RIP-Actor Gary Coleman has passed away 28 May 2010

Well, I certainly hope NO ONE helps this woman out financially. I know she got the money for the pictures, but most likely she'll blow through that in no time. What a horrible, horrible person.

This is probably a dumb question, but could Gary Coleman's estate sue her. She wasn't his spouse at the time of his death, she's not a blood relative. Basically, legally (or in my eyes) she was just a person there that took advantage and violated a dying man's privacy.
Hoping and praying that she is simply someone who was taking advantage of an opportunity rather than someone who caused the situation in the first place.

In the old days they would have held an inquest. Would love love to see Shannon on the stand.....
Hoping and praying that she is simply someone who was taking advantage of an opportunity rather than someone who caused the situation in the first place.

In the old days they would have held an inquest. Would love love to see Shannon on the stand.....

I read somewhere (no link, sorry, I can google if anyone needs) that LE isnt looking at this as anything suspicious, I dont know....I dont know....I know they like to keep it quiet until they know if they have enough to charge but that alibi-giving, excuse-riddled 911 call then shopping death photos etc really smell bad to me...
Read on Perez Hilton that Shannon has been locked out of the house...
I hope that is the case....she must have known that she would be cut out after the "secret divorce."
Isn't it true that Gary was awake for a small period of time when he was at the hospital?
I'm thinking that if he was then he'd be able to tell someone what happened IF someone had caused his injury. If he didn't do that then I'd have to believe that it really was just a terrible accident.

If she has been locked out of the home I'll expect to hear another sob story from her about how now she's homeless. Well she can just go use some of her ill-gotten money from selling the pictures and go wherever she wants so I'm not giving her any sympathy.

Isn't it true that Gary was awake for a small period of time when he was at the hospital?
I'm thinking that if he was then he'd be able to tell someone what happened IF someone had caused his injury. If he didn't do that then I'd have to believe that it really was just a terrible accident.

If she has been locked out of the home I'll expect to hear another sob story from her about how now she's homeless. Well she can just go use some of her ill-gotten money from selling the pictures and go wherever she wants so I'm not giving her any sympathy.


I read on TMZ that the estate administrator had her locked out because she was removing items from the house without authorization before it was inventoried.

I really was trying to give this woman the benefit of the doubt. She is an obvious and complete airhead with feelings about as deep as a drop of water in the sink. I do not believe that she did anything to directly cause his death....but she certainly is trying to make a quick buck anyway that she can off of his death. It is absolutely appalling and shows me how little she cared for Gary as a person. How very sad that she was the only one with him when he had the accident.
Isn't it true that Gary was awake for a small period of time when he was at the hospital?
I'm thinking that if he was then he'd be able to tell someone what happened IF someone had caused his injury. If he didn't do that then I'd have to believe that it really was just a terrible accident.

If she has been locked out of the home I'll expect to hear another sob story from her about how now she's homeless. Well she can just go use some of her ill-gotten money from selling the pictures and go wherever she wants so I'm not giving her any sympathy.


Yes, he was conscious for at least a short time after he was hospitalized. However it is not unusual for a victim of head trauma to not remember how they were injured
Yes, he was conscious for at least a short time after he was hospitalized. However it is not unusual for a victim of head trauma to not remember how they were injured

Very true. With head trauma, it would not be unusual for someone to have no idea what had happened. Just today I was watching Anderson Cooper and one guy who was injured in the explosion said he had no memory of what had happened at all.
Isn't it true that Gary was awake for a small period of time when he was at the hospital?
I'm thinking that if he was then he'd be able to tell someone what happened IF someone had caused his injury. If he didn't do that then I'd have to believe that it really was just a terrible accident.

If she has been locked out of the home I'll expect to hear another sob story from her about how now she's homeless. Well she can just go use some of her ill-gotten money from selling the pictures and go wherever she wants so I'm not giving her any sympathy.


On the 911 tape it sounded like he was asking "What happened?". I don't think he remembered the accident.
I think this is where it gets dicey for sure. I am hard pressed to believe she caused it in any way simply because she called 911 and threw him a towel. Maybe some of us would have handled it differently, but it was something. Keep in my the paramedics had him walk to the ambulance if that part of the report is correct. My layman's understanding of his injury is that is was similar to Redgrave's-the hemorrage snuck up on them. Quickly. Gary had a seizures in the last few months, so this was coming I think...
So Shannon sells the photo of Gary on his death bed. I bet she had NO inclination that the GLOBE was going to implicate her in his murder. I am only posting this picture so you can see that nice little smirk on her face. At first, I was against the globe putting it on the cover, but now I'm glad. I hope she catches the attention of the world and LE and a deep investigation is made.

RIP Gary - you deserve a world of happiness in heaven.


Publicly published on this site (no copyright infringement):


OMG, thank you for posting that picture. It just shows that most likely (giving her the benefit of the doubt...why I don't know) had no love or respect for Gary Coleman. Number one, why in the h*ll would you want a picture of your loved one like that, and then to sell the pictures!!! I'm surprised she doesn't have a smile and thumbs up as she's leaning into the picture.


BTW, I think Gary and Shannon did have a violent relationship so it's possible this happened during an argument. Then again, with the health problems he had he may have just fallen on his own.
That headline with the photo is absolutely what she deserves.

I originally said I would never ever give money to the tabloid that purchased that picture. But using it that way makes me want to send them a couple of bucks.

She is a horrible woman. Have you heard the interview where she says in response to why pull the plug sooo quickly, "he was going to die sooner or later". WHAT!?!?!?! We are all going to die eventually.
I was wondering if the poor soul had to stand on something to be able to prepare food for her and he took a tumble, imo S's own words and actions are suspicious, no-one said she pushed him. Karma will get her sooner or later.
That headline with the photo is absolutely what she deserves.

I originally said I would never ever give money to the tabloid that purchased that picture. But using it that way makes me want to send them a couple of bucks.

She is a horrible woman. Have you heard the interview where she says in response to why pull the plug sooo quickly, "he was going to die sooner or later". WHAT!?!?!?! We are all going to die eventually.

Me too - I thought it would be a sob story about Shannon. Then I saw the headline, and said "YES"! She is probably so beside herself right now, no home, no car, no nothing. If she sold this picture - she's getting everything she deserves.

I grew up with Gary Coleman - he was my favorite (okay I'm aging myself). But he was the cutest actor. I just wish life could have continued that way for him.

Shannon will get hers - it's called Karma.


I will hunt down the link and post it here, but Gary's estate executor and former manager, is calling Gary's death foul play. He's really gunning for Shannon's behind.
Oh also per Todd Bridges, Gary has a huge pension with SAG. At age 55, Todd is set to start receiving 150K a year and he's sure Gary would get more than that.

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