2011.03.26 - More Searching off Skyline

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Up in the right hand corner of Fox's post... directly over from the date and time.

Just to the left of the red white and black alert triangle.

There is a number, right now that post is #96.

Click on the number. It will open up just that post and you can bookmark it like you would any other.

:blowkiss: Thank you so very much!
You're all welcome about the timeline! :) It's my pleasure and the least I can do for Kyron since I live on the other side of the continent.

I've wondered about asking the Mods to make it a sticky, but I'm not sure how I would update it if I did that. So I just keep a copy of it in Word, and also bookmark the most up-to-date copy here on the forum.

ETA: Or perhaps I should make a thread for it in the Timeline Forum up on top - I forgot about that! I'll ask Kimster.
You're all welcome about the timeline! :) It's my pleasure and the least I can do for Kyron since I live on the other side of the continent.

I've wondered about asking the Mods to make it a sticky, but I'm not sure how I would update it if I did that. So I just keep a copy of it in Word, and also bookmark the most up-to-date copy here on the forum.

ETA: Or perhaps I should make a thread for it in the Timeline Forum up on top - I forgot about that! I'll ask Kimster.

I stickied it and left it open for future searches.

Thank you SO MUCH Thought Fox! :hug:
I stickied it and left it open for future searches.

Thank you SO MUCH Thought Fox! :hug:

No, thank you!!!!!!!! :blowkiss:

I really appreciate it. :) So for everyone who wanted to bookmark it, here's the link:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132356"]Kyron's Search Timeline ***NO DISCUSSION*** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Ok, I am having trouble finding it, or just need better glasses,
In ThoughtFox Very nice timeline of searches did they do a really complete search of all of the Horman’s property?
Like with cadaver and Human Remains Dogs???
If TH were going to put a world of hurting, and Killed Kyron out of hatred for Kaine,
that is a place, where she might put Kyron, which would be very traumatizing for Kaine.
They need to go back and check again the Hormans property with cadaver dogs and surrounding areas or do it again.What if someone moved his body and put him there after they checked before.
They need to go back and check again the Hormans property with cadaver dogs and surrounding areas or do it again.

I'm not one to rely on my "gut feelings" in any way, but when I was up there I felt overwhelmed with a feeling that Kyron was near the property. You can't believe all the brush and foliage around there! And it grows FAST. We saw search tape around the Korman property so we know it was searched. I'm like you, I'd like to see them search around there again. But doing so on my hunch isn't very cost effective.
The ground cover is so thick all over that part of the state, and the terrain is so rugged, that it appears to be possible to all but step on a piece of evidence and not see it. :(
The ground cover is so thick all over that part of the state, and the terrain is so rugged, that it appears to be possible to all but step on a piece of evidence and not see it. :(

Exactly. I'm not a SAR person, but I would think only dogs could find remains out there.

When Brooke Wilberger's killer advised where he put her remains, everyone commented on how she would never had been found if he hadn't said where she was. :(
Does anyone on here know if there were any searches conducted today? I have had a feeling from early on that Kyron is near the Horman residence--Sheltered Nook Road. I know that they have searched the property, but have they searched with cadaver dogs? Kaine Horman's property is surrounded by woods, and it would actually be the logical area, especially time-wise. I had heard that Harry Oakes' dog alerted on the edge of the property at least twice. But, I am not sure of the reliablity of that information. Does anyone else know about this? Many times victims are found very close to home. Everytime I drive on Cornelius Pass Road by Sheltered Nook, I think about it.

I read also that Harry oakes dog hit on the edge of that property because he wasnt allowed on the porperty LE does not like Harry. I say let him help what can it hurt! All the damage has been done Kyron is gone.

If the school had proper rules enforced about the public being on premises this little boy wouldnt be missing JMO They would have known exactly who was in the school that day what time they left and if Kyron left with Terr H
Exactly. I'm not a SAR person, but I would think only dogs could find remains out there.

When Brooke Wilberger's killer advised where he put her remains, everyone commented on how she would never had been found if he hadn't said where she was. :(

Just like the man that hid the bodies of 3 ppl and a dog in a hollowed out tree!!!!

I cant even imagine!
They need to go back and check again the Hormans property with cadaver dogs and surrounding areas or do it again.What if someone moved his body and put him there after they checked before.

Hi Ms Suzanne, I agree they need to go back and check it out with dogs if they didn't already.

Have we ever had a post with the plat map of the Horman property? It would give dimensions. If he is there it wouldn't necessarily have to be on their property, but we could then figure out how far back that cleared area is and if there is a dirt road giving access to it. To me it almost looked like a spot had been cleared to build on.

Not that they would put him in the cleared area, but if it was accessible that would make the surrounding brushy and treed area a likely spot. Hidden, no one goes back there - who would ever expect Kyron to be so close to his home? It is just a thought that rolls around in my head often !!!

PS: As to moving a body I think that would have been pretty risky. We see it in TV shows but how often in real life. It is possible of course IMO.
Kimster said: I'm not one to rely on my "gut feelings" in any way, but when I was up there I felt overwhelmed with a feeling that Kyron was near the property.

Yes, that is exactly the way I feel when I go past Sheltered Nook Road. I have been near the Horman House (in a vehicle), and the whole area there is so private. At this point--with the topography of the land--their best chance of finding Kyron would be with cadaver dogs. I don't believe that LE (I could be totally wrong) ever used cadaver dogs on the Horman property or in the immediate surrounding area. Hopefully soon--especially now with the FBI more involved--such a search will occur. On another note, I find it highly unlikely that Kyron was ever moved from one area to another. I believe that he has been in one place from day one just waiting for someone to find him and bring him home to his mother and father.
Hi Ms Suzanne, I agree they need to go back and check it out with dogs if they didn't already.

Have we ever had a post with the plat map of the Horman property? It would give dimensions. If he is there it wouldn't necessarily have to be on their property, but we could then figure out how far back that cleared area is and if there is a dirt road giving access to it. To me it almost looked like a spot had been cleared to build on.

Not that they would put him in the cleared area, but if it was accessible that would make the surrounding brushy and treed area a likely spot. Hidden, no one goes back there - who would ever expect Kyron to be so close to his home? It is just a thought that rolls around in my head often !!!

PS: As to moving a body I think that would have been pretty risky. We see it in TV shows but how often in real life. It is possible of course IMO.

If i remember correctly there is also an empty house next to theirs and I also think Harrys dog hit on that property ill try to remember where i read this and post it.
Kimster said: I'm not one to rely on my "gut feelings" in any way, but when I was up there I felt overwhelmed with a feeling that Kyron was near the property.

Yes, that is exactly the way I feel when I go past Sheltered Nook Road. I have been near the Horman House (in a vehicle), and the whole area there is so private. At this point--with the topography of the land--their best chance of finding Kyron would be with cadaver dogs. I don't believe that LE (I could be totally wrong) ever used cadaver dogs on the Horman property or in the immediate surrounding area. Hopefully soon--especially now with the FBI more involved--such a search will occur. On another note, I find it highly unlikely that Kyron was ever moved from one area to another. I believe that he has been in one place from day one just waiting for someone to find him and bring him home to his mother and father.

The SAR dog hit on the property next to the hormans house and the dog hit on a death scent. Someone had died.. Ok Now The SAR dog needs the scent of Kyron for them to determine if it was Kyron. The Hormans wont give the dog a scent. To me that like saying that little boy is very very close to home and maybe someone in that family dosent want Kyron to be found right?

If i knew a dog had hit on the border property wouldnt you want to find out
if its your child? One way or the other? I sure would!

i know MCSO dont like H.O. but hey after all he might be able to help id sure take him up on his offer! JMO

The property next to the hormans is empty and for sale!
This entire Horman extended family totally baffles me. None of them seem to
have a grip on anything. Its like 7 marriages between them all, kids shuffled around, to me it seems Terri had a drinking problem that her husband turned a blind eye to, I have some doubts about the murder for hire thing (i think if they had proof of that she woould be in jail) she maybe was having an affair maybe with said gardener and he got scared and made up that story...

they wont let Harry and his dogs search. civilians can only search if they get certified (WTH*ll). A little boy has been gone for almost a year and there is no sign of him. A school with no policies on protecting its children. and the hormans found no fault with that.

Portland Oregon has the highest child trafficking rate in all the USA. Its a very dangerous place to be a child or a runaway. Strip clubs everywhere.

If i were the Hormans id take every hand that was offered to help. There is so much land out there their 100 certified searchers cant cover the areas they need everyone.....
I could go on and on but i wont Kyrons and Haleighs case really get my blood boiling.

JMVO Opinions!
This entire Horman extended family totally baffles me. None of them seem to
have a grip on anything. Its like 7 marriages between them all, kids shuffled around, to me it seems Terri had a drinking problem that her husband turned a blind eye to, I have some doubts about the murder for hire thing (i think if they had proof of that she woould be in jail) she maybe was having an affair maybe with said gardener and he got scared and made up that story...

they wont let Harry and his dogs search. civilians can only search if they get certified (WTH*ll). A little boy has been gone for almost a year and there is no sign of him. A school with no policies on protecting its children. and the hormans found no fault with that.

Portland Oregon has the highest child trafficking rate in all the USA. Its a very dangerous place to be a child or a runaway. Strip clubs everywhere.

If i were the Hormans id take every hand that was offered to help. There is so much land out there their 100 certified searchers cant cover the areas they need everyone.....
I could go on and on but i wont Kyrons and Haleighs case really get my blood boiling.

JMVO Opinions!

I don't agree with the generalization that this area is dangerous for kids. I've lived in several different areas of the country and I do not find Portland any more dangerous than other major cities. The high sex trafficking is also up for debate. :(


The school also had safety policies but as we discussed at length in other threads, they were not followed that day. I can tell you that happens often in schools that size where everyone knows each other. Sadly, I'm speaking from experience again.
I think they searched on the Horman property and all around it, from what the news records tell us. Then if you scroll down the page they searched through there many more times. I've just never been sure if Terri would have hidden a body right on her own property, but possibly close by. I think that was the hunch they were going with until the phone records came back and they got the "pings" near Sauvie Island, then everything shifted away from the school and the Horman property.

From the Search Timeline:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132356"]Kyron's Search Timeline ***NO DISCUSSION*** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

June 7th: From Diana Olsen, coordinator of the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office search and rescue operation:

Olsen said searchers on Sunday were not able to complete the 2-mile area from Skyline to Kyron’s home and hope to do that today.

She said searchers today will focus on an area known as wood mill by Cornelius Pass and Northwest Sheltered Nook Road.

“Yesterday they were in the thick blackberries,” Olsen said. “They spent seven hours in there and only did a third of it.”

. . . She said in addition to those areas, searchers also have responded to requests from Kyron’s father, Kaine, about areas where the boy may be, including a horse pasture in Banks, which was searched Sunday.

Olsen said ground search efforts will be reassessed later today after the FBI looks at a map of the region.
I think they searched on the Horman property and all around it, from what the news records tell us. Then if you scroll down the page they searched through there many more times. I've just never been sure if Terri would have hidden a body right on her own property, but possibly close by. I think that was the hunch they were going with until the phone records came back and they got the "pings" near Sauvie Island, then everything shifted away from the school and the Horman property.:

I realize that they searched the Horman area and surrounding property, but the question is have they searched with cadaver dogs? For example, it would be pretty easy to overlook a shallow grave or something else not so obvious. But, a cadaver dog can even detect human remains that are buried. Recall the Ward Weaver case--LE failed to find Miranda and Ashley, but Harry Oakes' cadaver dog alerted to both girls being on his property.
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