George and Cindy in NC

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There are many celebrities that want privacy (and prefer it) but they still go out to a restaurant from time to time instead of living like a hermit in some mountain range.

They were just in a mall. It wasn't even a mall in Florida, nor was it a fancy mall or a fancy store. Sure, the attention that they receive is probably warrented, especially since it's so close to the verdict. But I don't think everything they do is some grand conspiracy for media coverage.

Sometimes you just got to go to store, not because your hoping a camera will be there, but because your out of bread to make pb & j's.


They are NOT celebrities, they are "grandparents" who covered up for their murdering daughter. They are "grandparents" who are living off of Caylee's death! They should get real jobs, stop living off the State of Florida, and keep out of the public eye. They should NOT be running a foundation, drawing salaries off of Caylee's murder! To me, this is what the outrage is about, lying for a murderer and profiting from that same crime at the same time. It's disrespectful to Caylee's memory and IMO they have no right. They should have lost the right to live off of Caylee, when they failed to protect the victim and HER right to justice. :twocents:
Personally I could care less where George and Cindy are or what they are doing. The one place I know they were not ... was by Caylee's side. They had a choice and failed her ... BIG time! They have to live with that and if they are not already paying the price for it they will in the near future. I hope their decision to protect the perpetrator of the crime instead of the victim haunts them forever.

I'm with you, I truly do not care where they are because we know they were not where they should have been during the trial...

Based on the reactions here, in the early days of the trial when it appeared to many that CA & GA had made the right choice when testifying, IMO had they done the right thing, they may well be treated like celebrities today. Instead they are pariahs and they have only themselves to blame. I have no sympathy for either of them.

They are NOT celebrities, they are "grandparents" who covered up for their murdering daughter. They are "grandparents" who are living off of Caylee's death! They should get real jobs, stop living off the State of Florida, and keep out of the public eye. They should NOT be running a foundation, drawing salaries off of Caylee's murder! To me, this is what the outrage is about, lying for a murderer and profiting from that same crime at the same time. It's disrespectful to Caylee's memory and IMO they have no right. They should have lost the right to live off of Caylee, when they failed to protect the victim and HER right to justice. :twocents:

I wasn't calling them celebrities I was trying to draw a correlation with people who are in the public eye that have little privacy. What does anything you posted have to do with them buying a pair of pants at the belks?

Someone mentioned that if someone saw the A's sitting on the porch reading a book, they'll find fault with that. I believe it.

People are angry at FCA and that anger spreads to the A's. If she was convicted no one would care what mall they were in.
Are they just supposed to live in a cave for the rest of their life?

Are they just supposed to pay someone to get stuff for them like groceries/clothes/etc? I'm pretty sure if that was the case and the news came out about it, everyone would flip out that they were living like a celebrity.

But if they did retire to a cave, they would be accused of sneaking, doing their dirty deeds under the radar.
But if they did retire to a cave, they would be accused of sneaking, doing their dirty deeds under the radar.

I agree. I understand people have issues with them but some stuff to pick on is ridiculous. The fact there is a 16 page thread about them going to the mall proves it.
I agree. I understand people have issues with them but some stuff to pick on is ridiculous. The fact there is a 16 page thread about them going to the mall proves it.

While I agree that some view the actions of the Anthonys under a microscope,you should remember that emotions still run high in this case.I tend to pass over posts that are extreme.To say others WS members posts are ridiculous because of their passion is not exactly fair. MOO.
I wasn't calling them celebrities I was trying to draw a correlation with people who are in the public eye that have little privacy. What does anything you posted have to do with them buying a pair of pants at the belks?

That pair of pants were paid for by the death of their granddaughter. They were broke before Caylee died. Now, they are making ALL of their income from the death of Caylee.

Someone mentioned that if someone saw the A's sitting on the porch reading a book, they'll find fault with that. I believe it.

I wouldn't care as long it's not a defense, FCA, A's or jurors book. Hopefully, they will read Jeff Ashton's book so they can see what the truth looks like.

People are angry at FCA and that anger spreads to the A's. If she was convicted no one would care what mall they were in.

I would care. I care because they lied on the stand. I care that the Anthony's got in the way of having justice properly served for Caylee. My "anger" isn't spreading from FCA, my comments are because I believe the Anthony's are making a living off the death of Caylee.

Answers in blue by me, and just my opinion.
I agree. I understand people have issues with them but some stuff to pick on is ridiculous. The fact there is a 16 page thread about them going to the mall proves it.

To me it proves that they OWN what happened to their reputation via their actions. It proves that liars and deceivers never stop and THEY OWN THATalong with their mommy of the year.

JMHO - of course.
Answers in blue by me, and just my opinion.

How exactly do you know what their finances are and where those finances are coming from? How do you know what they bought from the mall was money 'made off of Caylee'? If they are so broke that they can't even buy clothes for themselves, they should be homeless and on welfare. If it's your opinion, I'd be interested to hear what facts you are basing that opinion on.

I didn't know their IRS reports and income statements were public record before Caylee died.

BTW, foreclosure on a house does not equal living in a cardboard box eating ramen noodles every night.
Don't they have friends in NC? I was thinking that's where Cindy fell on her butt off the turtle toy.. :waitasec: She shared that story with OFFENDER CA in her letters. :crazy:

I'm pretty sure CA said in her letter that was in Tennessee.
I can care because i live in Florida and am PAYING for their trips, one way or another. Being on Disability and going on cruises and vacations while I work my *advertiser censored** off to pay my bills, my daughters college etc. is definately a reason.

Get off the disability, get a job, see how much your can travel then! And thats not even getting INTO the money spent of FCA.

So yes, i have a reason to follow and be critical of their actions. :banghead:
How exactly do you know what their finances are and where those finances are coming from? How do you know what they bought from the mall was money 'made off of Caylee'? If they are so broke that they can't even buy clothes for themselves, they should be homeless and on welfare. If it's your opinion, I'd be interested to hear what facts you are basing that opinion on.

I didn't know their IRS reports and income statements were public record before Caylee died.

BTW, foreclosure on a house does not equal living in a cardboard box eating ramen noodles every night.

Are you suggesting that they put the money away that that got from Caylee’s pictures and videos for some altruistic reason and have been using their disability money to buy the cars and cruises and shopping at Belks?
But if they did retire to a cave, they would be accused of sneaking, doing their dirty deeds under the radar.

I think if they retired to a cave they'd find it necessary to put up a big sign pointing to where they were. Self-seeking publicity cannot garner pity too. They cannot turn their 'applause' sign on and off depending on their mood.
I've seen no billboards yet.


They don't need to say where they are. They are being hunted.

Can't even buy a pair of jeans without making the news.
I've seen no billboards yet.


They don't need to say where they are. They are being hunted.

Can't even buy a pair of jeans without making the news.

They aren't being hunted. People aren't staked out following them ,just waiting to get a picture .
The pictures from the mall came from someone who happened to be there the same time they were.
The only other times I recall media taking their pics is when their lawyer announced what they were going to be doing.

Shortly after Lippman became the Anthony's lawyer ,we didn't hear much from them and rarely saw news of them. There were many posts about the A's finally getting a good lawyer to keep them quiet. No one was interested in them and the hatred died down.
They put themselves back in the news with their lawyer making public announcements. They want attention. I believe they thought they would get more interviews about the foundation.

Again I say,look at Lee. He stays quiet ,lives his life and we don't see pictures of him turning up all over the place. He wants to stay out of the public eye .It could be the same for George and Cindy ,but that's not the choice they made.
IMO they would freak if suddenly no one paid any attention to them.
Remember Home Depot?

IMO they are hunted.

Even the person in the mall apparently followed them around enough to see the tags on their car and a bracelet on GA's wrist.
I have a very very low opinion of anybody who would follow the Anthonys (or anybody, for that matter) around a mall or anyplace else. My opinion of such a person drops even lower if they resort to snapping pictures and/or call somebody in the media with their 'scoop'.

Overall, though, this little papparazzi-wannabe episode does more to reinforce my belief that most people are decent, sensible human beings who know better. Think about it... it's been a couple months since the verdict and the Anthonys have surely been out and about in a number of locations and this sort of sordid scrutiny didn't happen. That tells me that all of the people who saw them and recognized them elsewhere (and some surely did) had the good taste and manners and common sense to just mind their own business. Or if others did alert someone in the media, they made the wise decision that spotting the Anthonys just wasn't 'news'.
when you try to declare yourself a "star" you cannot then complain about attention. No one would know who they were after the verdict but they chose to sell themselves.

If Lee Anthony were being treated this way I'd be a bit bothered as he's kept himself and his life private. The Dr Phil lovin Anthonys haven't, why waste pity on them.
I want to say humans have an innate curiosity to see the bizarre, because it's so unbelievable that it can be really, really true.

"The Anthonys. So bizarre. Can they be for real!? OMG LOOK!!! There they are!! Man. What THEY did. And there they are just shopping like normal folks. like us. Creepy.....".....

Like that.

Can you blame us?
As a species i mean?
As a reality tv and facebook addicted nation, how can we still expect boundaries? i think they went out the window years ago already. Stay under the radar if you don't want this. Don't cover up murder and don't lie and don't act creepy for years.

Reap what you sow in this day and age.
No pity WHATShowever. pity is for victims of Mother Nature's disasters, NOT those of their own disaster making.
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