Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Good grief, enough is enough, they need to resolve this case. :(

I agree, but if Terri is truly not involved, that might well never happen. Unless LE has been very diligent behind the scenes while the whole world condemned her...they may be making a bit of late second effort on the RSO's, other possibilities, checking with other states for similar crimes, etc...
It's beyond me how anyone could even remotely think that Kaine was involved in Kyron's disappearance in any way. This is very much a heartbroken man who would probably lay down and die right now if he thought it would bring Kyron home. It was very pitiful to watch.
Who is "we" when Kaine talks about "we're putting up shelves" for the stuffed animals, etc? Is Kaine including Desiree in the preparation of Kyron's room for the homecoming, or does "we" refer to other family members? Just curious...

I think he mentioned he and his Dad visiting the Wall of Hope a couple of times a I assume it's Kaine's father that is helping him with the shelves.
How pitiful for this family especially KH and DY....I don't think he can take many more probing questions from reporters....he is tougher than I am as I think I would be screaming about now.....God bless him.
Kaine Horman at the Wall of Hope






Ruby, as I look at those pictures, and even watching the video, my heart went out to Kaine. It must be awful to not have any privacy when he goes to the Wall of Hope to check on it. I wonder if the reporters are camped out at the school or nearby, and circle in like vultures at any sign of activity. Such a shame that Kaine doesn't seem to be able to have any solitude when he goes there. This is such a personal thing he's going through and so much has been made public.
Wow - that was heart-melting. I apprecited the reporter, not being too pushy, but asking about Kyron. I know she tried to get a couple of Terri questions in there, but backed off. You can clearly see a man with a huge broken heart.



That was a very heart-braking interview, and I agree, the reporter did an excellent job. A good reporter needs empathy and to know when to back off and not ask questions as much as letting the person express themselves.
It's my earnest prayer that whoever is responsible for Kyron's disappearance watches that video and feels the desperation that is coming off Kaine in waves. Maybe they will discover that they still have a heart and will, at least, let someone know where this baby is. Please, God, let it be so.
IMO Kaine seemed very different in this video than any other video thats been released thus far. To me, his demeanor has completely changed (and am not meaning in any derogatory type of way).

I felt he seemed much more agitated, ESPECIALLY on any Terri subject(which IMO is COMPLETELY understandable, as I too would be at my wits end if I thought there was someone who had information that would lead to my child that has been missing for almost 7weeks and that person was not coming clean).. I feel as tho either he has learned of something new that would indicate a negative outcome concerning Kyron or possibly it IS JUST with this amount of time that has passed that the frustration is coming to a boiling point(which as I said would be COMPLETELY MORE THAN UNDERSTANDABLE considering the situation)...

But I did definitely get a whole different "vibe" coming from him in this raw video that I have not seen from him thus far...IMO..MOO
Did anyone else notice the children playing on the playground in the background...that just ripped my heart out. Kyron should be running around playing happily...where is he!
Ruby, as I look at those pictures, and even watching the video, my heart went out to Kaine. It must be awful to not have any privacy when he goes to the Wall of Hope to check on it. I wonder if the reporters are camped out at the school or nearby, and circle in like vultures at any sign of activity. Such a shame that Kaine doesn't seem to be able to have any solitude when he goes there. This is such a personal thing he's going through and so much has been made public.

The video and pics were heart wrenching.
Did anyone else notice the children playing on the playground in the background...that just ripped my heart out. Kyron should be running around playing happily...where is he!

I did, and it ripped my heart out too. That video was hard to watch. I just wanted to give the guy a hug.
Am I the only one that has problems w/ this site when I try to watch videos? For some reason it does absolutely nothing when I click on either play button.
I think that KH did an excellent job handling the reporters may the Almighty continue to give him strength through this ordeal
Am I the only one that has problems w/ this site when I try to watch videos? For some reason it does absolutely nothing when I click on either play button.

It does the same thing to me when I try to view it using my Chrome browser. If I open it in Internet Explorer, it works fine. You might try using a different browser.
wonder what that last question or was the reporter just thanking him at the very end before it cut to scenes of Kaine putting up the red beads? (I couldn't hear the reporter's q's w/o turning the volume up so high that Kaine's voice was blasting so I settled for just listening to Kaine's answers)

when his voice broke and he quickly looked down as if to stop the tears, I wanted to just reach through the screen and hug him so tight
SmoothOperator;5432758]IMO Kaine seemed very different in this video than any other video thats been released thus far. To me, his demeanor has completely changed (and am not meaning in any derogatory type of way).

I felt he seemed much more agitated

:respectfully snipped

Its understandable, imo. This is not an 'official' interview, presser, Q&A, etc. This is a private moment and there are things he wants to get done here. He's 'turned off' - in his private outfit, not the public one. In addition, you have to wonder if the press tries to talk to him every time he goes there. Its a shame they couldn't respect his privacy. Its not like he hasn't not given the press time recently for questions and thoughts.
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