What really happened

Ron is crazy...in my opinion. He is reckless and immature and should not be in custody of JR. He is a person who loves to intimidate and uses his gun to do it. I have no doubt he dropped to his knees and spoke about killing. This is not the first time we have witnessed his dramatics. It won't be the last, and that is what is scary.

Yes PorcineG, there is something wrong right there in River City. Ron Cummings lies, Misty lies, TN lies....and now Shoemaker lies...that is what's wrong. Their behavior does not add up....none of them! They are all tight with each other...IMO
I'm new here (well I used to be here throughout the JonBenet case) and I've been lurking for awhile. This is one crazy, messed up case. Is that entire town on drugs? Do you have to be on drugs and have a rap sheet to live there?

I admit Ron has made some really bad choices, but when I read the custody papers I really felt he was a much more caring and responsible parent. Crystal missed about 22 doctors appts. for Hayleigh, even the ones that were rescheduled! I have never seen any emotion from her regarding her daughter. Half of the time she didn't even pick her up for visitation.

Maybe the police should be looking closer at her. Hayleigh was costing her a lot of money in child support payments. She may not have physically harmed her but perhaps "gave" her to a family member.
Welcome 4 Pirate. I can tell you are a seasoned lurker.

Looks like you read them just the way RC intended. According to him, he is wonderful. You may need to review the custody papers again. If you want to know the real story, Ron was guilty (for a change) on a drug charge a six months before he filed. A few weeks after he filed he was arrested again for drugs. It was noted how clever he was on giving the court the wrong address for Crystal. Yep, He's a real charmer.

When CS had those appts, she was living with RC. IIRC, she didn't even drive. at that time. RC is a manipulator and had her over a barrel. CS is a truthful person (to a fault). RC knows how to play the game.....big time.

Ron claimed he took the kids because he didn't want them exposed to drugs....that's gotta make you laugh. He hasn't held a job for long or a place to live for long the entire time. Yeah, he's a great provider and a fantastic father according to some. He slept with a 16 yr old girl who has real issues and let her have access to these children 24/7. Before that it was another young girl..

He also was supposed to have had JR evaluated with the four months of filing...he blamed that appt on CS too. RC blames everyone else for his mistakes. It was easy to miss all that when you reviewed the paperwork. You may have missed the affidavit where it was stated that if the judge gave him custody, the children would be in danger.

He took the kids from Crystal before she had a chance to file for child support. He didn't want to pay child support....pure and simple...IMO. Whoever had custody at the time of filing has the advantage.

............he also married Misty so he wouldn't do 22 yrs in a state pen .... also my opinion.

............and yet it is suggested that the LE should look more closely at Crystal.....good grief! To save child support? Well, that didn't work out very well, then because she still has to pay, even with one missing.

Crystal is not the one with the temper. Crystal did not lie to the judge. RC gave an inflated income and caused financial hardship on Crystal. He stole her children. She had filed Domestic Violence on him but had to pull it back as he told her she would never see her children (take that for what its worth); you have heard his threats and use of guns. I honestly don't know how people can dismiss RC as somebody who should be closely looked at along with Misty. There is no reason to delve into Crystal stealing her child with special needs. Haleigh's life is in danger. She needs medical attention and should be starting Growth hormone injections about now. I do not think CS has harmed her child. When you get a chance please read Crystal's letter to Haleigh. I think it may help you understand her more...JMO.
I never said Ron was perfect, and believe me I look at him also. But being a mother myself, I can't understand Crystal. I can't understand why she didn't fight harder for the kids. She had her mother and grandmother and I believe an Aunt to help her. She could have gotten some kind of job, cleaning houses, watching other people's kids, whatever. I would have sold my soul to the devil to have kept my children.
I'm tired of people blaming the victim in the road rage incident. She didn't know Misty from Adam's house cat. Give me a break!!!
That woman Donna was out of control, this plan was out of control and foolish. So what if she went on NG, it was news, she didn't make the news, Donna did. So I ask people, lay off the victim of this, she did nothing wrong.
That gun incident should have been reported to the police exactley 1 minute after it occured, it was a death threat, and a suicide threat. This is not the wild, wild, west!
I'm new here (well I used to be here throughout the JonBenet case) and I've been lurking for awhile. This is one crazy, messed up case. Is that entire town on drugs? Do you have to be on drugs and have a rap sheet to live there?

I admit Ron has made some really bad choices, but when I read the custody papers I really felt he was a much more caring and responsible parent. Crystal missed about 22 doctors appts. for Hayleigh, even the ones that were rescheduled! I have never seen any emotion from her regarding her daughter. Half of the time she didn't even pick her up for visitation.

Maybe the police should be looking closer at her. Hayleigh was costing her a lot of money in child support payments. She may not have physically harmed her but perhaps "gave" her to a family member.

I realize this is no excuse for CS to miss the doctor appointments, but didn't she say she didn't have a car or drivers license? And I do agree she doesn't show a lot of emotion, but I honesty don't feel she had anything to do with Haliegh's disappearance and to my knowledge...has been cleared.
I realize this is no excuse for CS to miss the doctor appointments, but didn't she say she didn't have a car or drivers license? And I do agree she doesn't show a lot of emotion, but I honesty don't feel she had anything to do with Haliegh's disappearance and to my knowledge...has been cleared.

Crystal gave several reasons for missing the Dr appts, including that she just didn't get out of bed, Ron's grandmother scared her when she drove after falling asleep and nearly getting creamed by a big truck, and that she had no way to get to the appts. They might be excuses, but there is no excuse offered for why granny, great granny, or daddy didn't get the child to the dr when Crystal failed in her responsibilities. It's just thrown onto Crystal to say "LOOK HOW BAD SHE IS!" No one else stepped in, either. Let's not forget that.

Crystal also has not been "cleared" in the same manner that Ronald has not been cleared. The statement is that "the biological parents....are not considered suspects at this time."
Crystal gave several reasons for missing the Dr appts, including that she just didn't get out of bed, Ron's grandmother scared her when she drove after falling asleep and nearly getting creamed by a big truck, and that she had no way to get to the appts. They might be excuses, but there is no excuse offered for why granny, great granny, or daddy didn't get the child to the dr when Crystal failed in her responsibilities. It's just thrown onto Crystal to say "LOOK HOW BAD SHE IS!" No one else stepped in, either. Let's not forget that.

Crystal also has not been "cleared" in the same manner that Ronald has not been cleared. The statement is that "the biological parents....are not considered suspects at this time."

I agree. If she wasn't driving and Ron was and had a car there was no reason why he couldn't help out and drive them to the appointments and grandparents should have helped out too!
I feel it's a bit of a moot point anyway. Haleigh is not missing because Crystal missed several doctor's appointments
I feel it's a bit of a moot point anyway. Haleigh is not missing because Crystal missed several doctor's appointments
.........over 3 years ago. You're absolutely correct, Donjeta.
I never said Ron was perfect, and believe me I look at him also. But being a mother myself, I can't understand Crystal. I can't understand why she didn't fight harder for the kids. She had her mother and grandmother and I believe an Aunt to help her. She could have gotten some kind of job, cleaning houses, watching other people's kids, whatever. I would have sold my soul to the devil to have kept my children.

4pirate, I don't know how much life experience you have, but the fact is and I swear this is true, when you live with an abuser you CANNOT function like normal people. On top of the situation also, I believe Crystal has a passive personality which would give the impression of not caring. But, its far from the truth, and this mother has endured more than her share of heartache and cruelty.

Ron is calculating and cruel to a degree most have not experienced.

Welcome 4pirate to this forum!
4pirate, I don't know how much life experience you have, but the fact is and I swear this is true, when you live with an abuser you CANNOT function like normal people. On top of the situation also, I believe Crystal has a passive personality which would give the impression of not caring. But, its far from the truth, and this mother has endured more than her share of heartache and cruelty.

Ron is calculating and cruel to a degree most have not experienced.

Welcome 4pirate to this forum!
I have lived w/ an abusive man, mentally, emotionally and physically and I can tell you w/ absolute certainty, I would not have let my child remain there. CS has enough emotional support with her Mom, Dad and CG that I would think she was was no longer weakened by RC's alleged abuse. After I left I am a far stronger person, however, I did not have addiction issues and that may change things, I don't know.
Welcome 4 Pirate. I can tell you are a seasoned lurker.

Looks like you read them just the way RC intended. According to him, he is wonderful. You may need to review the custody papers again. If you want to know the real story, Ron was guilty (for a change) on a drug charge a six months before he filed. A few weeks after he filed he was arrested again for drugs. It was noted how clever he was on giving the court the wrong address for Crystal. Yep, He's a real charmer.

When CS had those appts, she was living with RC. IIRC, she didn't even drive. at that time. RC is a manipulator and had her over a barrel. CS is a truthful person (to a fault). RC knows how to play the game.....big time.

Ron claimed he took the kids because he didn't want them exposed to drugs....that's gotta make you laugh. He hasn't held a job for long or a place to live for long the entire time. Yeah, he's a great provider and a fantastic father according to some. He slept with a 16 yr old girl who has real issues and let her have access to these children 24/7. Before that it was another young girl..

He also was supposed to have had JR evaluated with the four months of filing...he blamed that appt on CS too. RC blames everyone else for his mistakes. It was easy to miss all that when you reviewed the paperwork. You may have missed the affidavit where it was stated that if the judge gave him custody, the children would be in danger.

He took the kids from Crystal before she had a chance to file for child support. He didn't want to pay child support....pure and simple...IMO. Whoever had custody at the time of filing has the advantage.

............he also married Misty so he wouldn't do 22 yrs in a state pen .... also my opinion.

............and yet it is suggested that the LE should look more closely at Crystal.....good grief! To save child support? Well, that didn't work out very well, then because she still has to pay, even with one missing.

Crystal is not the one with the temper. Crystal did not lie to the judge. RC gave an inflated income and caused financial hardship on Crystal. He stole her children. She had filed Domestic Violence on him but had to pull it back as he told her she would never see her children (take that for what its worth); you have heard his threats and use of guns. I honestly don't know how people can dismiss RC as somebody who should be closely looked at along with Misty. There is no reason to delve into Crystal stealing her child with special needs. Haleigh's life is in danger. She needs medical attention and should be starting Growth hormone injections about now. I do not think CS has harmed her child. When you get a chance please read Crystal's letter to Haleigh. I think it may help you understand her more...JMO.

Interesting post, Whisper. I didn't know all of the information surrounding how Ron got custody. Thanks for filling in.
Also, are you and I the only ones here who believe Ron married Misty, not because it's what Haleigh would have wanted, or that he wanted to keep his "enemy close," but to keep from being charged with statuary rape for his relationship with a 16-17 year old?
The day Ron got down on his knees and proposed, I knew he was ducking a possible charge. I still believe that!
Interesting post, Whisper. I didn't know all of the information surrounding how Ron got custody. Thanks for filling in.
Also, are you and I the only ones here who believe Ron married Misty, not because it's what Haleigh would have wanted, or that he wanted to keep his "enemy close," but to keep from being charged with statuary rape for his relationship with a 16-17 year old?
The day Ron got down on his knees and proposed, I knew he was ducking a possible charge. I still believe that!

"they been bugging me forever so I just decided to let 'em do it." ~~Lisa Croslin

I don't buy a true romance either, AZ....If there was true love, there would have been a ring long before Chili's.
when you live with an abuser you CANNOT function like normal people. On top of the situation also, I believe Crystal has a passive personality which would give the impression of not caring. But, its far from the truth, and this mother has endured more than her share of heartache and cruelty.

(snip, bbm) Thank you for saying this PGranny. How badly we need this reminder. And I could not agree more.

Interesting post, Whisper. I didn't know all of the information surrounding how Ron got custody. Thanks for filling in.
Also, are you and I the only ones here who believe Ron married Misty, not because it's what Haleigh would have wanted, or that he wanted to keep his "enemy close," but to keep from being charged with statuary rape for his relationship with a 16-17 year old?
The day Ron got down on his knees and proposed, I knew he was ducking a possible charge. I still believe that!
Reading the custody docs is quite an eye opener. I didn't get the same things out of it Whisperer did.

We have him on news camera footage standing in broad daylight shouting at LE that he was going to shoot out the back window of a patrol car in order to kill whoever took Hayleigh. And noone seems to take this sort of thing seriously?:waitasec:
Asking again, can I please get the link to this footage? TIA!

Curvecuti my response isn't directed at your post, I quoted it because you had the link to the PDF's and I hadn't read them until now. Thanks.

OT but I couldn't help but think when I read those that I really wished they hadn't been released and that they had been sealed for the benefit of minor children.

IMHO these kiddo's don't need to have their parents court proceedings about their custody floating around the internet for complete strangers to read.

It just made me sad.
The very first page of the first link tells the reader that the first court hearing was heard and custody was awarded to RC.

The second paragraph states there is reason for cause for a REHEARING of the facts of the first case because CS did not hear what the court has said due to the fact that the court did not have the correct address for CS. Ron provided the address and CS missed the hearing and lost her children. The judge gave her a second hearing because he found merit that she didn't have the notice of the first hearing. It was clear it was just done to let her know what happened in the first hearing. Nothing changed and it wasn't going to....the judge made his decision on Dec 5 when RC appeared alone. Ron Cummings got the children by default as the respondent was not available. For the record CS did fight. She did get an attorney. There is a 30 day time period and the decision stands, regardless. Perhaps if CS had a few hundred thousand dollars, maybe there may have been a difference, but unlikely. I take OJ again as evidence. The court gave him custody and no amount of money the Browns had was going to make a difference there either.

If you care to delve into the case and see what happened, it would be clear of the tricks he pulled. Did you take note of the fact that he had a drug convicition and was making payments at the time he was pleading for the children due to he THOUGHT CS had done drugs while he was on vacation (?) with the kids. There was no proof to back up his claim but plenty of proof that he had just been convicted and was still paying the fine to the court. There is proof of his second arrest a few weeks later also as I have posted the arrests.

.....Why are these points being ignored? Why are people not addressing the errors of the family court? Do they think I have made up this story. He wanted the children so they wouldn't be exposed to drugs....period. The judge bought his story. The judge never explored his records or cared to do anything about RC except award his the children right on the spot because CS did not appear (due to RC giving a phony address)

If people choose to deny the facts of the case which are documented, that is their choice. Many in the system have done the same. Many DCF workers have done the same and many children have paid with their lives due to the unaccountability of these public servants. Haleigh may have been one of the victims of their errors.
If TM did witness this ridiculous display of mental incompetence he has an obligation to tell others. In fact, it was not in private but in full view of Ron's youngest child which is especially troublesome. Ron is extremely impulsive and it is not beyone the realm of reality that he would do something like this if he became enraged enough. I hope the world finds out and that child is removed from his care.

And while I'm at it, if you think its so unfair for TM to tell this episode please explain to me why our innocent Ron is notifying Misty that DB is trying to find out information from her. You know Haleigh is Ron's child and it would seem that he would be very interested in what she knows if his statements have been true. There is something very fish here. JMO:twocents:

They weren't in PUBLIC, where you and I and the rest of the world could see. If I said something in my home, in the presence of my family, I would hope not to see it published on the internet to further someone else's interests. I don't think it matters if Junior was present or not for this alleged gun incident; if Ron is making threats against others or himself, there are a number of people who could have intervened quickly. It interests me that Miller's story comes out now, when he has himself been somewhat discredited after this latest mess. I am listening now to Marc Klaas suggesting that Miller should be arrested for interfering in an investigation. He is also reminding everyone that his daughter Polly's mother slept through her abduction and did the Smart and Van Damm families when their daughters were kidnapped.

Regarding the road rage story, so far we just have the statements of the people who look bad as a result of DB's and Misty's behavior. We do not know what bad blood may already exist between Tim Miller and his crew and the Cummings family. Certainly, Ron is right not to trust Tim Miller, since whatever he tells Miller will end up in the media. And who's to say that DB would accurately represent anything Misty told her, or would go to LE instead of---to the internet? LE's best chances to resolve this case is if the amateurs stay out of it. The fringe players just keep the drama stirred up and are, for the most part, out for either their own aggrandizement or money, now or later down the road.

As to whether Ron is "innocent"--of what? I don't believe he murdered his daughter. Clearly, he is young and hot-headed, and he made a disastrous choice trusting his children with Misty. Now, he can either be distraught about his missing daughter and potentially enraged at Misty or he is in cahoots with her to cover up a murder. Probably not both. I pick door #1.

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