10/28/11 Private Investigator Returns, Baby Lisas Family Leaves

But according to his own lips he was not hired for the family he was hired to find Lisa.

I'm praying he's playing their game to get to the bottom of this. I'm not very fond of BS... so it's a long-shot. Wishful thinking I guess.

Sometimes we see miracles. I think we'll need it on this case.
My little boy loves to be dropped off a few houses before ours and "beat" me home. I guess I'm a bad mommy too.

would you let him run ahead of you if his baby sister had just gone missing?

I'm not being snarky - I honestly want to know. from you or anyone. I'm quite paranoid by nature - if one of mine went missing, I'd have a very difficult time letting the other out of my immediate reach for a very long time.
Didn't a woman on one of the morning shows say she had talked to the benefactor? Or did I dream that?
Yes, Bill Stanton also said he handed the media lady the phone so she could talk to her.
I am very very upset as well as outraged about this! Mr. Abeyta is speaking honest truth here and does no one care to see the truth for what it really is??!? Or is everyone just like NG and only want to hear what will further fuel the hatred and disgust at the parents!?! Mr. Abeytas meeting with the parents was even twisted into a negative in the media and public.. What about the real and honest truth here that Mr. Abeyta is telling.. He has met with them and he sees what's happening and that these parents are scared(and not just of the damn jail that some keep harping) they are NOT OK TO A POINT THIS MAN, MR. ABEYTA IS EVEN WORRIED ABOUT SUICIDE!! that they have been thrust into this bs with BS and the circus and that things are NOT ok!!*

IMO it's quite likely still that these parents are not guilty of harming their child!! I totally agree with Nancy A's post upthread and she could not be more spot on with her words.. I honestly believe it has become about hating the parents and no one can even see the forest for the trees at this point.. It's so overrun with vehement hatred and anger.. And where exactly does that get us, or more importantly where does that help baby Lisa? IMO it doesn't.. Hating them isn't going to help anything.. Some may say it doesn't matter but I disagree and I do believe that we, even here at WS do play a role in the public and media and that we are a chunk of that public pressure that's being spoken of.. The negative hatred and even bashing of parents that are not in any way, shape or form proven to be guilty of harming their baby.. I don't see it being of any help toward finding Lisa and cannot help but put myself in these parents shoes that my being innocent and terrified and having the lynch mob mentality right outside my doorstep.. Terrified and having put my trust in someone I believed would help me find my baby.. I know that I personally wouldn't stand for what's happening, but then again I'm not in their shoes and am only on the outside looking in.. And these ppl are not me and may not have the same strengths to draw upon or the same support system in place that I do.. Mr. Abeyta is attempting to get the real truth of what's going on out there to the media and people like NG cut his mic because it's not what's gonna get her the ratings of over exaggerating, blowing out of proportion, and harping on the negatives bashing these parents over the head.. That's what the public wants and Mr. Abeyta doesn't give a flying flip about that BS he's attempting to get the truth out there..

I'm appalled and disgusted with this exact attitude that NG is encouraging.. And it doesn't do a damn bit of good for Lisa whatsoever!!!

Bravo!!! Tell us how you really feel!!! I agree 100%!!!:woohoo:
Please know these are my opinions. I couldn't quote more, because I'm still learning the multi-quote tool......

I have to say, I am on the fence.

I will also say that I am really tired of the rumors flying here. I thought everything on these boards that was stated as "fact" was supposed to be backed up by links.

One in particular.... How do we know that money for tshirts wasn't put in reward fund? Link please?

Another few... How do we know WHAT DB and JI told LE? Has LE released a statement? How do we know she didn't tell LE she was drinking? How do we know they didn't test her for alcohol?

If LE has the evidence or gets the evidence, I'm sure they will arrest her. Until then, I will remain on the fence.

I can't imagine how this couple is feeling right now. It doesn't matter what they say or do, they are maligned. I think they are terrrified....I would be. I don't blame them for having an attorney. I don't blame them for not talking to the media. I don't blame them for not talking to Tina Porter or anyone else for that matter. How do WE know what condition they are in? I can't imagine that if my child were missing I would be anything but shell-shocked. I don't know if I could get myself out of the bed. I would like to think I could, but I just don't know.

I find it funny that many here jump on the "black-out drunk" bandwagon because that is so easy to believe when in the next breath they don't believe a word DB says. I will give her the benefit of the doubt for now. I think she is young and probably doesn't know what to do or not do. I'm sure most here can say that they are different people and probably at least a little more mature than at 25. I know I personally did alot of "growing up" between the ages of 23 and 30; perspectives and priorities changed alot.

Respectfully, we don't know what happened that night. We don't know if DB did something to her baby. We don't know if someone did take Lisa. We don't know if DB and JI are protecting their boys. We don't know if threats have been made. The point is.... WE DON'T KNOW.

I became a member on this case, but had lurked on others. I thought this was a sleuthing community. I didn't know it was a rumor-mill, bash anyone who doesn't agree with me site. I personally am tired of it.:banghead:

I feel the same way and am going to bow out of this case for now until their is a conclusion. I had to do the same thing in the Somer Thompson case. I couldn't take the bashing of her mother Diena when there was no proof she did anything wrong but people were so sure she did. Turns out she didn't!
No MSM reports today? None at all!! I find that ODD

I'm glad. The only people I'm interested in hearing from are LE. Everything from the parents, PI, talking heads, and lawyers is just muddying the waters and pissing people off.

I wish LE would say something, though. I'm dying to know what really happened.
I am not sure how the family would be expected to know what kind of opinions someone they briefly see may have expressed on an internet forum.
From what I understand, Tina Porter was accompanied by WS member Indepmo (see post #167 in this thread). And in post #9 in the re-poll thread, that same poster seemed to imply that DB was guilty and had an accomplice. I apologize in advance to Indepmo if I misunderstood either post. However, I have to ask why on earth would Tina Porter show up at the home where D&J are staying, and expect to be welcomed in when she is accompanied by someone who may have expressed a belief that DB is guilty? I don't understand why one would publicly insert themselves in this case...

You may want to go view the footage. She walked up to the door on her own and they slammed it.

They called the police because they knew they were getting ready to pull a sneaky... Porter did nothing wrong. Calling in advance probably would have been better, but this woman didn't harass them.

Quick references are probably NOT a good idea. I would cite your source before accusation. IMVHO.
would you let him run ahead of you if his baby sister had just gone missing?

I'm not being snarky - I honestly want to know. from you or anyone. I'm quite paranoid by nature - if one of mine went missing, I'd have a very difficult time letting the other out of my immediate reach for a very long time.

JMHO, but allowing him to run ahead is much better than having him running behind, at least you can keep an eye on him if he were ahead. And in the referenced screenshot, it's not like the boys were yards ahead, they were only a few steps ahead.
would you let him run ahead of you if his baby sister had just gone missing?

I'm not being snarky - I honestly want to know. from you or anyone. I'm quite paranoid by nature - if one of mine went missing, I'd have a very difficult time letting the other out of my immediate reach for a very long time.

Yes, wouldn't want to stop him from living as normally as he could. I have my eyes on him the whole time anyway....he always "beats" me home. We are talking two houses on my street with sidewalks. I don't think it is unusual for kids to run ahead of their parents, especially after school. Who knows, maybe they had cookies from grandma waiting for them?! :innocent:
If anyone wants to see the inconsistencies in DB & JIs statements, we have been told there is a thread for that. Having been here since the third day and reading or watching almost every media link and interview with the family, I can assure you that the list of inconsistencies is ever growing.

Not sure if this is the thread but this is a record of their changing stories.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152343"]compare the parent's statements to media here - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Didn't a woman on one of the morning shows say she had talked to the benefactor? Or did I dream that?

I think i heard that too.
I just think its strange that the media hasnt outed them yet.
Why not?
I find odd. The media outs everything, why not that?
My mistake. It was probably from this morning's articles that list him as the family's consultant.


"Police then left and shortly after, family consultant Bill Stanton showed up."

Perhaps his job description is 'flexible'?

They would have been better off hiring Tim Miller, Marc Klaas, John Walsh, or Beth Holloway as their "consultant". Oh, nevermind.....silly me. I forgot that those are people who actually want to find missing children, and we certainly can't have that.
JMHO, but allowing him to run ahead is much better than having him running behind, at least you can keep an eye on him if he were ahead. And in the referenced screenshot, it's not like the boys were yards ahead, they were only a few steps ahead.

Plus the fact that the whole scene was being filmed by who-knows-how-many news crews.
JMHO, but allowing him to run ahead is much better than having him running behind, at least you can keep an eye on him if he were ahead. And in the referenced screenshot, it's not like the boys were yards ahead, they were only a few steps ahead.

Yes, and apparently the family is just walking from the car to the house in the photo? It's a very small distance, visible all the way, and you wouldn't expect for the children to come to any harm walking there. Nothing that walking between the parents would be likely to prevent anyway.

It would scare the children and make them think they're in grave danger if the parents suddenly started to insist that they must hold hands at all times.

The photo is just not an issue to me. Children of 6 and 8 have a mind of their own and even if the parents are inclined to keep them on a two-foot leash they'll take steps ahead and steps behind.
I'm working very hard to keep myself on the fence, to not jump to conclusions every time I read something about these parents. It's really difficult because it is so easy to think they're guilty.

That being said, I think their problem is that they are uneducated, ignorant and for lack of a better term are hillbillies. Please don't take offense to that term but I really couldn't think of a better way to describe what I mean. I think they lack class and don't know much outside their little bubble. I think the mom initially lied to cover that she was drunk thinking that she'd be able to keep it to herself. I believe this is why she lied - is it detrimental to the investigation heck yes - did she think so at the time? I doubt it. I think she was so ashamed of being drunk, or worried about what people would think of her, that she was evasive and lied. I think she's up to something in her personal life that she's trying to prevent from being pulled out into the open. Again, is this detrimental to the case? Yes. Do I think she honestly realizes this? No. Do I give a dang about my thinking that she's acting like this to hide something - no I don't but most people would care and she knows this, especially now.

LE is looking for Lisa, the media is looking for dirt on her family. Not fair, but that's the way it is. Do I think they're guilty? I struggle with it. Do I think they do a piss-poor job of their public image? Absolutely. I really think she at this point is more concerned with making sure something is not uncovered in her life. That would explain the lie about the phone, the lie about the timeline, etc. Does this mean she harmed her daughter? No. She does lose out on the mom-of-the-year award though.

What does get me though is the cadaver dog's alert. I've never heard of a cadaver dog picking up the sent of clipped toenails and seems silly to me.

You may want to go view the footage. She walked up to the door on her own and they slammed it.

They called the police because they knew they were getting ready to pull a sneaky... Porter did nothing wrong. Calling in advance probably would have been better, but this woman didn't harass them.

Quick references are probably NOT a good idea. I would cite your source before accusation. IMVHO.

No, she didn't walk up to the door on her own. She was with indepmo, as mentalsolstice correctly stated. Indepmo even posted about how he went to the house with her. Post 219: [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7294892#post7294892"]MSM coverage of Baby Lisa 10/28/11 - Page 9 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Just visited the Irwin-Bradley (hideout) with Tina Porter. After she explained who she was a young gentleman stated they aren't available right now and to contact their attorney if we wanted to talk to them. Door shut in face.

Tina walked straight over to FOX 4 and KCTV 5 saying. "roll the cameras, roll the cameras" and really let go. Will post videos whenever they are online. (No, I didn't want to walk up rolling cell phone video as much as I would have liked to)
would you let him run ahead of you if his baby sister had just gone missing?

I'm not being snarky - I honestly want to know. from you or anyone. I'm quite paranoid by nature - if one of mine went missing, I'd have a very difficult time letting the other out of my immediate reach for a very long time.

Their father was only a few steps behind them. The perception was seriously over exaggerated.
I'm glad. The only people I'm interested in hearing from are LE. Everything from the parents, PI, talking heads, and lawyers is just muddying the waters and pissing people off.

I wish LE would say something, though. I'm dying to know what really happened.

I know...I wish it appeared that the family was as anxious for movement and resolution in this case as many of us are :(

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