Syringe in bottle contained traces of chloroform

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I know I'm late to this thread, but I'm just reading up on the syringe. I have to admit that I didn't put too much stock into the syringe being related to this case and now, I'm like DANG! It never even entered my mind that kc would inject chloroform with a needle! Good Lord, what a cold, cold monster!
I read that whole report today. There was nothing in there that showed a human body in the trunk. He started his report with animal decomp and progressed to referring to human decomp. But I saw nothing in there that said it was human decomp.

Now to get back on topic. I think we are going to find chloroform is a bi product of many things.

I think it would be beneficial for you, if you went back and read all the doc dumps in the day by day "sticky" posts re: documents released by LE. I'm not being sarcastic, it would help one understand why a lot of posters/me aren't debating some of your posts -
I am glad you are on here and don't mean in anyway that you should stop posting your opinion
I don't want to go OT but had to ask:
Are you trying to say that the Disney bag confirms KCs story that Zanni took Caylee to Disneyworld?
But, there is no Zanni.

Maybe this was kc's version of blue's clues for mom. Put it in her notebook and think think think!
I know I'm late to this thread, but I'm just reading up on the syringe. I have to admit that I didn't put too much stock into the syringe being related to this case and now, I'm like DANG! It never even entered my mind that kc would inject chloroform with a needle! Good Lord, what a cold, cold monster!
With all the assorted stuff that seemed to be unrelated to Caylee, including somebody's wallet found near her remains, I didn't put too much into it either ~ until now, of course. MOO
ThoughtfulElf and DogMom2JoeAndWillie,
Thank you both so much for your contributions!! I thought I was about ready to get to bed but now with you two working on this I find my adrenaline has spiked! I'll have to hang around a bit longer and see what you two discover. (. . .and maybe have a "nightcap" too) :dance:
Then again, referring to what I was saying a couple posts ago, who's to say that KC didn't intend to throw George under the bus from the beginning? Sharps container or not, she could have taken one of his new needles and drew some of his medicine up into and used it on her and then intended to make it look like he was the one that did it, and used one of his own dirty needles because Cindy gives him the shots and he didn't want her to notice one missing.

It is the fact that it was still with the plastic bag that throws this whole testosterone thing in so many directions for me. I have never felt such ugliness for any one person that I have never met before in, my life as I do this...whatever she is that I am sure I will get a time out for saying. After hearing about the duct tape, sadly I have not been able to give her much credit and from that point forward as I have said before, I have believed that little Caylee's death was swift and violent. :furious::sick::scream:
Throwing out again saliva/spit/backwash = testosterone in it. If KC intended to kill Caylee in such a violent manner. Poisoning her with basic household cleaning products (which is a horrible violent terrible way to die, like swallowing drano) then she/KC could have just picked up the gatorade bottle out of the trash/parking lot/etc...and filled it full of the mixture and tried to get her to drink it. When she would not. She duct taped her mouth shut and and injected the syringe into the mouth area...sorry for the graphic.

I'm not aware that prosecutors have evidence of a needle hole in the duct tape.

(Just a thought.)
Just wanted to send out a BIG thanks to Toughtelf and dogmom2joeaandwillie for helping decipher this. It's above my head.
I think chloroform is also used in preserving food for refrigeration. So, if you had a bag of oscar mayer pork or tyson chicken in your trunk, I suppose the juice left over in the bag could break down to coffin wax and produce coffin flies and l believe also that animal decomp produces chloroform.
I also am not so sure that the needle belonged to George. I would be very inclined to say that she stole it from Cindy, or from Gentiva or from some closet in the house where Cindy kept supplies. Looking through their house and seeing how they just seemed to have absolutely everything and were very anal about how they kept everything, I can't imagine that Cindy wouldn't have brought some home from work, but the testosterone is perplexing and leads one to believe that it had to be a used needle. But I am leaning more towards Ricardo or maybe (hopefully not) even Jesse. TonE seemed a little on the skinny side to be using steroids. So does Lee, but not a skinny as TonE. The reason that I am reluctant to point the finger at George (I know, if anyone needs some testosterone) is because of how particular Cindy is about everything. Being someone that has had to do injections and has children I only had Sharps containers that once you dropped the sharp in, it was gone, you couldn't get it back. The container had to be brought into the doctors and was sent off and they gave it back to me later. I actually bought 2 so that when one was being emptied I still had the other.

This is all very interesting but I'm thinking this is something Casey did without Cindy's knowledge. She (KC) did show up at Cindy's workplace fairly often and could have stolen the syringe out of the medical trash that would have been at the office. I'm assuming the nurses who went out on call had to account for their use of materials and probably brought them back to Gentiva. If KC knew about it or saw it, she might have snarfed it right there.

Perhaps someone who works in that field might know something about how home nurses dispose of their medical waste.

ThoughtfulElf and DogMom2JoeAndWillie,
Thank you both so much for your contributions!! I thought I was about ready to get to bed but now with you two working on this I find my adrenaline has spiked! I'll have to hang around a bit longer and see what you two discover. (. . .and maybe have a "nightcap" too) :dance:

You're too sweet! But don't get that adrenaline going yet, because I'll feel bad if I disappoint! I'm definitely up for a "nightcap" with you though!! I'll need one after all this reading, for sure!
I'm not aware that prosecutors have evidence of a needle hole in the duct tape.

(Just a thought.)

To be fair. Me neither. Just a theory. So, because it is only my theory...I can't claim I have evidence to support it. So I wouldn't. It was just a thought as to how (assuming the syringe/bottle/contents of) KC could have killed Caylee. Assuming she killed her. My best guess is, KC did it and with malice and some premeditation.

I always wanted to believe it was like a lot of other people thought...drugged her to quiet her...just wanted her to sleep...maybe just got really angry and killed her in a fit of passion...but if the syringe and bottle/contents of can be linked conclusively to KC...then for me, I can't speak for others, that just really blows me away. I never expected that the bottle would mean anything. As the place is a popular dump site for all kinds of people...but if it does and can be linked than it is pretty damaging. That along with the dead baby...not squirrels in KC's trunk. Pretty scary actually.
So...because this info was turned over to the defense...does it mean that it will be used by the SA...or does it mean they get results of all tests done regardless?
That would explain the "closeness" she has exhibited with certain members of the opposite sex...just saying.

Exactly...maybe using a little too much testosterone. Also could explain why George is suddenly getting tats and bling...just sayin'. :crazy:
Ok, now I think I've figured out what you're talking about. I had no idea what testing procedure (hair, serum, syringe, etc) you are looking at. I'm pretty behind and haven't read all the way through the documents, yet. I'm afraid I won't be much help until I get through them.

I sent you step by step w/ links :) We'll use your brain as long as you're willing. !!!!
I think chloroform is also used in preserving food for refrigeration. So, if you had a bag of oscar mayer pork or tyson chicken in your trunk, I suppose the juice left over in the bag could break down to coffin wax and produce coffin flies and l believe also that animal decomp produces chloroform.

Can you provide a link please? :waitasec:
TakeNote- looking over the hair sample report. How much information are you wanting me to give you about it? Do you want me to explain what LC-MS is, their method, the chromatographs, etc? Or do you want me to interpret/explain their results? Both? Just tell me what you need me to do and I'll try.
I think chloroform is also used in preserving food for refrigeration. So, if you had a bag of oscar mayer pork or tyson chicken in your trunk, I suppose the juice left over in the bag could break down to coffin wax and produce coffin flies and l believe also that animal decomp produces chloroform.

Huh??? There is no way this could happen. When is chloroform used in preserving food for refrigeration?
So...because this info was turned over to the defense...does it mean that it will be used by the SA...or does it mean they get results of all tests done regardless?

They get everything, regardless.

The chloroform in the syringe really bugs me...but I'm having trouble visualizing Casey injecting Caylee with it. But, on the otherhand, it's a really slow way of filling a container.
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