Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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A glimpse of Kaine, the dad today in this very touching video of a father who's finally moved his baby back into their home after fleeing it three weeks ago. He is once again in Kyron's home, surrounded by Kyron's things, and is finally able to let his guard down a bit, breath a little, hope a little, grieve a little.

I see Kaine is leaving red beads for letter writers. I did not know that - and that touched me more than almost anything. There's real reaching out and communication in that gesture. Genuine gesture of gratitude for support.

This father's grieving continues. And perhaps his anger is dissipating. I feel his profound sadness, even as he dares to hope.

I feel like Kaine was extremely gracious. Even while not taking the bait to continue to rail against Terri. Kyron can be proud of him today.
What is the meaning of the red beads, does anyone know?

I wonder if it's Kyron's favorite color. I took at as a thank you from Kyron & family - a set of beads for each letter hung on the wall.

I could be wrong, but it looked to me like each letter got a set of beads.
Um, 3.01 in the video. Interviewer asks if he noticed any warning signs. And, he answers no, but "I don't want to talk about Terri right now," w/o any prompting. He says it a couple of times after that.

I've never seen Kaine that emotional. :(
Well I created the thread, and was going to transcribe the questions, and my internet went out for a couple hours. I'm too tired to transcribe now, but here are paraphrases:

Reporter: Is anything changed in the house?

Kaine: No

Reporter: Did you notice any warning signs in weeks before disappearance?

Kaine: Not really.

Reporter: Was Kyron supposed to be in talent show?

Kaine: Not aware of the talent show.

Reporter: Did family members plan on attending talent show?

Kaine: No

Reporter: What will it take to get Terri to cooperate?

Kaine: I don't know. I'm here for Kyron. I don't want to talk about Terri.

Reporter: Anything else you want the public to know?

Kaine: Aside from we love him and miss him, no.


It was terribly sad when he started crying. He's a man who's really been kicked in the gut. I'm so glad he's going for counseling, and I hope he has lots of family and friends around him to carry him through all this shock and trauma.

From the question where he says he doesn't want to talk about Terri but to focus on Kyron, and the question where he just says he doesn't know to what will it take to get Terri to talk, I think he's just had it with all the Terri madness.

Since LE is asking for questions to answer and holding the upcoming presser, I think in that 3 hour meeting, they might have made an agreement that LE will take over answering questions for a while.

I think this man has just had it, and maybe the initial shock has passed and it's all just starting to hit him now, hence the breaking down and crying.

They may also have given him some new info in the meeting. I don't know. I just think this man has had it. Maybe he could get out of town with family this weekend and take the baby and just get a breather and get a second wind.

It's awfully sad.
I wonder what sort of news LE could have given him that would make him seem as though hope is probably gone...I would almost say that maybe they found Kyron but then I think we'd see Desiree and Tony up in Portland with him. Still something seems different. Maybe he was told that LE finally confirmed that a witness or witnesses saw her leave alone with Kyron? I am just guessing here...but he seemed far more in a grieving mode than we've seen before.
Yet I still can't figure out what Terri would be charged with for leaving with Kyron, if it is Terri. Absconding with a child, endangering a child, etc.? I can't think of any similar case where someone who could probably legally take a child is charged for anything less than murder, but it seems too soon for that, unless he has been found.
:respectfully snipped

Its understandable, imo. This is not an 'official' interview, presser, Q&A, etc. This is a private moment and there are things he wants to get done here. He's 'turned off' - in his private outfit, not the public one. In addition, you have to wonder if the press tries to talk to him every time he goes there. Its a shame they couldn't respect his privacy. Its not like he hasn't not given the press time recently for questions and thoughts.

On the flip side, the more he's in the public eye, the more attention the case is getting, the greater the chance that someone may remember something crucial to solving the case.
Ruby, as I look at those pictures, and even watching the video, my heart went out to Kaine. It must be awful to not have any privacy when he goes to the Wall of Hope to check on it. I wonder if the reporters are camped out at the school or nearby, and circle in like vultures at any sign of activity. Such a shame that Kaine doesn't seem to be able to have any solitude when he goes there. This is such a personal thing he's going through and so much has been made public.

Though, in a way, it would be worse to have privacy, because that would mean no one cared about Kyron's case any more. I have no doubt KH has his private time to think of Kyron - the Wall is specifically for keeping the case in the public eye, and to show the media that people still care about Kyron.

Public attention can be awful, I agree - but if it's a community saying, "We care about this missing child," that might very well be comforting in a way, IMO.

Wishing and hoping for Kyron. :frog:
I think he mentioned he and his Dad visiting the Wall of Hope a couple of times a I assume it's Kaine's father that is helping him with the shelves.

I hope so. It would be good to have a link for this one, as there seems to be like zero on his parents. Anybody?
He'd probably like to be there alone just once, but if it happens, that too might be too sad, as you said, Duck.
What is the meaning of the red beads, does anyone know?

This might be coincidental, but the Masai of Western Africa put red beads in their story chains for lost/dead/missed male children (green for girls). It's a stretch, but that coincidence hit me. Perhaps they have West African friends or family members. (That's all from memory from an old cultural anthro class, BTW, so take it for what it's worth.)
Kaine is in my personal prayers as I head for bed. What he is going thru is simply horrible.
Who is "we" when Kaine talks about "we're putting up shelves" for the stuffed animals, etc? Is Kaine including Desiree in the preparation of Kyron's room for the homecoming, or does "we" refer to other family members? Just curious...
I would guess that his mom and/or dad have come to help comfort him and babysit the toddler when needed.
This video ripped my heart out. :cry:

Kaine is obviously broken hearted over Kyron. I saw a Father who loves his son very much and so wants him back home. I pray this happens for Kyron, Kaine, Desiree and Tony.

And for anyone having their doubts about Kaine, I think this video speaks to that issue.

Where oh where are you Little Man Kyron?

I would guess that his mom and/or dad have come to help comfort him and babysit the toddler when needed.

I certainly pray so Pensfan.
Kaine needs some loving family around him now.

I thought we learned over the weekend on some other thread that his parents could no longer have time off from work? Something like that? Does anyone recall where that came from?
I watched a video that Kaine said he had been working remotely a few hours a week and wanted/needed to work more.
And Desiree and Tony went back to their home I assumed to begin working some too.

I wonder what sort of news LE could have given him that would make him seem as though hope is probably gone...I would almost say that maybe they found Kyron but then I think we'd see Desiree and Tony up in Portland with him. Still something seems different. Maybe he was told that LE finally confirmed that a witness or witnesses saw her leave alone with Kyron? I am just guessing here...but he seemed far more in a grieving mode than we've seen before.
Yet I still can't figure out what Terri would be charged with for leaving with Kyron, if it is Terri. Absconding with a child, endangering a child, etc.? I can't think of any similar case where someone who could probably legally take a child is charged for anything less than murder, but it seems too soon for that, unless he has been found.

ITA - it's another emotion we see from Kaine tonight. We've seen it briefly here and there before. But he sucks it up and it's gone. Why different? He was alone, at Kyron's Wall for one thing. He was surrounded by loving thoughts for his little boy. There was no Desiree to be brave for. The reporter, a woman. She asked the right kind of questions. The heartfelt ones. He chose those to answer.

The other thing I realized was he's been back home a few days with the baby, with Kyron's things. He fled his home 3 weeks ago and had been fighting like he-- to get himself and baby back to where Kyron should also be. And now he's there. Baby's home. Some relief, I would imagine. Some comfort, yet a great emptiness for Kyron being home. Perhaps he has moved from fight mode and anger to grief.

I hope there's a loving circle of support at home with him & baby these next weeks...I have a feeling there is.

(((Kyron & his whole Family))) :grouphug: (((WS-ers as we feel Kaine's pain)))
My gosh what a heartbreaking video. I found it difficult to watch Kaine struggling to keep it all together. Underneath the structure of an organized man lies a very vulnerable man, and that's what I saw on the video. A million hugs to all those who are missing their little ones and loved one. We all want justice for Kyron! :heart:
On ABC News, in the article linked below, it is stated that RED is Kyron's favorite color:

My thoughts on this:
I agree that Kaine appears stoic, and even though he speaks of Kyron coming home, he no longer seems to believe in it. This is heart-wrenching to view.
How ironic that his choice of subject for the science fair was the red-eyed tree frog. How awful that his disappearance could be truthfully explained by his red-haired step-mother.
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