Has Your Opinions of Ron's Involvement Changed?***POLL ADDED***

Has your opinion of Ron's involvement changed? August 2010

  • Yes, I think he is involved and I didn't before

    Votes: 13 5.0%
  • Yes, I no longer think he is involved like I thought before

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • Yes, I am on the fence now and gave up my old opinion

    Votes: 14 5.4%
  • No, I've always thought he was involved

    Votes: 167 64.2%
  • No, I've always thought he wasn't involved

    Votes: 56 21.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 3.1%

  • Total voters
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If his 911 call didn't convince me enough already, all of his words and actions since that call have. So, my opinion on RC's involvement have only been reinforced by him. MC may be the key but RC is the lock. This is my opinion...and I'm sticking to it.

IA, Ron is the "locksmith" who opened the back door and propped it open with a brick to make it appear like his daughter was abducted. If Ronald had an accomplice other than Misty and her relatives, this person would have come forward and told LE their story in exchange for immunity. The fact LE didn't find incriminating fingerprints on the side door or lightswitch leads me to belive Ron is the main and only suspect. Ron could have parked his car in a secluded area and fled with HaLeigh through the woods without making a sound which explains why Misty and the next door neighbor didn't wake up.

IMO, If Misty and her relatives were responsible for HaLeigh’s disappearance, the first thing that popped out of Misty's mouth when Ron arrived home would not have been “Do you have HaLeigh”? I think she would have admitted to Ron what happened right then and there.
PICAZIO: Well, there are some reports that have been substantiated or not by law enforcement about the time that he did get to work and prior nights where he had left work. And we also had confirmation from a security guard at his employer`s that on two occasions Ron had the children, Haleigh and her little brother, Junior sleeping in the car, while he was at work and came to check out on them.

Since the security guard at PDM Bridge confirmed that on two occasions Ron took his two children to work and left them in the car for his entire shift, why hasn’t LE charged Ron with child endangerment and forcible confinement?

Hello! Everyone, This is my first posting on WS and I am very happy to be able to post along side such knowledgeable people.

I have always thought drugs were the key and that it was the reason Ron was unable to be more forthcoming. I think the argument about the guns previous to Haleigh's disappearance may have been in response to a deal trading the guns for a significant amount of drugs. I believe Ron reneged on the deal and the people involved came looking for what they considered to be their property. I think that Misty knew they were coming and didn't tell Ron. I don't believe Misty thought for one moment that Ron was one step ahead and had removed the guns from the home. I think they were so enraged by this they removed Haleigh from the home in revenge. So IMHO Ron knew and may have been the catalyst for these events but was not physically responsible for what happened. Morally is another question, I feel in this he is 100% the reason his daughter was put in the path of these monsters.

Welcome to WebSleuths Scamperoo! :woohoo:

AFAIK Drug dealers would not give Ron a significant amount of drugs if Ron didn’t have the gun to give them in exchange. Drug dealers trust no one and AFAIK, drug dealers would not agree to give Ron a significant amount of drugs based on a promise he would pay at a later date. No credit is allowed when it comes to drug dealing AFAIK, it is cash on demand or no deal.

Contrary to what people say about Misty being addicted to drugs, she admitted she smoked marijuana periodically but she told her father during a jailhouse conversation she was not addicted to Hydrocodone, Ron was, and he took all her prescribed hydrocodone pills. It’s obvious Ron is a dishonest person; when he was selling drugs to the UC cop he stole one of the pills he sold and popped it in his mouth. I think if Misty thought her and Ron’s children lives were in danger due to Ron’s drug dealing, she would have drawn the line and refused to babysit for him anymore. JMO

According to Gmma Hollers, who appeared as a guest on JVM, Misty slept with a gun Ron owned under her pillow for protection every night Ron was at work but on the day HaLeigh went missing, Ron had removed the gun from the home before he went to work and hid it somewhere. IMO, the reason Ron hid the gun that night was because he planned to take HaLeigh and he didn’t want Misty to panick and shoot him if she woke up when he was in their bedroom.

Ron also said his daughter told him she would see him when he arrived home from work that night so I suspect Ron twisted this anecdote and told HaLeigh he would be picking her up off the mattress that night when he got home from work. If Ron did pick up HaLeigh from the bus stop on Monday afternoon, they were alone in the car on the ride home and Ron had the opportunity to talk to her.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did you know that Misty, your granddaughter, slept with a gun under her pillow?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tell me about that. Why?

HOLLARS: I really can`t say why. All I know is she said she had to sleep with a gun under her head every night in case anybody came in to shoot them.

PAGE: Why would somebody come in --

HARRIS: As you said, Flo, I believe you told me she would have shot Joe that night if she had had the gun but she didn`t have it.

HOLLARS: Yes, she did.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So Misty told you she would have shot Joe that night?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. Ok. Once again, cousin Joe Overstreet not named a suspect. Police have questioned him. They haven`t arrested him. And he says he is totally innocent of any wrongdoing.

Hello! Everyone, This is my first posting on WS and I am very happy to be able to post along side such knowledgeable people.

I have always thought drugs were the key and that it was the reason Ron was unable to be more forthcoming. I think the argument about the guns previous to Haleigh's disappearance may have been in response to a deal trading the guns for a significant amount of drugs. I believe Ron reneged on the deal and the people involved came looking for what they considered to be their property. I think that Misty knew they were coming and didn't tell Ron. I don't believe Misty thought for one moment that Ron was one step ahead and had removed the guns from the home. I think they were so enraged by this they removed Haleigh from the home in revenge. So IMHO Ron knew and may have been the catalyst for these events but was not physically responsible for what happened. Morally is another question, I feel in this he is 100% the reason his daughter was put in the path of these monsters.

Welcome! If your scenario is correct, just think, Ron was worried about someone breaking into his home and stealing his guns so he removed them, he didn't give a flying fig about leaving his little girl and little son in the MH................probably never entered his brain. :banghead:
Welcome! If your scenario is correct, just think, Ron was worried about someone breaking into his home and stealing his guns so he removed them, he didn't give a flying fig about leaving his little girl and little son in the MH................probably never entered his brain. :banghead:

bolded by me....Just a thought...If Ron did remove all his guns....Who do you believe is "keeping them safe" for him now??? Who would he TRUST???
IA, Ron is the "locksmith" who opened the back door and propped it open with a brick to make it appear like his daughter was abducted. If Ronald had an accomplice other than Misty and her relatives, this person would have come forward and told LE their story in exchange for immunity. The fact LE didn't find incriminating fingerprints on the side door or lightswitch leads me to belive Ron is the main and only suspect. Ron could have parked his car in a secluded area and fled with HaLeigh through the woods without making a sound which explains why Misty and the next door neighbor didn't wake up.

IMO, If Misty and her relatives were responsible for HaLeigh’s disappearance, the first thing that popped out of Misty's mouth when Ron arrived home would not have been “Do you have HaLeigh”? I think she would have admitted to Ron what happened right then and there.

I'm still catching up in this thread but the part that I bolded has always bugged me. I mean, really, the first thing she asked Ron was "Do you have Haleigh?" Why would she ask him that if she knew he had just gotten home from work?

But what if, Misty did ask Ron "Do you have Haleigh?"....maybe that was a statement that she made some time that night to him. It might not have been said when she says it did but I think she may remember this statement because at some point that night she asked Ron if he had Haleigh. Does that make sense? IDK maybe she had heard about what happened earlier, and she wasn't sure if Haleigh was ok, so when she first sees Ron that evening, she asks "do you have Haleigh". Just thinking out loud.
I'm still catching up in this thread but the part that I bolded has always bugged me. I mean, really, the first thing she asked Ron was "Do you have Haleigh?" Why would she ask him that if she knew he had just gotten home from work?

But what if, Misty did ask Ron "Do you have Haleigh?"....maybe that was a statement that she made some time that night to him. It might not have been said when she says it did but I think she may remember this statement because at some point that night she asked Ron if he had Haleigh. Does that make sense? IDK maybe she had heard about what happened earlier, and she wasn't sure if Haleigh was ok, so when she first sees Ron that evening, she asks "do you have Haleigh". Just thinking out loud.

Yes, I remember her having said that to Ron when he first arrived home, and it could have been earlier in the evening....

Perhaps ........Ron had taken Haleigh for "disposal" and Misty may not have know WHERE he took her, so when she see Rons again, she asks him if he has her..(still has her)..IMO, it sounds to me like.....she KNEW he took Haleigh ....somewhere..earlier..

It would not make sense...IMO...If Ron was getting home from working..with groceries...and Misty is meeting him at the door...and asking him..if he has Haleigh...at 3 in the morning..

Yes, I remember her having said that to Ron when he first arrived home, and it could have been earlier in the evening....

Perhaps ........Ron had taken Haleigh for "disposal" and Misty may not have know WHERE he took her, so when she see Rons again, she asks him if he has her..(still has her)..IMO, it sounds to me like.....she KNEW he took Haleigh ....somewhere..earlier..

It would not make sense...IMO...If Ron was getting home from working..with groceries...and Misty is meeting him at the door...and asking him..if he has Haleigh...at 3 in the morning..


It doesn't make sense to me either, Justus4all. I keep thinking about Misty not answering Ron's calls that night and then Ron supposedly worked overtime. If this was not a pre-scheduled overtime, how would Misty know that he was working over? She wouldn't, if she hadn't talked to him earlier.

the part that I bolded, is what I was trying to say in my post..LOL...but you said it better. ITA, that it almost sounds as if she knew he went to get rid of Haleigh and was wondering if he had or not.
bolded by me....Just a thought...If Ron did remove all his guns....Who do you believe is "keeping them safe" for him now??? Who would he TRUST???

GGMS? Isn't that were the locked gun safe was when he ran home after the Charlie Jones incident? That would be my guess or possibly Uncle Donald?
GGMS? Isn't that were the locked gun safe was when he ran home after the Charlie Jones incident? That would be my guess or possibly Uncle Donald?

Good possibilities.....I am thinking more of....TN...all in my own opinion..
GGMS? Isn't that were the locked gun safe was when he ran home after the Charlie Jones incident? That would be my guess or possibly Uncle Donald?

The only gun safe I personally have ever seen was in a closet and bolted to the studs - that prevents the whole safe from being loaded up and taken off. I think ron would trust his gma more than mom, she moves too much.
PICAZIO: Well, there are some reports that have been substantiated or not by law enforcement about the time that he did get to work and prior nights where he had left work. And we also had confirmation from a security guard at his employer`s that on two occasions Ron had the children, Haleigh and her little brother, Junior sleeping in the car, while he was at work and came to check out on them.

Since the security guard at PDM Bridge confirmed that on two occasions Ron took his two children to work and left them in the car for his entire shift, why hasn’t LE charged Ron with child endangerment and forcible confinement?


Because he's Teflon Ron and nothing sticks??? I don't know what it is with this guy. He should be buying lottery tickets everyday with his luck.
Because he's Teflon Ron and nothing sticks??? I don't know what it is with this guy. He should be buying lottery tickets everyday with his luck.

LE lost the HC case when they failed to press charges against Ron for locking his children in the car while he was at work. Think about it, this guy likely had the kids lie on the floor covered with a blanket afraid to move. He also may have drugged them. Did LE run a test on a strand of HaLeigh's hair that would have been on her hairbrush? Misty may not have known Ron took the kids to work with him after she took off with Nay Nay, but Ron was working the evening shift that week and she assumed HaLeigh's blanket was in the van they took. If Ron hid his children in the trunk of his car, they would have suffocated right? I did some research and parents can't even run into the store to pay for gas and leave children under 10 years-of-age unattended in their vehicle. By Monday evening on the way home from work, he was a free man able to stop at a convenience store and by beer, cigarettes and a case of beer! LE lost the case right here and KP is certainly no criminal investigator. This information might have linked Ron to his daughter's disappearance and it wasn't followed up on and investigated properly. IMO this is why no charges have been laid in the HaLeigh Cummings case. :banghead: KP also said Ron left work on several occasions when she appeared on JVM, but she didn't take this important discovery about him leaving his children in his car while he was at work any further or to the next level, and when JVM asked who she believes is responsible for HaLeigh's disappearance this is what she had to say:

KIM PICAZIO, FORMER ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD: If I were betting woman, I would have to say that Tommy would be charged for an accessory after the fact as well as Misty. And I believe that Joe Overstreet will probably be charged for the murder. I just look at what has happened with the different plea deals.

I also see that Ron Cummings, they`ve dropped two charges against him at this point. So that only tells me he`s already probably given a proffer to the state attorney. They already know what he`s going to say. So I think that this case is about to heat up and we`re on the final stretch here.

Ron's hands were banged up and he had a band aid on his neck the day after his daughter disappeared. His attorney, Mr. Shoemaker, tried to convince us Ron could spare the time from his busy schedule to show up 45 minutes before his shift began on Monday. Yeah right. Maybe by coming in 45 minutes early to work Ron felt entitled to leave during his shift.

The only gun safe I personally have ever seen was in a closet and bolted to the studs - that prevents the whole safe from being loaded up and taken off. I think ron would trust his gma more than mom, she moves too much.

My vote is for Uncle Donald. I have a feeling he would help out with a lot of things for family.
After KP exposed Ron&#8217;s secret that he had taken his children to work on two occasions and he left work during his shift several times, I believe his alibi &#8220;I was at work&#8221; isn't trustworthy.

I think HaLeigh peed her blanket when she was sleeping in her father&#8217;s car and Ron didn&#8217;t bother to wash HaLeigh&#8217;s blanket before Misty returned. He had better things to do than take care of his children's needs. Misty at least showed some care and concern for HaLeigh by taking the time to wash her blanket for her.

I am angry AS and TN did not go to PDM Bridge to confront Ron when he took his children to work with him. How could they allow him to get away with this? They are cowards. TN is pretending to be someone she's not when she tells a reporter, &#8220;I sent a family member over to the house Monday evening to check on the kids&#8221;. Where was she or AS when the children were locked in Ron&#8217;s car and really needed their help? Good grief.
I voted ALWAYS INVOLVED and I still believe he was/is!!! He don't fool me . He had a big part in this. Bless his darling daughter.
Even though AH has inside news, I still don't believe Ron did anything to Haleigh. I still believe that he was covering up something criminal, such as drugs or guns though. Misty probably told him some wild story that night and he thought he could quickly get Haleigh back.
I've always thought that he was lying about something, covering up something, withholding some crucial information and the latest news appears to confirm it. It makes him very much involved IMO whether or not he was the one who hurt Haleigh with his own two hands.
I don't think my opinion is ever going to change about Ron...sad to say, i know. I just feel he has done a good job at making himself look guilty, that i can't get past it.

The biggest thing for me, was when Ron was asked by NG, if he has spoken to Misty regarding the disappearence of his daughter, and Ron's reponse was something to the effect of no, i haven't spoken to her about it...

When i heard those words (not the exact words i wrote up there) come out of Rons mouth, my jaw dropped and i just stared at the TV... i thought to myself, you have kept this girl so close to you, and haven't let her out of your sight, not even for one second, and then the both of them stopped talking to LE, and you haven't discussed that evenings events with the last person to see your daughter? WTF??????

JMO :)
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