OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #4

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That would be nice. Perhaps it will shake loose the ATF info on OK that I am trying to unearth.

(Seriously though- hope ya'll are okay.)

The epicenter was around Norman, a long ways away from either me or Latimer County; however, Oklahoma City felt it, so maybe it will joggle OSBI's memory cells and remind them to do something.

You guys are funny. I have a list of places to aviod ever going to and Oklahoma is on it that list . So is Kansas city Kansas and Michigan ,and Independence Mo. All those places appeared on my list from reading this forum. Is that weird?

ETA Slidell, La., And other parts of that state.
You guys are funny. I have a list of places to aviod ever going to and Oklahoma is on it that list . So is Kansas city Kansas and Michigan ,and Independence Mo. All those places appeared on my list from reading this forum. Is that weird?

ETA Slidell, La., And other parts of that state.

Slidell. Definately.

The quake probably had aftershocks felt in Slidell.
YOUR Off-Topic Oklahoma Earthquake Update!

After reading that the quake was actually a major one (for here), registering 5.1 on the Richter and being felt in parts of seven states, I've decided that I was shaken badly by it.

Actually, a very few minutes after a friend in Edmond emailed me to report he'd just felt it, my house did make some distinctive popping sounds I'd not heard before.


wfgodot: check your knees, elbows, and all other joints. That may have been the popping you heard (when sliding off the futon to check your home for possible collapse.)

wfgodot: check your knees, elbows, and all other joints. That may have been the popping you heard (when sliding off the futon to check your home for possible collapse.)

Wait! Quoting myself here...because I momentarily forgot this was Oklahoma! Those popping sounds were not your joints. They were muzzleloaders.
Back on topic though- has anyone ever had any luck getting confirmed info from ATF?? I am thinking of sicc-ing a narc dog on the entire agency. If dog comes up with a positive hit, then maybe I will know whether or not there are drugs involved. That'll work. Right? RIGHT?

(Oriah says, as beats head against wall)
Wait! Quoting myself here...because I momentarily forgot this was Oklahoma! Those popping sounds were not your joints. They were muzzleloaders.

And archers, their arrows driven home. Thud-d-d.

I did get out of the SUV uptown today and my knee popped resoundingly, sending several Okies shrieking out of doorways, ready to be taken up as they thought the Rapture was at hand.
Back on topic though- has anyone ever had any luck getting confirmed info from ATF?? I am thinking of sicc-ing a narc dog on the entire agency. If dog comes up with a positive hit, then maybe I will know whether or not there are drugs involved. That'll work. Right? RIGHT?

(Oriah says, as beats head against wall)

I am not following the ATF thing could you explain where that is coming from I ran a search looking for the first mention was that on a past threads 1 2 or 3?
I am not following the ATF thing could you explain where that is coming from I ran a search looking for the first mention was that on a past threads 1 2 or 3?

Soul, it stemmed from me trying to get info as to whether or not there were narc dogs on scene when the truck was discovered, and/or whether or not ATF had any part in the case. Hope this helps?
I think I want that first paragraph on my tombstone: "Bad idea to open plastic packaging with a knife / wfgodot 1954-2010 / Bled to death after sustaining severe gash during frenzied attempt at opening Fig Newtons."

If the chips were open and the dog didn't have a go at them, then the dog had not been in the truck for any length of time (CONJECTURE!).

My dog is ignoring my own experiment to see if he'll attempt to open a dollar store bag of chips; currently sleeping in sunshine instead. Perhaps miffed at inexpensive nature of chips in experiment.

LOL ... buy better chips? ;)

Catching up here after a week from hell. I have to totally apologize to all. I had a very bad week with some major concerns on the health of a family member ... and totally forgot about the experiment. I promise that tomorrow i will buy chips (really good chips) and see what my furbabes will do. Mind you, after tonite's treat of Papa Burgers, they may not be too hungry.
LOL ... buy better chips? ;)

Catching up here after a week from hell. I have to totally apologize to all. I had a very bad week with some major concerns on the health of a family member ... and totally forgot about the experiment. I promise that tomorrow i will buy chips (really good chips) and see what my furbabes will do. Mind you, after tonite's treat of Papa Burgers, they may not be too hungry.

That's even better for my headstone, sillybilly. "Papa Burgers."

Been a week from hell for me too. No need to apologize. Conduct experiment when able. :)

ETA: hope your family member is feeling better.
ETA #2: what are 'really good chips'? I'm thinking I should re-run experiment with 'good chips' also.
I have no idea if ATF was involved. Sure would have been nice if someone checked the truck with narc dogs though.
I have no idea if ATF was involved. Sure would have been nice if someone checked the truck with narc dogs though.

Perhaps 'good chips' is some sort of euphamism in Oklahoma for narcotics. :waitasec:
Morning all. Jamisons found yet? Maybe today, eh? Maybe today.

Now I'm going to have a big healthy Oklahoma breakfast - "chips"!
Morning all. Jamisons found yet? Maybe today, eh? Maybe today.

Now I'm going to have a big healthy Oklahoma breakfast - "chips"!

Good morning, wfgodot.
"Although very existentialist in its characterizations, Waiting for Godot is primarily about hope." And this I say to explain that that's where I'm at right now, and no they have not been found. YET.

(Btw- had a ham sandwich at about 4AM while beating my head against wall again.
Is that breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Chips?)

I think I need me some Oklahoma-syle chips to continue to fuel my lack of sleep. If only they were legal chips, I'd be busting that packaging open with a knife as we speak. Or maybe just blowing it open with a .22 ;)
Good morning, wfgodot.
"Although very existentialist in its characterizations, Waiting for Godot is primarily about hope." And this I say to explain that that's where I'm at right now, and no they have not been found. YET.

(Btw- had a ham sandwich at about 4AM while beating my head against wall again.
Is that breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Chips?)

I think I need me some Oklahoma-syle chips to continue to fuel my lack of sleep. If only they were legal chips, I'd be busting that packaging open with a knife as we speak. Or maybe just blowing it open with a .22 ;)

Though Beckett denied the "Godot/God" allusion (he also insisted on pronouncing the name "Go Dot" - the silly man!), yes, WFG is primarily about hope - hope for ourselves, hope for the Jamisons, hope for that great absurd cruel world outside our window that crowds the panes at nighttime, attempts to overwhelm us. But what, one asks, if God never returns, what if despair predominates and hopes go unfulfilled? The sly reader of Beckett's great play answers: well, what better reason, then, than to wait?

(See also Sylvia Plath's poem "Black Rook in Rainy Weather.")

HO-kay, that's out of my system. No Jamisons news in the working press this a. of m. A couple articles recently from the East Coast expressing the frustration that is the Jody Rilee-Wilson case, also in Oklahoma, also unsolved. On WS that thread has practically been abandoned, sadly.
No better reason than to wait, I suppose....except for that crowding of the window panes and despair predominating. *sigh*

That and being overwhelmed with other cases. And eating chips for breakfast whilst trying to figure out if your dogs can succcessfully discern decomp while it is pouring raining. And why the heck ATF might have files on the Jamison's.

(BTW- The intellectual exchange I actually hugely appreciate, wfgodot. Seriously, it is a major stress-buster for me. Thank you.)
The only reason I can think the ATF would have a file at all is maybe their guns were not papered. Or maybe a pack of cigarettes was mssing it tax stamp . I think it is the gun that is missing. They might have opened a file on the gun because it is not where is should be or maybe they had more guns then the normal person would.
Did LE run the drug dogs through the Eufaula residence? If drugs aren't somehow involved here, I'll be a monkey's uncle. (Which, being an only child, would be sort of refreshing, actually.)
The only reason I can think the ATF would have a file at all is maybe their guns were not papered. Or maybe a pack of cigarettes was mssing it tax stamp . I think it is the gun that is missing. They might have opened a file on the gun because it is not where is should be or maybe they had more guns then the normal person would.

I just want to clarify here that I am speculating entirely:
1- don't know that most people in Oklahoma register their guns. They all have serial numbers though, at least initially. You can then at least trace where they were manufactured and usually purchased.
2- I think ATF opened a file because there were a series of events going on here: a weapon missing with a serial number identified, more guns than the average Joe's collection, and a bag of Oklahoma-style chips missing it's tax stamp.

I am now going to check on narc dog I left in truck with chips to see if he is dead, or fed.
Did LE run the drug dogs through the Eufaula residence? If drugs aren't somehow involved here, I'll be a monkey's uncle. (Which, being an only child, would be sort of refreshing, actually.)

We'll be 3rd cousin's then, thrice removed! (right?)

I have no confirmation on drug dogs being worked at their Eufala residence at the time.
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