If no one at school "saw" anything..why not?

I don't think people saw him and his friends touring the exhibits after she left because if they did LE wouldn't be reporting that she was the last known person to see him. If Kyron left with Terri maybe they used different exits or something but I think they must have left at about the same time if it's true that he was last seen at about 8:45 and that's when Terri left too.

Now that you mentioned this. When was the last time LE has said she was the last known person to have seen Kyron? I cant remember if they have stated that lately in their new PCs. Have they done so after they received the 200 questionnaires back?

It seems Kaine now is not sure how she is involved. From what I gathered in one of his latest interviews he does think she is involved but is not sure how she is involved.

So maybe she isnt the one who took Kyron from school.

This is exactly what I feel happened and have so all along.

Nothing out of the ordinary.
Why would anyone see something that was perfectly normal?
Part of the perfect storm.

And the number one reason Kyron and TH were not seen leaving together is they did not.
I firmly believe she told Kyron to meet her out at the truck. Period.

Hello Websleuths!...Long time lurker here. decided it was time to join in...lol

Ocean, I dont think they have said what time she was last seen with Kyron...JMO
This is exactly what I feel happened and have so all along.

Nothing out of the ordinary.
Why would anyone see something that was perfectly normal?
Part of the perfect storm.

And the number one reason Kyron and TH were not seen leaving together is they did not.
I firmly believe she told Kyron to meet her out at the truck. Period.


I believe that as well Boz!...JMO
This is exactly what I feel happened and have so all along.

Nothing out of the ordinary.
Why would anyone see something that was perfectly normal?
Part of the perfect storm.

And the number one reason Kyron and TH were not seen leaving together is they did not.
I firmly believe she told Kyron to meet her out at the truck. Period.


Morning BG!

I wouldn't think it is normal for a seven year old child to walk out of school on his own right by himself.

If that is normal then that is a scary thought to me that little children can just leave the building alone and no one notices.

Was the gym detached from the school? Ive seen the pics but cant remember. If so and children were going back and forth to the gym to view exhibits..there may have been plenty of movement outside to detract from a child walking to his vehicle. Depending on where exactly the vehicle was parked, this may have actually been a great opportunity to sidestep to a vehicle parked closely without anyone even noticing.
Hello Websleuths!...Long time lurker here. decided it was time to join in...lol

Ocean, I don't think they have said what time she was last seen with Kyron...JMO

Great to see you here battnt. Welcome!

Thank you. But LE does seem to be using the 8:45 am time line.

I haven't read this entire thread so I don't know if this has been mentioned. About 3 weeks ago there was a show on similar to Dateline or 20/20. They were conducting experiments about how observant people are. The reporter stopped to ask people on the street for directions. While they were talking, movers would come in between the reporter and the "direction giver" with a huge sign of some sort obstructing the view. At that time, the reporter would be replaced with a completely different person. The person giving directions NEVER NOTICED. In one instance, it was a woman replaced by a man. No one said a thing. Personally, I think I would have said, " what the heck, you weren't the person I was just taking to" but I guess that is easy to say. It was very interesting to me especially after so many discussions here about what people noticed at the science fair.

If TH left with Kyron that day, especially with the confusion over a potential dr's appt, no one would have suspected a thing. After all the publicity, they may have realized they saw the pair there/leaving/etc. I just hope if that is the case that everyone will come forward and not assume that it would be insignificant to LE (and I hope they filled out the flyer).
Morning BG!

I wouldn't think it is normal for a seven year old child to walk out of school on his own right by himself.

If that is normal then that is a scary thought to me that little children can just leave the building alone and no one notices.


Good Morning Ocean

And during a normal day at school without the SF it may have been noticed.
The perfect day was selected and the school activities were well known to TH.
The perfect timing in the hallway and the bell ringing.
The obvious confusion/illusion created with the DR appointment.

A perfect storm was created that morning at the school and unfortunately it was not Mother Nature who created it.

I haven't read this entire thread so I don't know if this has been mentioned. About 3 weeks ago there was a show on similar to Dateline or 20/20. They were conducting experiments about how observant people are. The reporter stopped to ask people on the street for directions. While they were talking, movers would come in between the reporter and the "direction giver" with a huge sign of some sort obstructing the view. At that time, the reporter would be replaced with a completely different person. The person giving directions NEVER NOTICED. In one instance, it was a woman replaced by a man. No one said a thing. Personally, I think I would have said, " what the heck, you weren't the person I was just taking to" but I guess that is easy to say. It was very interesting to me especially after so many discussions here about what people noticed at the science fair.

If TH left with Kyron that day, especially with the confusion over a potential dr's appt, no one would have suspected a thing. After all the publicity, they may have realized they saw the pair there/leaving/etc. I just hope if that is the case that everyone will come forward and not assume that it would be insignificant to LE (and I hope they filled out the flyer).

I certainly do believe that people do not notice things especially if it is not someone they know or are familiar with.

We are going into 9 weeks now and I don't think anyone saw Terri leaving with Kyron if so, imo, they would have arrested her a long time ago.

Even those who may have known about the doctor's appointment would have remembered seeing them leave imo. They weren't strangers but people many in the school knew.

Great to see you here battnt. Welcome!

Thank you. But LE does seem to be using the 8:45 am time line.


Thanks for the welcome!...I wasnt sure about the 8:45...I know LE said she was the last to see him, but wasnt sure they were goin by what Terri said to come up with that time...I hope this makes sense, I need more coffee...lol

Hello Websleuths!...Long time lurker here. decided it was time to join in...lol

Ocean, I dont think they have said what time she was last seen with Kyron...JMO

:Welcome-12-june: battnt
Good Morning Ocean

And during a normal day at school without the SF it may have been noticed.
The perfect day was selected and the school activities were well known to TH.
The perfect timing in the hallway and the bell ringing.
The obvious confusion/illusion created with the DR appointment.

A perfect storm was created that morning at the school and unfortunately it was not Mother Nature who created it.


I really don't know. I still have many unanswered questions.

If the school was aware of the doctor's appointment why did they immediately call 911 when he did not get off the bus?

Terri had no way of knowing it would be perfect timing. Someone she knew could have been getting out or in their car the same time Kyron and she left.

Just a lot of unanswered questions for me. I sure hope LE comes out with some facts soon but in 9 weeks they really haven't said anything.

I think the GJ is meeting about the MFH.

If it was premeditated then premeditated to do what? That we have no clue about. Even Kaine is saying he thinks she is involved someway but is not sure how she is involved.

So if so, it is very likely she isnt the one that took Kryon from the school that day.

I certainly dont think we have all the answers to this case by a long shot.

Thanks for the welcome!...I wasnt sure about the 8:45...I know LE said she was the last to see him, but wasnt sure they were goin by what Terri said to come up with that time...I hope this makes sense, I need more coffee...lol


You always make sense battnt.

I do understand what you are saying and I really dont know the concrete answer. All I know is LE is going by the 8:45 am time line.

I'm wondering if someone could have "stashed" Kyron until everyone was out of the school and then left with him? Did anyone ever see those large trash cans the custodians use? They have wheels on them, it would be perfect to fit a little guy in. I do think that TH was in on this plan and knew what was happening, it was pretty near perfectly planned.
I don't think people saw him and his friends touring the exhibits after she left because if they did LE wouldn't be reporting that she was the last known person to see him. If Kyron left with Terri maybe they used different exits or something but I think they must have left at about the same time if it's true that he was last seen at about 8:45 and that's when Terri left too.

You bring up a great point Donjeta : we know that originally LE had stated that a " source at the school " had seen Kyron at around 9 :00 a.m. by his classroom . They later stated that TH was the last person to see Kyron. But,they never retracted their original statement,that the 9 :00 witness saw him last. I always have wondered about the phrase " a source from the school "... I also wondered if LE is protecting a minor child witness. Maybe they saw someone with or near Kyron, someone other than TH... Just a thought.

It's also possible that no one saw them leaving together because they went out at different times. TH could have been waiting in the truck and Kyron went out by himself. If the classes were starting at the time he went out, it's possible that nobody saw him go out the door. If she had planned this in advance she could have made up many stories that would get him out of the school and back to the truck. Heck, she could have made up something on the spot if this was a spur of the moment idea.

One possibility I've been thinking of is TH telling KH to go to the bathroom and then meet her at the truck. (In my family, the young and old always go to the bathroom before we leave in the car.) If the final bell was ringing when she left Kyron in the hall, the bathroom would probably be empty. Also, is there a bathroom at the end of a corridor, near an exit?
I really don't know. I still have many unanswered questions.

If the school was aware of the doctor's appointment why did they immediately call 911 when he did not get off the bus?

Terri had no way of knowing it would be perfect timing. Someone she knew could have been getting out or in their car the same time Kyron and she left.

Just a lot of unanswered questions for me. I sure hope LE comes out with some facts soon but in 9 weeks they really haven't said anything.

I think the GJ is meeting about the MFH.

If it was premeditated then premeditated to do what? That we have no clue about. Even Kaine is saying he thinks she is involved someway but is not sure how she is involved.

So if so, it is very likely she isnt the one that took Kryon from the school that day.

I certainly dont think we have all the answers to this case by a long shot.


You know how I feel about you and your opinions Ocean. :heart:

I saw this issue BBM brought up yesterday somewhere else.
The bus driver called the school. The school had to act on that call.
The authorities had to be called at that point.
There was no other way for the school to handle it. Period.
And I feel she knew the school and its activities like the back of her hand.
I have a few ideas on the why but feel sure it will be presented in court.

This breaks my heart so and is different for me for reasons you know about. :cry:
I love you more than my favorite sweater but we are going to have to agree to disagree about this one my friend.

One possibility I've been thinking of is TH telling KH to go to the bathroom and then meet her at the truck. (In my family, the young and old always go to the bathroom before we leave in the car.) If the final bell was ringing when she left Kyron in the hall, the bathroom would probably be empty. Also, is there a bathroom at the end of a corridor, near an exit?

I think there would be way more possibility of someone seeing a student walk out of school on his own than with a parent. And so many factors then would not be under her control. She would be waiting in the car not knowing if Kyron saw someone who saw him leave, got waylaid by a teacher as he headed for the door, saw someone and said, "bye! I'm leaving with my mom now!", etc. She would have no idea what went on and who saw what once she left and Kyron was still in the building.
Thank you stmarysmead for starting this thread. This has been my thinking all along, as how IMO that Terry left the school with Kyron, she simply left with him. I appreciate everyone's opinion of why she would not have been so bold for doing just that, but no one stated that if she did just that, why it didn't happen. I feel that Terry and Kyron were basically blenders that morning. Terry didn't, not that it has been stated, have a large floppy hat on that everyone would have remembered, Kryon wasn't wearing neon clothing, that everyone would have remembered, The teacher, I believe, was under the impression Kyron had a Dr. appt that day, that is why she was not concerned that he was not in class at 10:00 when roll call was taken. This is all MIO, and I do appreciate everyone's opinions.

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