OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #1

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Now if the boyfriend comes out with "she ran off with another man"...I swear I will lose it...
I have a feeling the police have some of the same feelings that we do, but without any evidence what do you do?

I don't totally buy this suggestion and that might be because living a few miles away I would be sleeping a lot better if they would tell us SOMETHING. My point being have they asked JC to take a lie detector, has he, did he pass. Who saw her other then JC on Saturday? I have a dozen other questions but my biggest question is IF the police do suspect foul play what is the theory?
Now if the boyfriend comes out with "she ran off with another man"...I swear I will lose it...

I heard someone connected to him has suggested that maybe someone who had feelings for her but she didn't return the feelings could have done something to her.
But did you ask someone to take them away and burn them for you? Which seems to be the case here, unless I am mistaken...and then were you never seen again :(

Actually yes, I had my husband (we were separated) burn them for me in his fire pit, all papers he had seen, and knew about. But no, I'm still here.
I don't totally buy this suggestion and that might be because living a few miles away I would be sleeping a lot better if they would tell us SOMETHING. My point being have they asked JC to take a lie detector, has he, did he pass. Who saw her other then JC on Saturday? I have a dozen other questions but my biggest question is IF the police do suspect foul play what is the theory?

I guess I didn't mean what do you do as in the police are going to throw their hands in the air and stop working the case. Just that I really don't think there is tons of evidence that is going to lead to an immediate resolution. They are going to have to do it the old-fashioned way and see who talks or if they can get lucky and find her body, if she is deceased. I know it is scary that you do live close and I understand how you feel :( I just think in cases where they do suspect someone close to the suspect less information is given. At this point, they cannot come out and say what they think if they really do suspect a close friend or the fiance.
He did not have any posts on his page from July 26 until August 15th. While he did not post every day I do not see any other period of inactivity for this long, for whatever it is worth...

Not to quote myself...but I wonder if some change took place in their relationship during this three-week period of time when he was not posting on FB at all. Before that he posted at least once a week and she posted back to him.
Not to quote myself...but I wonder if some change took place in their relationship during this three-week period of time when he was not posting on FB at all. Before that he posted at least once a week and she posted back to him.

I also find it odd he didn't list that he was in a relationship, hasn't changed his profile picture to her BUT I am a total stranger never met her and I have changed mind. My daughter is pretty level headed and said his FB page creeped her out.
These strike me as peculiar:

KM’s fiancé said he can hardly look at the missing posters plastered all around town because all he sees is her happy smile. During the vigil he “broke down” and said all he wants is to see her smile again. He said, “Katelyn, I miss you very much and I love you very much and I really, really want to see you again.”

Except for a few brief moments where he "broke down", JC shows very little emotion when he talks. It's more matter of fact and a lot of talking. Most people close to a missing person really don't want to say much to reporters -- it hurts to bad. But he jabbers on and on. He can't bear to look at her posters because all he sees is her happy smile. In the next breath all he wants is to see her smile again. If someone I loved was missing, my emphasis would be on wanting that person back -- my focus would not have been on a particular characteristic such wanting to see a "happy smile."

Responding to a news reporter’s “who or what made Katelyn disappear?” JC said: “I, I really don’t know. I have no idea . Eh, I just, you know, just kind of hope it’s nothing bad at all.

He just, he just kind of hopes it's nothing bad at all.

He "kind of hopes" does he? If it were me, I would be clinging with all I had to ever breath of hope out there that the one I loved would be found alive.

Just saying.
“My instinct tells me she is close,” Carter said. “I feel like if I knew where she was, I would bust in the door and beat whoever took her and get her back. But I don’t know where she is.”


**ICA, anyone?**

This is the strangest statement...and yes, very Casey-like, as someone mentioned earlier...who says something like this? A totally bewildered love one? Not in my opinion...
The 911 call was at 5:58pm on Sunday. So he texted her all day and she didn't answer....AND he said he went over to her place at 7 -730 when she was suppose to get home from work. So he waited all day to check on her? Could have just called David's Bridal to check. odd.

I had been wondering about the time of the 911 call and had not seen it anywhere- thank you.

But now I'm scratching my head even more! If he calls 911 at 5:58 and had already been to her house, why did he tell a reporter, not once but TWICE, that he went to her house between 7-7:30??
I had been wondering about the time of the 911 call and had not seen it anywhere- thank you.

But now I'm scratching my head even more! If he calls 911 at 5:58 and had already been to her house, why did he tell a reporter, not once but TWICE, that he went to her house between 7-7:30??

I feel totally lost about the details in this case...this time-frame makes even less sense if the above is true...and was the paper-burning the night before?
I think he mentioned burning the papers because he knew it would look suspicious and thought the best policy would be to guide how people view that from the beginning rather than have the information emerge from the police weeks later or something.

Something else about him talking about the burned documents was odd. At first he called them "legal documents" then later he said they were just bills and old class schedules that she didn't want other people to see.

Maybe it's just me but I don't think of bills and class schedules as legal documents. Maybe I'm picking nits but this is just adding to the loooong list of hinkyness, to me.
I also find it odd he didn't list that he was in a relationship, hasn't changed his profile picture to her BUT I am a total stranger never met her and I have changed mind. My daughter is pretty level headed and said his FB page creeped her out.

Also, I saw somewhere that he was going to be at the command center passing out flyers on the day of the search. Not searching? Scott Peterson anyone???
911 Call

Dispatcher: When did you last see her?
JC: Uh, I saw her at like 12 o’clock last night. She lives in a house by herself.

JC: The only thing that’s not there is her cell phone. It’s positive, but she’s not answering it.


So which is it? During the 911 call he said he last saw her "like 12 o'clock." Other times he said it was "about 11 - 11:30 pm."

Interesting comment he made about her cell phone being "positive."
Inch High PI: that was exactly my gut reaction when I read "really hope someone finds her" on his FB.
911 Call

Dispatcher: When did you last see her?
JC: Uh, I saw her at like 12 o&#8217;clock last night. She lives in a house by herself.

JC: The only thing that&#8217;s not there is her cell phone. It&#8217;s positive, but she&#8217;s not answering it.


So which is it? During the 911 call he said he last saw her "like 12 o'clock." Other times he said it was "about 11 - 11:30 pm."

Interesting comment he made about her cell phone being "positive."

I can't think of anything he has said that isn't odd or strange, for the circumstances...
No idea what he means by "it's positive" in reference to the phone...
Or why he thinks she is "close"
Or why he said not to worry about her...
Or why he took her papers away to burn them...

My husband is kind of awkward, were he to speak publically, so I know he would probably come off as shifty as can be, in a situation like this, but this guy is really tweaking every bit of intuition I have...
I would love to know the location where he went to burn these 'papers' in respect to Katelyn's townhome.

Would love to know the possible routes, and what is along them....like lakes/rivers, woods, or Dumpsters.

I would love to know if she ACTUALLY went with him...but didn't make it to the
'fire pit' or didn't leave it,or around it, one.

When Jc said she said she would have loved to have been there when the stuff was burned, can anyone recall if that was a phone call prior to the picture text? Or is that what she told him as he supposedly left her place that night?

wow, lots of guests...HI!! are you locals??? What you thinking??
911 Call

Dispatcher: When did you last see her?
JC: Uh, I saw her at like 12 o’clock last night. She lives in a house by herself.

JC: The only thing that’s not there is her cell phone. It’s positive, but she’s not answering it.


So which is it? During the 911 call he said he last saw her "like 12 o'clock." Other times he said it was "about 11 - 11:30 pm."

Interesting comment he made about her cell phone being "positive."

I don't get it, what does he mean is positive. Strange ..............
The cellphone stuff is confusing me as well. Was the phone turned off or just the GPS? Why did he say it is positive but she isn't answering? Does that mean it is still on somehow? Can they do cell pings if the GPS is off? If JC is saying the text was sent by her why would she send the text and then immediately turn it off along with the GPS? There isn't a single person I know who turns off their cell and GPS at night or ever. I literally haven't turned off my cell in weeks.
Interview with JC (believe same day as the Vigil Service)

[These segments of the interview in reference to when JC left KM on Saturday night]

I wound up leaving.

Then she was texting me about things that I had to do and things like that&#8230;

Then she sent me a picture of herself. It was like a picture of a picture &#8230;

And then that night when I got home, it was kind of late (I was with some friends after I went to her house) and I was watching TV and stuff like that and uh I decided to send her a good morning text message.

[ Reporter asked if he was running errands after leaving KM&#8217;s place]:

To be honest, she wanted me to burn some legal documents&#8230; My friend has a fire pit.

[Reporter asked what time he got the texted photo from her]:

I remember looking at it and it said 12:52 but to be honest those photos come in so slowly it could have been way earlier than that she sent it and I just got it at 12:52, you know.

[Reporter asked &#8220;where was she, do you know?&#8221;]

She was at her house; she was about to go to bed.

JC said after he left KM he was with some friends -- one of whom had a fire pit.

People who say "to be honest" make me wonder if they are really being honest. Honest people are just honest and don't feel the need to say so.

He says the texted photo could have arrived a lot earlier but he comments that when it was sent, KM was at her house going to bed.

He said he got home "kind of late" because he had been with some friends and was watching TV and stuff and then sent KM a good morning text. He doesn't need sleep?
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