court in recess until 3/13/2012 general discussion thread

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He went to the McClintic residence on Wilson Street. “I spoke to her mother, Carol. Terri-Lynne then came to the door.” The younger McClintic agreed to an interview at the police station. Kelly requested McClintic bring along any white jacket she owned. What McClintic grabbed was a lightweight white business jacket — clearly not the puffy garment in the photo.
TLM's hair:


Her hair looks reddish in the photo. I guess she dyed it before she cut it. JMO

wow... that is a LOT of hair!
Already, however, there have been significant fluctuations in evidence presented here and the agreed statement of facts entered at McClintic’s trial, details that remain under a publication ban and not yet revealed to the jury.

They will be.

I guess DiManno thinks TLM lied at her hearing. I do too. I don't think it will matter in MR's case. JMO

Good Morning matou and all!

Do you think she lied about her involvement and blamed MR for killing Tori? If so, I agree in won't matter.
Good Morning matou and all!

Do you think she lied about her involvement and blamed MR for killing Tori? If so, I agree in won't matter.

I think she lied about the randomness of the abduction like it was just something that was dreamed up that day. I think a plan between the two of them, MR and TLM, may have been in the works for a while. And she may have been friending Tori with the dogs prior to that day as part of the plan?

But I'm still not sure if it was Tori who was chosen because she knew who Tori's mother was or if it was because Tori was always out around the school area because she lived practically beside it. Or even if it was easier to friend Tori because she did know who her mother was? :waitasec:

I'm wondering if that is the warning that the Crown gave to the jury about TLM's credibility being questioned. Because she may be changing that part of her "story" when she takes the stand?

I think she lied about the randomness of the abduction like it was just something that was dreamed up that day. I think a plan between the two of them, MR and TLM, may have been in the works for a while. And she may have been friending Tori with the dogs prior to that day as part of the plan?

But I'm still not sure if it was Tori who was chosen because she knew who Tori's mother was or if it was because Tori was always out around the school area because she lived practically beside it. Or even if it was easier to friend Tori because she did know who her mother was? :waitasec:

I'm wondering if that is the warning that the Crown gave to the jury about TLM's credibility being questioned. Because she may be changing that part of her "story" when she takes the stand?


I think you raise some valid questions there, I also think her credibility comes into question just because of the fact that she was a drug addict. I'm betting MR's lawyers will play that right up.
With all of the evidence that they have is it even wise to put her on the stand? Her credibility is worth nothing and it may harm the case in MOO.

This resume is very well written. I was actually surprised when I saw it and read it.

Did you go to the interview the day of the murder? I thought that I read that somewhere and that she made a follow up appointment April 16th but was already in custody.

If this is the case maybe she didnt know what was going to happen, or that she did and she was that sick and twisted thinking she would get away with it.
<snip> Even his defense "seems" lost in how to shed a "shadow of a doubt" so far. None of their cross examinations (if any, have been brief and unproductive),have gotten them anywhere. <snip>

TR's lawyer has to tread carefully. He's implied negligence on the part of Tori's drug-addicted mother in the cross, but that can backfire if pursued too aggressively because the jury will sympathize with the grieving mother, no matter what here lifestyle choice was. Christie Blatchford clearly brought out the attack, reading between the lines.
This resume is very well written. I was actually surprised when I saw it and read it. <snip>
WRT TLM's resume, those are done on standard forms with lots of help by the Employment Office. Very professional, but really no big deal.
I believe this is another case of "you don't know who you're friends are" also. <modsnip> I know he has not been found guilty nor innocent yet, but things are not looking good for MR thus far. Even his defense "seems" lost in how to shed a "shadow of a doubt" so far. None of their cross examinations (if any, have been brief and unproductive),have gotten them anywhere. I realize there is much more to come in this trial but wouldn't you think if he's such a great lawyer, he would ask more questions on cross exam? If anything you would think he could have tore into TM and made her look more involved, especially "if" there was some big drug debt. I guess he will just have to wait to present his theory during closing arguments, based on what MR told him happened. I just cannot see him getting off <modsnip> If that's the case I would say he's done for. I bet TLM will be honest on the stand as she wants to earn "Brownie points" to use in 12 years from now. As to whether the jurors will believe her is another thing but there is too much solid evidence even now, they would not need TLM's testimony. The Crown just wants the jurors to hear the full story from someone who was witness to everything that happened that day from the time Tori was taken until she was murdered. <modsnip> JMHO.

As I said once before, do not underestimate MR's lawyer. It's obvious that 196 Fyfe is important to him since he asked about this a couple of times. I don't think his brief cross-examination is particularly disturbing. I think the big catch will be TLM. I'm wondering if he will put MR in the witness box. That'd be a big risk, as MR could easily incriminate himself on the stand. JMO
Does anyone else find it strange that there is no mention whatsoever of any of Rafferty's family or friends being in the court room? I just find that incredibly strange.

I find it strange as well, you would think they would be around to support him, and his friends. But then again, there hasn't been mention of MR either except when he was appearing briefly in court.
As I said once before, do not underestimate MR's lawyer. It's obvious that 196 Fyfe is important to him since he asked about this a couple of times. I don't think his brief cross-examination is particularly disturbing. I think the big catch will be TLM. I'm wondering if he will put MR in the witness box. That'd be a big risk, as MR could easily incriminate himself on the stand. JMO

I highly doubt MR would be put in the witness box. It would leave him wide open to direct cross by the Crown, and I think that would be way too risky for him! In addition, his reaction to questions put forward by the Crown, such as his facial expression, posture and other body language could make him look more guilty to the jury. If he were my client, there is no way I would put him up there -- but if he does end up on the stand, I know we will all be rapt with attention!!
With all of the evidence that they have is it even wise to put her on the stand? Her credibility is worth nothing and it may harm the case in MOO.

In my opinion, I think they have to put her on the witness stand, she was there, so she is likely the only person that will be able to say he was with her that fateful day, which is why the Crown has acknowledged that her credibility could be an issue, because he's likely concerned the jury won't believe her statements when she mentions this (especially if no one else can corroborate seeing the two of them together). A lot of what we have seen so far, only shows TLM by herself (I get it is still early days, though the Crown really hasn't shown any evidence linking MTR to the case - again JMO).
As I said once before, do not underestimate MR's lawyer. It's obvious that 196 Fyfe is important to him since he asked about this a couple of times. I don't think his brief cross-examination is particularly disturbing. I think the big catch will be TLM. I'm wondering if he will put MR in the witness box. That'd be a big risk, as MR could easily incriminate himself on the stand. JMO

I agree with you about not underestimating the defence team. There really hasn't been very much for him to cross-examine at this point in my humble opinion, which is why his crosses have been brief, if at all. I do wonder if he has requested a right to recall a certain witness at a later day, that hasn't been mentioned in the tweets.

I can't see MR taking the stand, most defence lawyers advise for their client not to take the stand, because as you said, he could incriminate himself depending on his personality, may garner no sympathy from the jury if they hear him speak.

The usual crowd of reporters watching those events unfold in the courtroom all week have had a lot of company from a large amount of residents of London and the surrounding area who've come out simply to watch.

In cases with a profile as high as this one, the public gallery of the courtroom is generally populated by the families of the main players in the case and reporters; and there has been a decent amount of both.

Reporters take up two long, reserved tables in the body of Courtroom 21; as well as a smaller section to the left of the public gallery and an overflow room a few floors down.

Tori Stafford's family also usually sits to the left of the public gallery.

No mention of either of MR's family, though they may have been there and requested not to be mentioned.

Also, I want to thank all of you who are pulling so much info together in these threads, I appreciate all your efforts. Praying for justice for Tori...
In my opinion, I think they have to put her on the witness stand, she was there, so she is likely the only person that will be able to say he was with her that fateful day, which is why the Crown has acknowledged that her credibility could be an issue, because he's likely concerned the jury won't believe her statements when she mentions this (especially if no one else can corroborate seeing the two of them together). A lot of what we have seen so far, only shows TLM by herself (I get it is still early days, though the Crown really hasn't shown any evidence linking MTR to the case - again JMO).


I hope the other evidence (blood DNA, blackberry, car, statements to friends, etc) is strong enough to overshadow the fact that they weren't seen together (that we know of so far)
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