2011.06.15 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Nineteen)

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I wonder if introducing the stinking cans into evidence on the last day of the State's case is an attempt to have it fresh in the minds of the jury when they go into deliberations? I would be sitting there thinking we should open one of these.

Kind of blurry, but still funny! Good morning all. :)

:floorlaugh: That's me!!
I wonder if introducing the stinking cans into evidence on the last day of the State's case is an attempt to have it fresh in the minds of the jury when they go into deliberations? I would be sitting there thinking we should open one of these.

I'm wishy washy on the cans being opened. If I were a juror, I think I might actually be furious if the state subjected me to the stench that came from this precious child's decomposing body. That's an incredibly traumatic thing, imo.
And wasn't CM's tone kinda' nasty when he refused JA's suggestion?

I think CM is perpetually nasty - if he doesn't like it then he can jump right in and start presenting the DT's side today, or keep his silence. I think the sidebar transcripts will show all sorts of nasty from CM and JB.

I'm sure that not only will we get the aquittal request, they'll try and sneak in another mistrial before they break today.
Good morning, I am very pleased with the SA so far. They know exactly what they are doing. The DT's clown act will not distract the jury from finding ICA guilty. Justice for Caylee is on the way!
Good Morning !!! Does anybody else think that the poor people on the Jury are gonna be a tad bit pizzed off over what's going on this morning ??

I didn't see much of yesterday- why is it a short day today?
I went to sleep after 12 woke up around 3:30. 25min til court starts. Trying to stay awake for the entire 10 min today!
Bless you Caylee. Tomorrow will be a difficult day for everyone that loved you.
It is my wish for my birthday that you get the justice you deserve. I pray that 6/26 is your day angel!
If I were in the jury I would be severly PO'd after sitting there for 5 min and being dismissed for the day. Especially because I'm sure there are some women on the panel who take a little extra long getting ready in the morning.

I've always hoped I could get out of jury duty if the computer ever picked my name. After watching jury selection and how HHJP watches over them like a class of 1st graders, I'd serve jury duty under the "Perry Plan" any day. Of course, even if chosen, I would never get to serve on a capital case, I have too many 'disqualifiers'.
I think CM is perpetually nasty - if he doesn't like it then he can jump right in and start presenting the DT's side today, or keep his silence. I think the sidebar transcripts will show all sorts of nasty from CM and JB.

I'm sure that not only will we get the aquittal request, they'll try and sneak in another mistrial before they break today.

I think that is deliberate on Mason's part - he is extremely dismissive with witnesses and wants the jury to see that he does not believe a word they are saying. I have seen him do this before at trial. It didn't work then and I don't think it is going to go over well with this jury either. Even if you detest someone and think they are lying through their teeth, rudeness does not make you look good, it makes you look as bad or worse than the person you are being rude to.
I'm wishy washy on the cans being opened. If I were a juror, I think I might actually be furious if the state subjected me to the stench that came from this precious child's decomposing body. That's an incredibly traumatic thing, imo.
and the State hasn't opened one. But my understanding is the Jury will have them in their hands and can open them during deliberations. Will there be jurors who wonder about all the testimony and wonder just how unique the smell is?
and the State hasn't opened one. But my understanding is the Jury will have them in their hands and can open them during deliberations. Will there be jurors who wonder about all the testimony and wonder just how unique the smell is?

Well, I'd feel less hostile if it were merely an option, and I could decline. Personally, I would decline. I wouldn't NEED to smell it, I'm already convinced this child's body was in the trunk of that car.
Since what happens in court is ultimately the judge's responsibility, he will probably apologize to them for another short day. They have shown their willing to work weekends, holidays, whatever to move this along and judges try to hard to be good to their jurors. If the state rests and the DT does not start, they will probably know what the problem is.
I m issed the last 15 minutes yesterday and I'm going to miss Friday and Saturday since I'm heading up to Michigan to see my family. I "think" someone posted that I can get it on HLN on Sirius. I have to find out! I'll go through withdrawl if not!

I haven't been "home" in a year though so I have to go. Thankfully I know I can catch up here Sunday night!

I'm happy with the SA's right now and don't really see what the DT can do to try to get her even a lesser charge at this point. :dunno:
I think that is deliberate on Mason's part - he is extremely dismissive with witnesses and wants the jury to see that he does not believe a word they are saying. I have seen him do this before at trial. It didn't work then and I don't think it is going to go over well with this jury either. Even if you detest someone and think they are lying through their teeth, rudeness does not make you look good, it makes you look as bad or worse than the person you are being rude to.

Deliberate without much effort, it is his natural disposition. He has a huge sense of his own importance IMO.
He gets infuriated with anyone who doesn't kowtow to him.
Legal Divo.
I didn't see much of yesterday- why is it a short day today?
The DT said they can not get their first witness till tomorrow, real reason is they probably want to start on the day Caylee was killed 3 years ago.
Morning! :seeya:

I don't like to think about 3 yrs. ago today.

Justice is on its way Caylee! :gavel:
I think that is deliberate on Mason's part - he is extremely dismissive with witnesses and wants the jury to see that he does not believe a word they are saying. I have seen him do this before at trial. It didn't work then and I don't think it is going to go over well with this jury either. Even if you detest someone and think they are lying through their teeth, rudeness does not make you look good, it makes you look as bad or worse than the person you are being rude to.

Well, I'd feel less hostile if it were merely an option, and I could decline. Personally, I would decline. I wouldn't NEED to smell it, I'm already convinced this child's body was in the trunk of that car.

Heck I still remember the rotting potatoes in moms house---when Dr. Vass said it was similar...wellllllll alrighty then!!!! I've came close to smelling it----(mom had dementia and wasn't really aware of smells of sorts....fun times, NOT)---and did say it smelt like something died....it was awful!!!!---BUT after cleaning it up and throwing away---smell went away....
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