FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #9

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Little/twin? Or big?

Mom picked up big brother there isn't that the parking lot??/

IDK, I am trying to go off of BSU clues here. He mentioned the bathroom at the park - it is closest to the parking lot, is it not?

The Parking Lot and the Grove Parkway as someone else posted is the first 3 things on the report --

My original gut instinct is SO somehow down in the Grove. Unless it is someone she knew now in the grove?

I dont know my head is on backwards!!!:banghead:
That makes no sense to me. I can tell you from experience that my deceased child would not be buried or cremated, had I not been able to see his body in the casket. I would not take anyone's word for that fact that is was him. The only absolute proof I would have was to view him myself, no matter. The truth is far better than the monsters the imagination can conjure up.
I really hate to say this, but perhaps Somer's skull was crushed, or there were massive blunt force injuries to her face and skull- something so extensive it would truly be too traumatizing for family to view her.

She could have been too unrecognizable for the kind of 'proof' you are talking about, anyway.

I'm just speculating, but I believe there is a very strong possibility. I know from experience this sometimes happens after horrific car accidents - where the face is wiped out and skull crushed, and believe me, you DON'T want to see it, even if at first you insist and demand you do. You will always wish you'd taken the strong advice not to view your loved one.
You have stated exactly what I pick up on:
Mom knows who did this.
She's hiding something.
I believe the police know she's hiding something.
Her "sounds" caught the ears of everyone in the restaurant when I heard of this case. The TV had been on, no one was watching, but her voice, crying (faking) etc. caught everyone's instinctual attention and BS detectors.
I believe mom truly is in pain about her daughter's loss, but there is some fear of consequence for personal involvement that causes her to hide the truth.

She probably feels guilty, I am sure most moms would in the same situation.
I thought I read it was the older brother. I wondered at the time why he waited at the park and why he did not go home to be with the other children. Was waiting at the park for his mother his normal routine or was it just that day? tia

I knew the mom said she had picked up the older brother at OPAA. I was wondering if NSC really suspected the twin or if she was still referring to the older brother. I don't think the older one's routine has been established but it's more than likely he wasn't walking with the other kids since he's not an elementary student - he's in middle school/jr high, I believe.

ETA: Orange Park Jr High has classes up until 3:42pm, according to their website.
If a kid can go to a park and maybe play ball or go home I would bet they would go to the park.

That is true, but if there are 3 younger children at home without supervision he should go home at least until his mother gets there. jmo
I am going with little brother????? This is the parking lot she picked him up from, isn't it???


That is just sick. Why are people so eager to blame the kids and siblings...back to a JBR mindset.
Someone said on here she was found half clothed?That tells me she was possibly sexually assaulted.I wish I knew for sure.If she wasn't then I don't think a SO killed her.I would go for someone much younger(someone with out transporatation).If she was assaulted then I would go back to the last person supposedly to see her.Kyle and the working crew renovating the house.Who worked on this crew?Was one of them a sex offender ect...

I believe that when the body was discovered at the landfill they said she was "partially covered" which I took to mean partially covered in debris. MOO.

From this video @ the 1:33 mark:
It's older brother...there is no younger brother just an older and a twin as far as I know. (okay, guess the twin could be a min. or two younger but...)

I changed it on my post! Thanks for pointing out - told you my head was on backward :)
I knew the mom said she had picked up the older brother at OPAA. I was wondering if NSC really suspected the twin or if she was still referring to the older brother. I don't think the older one's routine has been established but it's more than likely he wasn't walking with the other kids since he's not an elementary student - he's in middle school/jr high, I believe.

I am still wondering if they all have the same father? tia
She probably feels guilty, I am sure most moms would in the same situation.

Guilty is understandable about all those unrealistic things you wished you had done differently to change what happened--this is different. Something is really off.
That is just sick. Why are people so eager to blame the kids and siblings...back to a JBR mindset.

I don't think anyone is eager to blame siblings or kids, but the sad thing is that sometimes it is siblings or other children who harm or kill a child.
Alfred Howard Gross the Third , quite a title for an unemployed person, if anyone knows who he is please advise me, he is listed on the Police Report and I am dying of curiosity.
BSU, thank you for coming back and explaining that you really don't know any more than the rest of us do. We all have our thoughts and opinions.

I'm interested in more information about the older brother. He was at the park right across from 1080. Does he get out of school an hour after the younger kids, or at the same time?

If Somer was mad, and separated from her siblings, could she have run into her older brother there?

I gotta say, I have 2 sons, although older now. But if one of them killed the other, I certainly wouldn't cover for them.
That is just sick. Why are people so eager to blame the kids and siblings...back to a JBR mindset.

If you have been reading along this ENTIRE time. You would see I have been big advocate of a RSO - and a defender of mom. I am purely trying to speculate at what BSU thinks we are missing. I am not EAGER to blame anyone but discuss EVERY possibility. It is unfortuante because this has been such a calm thread where everyone can act respectful without throwing out these types of comments.
When I went to my dads funeral, I went and shopped the evening before for something to wear. I changed my mind the morning of the funeral and changed again and again to end up throwing on a dress that also would be considered low cut. I really don't think he dress was to bad, but heck you know if they were to mention that she went shopping at Macy's for a dress to wear people would accuse her of wrongfully spending the donations etc..
just sayin. Victims of crimes, or should I say anyone around a crime is constantly under the microscope and no matter what they do or wear someone won't agree with it.
I agree.

I'd suppose what she wore to her murdered child's funeral would not be her biggest concern. Or, anybody's.
If one of Somer's siblings killed her then I'm sure Diena knows it. Maybe that is wat BSU is sensing in her interviews. It was reported that Somer hit a child with her backpack and ran off...now the child she hit could have been her twin or A (the oldest daughter). I know kids pretty good and if one of mine hits the other, it's on! The hit-tie chases down the hitter and usually a rumble ensues...
Could the older daughter have pummeled Somer and pitched her in the dumpster or maybe just picked her up and threw her in, not meaning to kill her, but maybe Somer's head hit the dumpster hard and it killed her?
Hey, stranger things have happened.
Mom would only cover for her kids I think - doubt she would even cover for her own parents or even her own siblings, much less a live in boyfriend or friend. JMO.

OK I've been away and this is torture!!! I'm reading to catch up on 32 pages going backwards cuz I couldn't take the suspence once I noticed BSU had returned...!!!!!!

And thanks for coming back BSU - as I said earlier I REALLY dig the 1967 part of your handle ;)

...All i can say is OMG! I'm afraid to say what comes to MY mind!!!!!!!!!!! I'm shocked but yet not, IMO it makes sense now!

BSU says ONLY 2 possibles in their honest opinion - and maybe stepping back from this forum for he past 24 hours has helped me. But I really feel like what WAS murky is becoming CLEARER.

Thanks again BSU!!! I will PM you my guess.
I sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone. I mean no harm, I am only trying to get you focused in the right direction, as I believe it to be.

I have extensive training in body language/micro-expressions/investigative discourse analysis. So before anyone turns me into the police or shuts my account down or calls J. Edgar Hoosits, I will explain my posts. Please understand I have no direct knowledge of this investigation. But I know what I see and hear on TV. What follows is my opinion:

Mom is hiding something, unquestionably. I do not believe she committed this crime, but she knows who did. Listen to her statements...and I mean LISTEN, don't just hear them. Everything she says has meaning. Listen to what says and doesn't say. Think like a psychologist. Listen also for the very subtle mistakes, or "brain farts".

The micro-expressions are fascinating. There are more than a few. They are very hard to see, but they are there.

Crying is another matter. She appears to be faking it, but we don't know what meds she may be on that may be causing the effect HOWEVER: Meds that affect crying will almost always affect her speech in some detrimental fashion, and I do not see that. But, and this is a big "but", I do not know what is normal speech for her.

Geographic profiling: Look at the "Google" maps everyone has so adeptly posted here. They speak volumes. Look at the location of 1080 Gano and the bathroom that was searched in relation to "other" locations.

The police report also gives us an interesting tidbit in the first movements after notification of Somer's unaccountability.

Put it altogether, girls! There are only two viable suspects. I can't narrow it any further at this time without additional information.

Again, this is my opinion only. I am truly sorry if I offended. I have little experience in forums.

I'll sit back and take your assaults. I guess I do deserve them. I'll also watch as this unfolds as I've said.

I want to thank you for the first post. I did not know about discourse analysis, per se, although I was an English teacher and school counselor for 34 years. I read a link someone posted about it and summarized it on WS. I came to the same conclusions as you regarding the mom. Yes, I think she is hiding that she knows who did it.
You should continue to post. I am new here too; I think it just takes some time before people who are regular posters trust your and my motives.
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