2008.07.16 Interrogation First recording

I had to add, It almost becomes laughable when LE attempts to pin down ones she names, suddenly without missing a beat, they moved. Oh and changed their phone numbers. Its in my other phone. You can feel her staying one step ahead oif the questions. :floorlaugh:
It's so hard to listen to this because it's just one lie after another...the phones, the sim card, no phone numbers, Zenaida lives here, there and everywhere, Jeffery Hopkins worked at Universal but doesn't work there now, he too has lived here, there and everywhere. No phone numbers for friends, everyone at some point worked at Universal, even Zenaida...it's all just utter BS.

I'm quite sure the defense doesn't want this interview played for the jury.

I also noticed another pattern in that every person she referred to
1) Used to work at Universal
2) Changed their phone number
3) Moved North and then South
4) Wasn't programmed into the simcard (or was) but she had talked to on the other phone.

Further things stood out to me:
5) Jeffrey Hopkins and Juliette Lewis didn't even live in Orlando - but those were the 2 people she reached out to to tell that she had not seen her daughter and thought Zannie kidnapped her. (not any of the people that were in Orlando - could begin to look for Caylee right away)
6) She went to stores, bars, parks, and apartments looking for Zannie (where was Caylee while Z was at a bar?)
7) KC had a long silence when trying to remember when Zannie started watching Caylee because former babysitter was going to attend college. She is remembering when she got caught "not working" and a refusal to babysit anymore. (KC again was trying to hand Caylee off to anyone who would watch her).
8) Even in the videos - the cake/frosting incident when CA takes over washing the baby, CA hands the wash cloth to KC and KC washes herself (not Caylee). CA continues to wash Caylee while KC washes herself and then makes little faces (childlike?) - I just got the creepy feeling that KC was attempting to be the child to see if CA would wash her face instead of washing Caylee's. I think the "Jealousy" that KC was feeling towards Caylee was so evident throughout.

Do you have a number for Jeff?

Ummm not that I can think of at the moment. I can probably find one online. (kind of like when she looked up any Zanny online?)

Did you tell anyone about the incident, about the situation with your daughter?

Yes, Juliet Lewis ..a girl I work with at Universal.

Do you have her number?

No, I can probably find one. She was on a call sheet at work. Oh wait...she moved.

So she doesn't work at Universal anymore?


Is there anyone else that can verify what you are telling me?

Yes, his name is Rumpelstiltskin. He was my nanny for a while but he moved too. He worked at Disney so you can probably get his number from them.

yes....that last one is a joke. BUT....just as absurd as KC's other answers IMO.
Can you imagine the Jury listening to this tape where ICA shows no emotion what so ever and this is while her child is missing. It should be played early on during the trial. The Jury can then watch her pretend to cry and poke her eye. Along with 31 days and the club scenes. What a sick mind.:crazy:

IMO, it should be played in opening testimony. Then again at closing testimony. THen the jury can hear what we hear and how the lies scream out. Hearing this now after all of this time, it seems so obvious.

Guilty. Enough said.
Wow....look a the second video at 2:33!!

KC pushes her lips out to Caylee in a "kiss me" fashion and Caylee reaches around and kisses KC's cheek instead. I had to watch it 3 times to see if I was really picking up on something. Caylee did NOT want to kiss MOTR on the mouth. What child does that??
I remember seeing that before and thinking maybe KC had something on her face that Caylee wanted to "avoid"...but you are right...what toddler doesn't want to kiss her mum square on the lips (no matter what)!? That "avoid" kiss reminded me of the old movie stars who wouldn't let children mess up their clothes, etc.
To me, lots of photos indicate that Caylee felt relaxed (and happiest) with Cindy.
Thanks for putting up this interview. I wonder if the Judge will leave it in or toss it out.
I remember seeing that before and thinking maybe KC had something on her face that Caylee wanted to "avoid"...but you are right...what toddler doesn't want to kiss her mum square on the lips (no matter what)!? That "avoid" kiss reminded me of the old movie stars who wouldn't let children mess up their clothes, etc.
To me, lots of photos indicate that Caylee felt relaxed (and happiest) with Cindy.
Thanks for putting up this interview. I wonder if the Judge will leave it in or toss it out.

Was this video before handcuffing? Oh, wait, it was AFTER right? Shoot, I hope it stays.
Last year my cat went missing (although I later found her hiding behind the washing machine, lol).

I was crying, running around in my robe in my house and out on the street... completely hysterical. I cannot FATHOM what it is like to lose a child. Absolutely just can't imagine my own flesh and blood being taken from me or wandering off somewhere. There is no WAY in hell I would be calm and collected like she is on that tape. It just does not make one bit of sense to me. I am so sure, so so sure, that any jury member will feel the same way.

My son's cat went missing last August and we never found her. I searched and searched for weeks and cried buckets of tears. I called everyone I knew in the area and this was all over a cat. I would have been out of my mind with worry if it had been one of my children. JB is going to have an extremely difficult time in selling the jury the load of baloney about Casey being a concerned and loving parent.
Judge Perry has this audio right? and will be listening to it?

Will this audio recording be submitted into evidence for trial...I would love a jury to hear an (IMO) NON distraught sounding mother retelling her Fictional life...

I have listened to a bit of it..will listen to the rest later while I wait for my flight..
Must remember to use Headphones...

Casey knew Sawgrass had a shed, speed bumps....she either remembered it from when Annie lived there OR she cased out the place to use in her story about what happened to Caylee..

I am really beginning to think that during those 31 days Casey was putting together "a story" about what happened to Caylee for when she got caught..

She is sooo calm, so un-nerved, she is not intimidated at all but exhibits a firmness in her voice that her story is the truth, the whole truth....

My son's cat went missing last August and we never found her. I searched and searched for weeks and cried buckets of tears. I called everyone I knew in the area and this was all over a cat. I would have been out of my mind with worry if it had been one of my children. JB is going to have an extremely difficult time in selling the jury the load of baloney about Casey being a concerned and loving parent.

I totally agree.

We are heartbroken when the Fish die...
My neighbor accidentally let my dog out of our fenced yard...I was in a panic...

Casey shows no emotion, IMO she is NOT distraught...she is as cool as a cucumber...
I say play the audio for the jury and let them decide
I had to add, It almost becomes laughable when LE attempts to pin down ones she names, suddenly without missing a beat, they moved. Oh and changed their phone numbers. Its in my other phone. You can feel her staying one step ahead oif the questions. :floorlaugh:

I believe she worked out a story to give to her family and LE when she got caught..I also believe she made stuff up on the spot
It is my understanding that this is the first recording done at Hopespring. If this is the case, this is ALL the state needs. I know we want the universal tapes, but take a look and share your thoughts.



I just caught something. She tells the detective that she & Juliet work in the same department at Universal. Then when he starts wanting phone numbers for her, she (Juliet) no longer works there. Oh what tangled webs we weave. :floorlaugh:
oh absolutely! even the THOUGHT of it happening will put me into a panic attack.
i remember after haleigh cummings "was kidnapped from her bed" i slept with my daughter (3, at the time) on the sofa for 9 months because i was deathly afraid of someone coming in one of our bedroom windows and taking her. it wasn't until i was sure that it was an inside job and most kidnappings don't occur in a child's bedroom during the night, that in finally let her sleep on her own.

i don't know WHAT i (or most normal people) would do if their child was missing.. i'd be inconsolable! there would be NO way i could sit there thru questioning so calmly.. or wasting time telling lies..
i would run to the ends of the earth to find my child.

My daughter's school called me about 11 am one day (she was 9 at the time) to say she was not at school and did I drop her off? I had dropped her off before 8 am and watched her line up with her class to enter the building. I was driving and had to pull over. My heart felt like it would explode, I was sobbing, I could barely think. Believe me, if they hadn't figured out within 3 minutes that someone made a mistake in the attendance records when she had been taken out of class to take a make-up standardized test, I would not have been calmly renting movies while I waited to see if anyone planned to bring her back.

Casey's voice on the July 16 interview tapes just sends a chill down your spine.
I just caught something. She tells the detective that she & Juliet work in the same department at Universal. Then when he starts wanting phone numbers for her, she (Juliet) no longer works there. Oh what tangled webs we weave. :floorlaugh:

I am so glad ya'll are talking about this subject here. I posted this question on the Q&A thread, but no answer yet. This is a long cut and paste so it may take two posts. DOES ANYBODY KNOW if this Heather person ever showed up anywhere? (As talked about early on in a LE interview with Lee)

(Detective Erickson exits the room).
EE: …I’ll get to another…bare with me. There’s a reason I do, number four. We can jump into number
four then. We’ll, we’ll, we’ll marry number four and number three together. An individual female by the
name of Heather, unknown last, but can you find that for me?
LA: Yes.
EE: Contacted you from [REDACTED] and provided you a great deal of information regarding her prior
work history with your sister.
LA: Uh-hum (affirmative).
EE: Tell me about that.
LA: Uh, she had actually originally reached out to me via e-mail. Uh, I was able to, through some email
correspondence with her, just tell her that I wanted to talk to her about uhm, about Casey uhm, because
Heather conveyed in her initial e-mail to me that what’s been reported on, they can’t verify Casey’s
employment with Universal. She said that that’s incorrect. Because they need to look for her as a
employee of Kodak…
EE: And Kodak?
LA: …and Color Vision.
EE: Okay.
LA: Exactly. Kodak was later bought by Color Vision, or changed to Color Vision. Uhm, from 2004 until
late 2006. So uhm, it was her intention to kind of right that ship, you know and, and correct the, you
know, what is being currently listed as a, a misstatement or lie.
EE: Based on, based on what she’s seen on the…
LA: Based on her, her…
EE: …news?
LA: Ex…exactly. Exactly. Based on what she’s seen or read in the news. She wanted to say this is,
that’s inaccurate. So she uhm, she wanted to convey that to me. I uh, tried to es…establish a time where
I could go visit her at her uhm, at her occupation, which is at Blockbuster at Dr. Phillips. However, due to
my schedule we decided just to do it over the phone uhm, pretty much the next day. And uhm, at that
time I was able to just kind of ask her questions. You know, “So you worked with Casey? Tell me about
it.” And then she offered up all the information on uhm, that she started with the company in May of 2004.
My sister was already an employee at that time. Again, this is Kodak.
EE: Uh-hum (affirmative).
LA: Uhm, that Kodak switched over to Color Vision uh, at the end of the year of 2005. It was at that time
that uh, my sister switched over to an HR (human resources) role instead of working in the actual outside
of a ride or something like that, you know, where they take your picture. Uhm, she worked in an HR role
with Color Vision. Uhm…
EE: And this is from Heather?
LA: This is all from Heather, yes.
EE: Okay.
LE: Uhm, I then asked her, uhm, said, “That there’s some people that uhm, Casey said that she’s met
through that job that she was friends with that, you know, that she’s met, you know, her nanny through
and things like that. Can you tell me?” She said, “Well, I know that she uhm, had met uhm, somebody
named Jeff who had a,” and at that time I offered up the last name Hopkins and she said, “Yes.” Uhm,
and she said that uhm….
EE: But she later backed off on that nd said it was….
LA: Yes, she did.
EE: …not Hopkins?
LA: Yes, she did.
EE: Okay.
LA: Uhm, two days later she e-mailed me and said, “Hey, you know, as in regards to Jeff I really don’t
think that’s his real last name,” (chuckles).
EE: Okay.
LA: Uhm, but she said that yes, there was a Jeff. And she offered up all the information which had
already been conveyed to me by my sister and by other folks that uhm, that this Jeff Hopkins was an IT
guy uhm, for Kodak. She was the one that provided to, oh, and that also he had a three year old son
named Zachery. And that uhm, this nanny that Jeff introduced my sister to for Caylee that this was the
nanny of, of Zachery, who is Jeff’s son. So that’s kind of how that, how that relationship would have
been, you know, spawned there. And uhm….
EE: He works for Disney now?
LA: Yes.
EE: Or he did?
LA: Heather had uh, conveyed to me, which is the first time that I heard that uh, he did not stay with
Kodak very long. Uhm, that uh, he switched to one of the Disney Water Parks. Uhm, she, she made it
s…she conveyed in a way where it sounded like that happened prior to that uh, Color Vision deal. You
know some time in towards the end of 2005. But I didn’t ask her for specifics. Uh, and….
EE: But he lives in Jacksonville now?
LA: Yes. That’s what’s been conveyed to me to…
NOT that I believe there is a JH or JL......but I am very curious as to who this person was that contacted Lee by email....
ICA says she looked and searched at a couple stores where Zenida shops???
because maybe she is there with Caylee and they are shopping

Dayum, that was painful to listen to after all these years. Knowing what we know now, and to listen to all these lies spew from her mouth -- like they are truths to her.

Sim cards, Zenaida, Jeffrey Hopkins...how is Jose gonna get outta this one!

LANCE: Well, we`ve actually spoken to Jeffrey Hopkins`s father, and he indicated to us that he kind of knew Casey in high school but he hadn`t even worked at Universal in quite some time and he did not recall his son working there with Casey Anthony at all.

GRACE: And of course, he did not introduce Zenaida Gonzalez to mom, Casey Anthony.

LANCE: No, absolutely not.

Thanks for the link -- a great refresh!

My daughter's school called me about 11 am one day (she was 9 at the time) to say she was not at school and did I drop her off? I had dropped her off before 8 am and watched her line up with her class to enter the building. I was driving and had to pull over. My heart felt like it would explode, I was sobbing, I could barely think. Believe me, if they hadn't figured out within 3 minutes that someone made a mistake in the attendance records when she had been taken out of class to take a make-up standardized test, I would not have been calmly renting movies while I waited to see if anyone planned to bring her back.

Casey's voice on the July 16 interview tapes just sends a chill down your spine.

You're right - ICA is utterly calm during this interview. She's too busy focusing on the lies and forgot to add the emotion!

when this liar of the century tells a whopper her voice tends to go into the scratchy,deep, frog in the throat mode

(could i have some lies with these whoppers please)

when this liar of the century tells a whopper her voice tends to go into the scratchy,deep, frog in the throat mode

(could i have some lies with these whoppers please)


I hear ya! And all this talk about Universal - OMG!! She also sing-songs when she's lying - did you catch that?


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