd do this to his family one day if he didn't take me seriously.

The last few times this case has been mentioned on HLN, they olnly state that CC was a security guard - no mention of JMM. Just thought that was interesting....
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