Possible Sexual Relationship Between DeDe and Terri?

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the following is moo~

there are many of us here and we all live different lives and in different ways. in keeping with this, people who choose a criminal path also live in different ways.

The point I am trying to make here is that no matter how hard anyone tries to make the "shoe fit" for a perpetrator of a crime it simply does not fit for the majority of us. A person who can commit a crime like taking a child or trying to kill their husband is not thinking the way I think most of us would. Thusly it is very hard, imhoo, to extrapolate normal feelings into an abnormal situation.

I say this with caution because I myself am not entirely sure that TMH was the one responsible for taking Kyron... but I also say this with certainty because people can be 'not what they seem' and for us to put ourselves in their shoes.. it is frankly futile when the person who shoes we are trying to 'fill' has ulterior and insundrey motives.

I guess what I am trying to say overall is that if we find out Terri did do something to Kyron.... we will not be comparing ourselves to her and her actions but rather contrasting against it because whomever did this to this little boy is an aberration. And they are no one that we can compare or contrast ourselves to.

I may have come across in the past here as being a "terri did it" poster... but in all honesty I don't really know what is up at this point. Am I suspicious of her... HE!! YES! Do I think something else could have happened? HE!! YES!

But the thing I never ever forget after following so many cases is that those closest to us can hurt us the most. And a lot of times no one ever saw it coming.

Bottom line is I hope this bespeckeled boy is found soon and safely.

in websleuths love

(and I also add that I personally value every single comment by every single poster here! VIVA LA WEB SLEUTHS!)
I am unclear as to why this would be considered a relationship that is sexual in nature.
I am married. I have a best friend beside my dh. My best friend is female.
I know she would do anything for me and I for her.

But sex is not part of our loyalty or our deep affection for one another.

Where does sexual orientation enter into this and what am I missing?

From what I read in comment sections of news sites early on, I think it's partly due to DeDe's appearance. Also, her ex did his best to insinuate it (said she'd never had a boyfriend before, told him she'd never have another one again, mentioned he'd only seen her wear makeup once when he knew her -- stereotypical things that could mean nothing whatsoever).

IMO, that's how the sexual thing came into the public discussion -- speculation based on stereotypical assumptions. The emotional level of involvement could be questioned as it could be important in understanding the lengths to which a person might go, but I believe potential sexual involvement is not at all relevant to the discussion.
ITA Passionflower,

To take it a step further, asking why it would be necessary to kill Kyron if TH and Dede were so close as to be a 'couple', I believe Kyron posed a threat to Terri, and to maintain the lifestyle she wanted, she had to get him out of the way which resulted in his death.

She had all the financial security marriage gave, and during the day could live the life that made her complete. Anything that could have ended that perfect situation for her she would eliminate as I think she wanted her cake and eat it too !

If Kyron saw or knew about something he shouldn't have and threatened to tell his dad, Terri knew that would be the end of the marriage as Kaine would never accept her putting his child in such a position. For Terri she might have realized it was only a matter of time till the truth came out about whatever it was that was so bad a child would recognize it, and she made that icy decision to kill Kyron.

If these 2 women did have this relationship, I think the bond between them would be solid enough to where Dede would help with anything. The situation benefited her as well IMO as she also reaped the blessings of Terri's financial situation. She was a gardener with little income I believe. And without the perks Terri brought to the relationship, they would have a very hard time managing the lifestyle they had become accustomed to.

I remember so well during the Scott Peterson case when Dan Abrams on MSNBC interviewed a psychologist who stated the main reason people commit murder is to remove the threat so they can have the lifestyle they want for the future. xox IMO

This all makes perfect sense to me...and to take it a step further, maybe the purpose of the sexting was to throw everyone off that might have suspected her to have an affair with Dede......to show that she only has interest in men.
Because she was in on it? For laughs? Imagine the two of them up late at night like a middle school slumber party calling a boy and teasing him, then hanging up and everyone laughing. We all did that a hundred years ago. Now it was the two of them, DeDe staying with her like a big ol' slumber party and TH was texting outrageous stuff with DeDe helping her along. I think they both used MC and had a lot of laughs doing it. JMO.

Yes, I could see under other circumstances this could be quite entertaining for them but at this point I am sure that TH would have had spoken to her attorney and DDS's father advised his daughter that this is a very adult situation.

IMO, I don't think TH and DDS were "involved", DDS believes her friend to be innocent and came to her rescue. I do think that TH is either a very needy woman or she "sext" MC to get back at her soon-to-be-ex because she was suspicious of where he might be staying to get away and be safe from her. JMO
Since Tricia gave us the okay to respectfully speculate on this possibile aspect, I thought I would start a thread and ask some questions.

What information indicates this? I know the ex-bf of DeDe said that he was her first boyfriend when she was 42. Does that mean she had no sexual partners also, or that she had no male sexual partners?

If this is indeed true (that they are lovers), would that be enough incentive for DeDe to commit such a despicable crime?

You know, even though it's been reported there was a second person in that truck, I don't think it was DDS. However, I was thinking the ONLY way I can imagine anyone covering for anyone in this serious of a case is - 1) Fear of that person, 2) Fear of going to prison, 3) Love. Since I don't think DDS is in fear of TH, nor do I think if she came forward right away with any info would she go to prison, there is a good possibility that they have had a relationship. Don't know, but it makes sense, (well nothing in this case really makes sense!) I appreciate the mods allowing us to discuss.
I just read through this thread and my first thought was the Kyron astro threads. I have to read the skilled astrologers' interpretations to even make some sense of it, but I do know that one of the things they were picking up on early on was an odd sexual element in the charts. The interpretations were that Kyron was kidnapped for sexual purposes and then killed. I'm now wondering though, maybe that sexual element was this possible relationship between Terri and DeeDee? Another interesting point: charts were showing a possibly young female involved in this crime. Physically young? Or is emotionally young a possibility too? Something to think about, IMO.
I am curious. Are you saying that being gay is some horrible thing?

Quite the opposite, in fact. I'm saying that a person's sexual orientation and/or what they do behind closed doors with another consenting adult has no bearing on Kyron's disappearance. And yet it is being talked about as if it does matter and as if it's some kind of important piece to the puzzle.

As I plainly said earlier in this thread, I see no relation to DDS's and TH's sexual orientation (as if any of us are going to know this, for a fact) and Kyron's disappearance. Further, speculating about someone's sexuality doesn't help solve this case, IMHO.
Quite the opposite, in fact. I'm saying that a person's sexual orientation and/or what they do behind closed doors with another consenting adult has no bearing on Kyron's disappearance. And yet it is being talked about as if it does matter and as if it's some kind of important piece to the puzzle.

As I plainly said earlier in this thread, I see no relation to DDS's and TH's sexual orientation (as if any of us are going to know this, for a fact) and Kyron's disappearance. Further, speculating about someone's sexuality doesn't help solve this case, IMHO.

IF they have a love relationship, that goes much further than BFF. People do all kinds of things for "love".

I cannot understand why Dede would do something for Terri. The only thing that makes sense is a "love" relationship that goes beyond a friendship between 2 women, to me.

I just don't see anyone else lawyering up with a criminal attorney even though so many people have been looked at.

Everyone else appears to have answered questions and gone on with their lives. We don't even know who most of the people are.

Sure, KH and DY called out her name, but there were other people helping Terri. Why this particular person more so than the others?

There are even additonal bat phone people. So what gives with Dede and Terri?
Quite the opposite, in fact. I'm saying that a person's sexual orientation and/or what they do behind closed doors with another consenting adult has no bearing on Kyron's disappearance. And yet it is being talked about as if it does matter and as if it's some kind of important piece to the puzzle.

As I plainly said earlier in this thread, I see no relation to DDS's and TH's sexual orientation (as if any of us are going to know this, for a fact) and Kyron's disappearance. Further, speculating about someone's sexuality doesn't help solve this case, IMHO.

Yes! I totally and 110% agree.

I tried to word it myself, though SleuthyGal wrote something very clear and concise. For whatever it's worth, I'll add my opinion though.

Let me see if I can say what I want without getting a TO.

I don't understand why this thread is here. I am not questioning mods/admin. I am just disgusted by this thread. Please know that I am a very very open-minded person. But no matter what has been said here this far, I don't see how it matters if DDS and TH had a relationship beyond friendship. The only possible reason I could see this mattering and being of interest to us on WS is if Kyron found out and DDS and TH felt they had to do something about it (him) before others found out. Otherwise? No. So, yes, for that reason I see need for this thread, but not otherwise.

I may be talking to myself, but I had to get that out. I've been coming back to this thread numerous times, but it's upsetting me a great deal, which is surprising even to myself. :/
Yes! I totally and 110% agree.

I tried to word it myself, though SleuthyGal wrote something very clear and concise. For whatever it's worth, I'll add my opinion though.

Let me see if I can say what I want without getting a TO.

I don't understand why this thread is here. I am not questioning mods/admin. I am just disgusted by this thread. Please know that I am a very very open-minded person. But no matter what has been said here this far, I don't see how it matters if DDS and TH had a relationship beyond friendship. The only possible reason I could see this mattering and being of interest to us on WS is if Kyron found out and DDS and TH felt they had to do something about it (him) before others found out. Otherwise? No. So, yes, for that reason I see need for this thread, but not otherwise.

I may be talking to myself, but I had to get that out. I've been coming back to this thread numerous times, but it's upsetting me a great deal, which is surprising even to myself. :/

I think the relevance of the relationship could be summed up by asking ourselves would we feel the same way if DeeDee were a man? Meaning that most people would think that a man involved with TH sexually would probably help her do whatever she asked, so why wouldn't a woman?
I also need to say that their sexual preference makes no difference to me whatsoever. I have a dear friend who is a lesbian and probably the most kind woman I have ever known. I believe it goes to the depth of the feelings whether or not anyone would help another in criminal activity.
Quite the opposite, in fact. I'm saying that a person's sexual orientation and/or what they do behind closed doors with another consenting adult has no bearing on Kyron's disappearance. And yet it is being talked about as if it does matter and as if it's some kind of important piece to the puzzle.

As I plainly said earlier in this thread, I see no relation to DDS's and TH's sexual orientation (as if any of us are going to know this, for a fact) and Kyron's disappearance. Further, speculating about someone's sexuality doesn't help solve this case, IMHO.

I have no interest in anything salacious as far as any relationship between the two goes.

The question isn't asked because anyone wants to gossip about lesbianism. The topic is a valid one because throughout history sexual affairs, regardless of the sexual orientation of the participants, have been motivation for murder.

If it weren't Dede or Michael, or whomever else Terri may have had a sexual interest in, then there's some reason that Terri wanted to be free of KYRON AND KAINE. Why both of them?

Could be because she wanted her freedom to move on from Kaine but didn't want to detach from the things that being with Kaine gave her.

And if Kaine were to die before Kyron, then Kyron would be entitled to a child's portion of his estate. Which would trickle back to Desiree's hands.

But with Kaine and Kyron gone, Terri alone would stand to inherit insurance money, the real property, all savings and all else that had been accrued in the marriage. No division of the estate.

So why would she want to be free of Kaine? Maybe she just got tired of him. Or maybe there was a new lover in the wings who knew what he or she stood to gain once Kaine and Kyron were eliminated.

Sorry to go on and on, but there is some reason that Terri no longer wanted Kaine and Kyron around. Love or money. Or both.

All in my opinion.
I also need to say that their sexual preference makes no difference to me whatsoever. I have a dear friend who is a lesbian and probably the most kind woman I have ever known. I believe it goes to the depth of the feelings whether or not anyone would help another in criminal activity.

Yes. The depth of the feelings or the promise of payoff. Love and/or money.
I don't think Kaine hated the lifestyle as on one of the FB pictures, there is a person who is openly gay visiting in the hospital.

The question to me is relevant because it may be that Terri was ready to move on as she has done with her other 2 husbands, and this time she is switching to a female relationship.I have seen that happen quite a bit. Usually it's only after one hubby, though.

I have seen women who do either sex as a matter of course.

If they had that kind of relationship, then we have seen over and over how a lover helps with horrible crimes because of the "love".
I can see the two of them hatching a plan because Dede for sure was obsessed with money and it sounds like Terri likes money a lot as well.

1. Sue the school?

2. Kill Kaine . He's despondent over Kyron on commits suicide or has a car accident or?

bold above mine.

Yes. There are several historic cases, two come immediately to mind: The Canandian couple, the one in which they drugged her younger sister (who died) so he could rape her (she was a "gift" to her lover/husband) and then they went on to kidnap and murder other young women; the recent one in Az in which a woman threw wire cutters over the fence so three murderers could escape. Her and her "love" murdered a NM couple and were finally caught recently in St. John, Az where they were camping.

I've seen in at least one book about these types of couples something to the effect of, "if they hadn't met each other, would either have murdered alone?"

Oh, yea, and the two boys who many years ago murdered a little boy just to see if they could get away with it. Leopold and Lobe, can't remember the exact names or spelling.
Didn't ex bf also say she was "emotionally gullible"? Hrmmm

and perhaps, emotionally vulnerable, too, becoming strongly protective of someone (TH) even to the point of (DeDe) sacrificing herself, especially if she believes that she is truly "loved and cherished" by a person who can use and manipulate those type of caring feelings.
It first occurred to me that TH and DS were romantically involved about four weeks ago, I guess. Before I had seen DeDe. I kept my thoughts to myself and would have never mentioned it if this thread hadn't opened. I don't know where the idea came from initially. Just a hunch. After giving it some thought, I believe the romantic angle is relevant. A lover, especially one who is infatuated or fixated, would be more inclined to assist in covering up a crime than even the dearest friend for fear of losing the object of her affection. Where a friend might be inclined to assist out of love and loyalty, for a lover, selfish desire would be an added motivation.
What does DS's sexual orientation or a (rumored/speculated) sexual involvement with TH have to do with Kyron's disappearance? I fail to see a link between sexuality and Kyron being abducted or disposed of.

There has been no evidence presented that indicates any of this. As such it feels like rumor mongering and digging for dirt, because it's salacious.

Didn't we just hear from someone innocent who has been harmed by rumors in this case? Why yes, yes we did. Heather of Rosemont Farms wrote an impassioned plea and sent it to WS's imploring people NOT to spread rumors.

I am thinking here that it is not so much about a same-sex relationship, but is about a relationship in which one person (Dede) is being used by another (TH) to effect a nefarious end.

IMO, DeDe seems like a very caring person and TH seems likes a cold user. MOO!
I don't know where her blogs are. But she got a guy to put in a water heater for her. The bid was $1000 but a neighbor did it for her and she gave him a cake. Heard that one before lately. But no cake.

She cut her internet and used the free waves out there. She went on and on about the lack of finances in detail.

I hate to laugh because of the seriousness of this case, but hahahha!
I'd like to offer a maitenance person a cake, get the service and equipment for free and then not even give the guy the promised cake! Geez Louise!

"I'll bake you a cake if you put in a water heater for me." Man, where can I find service like that? I'll make you a lasagne if you tell me.

These fall under rumors in my book, "But no cake" sounded so funny I had to comment.

OT. I apologize in advance.
I wish I could understand why people keep saying it was a "rule" that Kyron "had" to stay in bed. It was *not* a rule.

Here is the video where Kaine talks about Kyron's choice to stay in bed until someone got him.

Listen around -5:00 to what Kaine says about it.


All children are individuals, so I cannot say whether a choice by Kyron or a rule by one of the adults in the home.

To me, tho, kids wake up and jump up.

I found this to be unusual for a child....obviously enough for Kaine to comment on.
Plus the garden boxes and stands that she expected for free from the boyfriend who was working 15 hour days for ramen and day old bread. It destroyed their relationship! :innocent:

Interesting. A big sense of entitlement here. Never healthy or good.
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