What Is the Defense Strategy #2

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If Caylee's biological father were known to LE, he'd be the #2 suspect (Casey being #1) in this case. If that had been the case, we would have seen some transcript records/documents released of any interviews/questioning done by investigators, not to mention the media would have been all over it, had it been true, in half a heartbeat. I just don't see it - JMO

The SA would at least have taken a deposition that we would be aware of, even if it was sealed. And the headlines would have been a foot tall on every website. Caylee's father found - they would scream - even if the articles spoke of a young "unnamed male".

I think the SA has nada, and since it was very clear the father has had no contact whatsoever with the Anthony family, it seems clear to me they have no interest in hunting him down, since the only reason to do that would be to satisfy the public's curiosity.
I've been thinking a lot about opening statements... Baez keeps talking about the first minutes of his jaw dropper, and I'm beginning to think that's all he has. Is the defense going to take more than a few minutes for an opening statement? Or will Baez opine for too long illustrating the same vapid points ad nauseum? I'm so eager to see what the DT has, lol.
Perry says attorneys will each have 7 minutes to "flap their gums" before opening statements

So I wonder what kinda of "Baez Speak or "Casey Speak" They are gonna come up with that will be jaw dropping...
Perry says attorneys will each have 7 minutes to "flap their gums" before opening statements

So I wonder what kinda of "Baez Speak or "Casey Speak" They are gonna come up with that will be jaw dropping...

IMHO I think they're still gonna go with SODDI, and how the body wasn't there at the time ICA was arrested (Though Tim Miller will discredit that). We can go from any list of players that ICA wants to throw under the bus, from GA, CA, LA, JG, RK, AH - the list goes on and on.

But I think the "bombshell" will be when JB says "the body wasn't there and no one can prove it was, when ICA was arrested and under 24/7 watch, and the only thing they found in the truck was a slimey banana.


Other than a full HONEST confession ~ which wil.NOT happen, what would make our jaws drop???
I can't think of ANYTHING that would SHOCK me considering how this family has acted.
I marked The time on clip when HHJP was saying Mon he would have time to speak with Teams about some matter..(issues) they had talked about .. absence a stipulation they would do it the "old fashion way"

What do you think that is ... I am thinking The DT wants that Witness list and in the order they are calling them ..in other words he wants to be privy to the game plan .. ... wants exception cause his girl is so so special .....


  • FireShot capture #274 - 'RAW VIDEO_ Day 11 Of Casey Jury.jpg
    FireShot capture #274 - 'RAW VIDEO_ Day 11 Of Casey Jury.jpg
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IMHO I think they're still gonna go with SODDI, and how the body wasn't there at the time ICA was arrested (Though Tim Miller will discredit that). We can go from any list of players that ICA wants to throw under the bus, from GA, CA, LA, JG, RK, AH - the list goes on and on.

But I think the "bombshell" will be when JB says "the body wasn't there and no one can prove it was, when ICA was arrested and under 24/7 watch, and the only thing they found in the truck was a slimey banana.



It has to be more than that. On 48 Hours JB said everything that everyone thinks they know about this case is wrong. He said all will be revealed in the first 3 minutes of his opening statement. It has to be more than the body was put there while Casey was in custody.

I'm curious if the DT will admit that imaginanny doesn't exsist. Maybe stipulate to that so the jury won't have to hear all Casey's lies JUST about imaginanny.
Undiagnosed bipolar disorder.
History of abuse.
Poor parenting skills because she never learned to be a parent.
Home alone with Caylee on the 16th, when accidental drowning occurred.
Flurry of calls.
Puts Caylee in back of car.
Goes to Blockbuster, Tonys....
Caylee begins to decompose.
Elaborate cover-up begins......
Her untreated mental illness and social history allows her to separate herself from the crime, resulting in the very questionable, appalling behavior.

Jmo and my new friend

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here's a new article by Anthony Colarossi at the Orlando Sentinel:

Experts predict prosecution, defense strategies for Anthony trial

"Blame it on the nanny. Blame it on the meter reader. Blame Caylee Marie's disappearance and death on someone, anyone other than her mother. In the nearly three years it took to get here — opening statements in Casey Anthony's trial are scheduled for Tuesday — various defense theories briefly captured our attention and then fizzled. Now that the guilt phase of her trial is at hand, the legal experts who have watched this case carefully and know it best say she has few defense options remaining. The prevailing thought is that her defense team will continue to point the finger in another direction — this time at her family and, particularly, Casey's father, George Anthony."

Here's the whole article: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news...-defense-prosecution-20110521,0,3574348.story

Thanks! The article has theories by Mark Nejame, Richard Hornsby, and Bill Sheaffer. Of the three, I agree with Mark Nejame. The defense will be that it was an accidental death and KC was too afraid of her father.

Interesting that all three local attorneys agree that the bus is aimed for George Anthony.
The Capital Jury and Absolution: The Intersection of Trial Strategy, Remorse and the Death Penalty
Scott E. Sundby
Washington and Lee University - School of Law

synopsis: Interviews of 150 California Jurors re: Death or Life. Why they voted the way they did. It's a very short article. The jest is that the ones that voted for Death did so because the Defendant denied their guilt and said the SA hadn't proven their case. The Jurors that voted for Life said the Defendant accepted responsibility but it was unintentional etc.

So, I think the Defense will put ICA on the stand and she will say it was an accident and she didn't report it because she was afraid of one/both of her parents - and I think she will throw the abuse allegations into the mix.

Now, having said that, I realize I am assuming the Defense/ICA are rational responsible honest people and would never intentionally ruin another persons life by wrongly accusing them of Caylee's Murder just to keep from going to jail..............................
Susan1215.............I agree with your thoughts, completely. I also have wondered if the movie ICA watched the night of June 16th, with the guy being duct taped, propelled her to place the duct tape on Caylee after the fact, like one of the days she backed the car into the garage. Part of me thinks it could not of adhered very well with the decomp process started, but perhaps that is why it was stuck to her hair on both sides of her head? 3 pieces, then the heart sticker, I suppose she would of had time to do that in the confines of the garage. MOO

This sounds quite reasonable. But the main problem is how is this going to be entered into testimony? Who will take the witness stand and advance this information? It would have to be ICA who would testify to this.
Regardless of whether Jose gives this information during an opening statement, it has to be presented to the jury as testimony to have any weight. To be worthy of the jury's consideration, this has to be presented in a believable way.
Susan1215.............I agree with your thoughts, completely. I also have wondered if the movie ICA watched the night of June 16th, with the guy being duct taped, propelled her to place the duct tape on Caylee after the fact, like one of the days she backed the car into the garage. Part of me thinks it could not of adhered very well with the decomp process started, but perhaps that is why it was stuck to her hair on both sides of her head? 3 pieces, then the heart sticker, I suppose she would of had time to do that in the confines of the garage. MOO

Because the mandible had not dropped and was held in place by the duct tape the ME determined the tape was placed just prior to death or very shortly after. Obviously if the child were dead there would be no need for the duct tape. KC may have seen this film originally in the theater when it was first released. But the ME has determined the tape was not placed there after decomposition started. Knowing KC the way we do she would not have bothered with the duct tape had Caylee already been deceased. jmo
I believe that the defense strategy is to avoid the death penalty, I think they already know they have no chance for an acquittal. After watching the jury selection it seems they spent the most amount of time, via AF, really gleaning the possibility of mercy, mitigating circumstances, etc. JMO
Experts predict prosecution, defense strategies for Anthony trial
May 21, 2011|By Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel

Blame it on the nanny. Blame it on the meter reader. Blame Caylee Marie's disappearance and death on someone, anyone other than her mother.

In the nearly three years it took to get here — opening statements in Casey Anthony's trial are scheduled for Tuesday — various defense theories briefly captured our attention and then fizzled.

Now that the guilt phase of her trial is at hand, the legal experts who have watched this case carefully and know it best say she has few defense options remaining.

The prevailing thought is that her defense team will continue to point the finger in another direction — this time at her family and, particularly, Casey's father, George Anthony.

One of the more provocative takes on that approach comes from Mark NeJame, who at different times has represented George and Cindy Anthony and the search group that looked for Caylee's remains nearly three years ago.

NeJame envisions Casey Anthony taking the witness stand and explaining the "accidental death" of her daughter. She then might attribute her lies, her actions and her failure to report the child's death to fear of her father, according to the prominent Orlando attorney.

"They will develop a story in which she maintains that she lied and covered up an accidental death for fear of some sort of physical response from her father, as untruthful as that might be," NeJame said. "To me it's inescapable that that's the direction they're heading in. It's still fraught with land mines, but that's still their best defense."

It's pretty apparent the defense will direct blame at George Anthony, NeJame and others say, by reading the "tea leaves" of this case:

I guess if the DT is going after both CA and GA in opening statements, and plans on putting ICA on the stand, we will then see the SA put George and Cindy back up on the stand to rebut ICA's statements, because the SA isn't going to let those statements just lie there.

This is going to be very tough on the Anthony's and very interesting for us to watch - and if that isn't an understatement, I don't know what is...:innocent:
I think the only way out for KC is to take the stand and make up an accidental death scenario. For some, the chloroform and the duct tape will be hard to explain away. She could say that she did search online about chloroform, made some and stored it in the trunk of her car. At some time, maybe after storming out after the big fight with CA, Caylee was asleep in the car while she was parked and stood outside talking to TL on her cell. When she got back into the car she realized that the chloroform had spilled in the trunk and killed Caylee. This would explain her fear since she just had the fight with CA and since the chloroform was illegal for her to make and have. The stalling and her lies was an attempt to buy time so the chloroform wouldn't be detectable in Caylee's body. She feared her parents and LE so she staged a kidnapping with the duct tape. She didn't admit it to detectives when they begged her to since she thought they could still detect the chloroform. She knew she didn't intend to kill her and feared she would go to prison for life if she admitted that Caylee died from chloroform poisoning.

In the very least, this could be enough doubt to save her from the death penalty. At best, the story would be believed and she would get manslaughter since her intent was never to harm Caylee. I have to add that I don't think this is what happened. But, from a defense standpoint, this is the only accident I can think of that explains the huge amount of chloroform in her trunk and her prior searches along with why she would want to cover up what had happened.
I posted this on the 48 hours thread thinking it was this thread for some reason so I hope it's ok if I repost it as it is too late to delete that:

I have to say that even if it were an accident, I would want her to get at least LWOP. Because if it were an accident, she is a tremendous danger to society, especially any future children. If it were an accident, that means one spring day her baby suddenly died. And what did she do? Call 9-1-1? How did she know she was really dead? Does she have a fake RN degree? What does she do? Rent movies and go on her merry way. Any mother who could lose a baby suddenly and just carry on obviously has an attachment problem, and obviously did not vaule that baby's life. Now that she knows how easily she could get over it, she would not think twice about killing anyone. I don't believe for a second that it was an accident but that would be almost MORE bizarre. We've all seen garden variety sociopath mothers like Susan Smith..this is almost more chilling. Again, I don't believe it was an accident but if it was, she shouldn't have waited 3 years to tell.
Maybe I'm wrong and Casey will do whatever she thinks she has to do to have the best chance, but I still don't know if she would be willing to admit that she had anything to do with Caylee's death at all, even as an accident. It's going to really ruffle her tail feathers if she has to admit any culpability at all, IMO. She probably won't like anything the DT puts forward that could put her fabulous self in a bad light in any way. IMO she'd really like to say SODDI.
I think the only way out for KC is to take the stand and make up an accidental death scenario. For some, the chloroform and the duct tape will be hard to explain away. She could say that she did search online about chloroform, made some and stored it in the trunk of her car. At some time, maybe after storming out after the big fight with CA, Caylee was asleep in the car while she was parked and stood outside talking to TL on her cell. When she got back into the car she realized that the chloroform had spilled in the trunk and killed Caylee.
Just before or at the time that Caylee disappeared, was ICA still seeing the man who she e-mailed about the: Win them over with Chloroform "joke"?
Curious if she could weave him into the picture given this scenario.
I think the only way out for KC is to take the stand and make up an accidental death scenario. For some, the chloroform and the duct tape will be hard to explain away. She could say that she did search online about chloroform, made some and stored it in the trunk of her car. At some time, maybe after storming out after the big fight with CA, Caylee was asleep in the car while she was parked and stood outside talking to TL on her cell. When she got back into the car she realized that the chloroform had spilled in the trunk and killed Caylee.
Just before or at the time that Caylee disappeared, was ICA still seeing the man who she e-mailed about the: Win them over with Chloroform "joke"?
Curious if she could weave him into the picture given this scenario.
Yes, she was seeing RM before and after Caylee disappeared. She could say this was what prompted her to search and then make the chloroform.

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