2011.06.27 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-nine)

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Geez, I hate to admit this, but I don't even recall any witnesses today other than Hoover and Casey.

Oh, and the Velveeta Guy...Dr. Somethingorother.

WERE there any other witnesses today?

Wasn't Yuri back up today - and Detective Allan? And was Boisie back? I think so, for a split second...
Did her shirt sleeves have bell bottoms?
or was it just the way they were rolled

haha! at the end when she was about to be taken back, she was fussing with them and i imagined she had a pen and some paperclips shoved up in them! :crazy:
HAHAHAHAHA!!! omg... Good one! She'd chloroform the licorice!!

Seriously... the freakout of reality when this hits the fan and she's not going home to her chili... I may tape that and play it on a looping reel. lool

I know I always seem contrary - maybe that's because I am - but I don't expect much of a reaction from Casey when she hears the sentence. Sociopaths don't feel things and react like the rest of us. On the other hand, I expect Cindy will probably leave the court room on a stretcher.
Oh gosh, that picture gave me a giggle! It would make a great "caption this!" contest.

I liked Finnell quite a bit. On the suggestion of someone here I watched the documentary about her getting the unjustly accused young man off the murder charges he faced. She was really good. I believed her and liked her.

It's a blessed relief to hear coherent testimony from a witness interviewed by the state. No, I don't want her to help ICA, but I think the truth is strong enough to stand up to a good defense attorney anyway.

This is just my opinion,but I don't think AF feels ICA is unjustly accused. Watching their interaction ,or lack thereof,through jury selection,I get the sense that AF really wants the DP off the table,but that's as far as she goes.I don't think she would be terribly disappointed with LWOP.
Geez, I hate to admit this, but I don't even recall any witnesses today other than Hoover and Casey.

Oh, and the Velveeta Guy...Dr. Somethingorother.

WERE there any other witnesses today?

Does this mean you are contract busting your mock juror role?
The 'psychic' who was supposedly on the phone to him, directing him where to go would not give her phone records to NG in order to substantiate her statement. She gave one excuse after another why she couldn't come up with them. That speaks volumes to me...

She didn't have to give her phone records to Nancy. I wouldn't have either.
Geez, I hate to admit this, but I don't even recall any witnesses today other than Hoover and Casey.

Oh, and the Velveeta Guy...Dr. Somethingorother.

WERE there any other witnesses today?

didn’t we have a quick parade of LE types this morning? I seem to remember seeing Yuri Melich.
Geez, I hate to admit this, but I don't even recall any witnesses today other than Hoover and Casey.

Oh, and the Velveeta Guy...Dr. Somethingorother.

WERE there any other witnesses today?
Detective Yuri Melich, Sargent John Allen, CSI Geraldo Bloise, Cadaver dog handler Jason Forgey and the chemist.
Was it ever confirmed that DC was for a time CA's boyfriend or this was just a rumor?
As usual, I'm in disagreement with most of the posters. I believe DC's story. I think he was being directed by a "psychic". One whose psychic visions were a combination of information released in media, Casey's statement about Caylee being close, and Kio's statement about the pet cemetery...and probably a google satellite map too. BTW, there were not 3 pavers found near the body. It was cinder blocks. I don't recall how many.

When you read all his emails about his searches, in some instances he was either a very good liar trying to mis-direct others who might be reading those same emails, or he actually believed he was being guided by the psychic - perfect time to reread those emails if you haven't seen them for a while:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=111088"]2010.08.05 Dominic Casey emails - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Wasn't Yuri back up today - and Detective Allan? And was Boisie back? I think so, for a split second...

Yuri testified about ....darn, I don't remember. Something about giving the jury wrong information. I love the way Yuri makes Baez look like a fool while appearing to be totally respectful. He's so good at it.
Well, then I'm psychic cause when that Kio article came out I said oooo... check there. But THEN, Tim Miller et. al., went there and searched and had to give it up because it was to wet so I said well... maybe that's a long shot then. When she was found there, I was surprised but yet not as I thought 1st where Kio said. I don't think I'm a psychic, but I think it was a great piece of evidence that many people looked at (Kronk included) but timing was off, area was wrong, snakes and water, etc. It happened when it happened. I don't think ICA EVER wanted anyone to find Caylee. She wanted her at her own "pet cemetary" forever. *barf*

MOO n' stuffs tho.
Was it ever confirmed that DC was for a time CA's boyfriend or this was just a rumor?

It is in Hoover's initial statement - he was talking about when they were at the hotel eating crab cakes - DC was stroking CA's legs and whatnots when they were sitting outside in the garden and Hoover also offered the other information but it was way into the "uglies" for my brain and it was deleted from my memory banks.

In a word, yes,
Yuri testified about ....darn, I don't remember. Something about giving the jury wrong information. I love the way Yuri makes Baez look like a fool while appearing to be totally respectful. He's so good at it.

It was about him being mistaken regarding the phone records they requested from RK. The time frame was different than he said last week, and darned if I can't remember the time frame. My bad.:crazy:
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