NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #13

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I've gone through crying and rage (probably lost a few friends here last night). But today, I feel hopeful in the caring of Brad's friend and father-in-law. They showed "it takes a village" in parenting our children. I'll never understand the why's but I still have faith that most of us are kind and generous people.
One more post and I am done for now.

There needs to be paternity testing when this baby of AD's is born. May be a toss up as to whether it is really Coe's, MAM's, or some 'johns'.


I agree with that...and also, sorry if I missed it, but was there ever a paternity test for Shaniya?
I know that I'm going to get chewed up one end and down the other but I'm going to say what I'm feeling anyway...Chew away...Over the past two or so days Shaniya's father is making me uneasy. It started with the vigil. Tonight he came out while his older son was being interviewd by Nancy. The SON was the one being interviewed not the dad. The way the dad carried on over the son during the interview gave me a funny feeling...not quite real but showy. Then he sits down beside his son during the rest of the interview. I guess it bothers me when a grieving parent seems to be looking for attention. Now I will keep quiet and see how this all plays out but I honestly think that the mother isn't the only one who can put on the dog and fool people.

You are not alone with your feelings as I felt this way also. There is a lot of "background baggage" here and now it appears as though it is being controlled.
last night on NG i found it weird how the dad came out during the interview, with his arm around his son etc...
i thought it was 'acting' and jmo, but it looked fake, attention seeking
i dont understand the relationship between the dad and AD, were they married? was it a one-night stand?
i dont know, something is fishy....and i dont care how much money shaniya's dad had
Did anyone notice that there was a forced break-in at both MAM and his girlfriend's home right around the time of MAM's arrest? Two possible scenarios: they want his drugs or they are attempting to get evidence out of the homes. - type in their street name in the Location field.
I agree with you, Bobbisangel.

I sat with my mouth hanging open when I saw the video of the vigil with the Dad. It did not even seem like the same man, and he even pronounced his words differently. I thought that he was on the verge of a breakdown.

Then we see him in the video of today and he seems to be an entirely different man. He speaks calmly and no accent like he had last night. It is almost as if he is two different people.

Then we have the NG show tonight and we see the behavior you have mentioned. I am very concerned about this. I do not think he had anything to do with Shaniya's death at all, but I do not like what I am seeing of him and the aunt right now. Conflicting stories. I just get the feeling that he and the aunt knew that Shaniya was not safe at her egg donors house and did not do enough to keep her safe. JMO.

Now everyone can be mad at me also. I just have a bad feeling that we will be hearing more that we do not like.

And please; no one come at me about how it must feel to lose a child. I know full well how it feels. I lost my only son in an accident - he was on a motorcycle coming to Thanksgiving dinner at home when a drunk driver hit him. That will be 10 years ago this Thanksgiving. I am well versed in grief.

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for your loss :( You and your family will be in my prayers, especially this and every other Thanksgiving. (((hugs)))

As far as the father appearing so different, I have to wonder if he's not on some heavy duty sedatives? Each time one of these high profile cases come out involving children, the parents or grandparents (hello, Cindy Anthony), or "caregiver" (Misty Croslin) appear so calm; TV appearances, vigils, you name it. Times where the rest of us say that we'd be inconsolable and collapsed on the floor. I wonder if these people involved in these cases are prescribed some type of meds right away. What does everyone else think?
It sure looks like there was already some bad blood between Brad and his ex FIL. I thought I had seen or read somewhere that there were custody issues with the other kids.

Yesterday Shaniya's Sister was saying she never thought AD would ever do something like, she's so sweet, soft spoken, whatever. Today she says Shaniya came home with a burn on the corner of her eye from AD's mother.

I don't know how much to believe from any of them. Did they call DSS when Shaniya was seen with the burns? If they did, why was she left there?

Brad, well, my views are changing on him.

I agree. These poeple are now voicing their concerns about possible physical abuse when visiting her mother, I wonder if these were reported to Child Services at this time? I know they are not releasing any reoprts incase it inteferes with the investigation, but if what they are saying is true then hopefully they would all would have been on the phone every single day to them saying that Shaniya was going to live with her mother in an unsuitable (obvioulsy a complete understatement) eviroment.
Did anyone notice that there was a forced break-in at both MAM and his girlfriend's home right around the time of MAM's arrest? Two possible scenarios: they want his drugs or they are attempting to get evidence out of the homes. - type in their street name in the Location field.

I saw that and the interpretation that I came away with was that somebody kicked open the front door mid-morning and left rather quickly when they saw somebody was in the home. The 2nd incident looked to me like the baby (listed as the victim) was being neglected - so it looks like someone called with concerns that the baby of AA was being neglected?
Will someone please post the link to the vigil so I can see the father.. I've looked everywhere and cannot find it... TYIA
Thanks for the link.

I'm trying not to speculate, but why are all these people saying they offered to let Shaniya stay with them when the girl had a aunt and dad that she stayed with?

Supposedly Dad was telling them he was sending her to live with her mother because AD needed to learn how to be one. People asked him not to and offered her to take her.
I've had a very difficult time with this case... very difficult time. Yesterday when her body was found... and where.. and how...I can't even type it.... I was devastated...
I truly hope the mother faces murder charges the same as the worthless piece of trash that did this to that baby.

I don't know what to say about her father... I feel sorry for him. I think he has made a terrible mistake in sending her to her mother as we all know.... as a single parent myself I can only say for myself, there would have been no way I would have ever sent my child to their other parent for any unsupervised overnight visitation knowing there had been drug issues in the past, previous DFCS visits on the parent....without doing a complete history into their life making sure what they were now telling me was true, and knowing who they were associating with and their background history... and I would have supervised visits and court mediation as well. But hindsight is 20/20 now. :(
Supposedly Dad was telling them he was sending her to live with her mother because AD needed to learn how to be one. People asked him not to and offered her to take her.

That is a huge cry from "she wanted to be a mother" JMHO
I agree. These poeple are now voicing their concerns about possible physical abuse when visiting her mother, I wonder if these were reported to Child Services at this time? I know they are not releasing any reoprts incase it inteferes with the investigation, but if what they are saying is true then hopefully they would all would have been on the phone every single day to them saying that Shaniya was going to live with her mother in an unsuitable (obvioulsy a complete understatement) eviroment.

Possibly Brad led them to believe he was handling any concerns being the father and to stay out of it.
From Norwegian: "LIFE IS COMPLEX AND IT'S TWISTING AND TURNING NON-STOP. It's funny how an act of a second can change millions of acts after."

WTH does that actually mean?
I think 9/11 would be a good example.

The one second it took the first plane to crash into the Tower 2 at the World Trade Center changed the course of not just our government, but millions of individual lives- the people who died, the people who survived, the people who decided to join the military because of the events this day, their families, the people in other countries living in war zones, and on and on.

The single moment of impact changed the course of history, like the ripples in a pond after a pebble strikes the water.

That's my take on that sentence. I could be wrong.
I've had a very difficult time with this case... very difficult time. Yesterday when her body was found... and where.. and how...I can't even type it.... I was devastated...
I truly hope the mother faces murder charges the same as the worthless piece of trash that did this to that baby.

I don't know what to say about her father... I feel sorry for him. I think he has made a terrible mistake in sending her to her mother as we all know.... as a single parent myself I can only say for myself, there would have been no way I would have ever sent my child to their other parent for any unsupervised overnight visitation knowing there had been drug issues in the past, previous DFCS visits on the parent....without doing a complete history into their life making sure what they were now telling me was true, and knowing who they were associating with and their background history... and I would have supervised visits and court mediation as well. But hindsight is 20/20 now. :(

Ya know, above and beyond why he didn't (as far as we know) check into things about AD's life and living arrangements, I would like to know why he needed Shaniya to live else where. I don't understand this part, especially given how all of the other children are living elsewhere and not with him.
His job is no excuse to me..there are other jobs out there..
It seems to me from the people around him, that he needed someone to take Shaniya and even though others offered, he felt it best that it was her mother.. Why did he need someone else to take care of Shaniya?
K. So Brad killed her, or sold her, or arranged for it? It's all his fault? Got it. AD is totally an innocent bystander, McNeill was framed? Got it. It's all Brad's fault. My bad that I listen to LE/FBI/Fed. Marshall's. Brad knew everything, plotted and planned a way to get rid of his daughter.

(Not just to you, but to all that think Brad was behind all this).

Night. Hope you all sleep well and get the up/down elevator thing figured out.

Excuse me and I hope I do not get banned for this but when I smell an enabler my hair stand up straight as if I put my finger in an electric socket.

My heart went out to this father, I cried real tears watching him at the cry and be held up. the meaning may God Forgive those who do not know better NOW has new meaning in my book...such as "May go forgive me for being so ignorant".

But the fact that he may have known or even suspected one cigarette burn on that child and he still allowed her to go live with her Mom is unconscionable to me.
It is not all Brads fault, and maybe his in laws don't like him and made it all up, but his own teen age daughter saw a cigarette burn on the baby. Something is terribly wrong with this picture.
allowing Shaniya to go there is not loving, it is not caring, it is not responsible, and it is puzzling at best.
but I cant stick up for him and pretend he did anything right.
So the way you are asking "now it is all his fault" is in fact very enabling in my minds eye, and it :furious: me.
That is a huge cry from "she wanted to be a mother" JMHO

Have you noticed that when he's confronted with a statement that conflicts with his version he says it's speculation? Odd way to put it IMO. Doesn't he know whether they are true or not?
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