Vass deposition

Who's Dr Shirley Mason that they mention?
At first I thought it was a joke...
Haven't gotten there yet, but I'm gonna guess Mr. Ashton did not fire back with something along the lines of "maybe for the same reason your client didn't report her dead daughter....guilt complex?"


I wish he would have!!!
Are you freakin kidding me that CM said to JA that he will take him? Take him where? For ice cream?
LKB must want to bury her head in a potted plant during that exchange-what loons-No wonder she rolled out.
Why does it seem that LKB really, really, really wanted to get her hands on the list of 400+ compounds? And, why so many questions in regards to the Labador and funding, names, etc. Perhaps I'm just a bit suspicious, but my own sniffer is sending out alarms. And, LKB filed her motion to withdraw Oct 2010... shortly after this Sept 22 depo.
So far, I have to give it to LKB-Even with Mr. Ashton's objections at hand, she does not stamp her feet and throw a hissy fit. She lawyers.
Why does it seem that LKB really, really, really wanted to get her hands on the list of 400+ compounds? And, why so many questions in regards to the Labador and funding, names, etc. Perhaps I'm just a bit suspicious, but my own sniffer is sending out alarms. And, LKB filed her motion to withdraw Oct 2010... shortly after this Sept 22 depo.

I think she wants to determine that the witness is profitting off of this whole thing and his research, as JB flat out asked in court last week. Somehow she may think that discredits him or makes him impeachable.
However, her hubby just might take great interest in this as well...
Oh my...just getting to the patent stuff now. I wish the Adobe voice reader thingy did not sound like a robot, I would love to play this depo instead of reading it :crosseyed:

OMG I forgot about that feature! Can you choose to have "r" read as "w"? I would love that!
OK, it's 9:15 so I'm going to try to read this before bed (I can read pretty fast, lol)...couldn't resist after reading the comments above!
Seriously, JB is asking Dr. Vass how he knows that freezing a body or an animal would arrest decomp?
Gee, JB I suppose we all learn that at some point in our lives, and that's why we store our steaks and pork chops in the fridge or the freezer, and not in the pantry!
And there goes that silly ole Dr. Vass pointing out to JB that there was only a pizza box in the trunk, not pizza....
Hmmm. The lady asks Michael Baden how good is a cadaver dog and he says they're good but they often hit on false positives.

Who's Dr Shirley Mason that they mention?
At first I thought it was a joke...

I'm just now starting to read it. Not exactly sure yet but Shirley Mason is listed as "Also present" on the depo cover page.
Awe, JB doesn't like to be laughed at! So, with that in mind...

:rolling: :floorlaugh: :rolling: :floorlaugh: :rolling: :floorlaugh: :rolling: :floorlaugh:

JB goes on to suggest that there was something wrong with Dr. Vass wanting to help find Caylee in a non-professional capacity. Um :waitasec: didn't JB and his client want Caylee found?
All right, I'm going to take another crack at this depo. The patent stuff was boring me and it is so transparent since JB insinuated Vass was testifying to bolster his machine (of which he gets a whopping 15%/#scientists royalty). I need to fast forward to the juicy stuff.
All right, I'm going to take another crack at this depo. The patent stuff was boring me and it is so transparent since JB insinuated Vass was testifying to bolster his machine (of which he gets a whopping 15%/#scientists royalty). I need to fast forward to the juicy stuff.

Which according to Dr. Vass, amounts to a whopping $11,250 at most, before taxes. Unheard of for a specialized scientist!
Furthermore, it is laughable that JB is suggesting that Dr. Vass is driven solely by profiting from murder cases and death...when JB made a cool $200,000 on straight up BLOOD MONEY.

Page 109

JB wants to know if anyone reported the hit-n-run squirrel to the police.

(um, JB your client didn't report her missing daughter!)


ok i'm off to read this knowing i'll be too wound up to sleep :maddening:
Who calls the cops when the see a dead squirrel or hits a squirrel? In the last few weeks I saw a dead dog and a dead cat by the side of the road. Guess what my thoughts were? They were Good Grief I'm horrified and heartbroken over someone's pet and ICA could care less about Caylee. Not to mention the awful morning where I thought I saw ducks in a field and to my horror they were vultures dismembering what I think was the dog I had seen the day earlier. Guess where that sight took my thoughts. :(
This is good stuff. JB wants JA to let the deponent infer what his questions mean...Dr. Vass comes back and basically tells JB that his question was un-inferable.
Yes, Dr. Vass, he kerfunkles all of us...but JA trying to thwart him is just unacceptable!

So, JB tries to slide in the documents that he left on the state attorney's desk last week, the ones that HHJP told JB that he could not use. JB flat out lies to JA by saying that he got those docs from discovery. JA has his number.
Liar, liar, weasel for hire.

I think JA has the patience of a SAINT after reading all of this!

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