Possible Sexual Relationship Between DeDe and Terri?

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I don't really care if they are gay, straight, bisexual, or neuter. I don't think it makes any difference in this case.

Alot of times loyalty is more of a motivator - surely not all the other women who have helped Terri are lesbians too?

I think Terri is an exhibitionist/narcissist (think Madonna/Lady GaGa) and she doesn't really care who is turned on by that as long as she gets the attention. The Sexting and Bodybuilding are the evidence for that. MOO

I haven't read this entire thread, but how does this Michael Cook fit into this theory? Apparently he and DeDe were both at the house after Kaine moved out, and the relationship was sexual. :waitasec:

I think Terri is a manipulator, and with her "Landscaper Posse" she wanted to kill her husband and possibly get Kyron out of her life.

I see more of a mutual benefit society. DeDe wrote on the internet that she wanted to share a piece of land - Terri has a nice home with land plus a landscaper fetish!

Maybe it was more about DeDe helping get Kaine/Kyron out of the way and then she would have a landscaper's job for life and a place to live?
ITA Passionflower,

To take it a step further, asking why it would be necessary to kill Kyron if TH and Dede were so close as to be a 'couple', I believe Kyron posed a threat to Terri, and to maintain the lifestyle she wanted, she had to get him out of the way which resulted in his death.

She had all the financial security marriage gave, and during the day could live the life that made her complete. Anything that could have ended that perfect situation for her she would eliminate as I think she wanted her cake and eat it too !

If Kyron saw or knew about something he shouldn't have and threatened to tell his dad, Terri knew that would be the end of the marriage as Kaine would never accept her putting his child in such a position. For Terri she might have realized it was only a matter of time till the truth came out about whatever it was that was so bad a child would recognize it, and she made that icy decision to kill Kyron.

If these 2 women did have this relationship, I think the bond between them would be solid enough to where Dede would help with anything. The situation benefited her as well IMO as she also reaped the blessings of Terri's financial situation. She was a gardener with little income I believe. And without the perks Terri brought to the relationship, they would have a very hard time managing the lifestyle they had become accustomed to.

I remember so well during the Scott Peterson case when Dan Abrams on MSNBC interviewed a psychologist who stated the main reason people commit murder is to remove the threat so they can have the lifestyle they want for the future. xox IMO

I just saw this post, Scandi! You and I are on the same wavelength - and you said it so well!

Whatever their sexual orientation - this was about some kind of mutual benefit society and more freedom for both of them.
There's an assumption being made by some that DDS is involved in Kyron's disappearance and then (because of that assumption) people are trying to find out 'why' and looking at her sexual orientation for clues to a motive.

However, the main question is:

Was DDS involved in this crime at all?

Until that question is definitively answered, everything else regarding the why is speculation and rumor and is assuming she was involved. Is that fair to assume her involvement in a crime?

It seems to me that all the people that are involved in this case, LE, Kaine, Desiree and Tony are all focused on these two women, no one else. So, my feeling is whatever happened and I'm not saying Terri did or did not do this, Dede knows what went on. Buying "anonymous" cell phones, and talking in the yard so no one could hear them seems to me to have "guilty" written all over it. What could they possibly have to say to each other they didn't want others to hear??? Truthfully it seems so immature and CSI-like. I'm just not sure EXACTLY what went on or what happened, but Kyron needs to come home.
It is possible for two women to be closer than sisters without their relationship being sexual. Same for men being like brothers. Or partners in law enforcement. Or fellow soldiers. It is not easily explained, but sometimes you find a friend who you feel so close to that you would do just about anything they ask. This could be one of those things.
I don't think anyone on here cares if their relationship was/is sexual. I wish people would not get so worked up over it being discussed as we clearly are not bashing the nature of their relationship, only pondering if it had anything to do with DS standing by TH.

It could be they are just great friends. IMHO sexual relations between them could very well play a huge factor in what DS does or says for TH, even if TH is just using that to benefit her. You just never know how strong a person can feel for someone after sexual relations occur between them and being friends would only make those feelings stronger.

Again not saying they did have a sexual relationship, IMO it would not surprise me in the least bit.
I think lots of things get lumped under the banner of 'sleuthing,' but real sleuthing involves following actual leads and facts, and discarding things that are not verifiable.

Sleuthing does not include spinning tales and stories and using imagination to fill in the blanks.

So focusing on facts.

1. Who is involved in Kyron's disappearance?

2. If DDS is on this list, what facts put her there? And what proof is there of these facts?

3. What facts make DDS's sexual orientation related to this case? (I don't see anything that relates to known facts).

If this is the case, honestly, who at this point has been ruled out? And what known facts are there in this case other than the fact that Kyron is missing?
Admittedly I have not read through this entire thread on the sexual connection, so I'm not sure if there has ever been any substantiation on the previous allegation of KH and TH being involved with the swinger lifestyle. If that is an inappropriate direction for this to continue, I apologize and will be happy to remove the question.

If that is the case, they could both (DDS and TH) participate in those type of activities without there being any emotional tie just strictly a physical element. I think unless one became enamored of the other and a bit on the obsessed side, the whole sexual aspect is probably irrelevant one way or the other. Belonging to an alternative adult-oriented lifestyle in no way would lend itself to being a child kidnapper, murder, or otherwise. If there is some coincidence that they participated in Kyron's disappearance AND had alternative sexual practices, I think it would be just that, a coincidence and not really relevant to the whole case. The only tie would be that they were buddies and one was helping the other out.
After reading most of this thread,I feel I must comment.First from a personal point of view I do not care if there is a relationship between the two,however,if there is more than a simple friendship,between the two,it could have a HUGE impact,on many things.Looking at history,just look at E Smart,his wife covered and was a part of this,Jaycee and PG,and his wife.Diane Downs supposedly did what she did for a relationship,perhaps CA with Caylee.Is it twisted-yes-is it what most of us would do-NO.However it happens everyday,no matter how twisted we may think it is.How many of us wives,would support our husbands,through what Jaycee went through?So it does happen,and no matter how many of feel that it does not have a bearing on this case-it just might,and to me that is all part of sleuthing,no matter how distastful we may think it is.The most distastful part of this whole thing is that a small innocent child is missing,and NO ONE seems to be able to shed light on where this poor child might be.I do appreciate this thread-because it is just one more possibilty of what might have happened to poor Kyron.
For Daniel;

Please do not be so upset. It is not meant to be a distasteful thread, or idea. It is 2010 and we should have accepted these ideas as normal long before Greco-Roman times made them history. It is, it always will be. It has been since human life began, even chimps, just and fyi.

The only idea is that some people may go overboard, lose all senses, to gain the one they love. That is all this is about. A crime of passion is what is in question. Crimes of passion are in many forms: love; anger; vengeance; boredom; loss; guilt, all of the human emotions.

That is all this is about, some need to venture through all thoughts and feelings to find solid ground.

ETA: Where is someone that 'splains better than me, help me out here. :hug:
For Daniel;

Please do not be so upset. It is not meant to be a distasteful thread, or idea. It is 2010 and we should have accepted these ideas as normal long before Greco-Roman times made them history. It is, it always will be. It has been since human life began, even chimps, just and fyi.

The only idea is that some people may go overboard, lose all senses, to gain the one they love. That is all this is about. A crime of passion is what is in question. Crimes of passion are in many forms: love; anger; vengeance; boredom; loss; guilt, all of the human emotions.

That is all this is about, some need to venture through all thoughts and feelings to find solid ground.

ETA: Where is someone that 'splains better than me, help me out here. :hug:
I think you misunderstood my post-I do not find the thread distasteful at all,I AGREE that IF there was more than a friendship between the two-it could have EVERTHING to do with this case I value the thread,and am sorry if I did not make myself understood.
yes i agree completely ..nothing about this case is tasteful and i think this is an important topic.
I think what people are trying to say is, what would make DeDe assist or help cover up for a crime, that Terry committed, if in fact that's what happened. The motive for, DeDe, that it's more likely love, than just a friendship.
I think what people are trying to say is, what would make DeDe assist or help cover up for a crime, that Terry committed, if in fact that's what happened. The motive for, DeDe, that it's more likely love, than just a friendship.

I agree-I think the point of the entire thread is-that sometimes a relationship can motivate people to do things-or accept things that they may not normally do-sexual?maybe?-doesn't matter more people have done things in the name of love than we can imagine-whether it be that soldier in the trench,a lover,a parent protecting their offspring-it happens everyday,whether or not we agree with it.The one thing,I think we can all agree on,is that this little child is missing,and we all want to know where he is.If no child or person was ever abducted,murdered/missing there would be no need for WS,and that is why we are all here.
Sex is a powerful force. Without it, there would be no people. So genetically, it has to be a lot.

I think it's very interesting that people get wigged out about the topic of 2 women having a sexual relationship. I think the conversation would be a lot different if LE was looking at a close relationship with Terri and another man.

Perhaps they are, for all we know.
Sex is a powerful force. Without it, there would be no people. So genetically, it has to be a lot.

I think it's very interesting that people get wigged out about the topic of 2 women having a sexual relationship. I think the conversation would be a lot different if LE was looking at a close relationship with Terri and another man.

Perhaps they are, for all we know.

I don't think anyone is getting wigged out. At least it doesn't bother me if people think that TH & DS's sexual preferences have something, anything, to do with this case, then have at it. What I don't understand is WHAT ON EARTH could what they do or don't do together sexually have to do with this case? Like JBean said above, overpowering love doesn't have to be sexual, so why even bring it up? Who cares what their sexuality is? That's what I don't get.

And I also don't get why in this forum you can talk about someone's sexuality such as DS's, but you cannot talk about KH's. For all we know, DS has NOTHING to do with this case other than buying her friend a cell phone. I don't know, I just don't get the relevance. JMHO
I think what people are trying to say is, what would make DeDe assist or help cover up for a crime, that Terry committed, if in fact that's what happened. The motive for, DeDe, that it's more likely love, than just a friendship.

I agree Jo with your post.

I also agree that the sexual orientation of either woman is unimportant to Kyron's case.

The reason being that there can be platonic friendship that is so close that it is almost as if the two people are family members. A bond that isn't allowed to be broken by one or the other or both. That could be what is here, IDK.

The reason being that a platonic friendship can exsist where one or the other has romantic feelings towards the other person which are unexpressed. They never openly indicate to the other person exactly how deep their love is for that friend. That could be what is here, IDK.

The reason being that birds of a feather flock together and there could be a pathological bonding between these two women. That one is too deep to even get into, and I'm not qualifed to discuss it in depth anyway. That could be what is here, IDK.

Sexuality is complex. But it but a tiny facet of who were are as human beings. I don't see a link between the expression of sexuality and this particular case. IMHO, it's the intimacy that would be in question. The level of intimacy between these two women not the sexual expression of intimacy. KWIM?

Just a few thoughts. and my :twocents: :)
I don't think anyone is getting wigged out. At least it doesn't bother me if people think that TH & DS's sexual preferences have something, anything, to do with this case, then have at it. What I don't understand is WHAT ON EARTH could what they do or don't do together sexually have to do with this case? Like JBean said above, overpowering love doesn't have to be sexual, so why even bring it up? Who cares what their sexuality is? That's what I don't get.

And I also don't get why in this forum you can talk about someone's sexuality such as DS's, but you cannot talk about KH's. For all we know, DS has NOTHING to do with this case other than buying her friend a cell phone. I don't know, I just don't get the relevance. JMHO

The relevance could be that on the morning of June 4, 2010, Kyron witnessed his stepmother with DeDe. Perhaps he overheard them discussing their feelings towards one another, perhaps he witnessed them talking about the MFH. Perhaps he witnessed something between them that Terri was deeply afraid he would tell Kaine. Perhaps something he seen that morning is the reason he is missing. For that matter, perhaps he caught DeDe sneaking in the bedroom window of Terri's that morning after Kaine left, or just opened the door and found her there, just like he could have found any man. Fact is, we don't know what involvement DeDe or Terri has at this point, however it goes to motive, if in fact there was a secret between them. There very well may be a reason that Terri needed such a high cost defense attorney. The reason she was sexting 3 weeks after the fact could very well be a plan to avoid LE finding out about her involvement with DEDE...I mean, after all, we didn't hear about DeDe until Kaine and Desiree brought her to light. Perhaps the two of them met up regularly somewhere, that no one knows about because no one knew of the relationship.....and because no one else knew, perhaps that is where Kyron is! There are so many possibilities here.

Seriously, mentioning a relationship between the two does not have to always suggest a sexual relationship. Sexually, the two maybe have never touched one another, but emotionally on that level are very deep. Perhaps they would love to pursue a relationship however, one of them demands that the other not be married. Perhaps this is the reason for all of it who knows?

If someone credible were to come forward and debunk this... I am more than willing to change my theory of what has happened. But, just like with everything else in this case, I don't see that happening and just don't see the harm in trying to figure out a Motive for DeDe to help if in fact she did help.
And by the way, if LE comes out with a flier with any man on it, I would love to be able to sleuth in the same way. Gender really makes no difference to me, or sexuality unless it gives someone a motive for kidnapping, misplacing, or worse murder.
By the way,
Had I never heard about Terri sexting MC 3 weeks after Kyron went missing, none of this would have ever crossed my mind.
The relevance could be that on the morning of June 4, 2010, Kyron witnessed his stepmother with DeDe. Perhaps he overheard them discussing their feelings towards one another, perhaps he witnessed them talking about the MFH. Perhaps he witnessed something between them that Terri was deeply afraid he would tell Kaine. Perhaps something he seen that morning is the reason he is missing. For that matter, perhaps he caught DeDe sneaking in the bedroom window of Terri's that morning after Kaine left, or just opened the door and found her there, just like he could have found any man. Fact is, we don't know what involvement DeDe or Terri has at this point, however it goes to motive, if in fact there was a secret between them. There very well may be a reason that Terri needed such a high cost defense attorney. The reason she was sexting 3 weeks after the fact could very well be a plan to avoid LE finding out about her involvement with DEDE...I mean, after all, we didn't hear about DeDe until Kaine and Desiree brought her to light. Perhaps the two of them met up regularly somewhere, that no one knows about because no one knew of the relationship.....and because no one else knew, perhaps that is where Kyron is! There are so many possibilities here.

Seriously, mentioning a relationship between the two does not have to always suggest a sexual relationship. Sexually, the two maybe have never touched one another, but emotionally on that level are very deep. Perhaps they would love to pursue a relationship however, one of them demands that the other not be married. Perhaps this is the reason for all of it who knows?

If someone credible were to come forward and debunk this... I am more than willing to change my theory of what has happened. But, just like with everything else in this case, I don't see that happening and just don't see the harm in trying to figure out a Motive for DeDe to help if in fact she did help.
And by the way, if LE comes out with a flier with any man on it, I would love to be able to sleuth in the same way. Gender really makes no difference to me, or sexuality unless it gives someone a motive for kidnapping, misplacing, or worse murder.

respectfully bbm, Exactly what I am saying. The title of this thread is not to explore a relationship between Terri & Dede, but "The possible SEXUAL relationship" between them. Sorry, but I just don't think we need a thread for "just that". How about a thread title that says "Relationship of Terri & Dede". The possibility of their relationship being sexual will no doubt come up from someone, though it opens the conversation to other reasons they are friends too.

I personally don't like discussing DS at all at this point, or any of the other women who bought TH cell phones, she's not a suspect, it may just be that she's nothing more than a very good friend who trusts her friend so much and believes that her good friend is being witch-hunted.

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