UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #3

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Susan is most likely dead, as we all know. I think it is SO disrespectful to her to let this go on for so long. In most cases, when the POI has such a STUPID story, they would interrogate that person on and on -- it seems that he is not getting the same treatment as another husband in the same circumstance.

Really, really, really - if someone else in a different part of the country had come up with this unbelievable story, they would be interrogated for hours and hours -- unbelievable. With all of our technology - we can't get to the truth? I cannot help believing that the church that is so present in that area has delayed blame and charging. I'm so sick for those children.
Ok, wow, it took me like an hour to go through all the posts since I was lastr on here.
That "sworn to secrecy" post probably was a phony. Anyone can write any old thing, maybe trying to stir up the dust.
As far as Mr. Cox saying something about not understanding why Josh went to the vigil - IMOO he has kept very civil and has not said a bad word about JP. But he can say whatever he wants, he is the missing woman's father, and I think he has been overly gracious with his remarks.
Poison can be found in many bodily fluids/ organs/hair/eye fluid, etc. and I'm sure these samples were taken at autopsy, but will not be available for awhile. Even a one time dose will show for most drugs.
Finally, people around the couple are coming out with statements about the status of the marriage, stuff we on here have been speculating about since the beginning. A friend said on TV JP was controlling, they fought constantly.
Joshy showed up IMO because he thought it would look better for him to the public. Even if he said not a word to anyone. Kinda lame, Josh. Obviously not a heartfelt action.
Josh is more comfortable staying with his father SP, with whom he has remained close and appears to agree with Josh's lifestyle. Utah was getting too antagonistic and anti-Josh.
I tend to agree with those here believing that it is only a matter of time until forensics come back, and an arrest will be made.
LE, believe it, is following Joshypoo 24/7. He isn't going anywhere without surveillance.
I know it is difficult to sit and wait for him to be arrested, but LE must have all their ducks in a row so JP does not go free on some sort of technicality or poor case development of the prosecution.
Joshua Powell is a liar, control freak, angry macho loser. And - a murderer IMOO. :loser:
Susan is most likely dead, as we all know. I think it is SO disrespectful to her to let this go on for so long. In most cases, when the POI has such a STUPID story, they would interrogate that person on and on -- it seems that he is not getting the same treatment as another husband in the same circumstance.

Really, really, really - if someone else in a different part of the country had come up with this unbelievable story, they would be interrogated for hours and hours -- unbelievable. With all of our technology - we can't get to the truth? I cannot help believing that the church that is so present in that area has delayed blame and charging. I'm so sick for those children.

They questioned him till he cried for a lawyer. Once you have a lawyer, police can no longer interrogate you for hours. They want to talk to Josh, they have more questions for him.. He just refuses to answer any specific questions. He did answer "general ones" through his lawyer.

Josh's parent's divorce proceedings with regards to the children. Could a WS legal eagle explain what all this is about? Thanks!
I see confidential reports (sealed record) which usually involves children. I see that the wife lost her attorney. Steven Powell was trying to get custody of the children. And above all, I see they could not come to any agreements so he litigated it to death. (IMHO he litigated it since she apparently didn't have enough money to keep attorney). Lots of motions to compel, meaning they asked for information from one party and they refused to give it. Motions for show cause to determine why one party did not do as they were legally required. It's a mess....

But it's very similar to the abusive litigious attorney that I divorced...

Anyone with an NPD X out there care to elaborate on the similarities of their divorce???
Susan is most likely dead, as we all know. I think it is SO disrespectful to her to let this go on for so long. In most cases, when the POI has such a STUPID story, they would interrogate that person on and on -- it seems that he is not getting the same treatment as another husband in the same circumstance.

Really, really, really - if someone else in a different part of the country had come up with this unbelievable story, they would be interrogated for hours and hours -- unbelievable. With all of our technology - we can't get to the truth? I cannot help believing that the church that is so present in that area has delayed blame and charging. I'm so sick for those children.
The church has nothing to do with LE....

We've all kind of agreed (right Dom??) to keep religion out of this to the point of blaming the actual church.....
I see confidential reports (sealed record) which usually involves children. I see that the wife lost her attorney. Steven Powell was trying to get custody of the children. And above all, I see they could not come to any agreements so he litigated it to death. (IMHO he litigated it since she apparently didn't have enough money to keep attorney). Lots of motions to compel, meaning they asked for information from one party and they refused to give it. Motions for show cause to determine why one party did not do as they were legally required. It's a mess....

But it's very similar to the abusive litigious attorney that I divorced...

Anyone with an NPD X out there care to elaborate on the similarities of their divorce???

In a no fault divorse state it took me 5 years to get a divorse from a less than 5 year marriage without children..........he kept FIRING his attorneys!!!
Finally he gave up. He even stole my car because it was in his name!!!
In a no fault divorse state it took me 5 years to get a divorse from a less than 5 year marriage without children..........he kept FIRING his attorneys!!!
Finally he gave up. He even stole my car because it was in his name!!!
Just about the same here.... my X filed motion before I could, he charged me with abusing him and his son. Later I would get copies of emails between him and his attorney where the attorney (knowing husband had no legal right to abandon me and home), asked him if there would be any way his son would say I was abusive on the stand... His second attorney accidently gave pages and pages of scheming emails to me....lol... Let X just try to run for office... lol.... (oh and by the way, if I end up missing, MY X HUSBAND DID IT!!!)
Just about the same here.... my X filed motion before I could, he charged me with abusing him and his son. Later I would get copies of emails between him and his attorney where the attorney (knowing husband had no legal right to abandon me and home), asked him if there would be any way his son would say I was abusive on the stand... His second attorney accidently gave pages and pages of scheming emails to me....lol... Let X just try to run for office... lol.... (oh and by the way, if I end up missing, MY X HUSBAND DID IT!!!)

DURING THE DEATH OF Nicole Simpson, I heard she kept a safety deposit box in secret with a diary also, saying OJ killed her if she ended up dead......I did the same thing and gave the key to my best friend. It didn't do any good for NS but hearsay law is passed for Kathleen Savio........Thank heavens!!!
Prime News

DomCasual - I want to ask you honestly -- do you think that the people close to Susan who knew the truth -- to you think that they held back because of the beliefs of their church? Were they just "trying to believe the best"? Do you think, in any way, that because of the population and influence in that area of the church -- maybe that's why this is so slow going? That this is influencing LE in any way?

As far as her friends and family knowing - I really doubt it. I'm sure everyone close to her realized there were problems. But I doubt anyone of them thought he would be capable of something like this. And I tend to think that people just generally avoid discussing others' marital problems. Of course, everyone probably wishes they had done something in hindsight.

As for the investigation, I don't think the area or the church has anything to do with that. I could see that happening with a place like Colorado City, where there are a lot of FLDS people. But West Valley City is a modern suburb. People here are interested in getting justice for Susan. Look at the comments attached to any of the local media coverage of the story. They are universally negative, as it pertains to Josh. Susan's bishop has been at all the prayer vigils, and her stake (sort of a regional organization of members) has been implicitly involved with a lot of the search efforts. Assuming he's arrested and convicted, he will be excommunicated from the church - which will be among the least of his problems.
As far as her friends and family knowing - I really doubt it. I'm sure everyone close to her realized there were problems. But I doubt anyone of them thought he would be capable of something like this. And I tend to think that people just generally avoid discussing others' marital problems. Of course, everyone probably wishes they had done something in hindsight.

As for the investigation, I don't think the area or the church has anything to do with that. I could see that happening with a place like Colorado City, where there are a lot of FLDS people. But West Valley City is a modern suburb. People here are interested in getting justice for Susan. Look at the comments attached to any of the local media coverage of the story. They are universally negative, as it pertains to Josh. Susan's bishop has been at all the prayer vigils, and her stake (sort of a regional organization of members) has been implicitly involved with a lot of the search efforts. Assuming he's arrested and convicted, he will be excommunicated from the church - which will be among the least of his problems.
Dom - Domestic Violence is not a marital problem and shouldn't be treated as such. It's very dangerous to put a couple into "marital/couples counseling" when there is abuse suspected. Marital counseling assumes that there are issues with both individuals that jointly worked with, can enhance and improve the marriage. Here is a link to a copy of a report written by a licensed clinical psychologist listing the reasons why marital counseling should never be used in a suspected abusive marriage, it's very interesting folks:

What about this
Some people say 'it will be ok.'
People just can't believe there are very bad evil people around us daily.
I think because my X gaslighted me, allot of people thought I made up stuff
because it was so bizarre!
I would say very few people took Susan real serious.
They saw Josh in a different light.
What happens behind closed doors is a whole other world.
You really have to live it to believe it all.
Dom - Domestic Violence is not a marital problem and shouldn't be treated as such. It's very dangerous to put a couple into "marital/couples counseling" when there is abuse suspected. Marital counseling assumes that there are issues with both individuals that jointly worked with, can enhance and improve the marriage. Here is a link to a copy of a report written by a licensed clinical psychologist listing the reasons why marital counseling should never be used in a suspected abusive marriage, it's very interesting folks:


And if you know there is abuse happening in a marriage, then you try and help. But how do you know, if neither party says anything?

To my knowledge, there isn't a single one of their friends that have used the word "abuse" when describing their marriage. They've said he was controlling, and strange. But they haven't said, "I could see him doing this, because he was abusing her."

None of her friends were able to use hindsight in evaluating the situation. They probably all thought the marriage was at best off. But I doubt a single one of them said, "You know, I worry she might turn up missing or killed one day."
What about this
Some people say 'it will be ok.'
People just can't believe there are very bad evil people around us daily.
I think because my X gaslighted me, allot of people thought I made up stuff
because it was so bizarre!
I would say very few people took Susan real serious.
They saw Josh in a different light.
What happens behind closed doors is a whole other world.
You really have to live it to believe it all.
Amen, lady.... People don't want to believe that anybody could really be that cruel to a loved one.... and the narcissistic psychopath knows that as well and uses it to his advantage. Very intelligent creatures, really... just evil to the core.
Dog the bounty hunter called Josh STUPID!

Let's hope and pray he's not so stupid that he gets away with murdering his wife. The true test of his stupidity, or lack thereof, will be where he spends the lion's share of the rest of his days on earth.
Blue cap interview...Josh is searching for words as he talks.........hesitation in speech.
Unless Susan told people that Josh was abusing her, and there were no bruises or outward signs, how was the person/persons recommending counsilling supposed to know? Has anyone said that Susan said Josh was physically abusing her?
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