ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - #11

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Why would Robyn have called GG her "husband", as according to the witness in the Rum Reef restaurant? They weren't engaged, living together, or even steady dating partners, not anything even close to that from all that has come out.

So could it have something to do with the "domestic partner" aspect of the insurance policy? Some kind of plan, why else call GG her "husband". Just very, very hinky.

Court documents also show that Giordano had previously taken out an insurance policy on Gardner for a trip in June. The policy, obtained by ABC News, is dated April 27 and was signed by Gardner on May 12, officially designating Giordano as her beneficiary and listing him as her "domestic partner."
And not to forget the precipitating event to this horrific ordeal, GG's financial woes:


Aruba Murder Suspect Had Financial Woes

Gary Giordano was in serious financial trouble and tried to scam a company out of $5 million in the months leading up to his Aruba vacation with Robyn Gardner, according to an attorney who faced him in court.

"Just a few months ago he was telling the court here that he was in financial distress, with what I understood to be him making much less money than his bills," said Thomas Murphy, who represented a staffing company Giordano sued for $5 million in January 2010. "So I don't know how he could wind up taking a vacation to Aruba, which I believe is not an inexpensive destination," Murphy said.......

......In the suit against the staffing company, Giordano was accused of forging documents in the suit and later dropped the case. Murphy said Giordano made up a contract and tried to sue the company for not upholding it.

"I accused him of committing perjury, I accused him of fabricating documents, I accused him of the worst sort of behavior that I could think of," Murphy said. "My professional judgment about Mr. Giordano was that he was not to be believed at any level about anything."

"I absolutely believe that Mr. Giordano, based on my experience defending my client, that he is capable of manufacturing out of whole cloth a story and then pursuing it to abnormal ends," Murphy said.

Meanwhile, Giordano was also suing one ex-wife for $7,000 and going to court to have his child support payments lowered from marriage to his first wife, according to court documents.

"I always said he was sue-crazy," said a woman who had a relationship with Giordano, but wished to remain anonymous. "He sues everybody."

Giordano, who lived in a million-dollar home in the wealthy D.C. suburb of Gaithersburg, Md., went to court in 2010 claiming that a change in his financial status made him unable to pay child support for his three children with his first wife. Murphy noted that Giordano told a judge his income was $4,500 a month while his mortgage payment was $5,000 a month. Murphy added that Giordano arrived to court in a Cadillac Escalade, a car that sells for upward of $60,000.
So why would GG have a mortgage of 5000 / month, which is totally outrageous anyway, imo, yet with an income of only 4500 /month. Just one more big Hinky,imo.
Brought this post by IslandSurfer over from thread #5. He is an Aruban local and I feel quite sure he knows what he's talking about. Everyone obviously has the right to their own views and opinions. But that there has recently been several GG supporters on this thread is somewhat concerning to me and has been weighing on my mind. I've accepted, sadly, that there's probably nothing to be done for Robyn as it's most likely too late. Justice itself even seems out of reach at this point, hopefully I'm wrong. Whatever the case, I am approaching this from a self protection standpoint, serious business, imo.

The fact is that this man, Gary Giordano is a known criminal. But what is most significant is that he is a known con man and master of manipulation and deceit, AND has a history of stalking, of scary behavior, and of emotional and physical abuse of women. Seriously, just because he may come across as "charming" or tries to paint himself as a victim , or simply seems like a "nice guy" on national television doesn't mean a thing. His existence is all about perpetrating a fraud. He is a con. He lies, he exploits for his own gain. He uses. He abuses. That's all he knows. He can be nothing else. Simply put, Gary Giordano is a dangerous man. Please know that, and don't forget. We all need to know how to detect this kind of predator so we can be enabled to protect ourselves against them. Maybe start a new thread just on that subject, lol. JMO

Posted by IslandSurfer, Thread #5, Post #283 : Thank You IslandSurfer for this excellent post. :seeya:

No one is claiming that he is a stand up guy, but those allegations in his past were for the most part just that - allegations. All of the people who made those allegations were in some sort of conflict with him, you don't think perhaps they might have their own reasons for claiming what they did? Conflict allways produces we said/they said situations, most of which is of dubious accuracy. Certainly none of those allegations of "dangerous" ever produced anything that led to charges let alone convictions. That says something as well (but probably something you don't want to hear).

As far as IslandSurfer's claims are concerned, he was commenting on what he would/would not have done, as a local. One thing he forgot though, is that GG/RG were NOT locals, and consequently would not have local knowledge. If neither grew up near the sea they would be ignorant about the ways of water as well. A local would have no idea what was going through their heads or their decision making process. I spent part of my childhood in a seaside vacation destination spot and vacationers would routinely do dumb things in the water, it is because they were ignorant and didn't know what we knew.

Their choice of beaches likely had more to do with a desire for privacy than anything else. Find a nice little spot where the risk of being disturbed is low and you can do all sorts of naughty things that you can't do in the more public places without being arrested. The beaches IslandSurfer refers to would not give them that privacy, so allthough the beach they chose might not have been ideal, it probably seemed that way to them because their criteria were different from IslandSurfers.
No one is claiming that he is a stand up guy, but those allegations in his past were for the most part just that - allegations. All of the people who made those allegations were in some sort of conflict with him, you don't think perhaps they might have their own reasons for claiming what they did? Conflict allways produces we said/they said situations, most of which is of dubious accuracy. Certainly none of those allegations of "dangerous" ever produced anything that led to charges let alone convictions. That says something as well (but probably something you don't want to hear).

As far as IslandSurfer's claims are concerned, he was commenting on what he would/would not have done, as a local. One thing he forgot though, is that GG/RG were NOT locals, and consequently would not have local knowledge. If neither grew up near the sea they would be ignorant about the ways of water as well. A local would have no idea what was going through their heads or their decision making process. I spent part of my childhood in a seaside vacation destination spot and vacationers would routinely do dumb things in the water, it is because they were ignorant and didn't know what we knew.

Their choice of beaches likely had more to do with a desire for privacy than anything else. Find a nice little spot where the risk of being disturbed is low and you can do all sorts of naughty things that you can't do in the more public places without being arrested. The beaches IslandSurfer refers to would not give them that privacy, so allthough the beach they chose might not have been ideal, it probably seemed that way to them because their criteria were different from IslandSurfers.

Not a stand up guy? :rolleyes: Hardly, in that at least you are correct. Actually there are more than allegations, he had criminal charges against him. I'm sure you know about those, so I don't know why you are labeling it as simply "allegations".
So you are ascertaining that all of these women are just fabricating this, he's just being framed, is that it? Sounds like something one of Clinton's attorneys might say in trying to defend him against a sexual scandall involving Monica Lewinsky. What the definition of "is" is??? What do they call that, besides BS ? :lol:
Oh, I would suggest you not underestimate the knowledge of the locals on Aruba, it is, after all a small island, and they know their island very well. jmo
No one is claiming that he is a stand up guy, but those allegations in his past were for the most part just that - allegations. All of the people who made those allegations were in some sort of conflict with him, you don't think perhaps they might have their own reasons for claiming what they did? Conflict allways produces we said/they said situations, most of which is of dubious accuracy. Certainly none of those allegations of "dangerous" ever produced anything that led to charges let alone convictions. That says something as well (but probably something you don't want to hear).

As far as IslandSurfer's claims are concerned, he was commenting on what he would/would not have done, as a local. One thing he forgot though, is that GG/RG were NOT locals, and consequently would not have local knowledge. If neither grew up near the sea they would be ignorant about the ways of water as well. A local would have no idea what was going through their heads or their decision making process. I spent part of my childhood in a seaside vacation destination spot and vacationers would routinely do dumb things in the water, it is because they were ignorant and didn't know what we knew.

Their choice of beaches likely had more to do with a desire for privacy than anything else. Find a nice little spot where the risk of being disturbed is low and you can do all sorts of naughty things that you can't do in the more public places without being arrested. The beaches IslandSurfer refers to would not give them that privacy, so allthough the beach they chose might not have been ideal, it probably seemed that way to them because their criteria were different from IslandSurfers.

Exactly Great post!
Brought this post by IslandSurfer over from thread #5. He is an Aruban local and I feel quite sure he knows what he's talking about. Everyone obviously has the right to their own views and opinions. But that there has recently been several GG supporters on this thread is somewhat concerning to me and has been weighing on my mind. I've accepted, sadly, that there's probably nothing to be done for Robyn as it's most likely too late. Justice itself even seems out of reach at this point, hopefully I'm wrong. Whatever the case, I am approaching this from a self protection standpoint, serious business, imo.

The fact is that this man, Gary Giordano is a known criminal. But what is most significant is that he is a known con man and master of manipulation and deceit, AND has a history of stalking, of scary behavior, and of emotional and physical abuse of women. Seriously, just because he may come across as "charming" or tries to paint himself as a victim , or simply seems like a "nice guy" on national television doesn't mean a thing. His existence is all about perpetrating a fraud. He is a con. He lies, he exploits for his own gain. He uses. He abuses. That's all he knows. He can be nothing else. Simply put, Gary Giordano is a dangerous man. Please know that, and don't forget. We all need to know how to detect this kind of predator so we can be enabled to protect ourselves against them. Maybe start a new thread just on that subject, lol. JMO

Posted by IslandSurfer, Thread #5, Post #283 : Thank You IslandSurfer for this excellent post. :seeya:

Islandsurfer also posted this...

Very strange to go in the sea over rocks. But, I talk to some people say when they go, the wind very small and no waves. Maybe it look better that day? A question only.

So it appears from this that people swim there, JMO
I would like to say, in case of confusion, that the pics i posted above, which were originally posted in thread 8 by another poster, were not posted with GGs character in mind.

I have no interest in defending that at all.

The pictures spoke to me of the character of MSN
I question how many reports have been moderately distorted for viewers interest and ratings
Brought this post by IslandSurfer over from thread #5. He is an Aruban local and I feel quite sure he knows what he's talking about. Everyone obviously has the right to their own views and opinions. But that there has recently been several GG supporters on this thread is somewhat concerning to me and has been weighing on my mind. I've accepted, sadly, that there's probably nothing to be done for Robyn as it's most likely too late. Justice itself even seems out of reach at this point, hopefully I'm wrong. Whatever the case, I am approaching this from a self protection standpoint, serious business, imo.

The fact is that this man, Gary Giordano is a known criminal. But what is most significant is that he is a known con man and master of manipulation and deceit, AND has a history of stalking, of scary behavior, and of emotional and physical abuse of women. Seriously, just because he may come across as "charming" or tries to paint himself as a victim , or simply seems like a "nice guy" on national television doesn't mean a thing. His existence is all about perpetrating a fraud. He is a con. He lies, he exploits for his own gain. He uses. He abuses. That's all he knows. He can be nothing else. Simply put, Gary Giordano is a dangerous man. Please know that, and don't forget. We all need to know how to detect this kind of predator so we can be enabled to protect ourselves against them. Maybe start a new thread just on that subject, lol. JMO

Posted by IslandSurfer, Thread #5, Post #283 : Thank You IslandSurfer for this excellent post. :seeya:

I don't know who you are referring to in the above statement , nor do I care.

What I do care about is that my concern for truth and justice is not confused with support for GG.

If all we have to go on is MSN, then I want to know that those reports are accurate and not bent and twisted to support ratings.

I will argue against information that has not been proven or is in question whether that information works for or against Gary Giordano
Why would Robyn have called GG her "husband", as according to the witness in the Rum Reef restaurant? They weren't engaged, living together, or even steady dating partners, not anything even close to that from all that has come out.

So could it have something to do with the "domestic partner" aspect of the insurance policy? Some kind of plan, why else call GG her "husband". Just very, very hinky.

Why would she care about a policy that only paid out upon her death?
I think that GG had spent a fair amount of time around the ocean. Also, in the Geraldo interview his son said that GG had taken them snorkeling. I have searched for the transcript of the interview and haven't found one.

Yes it's true you can dissapear someone almost anywhere and crime happens everywhere..The difference is Aruba and Cruise Ships want to wash their hands clean and often times the investigation is over before it begins...IMO..Look what happened to George Smith or the person who disspapeared off the cruise ship off Aruba who started that cruise ship victim forum. Gary Makings,Buddy Larson,Max De Vries etc etc..Cruise Ships and Aruba have earned that bad reputation and rightfully so. It's not that either is the most dangerous on earth it's when something bad does happen there is never justice..Tourism always comes first..IMO

Anyway,Judging by what we know of Gary he was quite seaworthy and knew the ocean fairly well..IMO

I still think the soaking wet socks and shoes are the biggest clue. In my opinion theres no way that guy went snorkling with his shoes on..They got wet either by pushing off a boat..Or from one of the cliffs and if thats the case he would have had to weigh her down..JMHO

Why would she care about a policy that only paid out upon her death?

Only if she's not dead, or didn't know she would be. Also we aren't positive she is dead, just missing.
I don't know who you are referring to in the above statement , nor do I care.

What I do care about is that my concern for truth and justice is not confused with support for GG.

If all we have to go on is MSN, then I want to know that those reports are accurate and not bent and twisted to support ratings.

I will argue against information that has not been proven or is in question whether that information works for or against Gary Giordano

I wasn't referring to you.
Only if she's not dead, or didn't know she would be. Also we aren't positive she is dead, just missing.

Correct, we don't know if she is dead

The only way she would care about the wording of a policy was if she were to benefit from it, IMO

Well, I am not going down that road again for very obvious reasons.

I am older than Robyn.
My husband and I have been married for ten years

When we travelled prior to getting married, I referred to him as my husband.
It just seemed far simpler
No one is claiming that he is a stand up guy, but those allegations in his past were for the most part just that - allegations. All of the people who made those allegations were in some sort of conflict with him, you don't think perhaps they might have their own reasons for claiming what they did? Conflict allways produces we said/they said situations, most of which is of dubious accuracy. Certainly none of those allegations of "dangerous" ever produced anything that led to charges let alone convictions. That says something as well (but probably something you don't want to hear).

As far as IslandSurfer's claims are concerned, he was commenting on what he would/would not have done, as a local. One thing he forgot though, is that GG/RG were NOT locals, and consequently would not have local knowledge. If neither grew up near the sea they would be ignorant about the ways of water as well. A local would have no idea what was going through their heads or their decision making process. I spent part of my childhood in a seaside vacation destination spot and vacationers would routinely do dumb things in the water, it is because they were ignorant and didn't know what we knew.

Their choice of beaches likely had more to do with a desire for privacy than anything else. Find a nice little spot where the risk of being disturbed is low and you can do all sorts of naughty things that you can't do in the more public places without being arrested. The beaches IslandSurfer refers to would not give them that privacy, so allthough the beach they chose might not have been ideal, it probably seemed that way to them because their criteria were different from IslandSurfers.

Regardless of what IslandSurfer's opinion is, why would anyone believe what a con man like GG says, that they went snorkeling there or anywhere? There is nothing at all to back up his claim or his version of events.
Regardless of what IslandSurfer's opinion is, why would anyone believe what a con man like GG says, that they went snorkeling there or anywhere? There is nothing at all to back up his claim or his version of events.

Because you can't hang someone because they have an evil reputation

And you can't bend facts to suit an opinion

Because there is obviously not enough evidence to charge him

And I have never said that I believe him IIRC
Correct, we don't know if she is dead

The only way she would care about the wording of a policy was if she were to benefit from it, IMO

Well, I am not going down that road again for very obvious reasons.

I am older than Robyn.
My husband and I have been married for ten years

When we travelled prior to getting married, I referred to him as my husband.
It just seemed far simpler

But you and he had a close and romantic relationship. Very different from Robyn and GG, imo. Idk, and I don't know Robyn, so maybe she would be the type to say something like that. Just sounds very strange to me combined with the other strange things that happened those last two days.

The traveling to that area two consecutive days at the same time.
Robyn wearing the same or almost identical dress.
GG jumping up in the restaurant and announcing who they were.
GG telling the server Robyn had taken a sleeping pill.

Oh well, maybe GG was doing cocaine or some kind of upper and was manic and couldn't control his behavior. Anything is possible.
But you and he had a close and romantic relationship. Very different from Robyn and GG, imo. Idk, and I don't know Robyn, so maybe she would be the type to say something like that. Just sounds very strange to me combined with the other strange things that happened those last two days.

The traveling to that area two consecutive days at the same time.
Robyn wearing the same or almost identical dress.
GG jumping up in the restaurant and announcing who they were
GG telling the server Robyn had taken a sleeping pill.

Oh well, maybe GG was doing cocaine or some kind of upper and was manic and couldn't control his behavior. Anything is possible.


All of those things seem extremely strange to me also
For me, there has been no satisfactory explanation
Maybe they both enjoyed an ambian hgh

We only know what he has told us about that day and what witnesses observed
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