How the defense team used social media to their advantage

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hmmm wonder if the text messages Jose received during the trial were 'live updates' from Singer?
With so many going to Court ICA may be too busy to be flying out of the country. She will be slaving away at the defense desk working pro bono until it is her turn to be questioned. Does anyone think CM or JB will work for her again pro bono? For any reason? I wonder if Lee will sue her for defamation of character. Or would he sue JB?
Who was the young fellow at the last days of trial tall thin. ICA seemed anxious for him to come get his hug after the verdict was read.

I remember the guy you're talking about. After the verdit when she was going over to get her fingerprints, she kept looking at him smiling until he made eye contact with her. Me thinks she has a crushy crush on him. He's the only younger male that she's had contact with in 3 years, so surely she has her sights on him.

On a side note, I thought it was interesting that someone mentioned the other day seeing a video of Jose and his wife, and the wife was pretty with very long hair. Casey likes to be whoever she thinks you want her to be, so it makes me sick to think she was trying to compete with Jose's wife in some way. She really is a sicko.

She's going to have her claws in some dumb man in no time at all.
Well, I for one am disgusted. I was involved in the mid trial postings here. It will be the last time too. I cant stand the thought that I may have contributed to the injustice by voicing my thoughts and opinions. I completely agree that for here on out those types of forums need to be closed to non members. I definitely will not be taking part if they are not.
The day I realized that JB was using our words, word for word, (June 18, 2011) and that DT <modsnip> were here trying to incite us or to get our opinions and/or to disagree with them was the day I decided to withhold anything that I thought might help them.
Just checking in to assure everyone that the "old posters" (I prefer oldER) are still around. Will be around in the future, of course.

Personally, of course I am disgusted by the outcome of this trial. I think these jurors were a bunch of <modsnips>. On the surface at least, it sounds like there was not a whole lot of critical thinking taking place.

But I am old enough to have been around for the OJ verdict. And then there was the Michael Jackson molestation trial. And the Robert Blake trial. And so many others most likely.

I am strongly in favor of legislation barring jurors from personally profiting from their jury service. If a jury or juror wants to write a book to tell their story fine - but profits from such to go to Victim Funds, etc.

I also question the sequestering of a jury. Or perhaps I question our entire "jury of our peers" system. Because it seems only those who can be off work for a lengthy time can serve. Perhaps our system should look harder at a "professional juror" system?

Since the trial ended, I have read a novel, watched a few movies and am now CLEANING MY HOUSE!
Just checking in to assure everyone that the "old posters" (I prefer oldER) are still around. Will be around in the future, of course.

Personally, of course I am disgusted by the outcome of this trial. I think these jurors were a bunch of <modsnips>. On the surface at least, it sounds like there was not a whole lot of critical thinking taking place.

But I am old enough to have been around for the OJ verdict. And then there was the Michael Jackson molestation trial. And the Robert Blake trial. And so many others most likely.

I am strongly in favor of legislation barring jurors from personally profiting from their jury service. If a jury or juror wants to write a book to tell their story fine - but profits from such to go to Victim Funds, etc.

I also question the sequestering of a jury. Or perhaps I question our entire "jury of our peers" system. Because it seems only those who can be off work for a lengthy time can serve. Perhaps our system should look harder at a "professional juror" system?

Since the trial ended, I have read a novel, watched a few movies and am now CLEANING MY HOUSE!

This made me laugh :) I hadn't done any cleaning for 6 weeks, yep that's right 6 weeks, we also ate a lot of fast food. Even though I still read and post here (it's the only way I will get the truth) I do feel I have taken back my life, and my home is clean now LOL PEACE
Darn, this trial was run like a political campaign. Really , what they (DT) did , is not a new concept. And many politicians are lawyers by training too. Tell people(the jury) what they like to hear and sounds believable based on market research.
Darn, this trial was run like a political campaign. Really , what they (DT) did , is not a new concept. And many politicians are lawyers by training too.
I know, and this is what upsets people. In law and in politics, people are looking for truth and fairness, but it is all just strategy and spin. I suppose if the Casey Anthony trial had not been so high-profile, there may have been less of this and things may have turned out a bit more objectively.
I think it was clear long before the trial that a certain amount of the population of the country believed somehow that Caylee's death was more George and Cindy's fault than Casey's. I never could see the logic of that, because Casey is an adult and a mother, and blaming her parents wasn't going to fly in court (I mistakenly thought) which is why I got fed up and stopped posting about this case.

But there's no doubt the blame game went on here and other places for months. So it wouldn't take a rocket scientist reading here to figure the Defense could shift the blame quite easily to the parents. I just didn't think they would go there without an insanity defense - but we all learned something new, didn't we? :banghead:

The irony is, Casey is still the custodial parent, so if there had been a drowning, George still wouldn't have been the one in trouble.

And whenever there's a pool near a crime scene, someone will always suggest "drowning" as the easiest answer. That happened in the Laci Peterson case - people assuming she would have been killed more easily in the pool than in the house. As it was, she was probably just strangled in the house. But that pool theory took up alot of discussion time although it was a red herring that had nothing to do with the outcome of the case.
I know, and this is what upsets people. In law and in politics, people are looking for truth and fairness, but it is all just strategy and spin. I suppose if the Casey Anthony trial had not been so high-profile, there may have been less of this and things may have turned out a bit more objectively.

You got that right. That jury was played like a fine fiddle and so were the witnesses to a point. And the DT is still at it, trying to remove obstacles in the way of making the big bucks.
Still gathering info from the cyber world and saying the right things at interviews.
Nah. The biggest, and only real, help the DT got was from twelve people who to the best of my knowledge weren't posting to WS during the trial.
In another case followed by many here and a couple of blogs sites the prosecution used statements word for word, made by bloggers in the opening and closing.

The crime was eerily similar to Caylee's murder. The prosecutor loved us, but the defense hated us and tried to ban the "stupid, idiot bloggers" from the trial or posting about events from the trial (he failed). His "client" was convicted of FIRST DEGREE MURDER on "circumstantial evidence" - just like MCA should have been.

It can work both ways. I don't think there is anyone, who ever suspected this outcome... short of the team of mock jurors who heard the defense strategy. I thought the mock jurors were biased because they hadn't heard what I thought to be a brilliant prosecution. I never expected the witnesses I found to be incredible to go right over the head of 12 average citizens. What a crime...
Nah. The biggest, and only real, help the DT got was from twelve people who to the best of my knowledge weren't posting to WS during the trial.
But weren't they influenced by all the spin the defense put forth? And they are saying they spun from here and others............
But weren't they influenced by all the spin the defense put forth? And they are saying they spun from here and others............

Not the way I see it. I can't really express my opinion without getting mod spanked but let me just say that it took twelve people, um, "gullible" enough to buy the smoke and mirrors circus that the DT put on. There wasn't one rational person with backbone in the jury room to stand firm with the evidence and a moral conviction to do the right thing. Too bad JB didn't have any bridges to sell, he could've made a mint.

(Hope that doesn't get me in too much trouble. Mods remove if you see fit.)
Not the way I see it. I can't really express my opinion without getting mod spanked but let me just say that it took twelve people, um, "gullible" enough to buy the smoke and mirrors circus that the DT put on. There wasn't one rational person with backbone in the jury room to stand firm with the evidence and a moral conviction to do the right thing. Too bad JB didn't have any bridges to sell, he could've made a mint.

(Hope that doesn't get me in too much trouble. Mods remove if you see fit.)
Well, I think maybe the "manslaughter of a child" would have stuck if it had been worded differently. It seems that whatever could not be proven 100% went out the window. Of course we know of other cases where there was no rock solid proof and still a conviction. I do recall back in the 1990s the case of Charles Little, Jr, accused of killing his adoptive parents. Everything, and I mean everything, pointed to him. He had even spoken about a plan to kill his parents. And yet, not guilty on ALL counts, same as with Casey. Yet Scott Peterson case totally the reverse. Not sure if all 12 determine this, or if some very outspoken jurors sway the rest......
Two things:
1. So the DT called us (posters and bloggers) idiots and yet the used our intellectual property for their own gain. Seems they have morphed into being just like their client. Stealing from everywhere they can. CM even went so far as to imply that 'talking heads' would be hearing from them soon - so I guess if their plans to cash in from the media fail they will cash in on 'talking heads' and bloggers. This as I sit here hearing on IS that LP is now looking into a 200,000 lawsuit against ICA. Perhaps we need a class action suit too. So it goes like this: Mock, use, mock, use then rub the salt in their avatar faces.

2. Totally Obsessed: I hate to see that you are questioning why some of us posters are awol. This hit me hard. It hit to the core of belief and value system. I have been trying (not doing well at it, but trying) not to read much and listen to as much coverage as it is time for me to heal if I am going to ever help advocate again. Many of us have been personally affected by a sociopath, psychopath, narcissist, boarderline or person whom displays these characteristics and this case was in part to teach the public what can happen and the dangers of such personality disorders and in a small way was to be healing to say they don't always win. Somehow, I want to still believe that they don't and that justice can work.
Another part of why I am not posting (and these reasons could be true for some others missing) is that most of what I want to say is violation of TOS. For example jury tampering and is that possible and alive and well still today in the US? I am still reeling in shock - so for me and others who are awol - please don't let the DT have the power to make you doubt the things (posters) you once believed in. To do so is to let the DT use us and our 'feedback' then turn us on each other and that somehow makes this all even sicker.
Lastly, I was so busy watching every moment of the trial (and am not skilled like you guys to watch and post and read) and in the evening after a long trial day and now that the trial is over - there have been sooooooooo many new members that I almost feel like a newbie. I hardly recognize my home planet?!?!??
So hold my spot while I am lost and healing and as I figure out a way to help - but help the side of justice, should that be a real thing and not just a figment of my imagination.

I, like you, have been missing from the roster, :crazy:. I had to take a break to mend and to try and muster a bit of faith in our justice system. That said, I too noticed the baiting going on with the "new" posters and once or twice typed my reply, only to decide to delete my reply at the last moment before hitting the "submit" button. In my early days on WS I would have risen to the call but I'm older and wiser now, LOL and know that to ignore them would be much more powerful response. It was blatantly obvious that they were here only wishing for a fight and to gain whatever satisfaction they could from the passion that they managed to stir. I'm sure that the "Older" WS posters will return from their sabbatical after finding the time to mend and mourn Caylee.
I'm kind of new, a long time lurker who joined recently and I am DEFINITELY not pro DT.

But I can see what ya'll are talking about.
Hmmmm interesting.. maybe that is why Baez was constantly checking his Blackberry during the trial?

All that I know is this, the DT won this case and were paid/will be paid in blood money. Therefore, while they may have money in their pockets and bask in their glory for a little while, that money will be cursed and in the end will not bring fulfillment or happiness. Same is true for ANYONE who tries to profit off of this murder. :twocents:

Let it be so.
Basically, what this consultant is saying, is that the DT LIED, and just said whatever they thought people might believe. No surprise there.
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