FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #9

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Welcome lovemycaroline, lillys, and cathdawg!!!!!
Glad you are here.
But at least you had closure in that respect. The monsters in your imagination cannot play games with you on this. The imagination of a mother who has lost a child is not a pleasant one to live with, I know, my 22 year old son died 6 years ago. I continue to imagine his terror and agony at the point of impact of his vehicle and the tree. These things can't be accounted for, I have to put up with the monsters of my imagination.

I am very sorry for you Isabelle. You kniow the pain all to well.

I just can't IMAGINE the what Diena is going through now,and for a long time to come, as well as other parents who have lost a child under these horiffic circumstances. I just can't fathom....
Hi yall. Been following this case right along with you, but just recently joined. This BSU person, imo, in my honest opinion, is giving clues to play you all. Don't be fooled by the quacks who join forums to get kicks off a little ones death. LE doesn't come on forums and give hints to open, unsolved cases do they? Personally I think BSU stands for bull ****. :)

My sincerest sympathies to the family of Somer Thompson.

Maybe a BS University flyby?
I knew it as sure as the moon is yellow. I had a fellin LE would be watching the funeral and who attended.

LE did the same thing here at the funeral of a victim of the Baton Rouge Serial Killer. Only one door open into the church and one door to the outside.
I am going to assume that LE was respectful when asking her not to look at the body with the explanation of not wanting anyone to know or see any details..surely they couldn't demand it of her could they?
I understand the point of it clearly, but still think she suffered head trauma of sorts that could be seen in a casket if opened.
Way too sad..
I hope Justice comes for this little one soon!

The coroner could have delayed further release of Somer to the family. I am sure they have a good reason I've never seen it handled like this before though. And as a mother and grandmother I would probably have chosen to delay the services and interment until I could have that final goodbye.
I sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone. I mean no harm, I am only trying to get you focused in the right direction, as I believe it to be.

I have extensive training in body language/micro-expressions/investigative discourse analysis. So before anyone turns me into the police or shuts my account down or calls J. Edgar Hoosits, I will explain my posts. Please understand I have no direct knowledge of this investigation. But I know what I see and hear on TV. What follows is my opinion:

Mom is hiding something, unquestionably. I do not believe she committed this crime, but she knows who did. Listen to her statements...and I mean LISTEN, don't just hear them. Everything she says has meaning. Listen to what says and doesn't say. Think like a psychologist. Listen also for the very subtle mistakes, or "brain farts".

The micro-expressions are fascinating. There are more than a few. They are very hard to see, but they are there.

Crying is another matter. She appears to be faking it, but we don't know what meds she may be on that may be causing the effect HOWEVER: Meds that affect crying will almost always affect her speech in some detrimental fashion, and I do not see that. But, and this is a big "but", I do not know what is normal speech for her.

Geographic profiling: Look at the "Google" maps everyone has so adeptly posted here. They speak volumes. Look at the location of 1080 Gano and the bathroom that was searched in relation to "other" locations.

The police report also gives us an interesting tidbit in the first movements after notification of Somer's unaccountability.

Put it altogether, girls! There are only two viable suspects. I can't narrow it any further at this time without additional information.

Again, this is my opinion only. I am truly sorry if I offended. I have little experience in forums.

I'll sit back and take your assaults. I guess I do deserve them. I'll also watch as this unfolds as I've said.
WAIT. I think the RSO Richard Thomas looks EXACTLY like Dickie Thomas. He could go by the name Dickie now - especially giving it to the media - so people don't look up "Richard Thomas" and see his nice ole mug shot.

Assuming they are the same person, WHY is a RSO first in line to hug Somer's mom??

I think they look a lot alike too, and Dick is a nickname for Richard, like chuck for charles...BUT I don't think it is the same guy who was first in line to greet DT at the funeral; in fact, I have a feeling (and it is JUST a feeling) that the perp is not a RSO in this case. We don't even know if Somer was sexually assaulted. In almost every missing child case RSOs are looked at FIRST and police have cleared all of these in this area according to reports. How did they clear them so fast? Maybe they knew already that she was not sexually assaulted?

To All the Newbies!!! We are excited to have you join us!
Interesting comment on that article.

Expand ⇗RegisteredWTF_WTF 59 minutes ago Georgette and Sindy Scamanthony had the nerve to show their faces. What is the matter with these idiots? The service was for the child not them.
what who are they?

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone. I mean no harm, I am only trying to get you focused in the right direction, as I believe it to be.

I have extensive training in body language/micro-expressions/investigative discourse analysis. So before anyone turns me into the police or shuts my account down or calls J. Edgar Hoosits, I will explain my posts. Please understand I have no direct knowledge of this investigation. But I know what I see and hear on TV. What follows is my opinion:

Mom is hiding something, unquestionably. I do not believe she committed this crime, but she knows who did. Listen to her statements...and I mean LISTEN, don't just hear them. Everything she says has meaning. Listen to what says and doesn't say. Think like a psychologist. Listen also for the very subtle mistakes, or "brain farts".

The micro-expressions are fascinating. There are more than a few. They are very hard to see, but they are there.

Crying is another matter. She appears to be faking it, but we don't know what meds she may be on that may be causing the effect HOWEVER: Meds that affect crying will almost always affect her speech in some detrimental fashion, and I do not see that. But, and this is a big "but", I do not know what is normal speech for her.

Geographic profiling: Look at the "Google" maps everyone has so adeptly posted here. They speak volumes. Look at the location of 1080 Gano and the bathroom that was searched in relation to "other" locations.

The police report also gives us an interesting tidbit in the first movements after notification of Somer's unaccountability.

Put it altogether, girls! There are only two viable suspects. I can't narrow it any further at this time without additional information.

Again, this is my opinion only. I am truly sorry if I offended. I have little experience in forums.

I'll sit back and take your assaults. I guess I do deserve them. I'll also watch as this unfolds as I've said.

See, you can do it. Sharing is good. I have no reason to attack you now. This was exactly what we were asking you to do. Welcome, come sit a spell, we don't bite that hard when we know you.
(Psst, don't call me girl, I am a woman and there are the occasional men here as well.)
LE did the same thing here at the funeral of a victim of the Baton Rouge Serial Killer. Only one door open into the church and one door to the outside.

Hi neighbor!!!!:wave:

Are you talking about Derrick Todd Lee?
Would also like to know, what it was that made DT so quick to flag down LE on her way home, that Monday? Somer had been late before, wasn't she?Something very fish here.

I question that, too. Seems like she first would've gone down that list of friends the other sitter discussed.

Now that BSU is back, I wonder who those two suspects could be? Two names jump out at me but I'm curious what others think...:snooty:
IF!!, and I don't think she did, but if the mom has something or some knowledge of what happened to Somer, we will know very soon. Would they let her bury her daughter and then question her???
BSU~ Can you tell us who the 2 viable suspects are? Your opinion of course.
Alright, Man up the ships - shall we split this up?? I say we work as a team...

Who would be the top two suspects in comparison to the map??? Her BROTHER??????

Going to get a new map posted. BRB
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