ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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How many Sawgrass Apartments are there in the thousands of apartment complexes in Orlando? One.
How many Zenaida Gonzalez' are there in Florida? In the context of the population - not many.
Was OCA familiar with Sawgrass Apartments? Yes.
Was a visitor card filled out at the same complex by a Zenaida Gonzalez? Yes.
Did OCA claim she dropped Caylee off with one of very few Zenaida's in the state at the only Sawgrass Apartments in Orlando? Yes.
Was Zenaida Gonzalez the name originally given forward by OCA as Caylee's kidnapper? Yes.
If I were going to make up a lie that my child had been kidnapped, and base that lie on a truth (OCA's MO) by using somebody's real name, I'd want to be certain that when and if I ever got the end of that hallway and my doom was being spelled, there was enough lie in there for me to then be able to claim that 'this is not the person I meant'.
IMO OCA believed she would be able to exactly that (like she'd done many times before), but all she achieved was to box herself in at the end of the hallway by underestimating the consequences of involving a real person.
We can debate and debate it but the evidence is actually in the superficial facts. We're doing here what the OCA trial jury did .... when we should just be looking at the obvious.
Lee's email was just a list of things Casey had said in visits with him and with CA/GA. Everything in there was on one of the jail visit tapes IIRC.

One sample from a visit with CA/GA:

CINDY ANTHONY: We never really got a full description of Zanny. I know she`s got brown curly hair.

CASEY ANTHONY: Shoulder length. She wears it straight.

CINDY ANTHONY: It`s curly.

CASEY ANTHONY: It`s curly, but she also wears it straight. (INAUDIBLE) it`s called a straightener. She`s the one that gave me my straightener.

CINDY ANTHONY: That`s true. OK. How tall is she?

CASEY ANTHONY: About 5, 7-ish. She`s, like, maybe an inch or two shorter than Dad, so 5-6, 5-7, very thin, maybe a little bit more meat than me, about 140-ish, fairly tan, brown eyes, no tattoos that I`ve ever seen, that I know of.

Right. Casey also says that ZFG was adopted by Victor Fernandez and she ALWAYS uses both last names.
Oh for heavens sakes I'm using the initials because we've called her that for three years - I'm aware of the difference. But if it helps you I'll drop the F from now on.

Sorry, there's so much false information about Z?G out there, I hate to see it constantly repeated. I'm a stickler for details, especially when the details are so important to the case.
I'm not trying to be snarky or anything, but why on earth are you believing anything that Casey said?? She's a proven liar. Her attorneys even admit that she's a liar!

I don't believe a word that Casey says, that isn't the point. Either Casey did or didn't point the finger at this particular woman. All anyone had to go by is what Casey said, whether it was the truth or not. It's obvious, at least to me, that the woman suing Casey was not accused by Casey of being the kidnapper.

BTW, I was just reading an old thread where mods had to repeatedly threaten posters for posting private information about Z?G.....for those who denied earlier that it ever happened.
Sorry, there's so much false information about Z?G out there, I hate to see it constantly repeated. I'm a stickler for details, especially when the details are so important to the case.

Anything that OCA said about Zenaida Gonzales besides repeating her name as her Nanny, and the fact she did not voluntarily come out with a statement to say This ZG is not my Nanny is not a detail it is a pack of lies to be completely disregarded.

It's not the information that's out there that counts - it is only those two facts - she ID ZG by name and did not redact her statement. That's it. The rest is just OCA cybertrash.
Sorry, there's so much false information about Z?G out there, I hate to see it constantly repeated. I'm a stickler for details, especially when the details are so important to the case.

Quote from the news thread:

News 13 aired footage of Gonzalez explaining that she left a cleaning job because she didn’t want to cause problems. “I didn’t say I was fired,” she said.

Let's hope that this is the end of the "it's only a rumor" theory.

We have to understand that although WE as WSer's had access to the discovery documents, KC's statement, etc. the general public did not. They relied on what they heard on the news. The fact remains that what the public heard on all the media talks shows was the video of KC telling her mother that she was not shown a picture of that woman from Kississmee. ZG's case involves a snap shot in time. While KC is claiming she has not ruled this ZG out she is basically doing her ZG damage so the fact that KC claimed it was ZFG is a mute subject. I seriously doubt all those people who threatened ZG heard only heard the ZG and not the ZFG. KC's statement and the fact that this ZG was at Sawgrass Apartments and had a NY State license plate on her car was enough to make some believe she was the nanny. Not everyone was great about keeping up on the details they just reacted. Bottom line is KC provided just enough information about this ZG to make some people believe her. Like it or not the only one responsible for the problems ZG encountered was KC because she lied. KC's lie lead to an innocent person being questioned and hounded by the media. jmo
When have we ever given what the As said this much credibility? I have to laugh...in a good way. It's like fighting a paper dragon. Casey is one sick person IMO. Her lies hurt so many people that I find it hard to give anything she said credence. Goes back to my thinking that this was no coincidence. Like JA said in his book...she built her lies upon lies adapting them to whomever (or is it whoever?) she was speaking with at the time...giving them what she believed they wanted to hear...what they needed to hear to satisfy them. It doesn't surprise me that her initial lie (I left Caylee with ZFG at Sawgrass Apts.) morphed into the nanny being a "10"...that she kidnapped her to teach her a lesson...that that that...oh, nevermind.
I don't believe a word that Casey says, that isn't the point. Either Casey did or didn't point the finger at this particular woman. All anyone had to go by is what Casey said, whether it was the truth or not. It's obvious, at least to me, that the woman suing Casey was not accused by Casey of being the kidnapper.

BTW, I was just reading an old thread where mods had to repeatedly threaten posters for posting private information about Z?G.....for those who denied earlier that it ever happened.
How did you get "denial" out of what was posted? IMPO...I did not view her personal history negatively. People in glass houses and all that. There are TOS that we need to abide by. What people take away from looking at public records is for them to own, IMPO. It's their opinion afterall.
The woman with many aliases who claimed to be George's mistress is the only one who has said that ZG has a tattoo down her arm. She also says that Casey based her ZFG description on her, however Casey didn't even know her at the time. She's.....different...to put it nicely.

Z?G may be a 10 on the inside, I can't say because I don't know her personally, but by most standards she is not a 10 on the outside, and it's the outside that Casey was describing.

Okey doke. Let's go with that.

Kinda goes nicely with KC's way of spicing up the truth then, doesn't it.

Like her very important event coordinator career.
And the $14,000 spending money she was saving for a rainy day.
The amazing degree from UCF.
Her fanatical love for the Atlanta Braves (or was it the Yankees?)
The Hopespring home that her mommy was going to lavish upon her.
Lest we forget the resume she drafted listing herself as an experienced nanny....Chica knows how to bolster.

I mean, do you really think that KC would leave Caylee with an ugly nanny (er, wasn't that Cindy?) and tell people that? The nanny that was very expensive, at least $400.00 per week? The nanny that by KC's own accounts made Super Nanny Jo look like Miss Hannigan (Carol Burnett's version)?
Ugly nannies don't take kids to $100+ per day amusement park trips every freaking day of the summer! Ugly nannies don't use flattening irons! And KC would not be caught dead with an ugly nanny!

1. KC makes up a story/description about a ZFG that has many different detailed components that we all know about here, such as lack of children.

2. Some of those components match ZG, by some degree, with what LE are looking for. Only some components, mind you, because KC has not given a set of components that closely match any real ZG or ZFG (duh, because she made it up). So, this ZG was at Sawgrass, but does have children.

:waitasec: Which of those is more weighty when LE are looking for a suspect? That she was at the last place where KC saw Caylee, or that she does have kids unlike KC's description? Yeah, if I'm LE, I'm at least checking her out.

3. Since this lady does match what KC says in some ways but doesn't match what KC says in other ways, LE does the painfully obvious: They show KC a picture of her for ID.

4. KC strikes it down...wait, wait...KC picks it back up, dusts it off, and states firmly that she would like LE to reconsider this woman from Kissimmee.
Only she forgets to tell LE that directly, she decides to tell 5 ba-zillion public viewers instead.

5. KC cleary looking for her scapegoat, because she is lying. Or reaching, as KC likes to put it. And by the way, KC has good reason to lie-we can go with the fact that she murderd Caylee in cold blood, or for those of you not willing to go there...KC has to lie to cover up what George did because he would abuse her if she didn't. Crap on a stick, that's gross just to ype...

6. Woman from Kissimmee says she suffered due to this frappin circus. Shocker. It astounds me that this strange and non-10 woman would be thrown under the bus when it was clearly Jesse/Amy/George/Roy that did this.

From what I gather, defamation is a no brainer. KC lied about a woman from Kissimmee who, because of KC's outburst, now very closely matches what police are looking for. The public goes all vigilante in Caylee's name.

Now...whether or not she suffered a great deal or teensie weensie will be up to the jury when they penalize KC. But the question of whether KC lied about Zenaida from Kissimmee that visted Sawgrass and whose picture she saw then didn't see....is open and shut.
I don't think LE put any stock in what Casey said during the jail interviews. They knew on the first day they interviewed Casey at Universal that there was no nanny and that Casey was responsible for what happened to Caylee. Yuri says it over and over and over. That's why they didn't bother much with Z?G other than to get her one line statement saying she did not know Casey or Caylee and she was not a babysitter.

BBM- and we know this how? Please forgive me...but do you have a link?
So I guess Greene didn't file the depo. Once again...the truth will have to wait, I guess.
Right. Casey also says that ZFG was adopted by Victor Fernandez and she ALWAYS uses both last names.

Regardless of the fact that ZG’s information does not perfectly match the ZFG’s information, when you google a Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez, you get ZG’s picture, complete with the accusations made by CASEY ANTHONY! Some articles occur long before her lawsuit was filed. This information association will last forever on the internet and KC has never recanted the claim.
wow, no one deserves this.

especially when that same poster gives CA all the exceptions in the world. And that is why I hope ZG wins big. She may never get any money, but she will prevent OKC and CA from gaining anything and she will get her credibility back. She was an innocent victim of the whole Anthony family.
At that point of time in this case, LE was desperately hunting for a missing child. FCA was telling detailed stories that confounded LE as they would check out the stories and find them to be untrue. It was hard to believe a mother would lie in the search for her “kidnapped” child. Since there is some truth in most lies, anything that FCA would tell had to be investigated. When she told of and described ZFG, which part could have been the truth? The name or which part thereof, the straight or curly hair, the age, the children, and so forth? When FCA said she dropped Caylee off at the Sawgrass Apartments and LE found a card with ZG’s name on it, that could have been a true link. Also, FCA described the car as silver (another possible link) and said they should search in NY (NY plates) – another possible link. It was therefore a no brainer that ZG was questioned.

This was a high profile case and it was in the papers, television stations and national outlets that a ZFG had taken Caylee. FCA had written it in her statement, had said it while being questioned and had confirmed it to her parents on the jailhouse video. FCA’s parents continued to spout it on national tv and in their depositions. This ZG was the only one questioned who was made public.

The idea of being suspected of kidnapping would be unnerving in itself, but her children were coming home from school after being taunted in school about their mother. Imagine the terror ZG must have had for herself and her children of maybe not being able to prove you were not the one they were looking for. By the time, the results of the tests from the car trunk had come back, the damage to ZG had already been done.

I hope ZG wins this case big time and more importantly puts FCA in her place as a lying FCA.

Side note – all facts are from my own memory which may have been clouded over the years.
At that point of time in this case, LE was desperately hunting for a missing child. FCA was telling detailed stories that confounded LE as they would check out the stories and find them to be untrue. It was hard to believe a mother would lie in the search for her “kidnapped” child. Since there is some truth in most lies, anything that FCA would tell had to be investigated. When she told of and described ZFG, which part could have been the truth? The name or which part thereof, the straight or curly hair, the age, the children, and so forth? When FCA said she dropped Caylee off at the Sawgrass Apartments and LE found a card with ZG’s name on it, that could have been a true link. Also, FCA described the car as silver (another possible link) and said they should search in NY (NY plates) – another possible link. It was therefore a no brainer that ZG was questioned.

This was a high profile case and it was in the papers, television stations and national outlets that a ZFG had taken Caylee. FCA had written it in her statement, had said it while being questioned and had confirmed it to her parents on the jailhouse video. FCA’s parents continued to spout it on national tv and in their depositions. This ZG was the only one questioned who was made public.

The idea of being suspected of kidnapping would be unnerving in itself, but her children were coming home from school after being taunted in school about their mother. Imagine the terror ZG must have had for herself and her children of maybe not being able to prove you were not the one they were looking for. By the time, the results of the tests from the car trunk had come back, the damage to ZG had already been done.

I hope ZG wins this case big time and more importantly puts FCA in her place as a lying FCA.

Side note – all facts are from my own memory which may have been clouded over the years.

Nope, IMO, nothing wrong with your memory. According to Kiomarie, there was an Yvette Gonzales living down the street on Hopespring Drive who had young children but did not babysit - did we see her paraded in front of the media? No we did not. Did we see any other Zenaida Gonzales in front of the media or given CA's accusing finger when Florida is apparently chock o block with ZG's. No we did not. It's a given that despite whatever is in this particular Zenaida's background - this particular Zenaida was declared a kidnapper for the world to see. That's all this case is about.
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