General theory thread and motives rehashed #6

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hello, I´m Heidi Stein, mom of missing Dirk Schiller, I´d like to get an updates about Haleigh Cummings, sorry I´m in Germany but I´m pretty interested !

I'm so sorry you and your son are going through this, Heidi. I hope your son is found safe and well, and very soon.
Hailey D's mom is bashed daily for staying with her "boyfriend" who was the last person to see Hailey.

Yet, Ron is given a gold star by some, and didn't he do the same thing? If you believe the Croslin's are so involved, how can you begin to justify Ron's continual involvement with Misty, only split by their arrest?

LE has said Misty isn't telling the truth, but they haven't said what she is lying about, so it's hard to judge if it's enough for Ron to believe she was involved.

LE said Shawn lied, and we know what Shawn lied about. I have no understanding why Billie has stayed with Shawn, but I don't believe that is proof Billie was involved in what happened to Hailey. I remember a case a while back where a man took his boys to a foundry or something and threw his sons in and burned them alive. His wife is waiting for him to get out of prison so they can continue their life together. I don't have a clue how a person can get past something like that, but it happens.
Other than saying that he went over about 10 o'clock after Ron called, and nobody was there, and then the mixed up story about Joe, has Tommy said anything about being at the MH.

I still think the Joe story was made up around the dinner table when the Croslins all lived together, like if we have to say something, this might work. Gee, sayng nobody was home got him a get out of jail card earlier, so lets try something else.

And Misty specifically said she'd tell 'em something -- did NOT hear the word truth in that statement.


IMO, Tommy's mixed up story about going over with Joe to steal a gun and Joe taking Haleigh instead and Haleigh being tied to cinder blocks and thrown into the river pretty much says it all. This 'mixed up' story does not get him nor Misty off the hook' it actually incriminates both of them. It changes his story, of being there at 10pm and no one was home, and it makes him appear more culpable for what happened to Haleigh, not less. It throws doubt on Misty's story, of "I slept through the whole thing.", which his first story did not necessarily do, as she could have been asleep and not heard him knocking.

I don't buy Tommy would make up a story incriminating himself and his sister in the death of a child in order to get out of drug charges. I don't buy Misty went along with a story that incriminates her and her brother in order to get out of drug charges. I also don't buy Tommy and/or Misty would make up a story incriminating themselves and not Ron. To me, this just backs up LE's statement Ron was at work. Misty and Tommy know Ron was at work, that's why they didn't make up a story involving him, because they knew he was not involved and they knew anything putting Ron on scene would be disproved. All MOO.
BBM ...Whats Fact? To my knowledge LE has never revealed who the A/C man is, nor have they stated the A/C man saw Haleigh.. It is also my understanding the A/C man is a close friend of a close relative of Ronald Cummings.. So IMHO.. The A/C man can't be counted on as being a reliable witness either IF indeed he did claim he saw Haleigh...

Also, Tommy has never stated he and his children were at the MH that afternoon with Misty.. That information came from Misty..

I suspect the "rat" incident was a reminder to Tommy to keep his mouth shut.. As I see it Ron"C knew Tommy was "pizzed and was afraid he would talk...JMHO..

Let me add..LE has never revealed what time Ron C went in to work, what time he got off, or IF he was there for his entire shift..IMHO... Thats fact...JMHO


It is a fact more evidence is needed to prove someone a liar than that they may provide information that precludes a suspect in a case, especially a suspect LE doesn't appear to suspect.
Not only that but Annette Sykes even ALLOWED Ron and Misty to live together in her home, even after the divorce, and even after she failed multiple polygraphs, and even after PCSO announced she was the "key" to the case. That is just weird.

I can't imagine my grandmother allowing something like that ever.


I'm sorry, Levi. I think my grandmother would allow me to live with her and be supportive of me if my child was missing. I believe my grandmother would allow my SO to live there as well, even if she thought he had something to do with my child being missing. She would probably do this to protect me and my other children, deciding it would be best to have us all where she can keep an eye out, rather than having us be somewhere else that she couldn't.
Let's say it is a FACT Ron was at "werk". Let's say it is a FACT Haleigh was alive after Ron left for "werk." That doesn't put Ron in the clear. What if something happened to Haleigh and he had KNOWLEDGE of what happened?

We know Ron had communication with both Misty and Tommy that night. We know as part of the plea deal he gave LE new information about his communication with Tommy and Misty the night Haleigh vanished. Info he had previously withheld.

That is key in this case. What was Ron/Tommy/Misty's conversations ABOUT that night? I don't believe Tommy's story that he got a call from Ron, went to the trailer and found it empty. LE has targeted all of Misty's friends/hangout buddies and there have been no reliable witnesses to place her out of the trailer.

The only logical reason for Ron to call Tommy would be to ask him to assist Misty in getting rid of Haleigh's body.

Misty most likely called Ron whining about how tired she was, how she wanted to sleep, and both she and Ron came to the conclusion to drug Haleigh. Haleigh overdosed on Misty's watch, Ron was aware of it, and called Tommy in to help get rid of the body.

That explains why Ron was so angry at Misty on the 911 call, explains the communication Ron had with both Misty/Tommy, and explains the rat incident RE Tommy.

Tommy has most likely fried his brains on drugs he doesn't even remember where he put Haleigh's body... He could be like the moron that Drew Peterson had to assist him in getting rid of Stacy Peterson's body. That man is a druggie and has no idea if he did or did not get rid of the body.

Tommy is the perfect nit wit for Ron and Misty to use and manipulate. Heck, Tommy could have thought he was getting rid of a dead animal like a deer. Tommy might not have known it was Haleigh's body he was getting rid of.

I don't think very many people are going to get a call at work telling them their child is dead and their reaction is going to be, 'Okay, let's cover it up. Throw my child in the river so she can be gator food.'

I totally disagree with your 'the only logical reason' statement. Misty had been out partying and with another man over the weekend. It is just as logical Ron didn't trust her, and thought she might be out with this other man while he was at work. I don't find it at all illogical to not trust someone after they have cheated on you, even if they were 'on a break'. In fact, I find it much, much more logical that is the case rather than Ron was fine Haleigh was dead and wanted her thrown in an alligator infested river.

I don't believe Ron told Misty to drug Haleigh, but let's say he did. If Ron is smart enough to talk Tommy into disposing of a body for him, and Ron is smart enough to get Misty and Tommy to not incriminate him after all this time and after both of them are sitting in jail, then Ron is smart enough to know there is no way to prove he told Misty to drug Haleigh. He's also smart enough to know if Misty is that exhausted, she just might think Haleigh is dead when she really isn't, and he would probably have told her to call 911. Even if Misty said Ron told her to do it, all he has to do is say, "No, I didn't."

Tommy and Misty have both had legal counsel since they were arrested. So Ron has not just had 'nit wit Tommy' to deal with, he has also had to have set this up in such a way even Tommy's legal counsel is protecting Ron at Tommy's expense. Tommy's attorney stated after Tommy's story came out he couldn't even have Tommy admit to something like opening the car door when Haleigh's body was dumped, as it would make him an accessory. If all Tommy's involvement was was to dispose of Haleigh's body, I think his attorney could have come up with a better story than what was put out there, no matter how clever and diabolical Ron's scheme to get away with killing his child may have been.
MOO, I see evidence Ron loves his children, he loves his grandparents, he loves his mother, and I even think he loved Misty, and maybe he still does, I'm not sure.

If he truly loved Misty, and truly believed she didn't harm Haleigh (and after all the questioning I have done about this, I realize it's not so far out there as a theory, since so many people in this forum who don't know either of them also seem to believe Misty didn't harm Haleigh.) I could see him rallying to her defense. As in here, I can see him not believing anything the police had to say that put her in a bad light.
If he rallied to her defense, he had a weird way of showing it, and I doubt it was because he believed her. He would defend her, but then say something contradictory, like the bed wasn't slept in, or there was no detergent. Yes, he married her, and that may have been motivated by love, even though he claimed he was just keeping his enemies close, but IMO, he didn't believe a word she said. Him marrying the girl, and then continuing to hang out with her after the divorce, isn't just a poor choice or a mistake he can blame on his upbringing. IMO, Something else was going on here.
I don't think very many people are going to get a call at work telling them their child is dead and their reaction is going to be, 'Okay, let's cover it up. Throw my child in the river so she can be gator food.'

I totally disagree with your 'the only logical reason' statement. Misty had been out partying and with another man over the weekend. It is just as logical Ron didn't trust her, and thought she might be out with this other man while he was at work. I don't find it at all illogical to not trust someone after they have cheated on you, even if they were 'on a break'. In fact, I find it much, much more logical that is the case rather than Ron was fine Haleigh was dead and wanted her thrown in an alligator infested river.

I don't believe Ron told Misty to drug Haleigh, but let's say he did. If Ron is smart enough to talk Tommy into disposing of a body for him, and Ron is smart enough to get Misty and Tommy to not incriminate him after all this time and after both of them are sitting in jail, then Ron is smart enough to know there is no way to prove he told Misty to drug Haleigh. He's also smart enough to know if Misty is that exhausted, she just might think Haleigh is dead when she really isn't, and he would probably have told her to call 911. Even if Misty said Ron told her to do it, all he has to do is say, "No, I didn't."

Tommy and Misty have both had legal counsel since they were arrested. So Ron has not just had 'nit wit Tommy' to deal with, he has also had to have set this up in such a way even Tommy's legal counsel is protecting Ron at Tommy's expense. Tommy's attorney stated after Tommy's story came out he couldn't even have Tommy admit to something like opening the car door when Haleigh's body was dumped, as it would make him an accessory. If all Tommy's involvement was was to dispose of Haleigh's body, I think his attorney could have come up with a better story than what was put out there, no matter how clever and diabolical Ron's scheme to get away with killing his child may have been.
Now, most of this I agree with. Tommy is no country bumpkin or nitwit, who has been tricked by his little sister or her boyfriend. After listening to his JO story, I could see how conniving he was. He really put himself out there, and admitted to so much, but was oh so careful, to keep his behind covered, legally speaking. I cannot imagine his lawyer sitting him down, and telling him how to twist his story, to keep from being charged with murder. IMO, Tommy figured this out all on his own. My 1st reaction to Tommy's story, was that he was minimizing his own involvement. If he wasn't, he was either telling the truth, or maximizing his involvement. This story is impossible to believe, as is, and IMO, there's no way he would maximize his involvement, to protect Misty or anybody else. Yes, I know he was desperate to get out of jail, so it's possible he concocted a whopper, but he accused his own cousin of murder and believed JO would be arrested based on his word. The only way I can see him willing to throw JO to the wolves like that, is if the trade off would save himself. I can't believe Tommy would make up a story that would incriminate himself so much, if he wasn't involved. He'd just tell the truth, and back it up with a passed LDT. Was JO involved? maybe, but if he was, I think his and Tommy's roles were reversed. MOO
Now, most of this I agree with. Tommy is no country bumpkin or nitwit, who has been tricked by his little sister or her boyfriend. After listening to his JO story, I could see how conniving he was. He really put himself out there, and admitted to so much, but was oh so careful, to keep his behind covered, legally speaking. I cannot imagine his lawyer sitting him down, and telling him how to twist his story, to keep from being charged with murder. IMO, Tommy figured this out all on his own. My 1st reaction to Tommy's story, was that he was minimizing his own involvement. If he wasn't, he was either telling the truth, or maximizing his involvement. This story is impossible to believe, as is, and IMO, there's no way he would maximize his involvement, to protect Misty or anybody else. Yes, I know he was desperate to get out of jail, so it's possible he concocted a whopper, but he accused his own cousin of murder and believed JO would be arrested based on his word. The only way I can see him willing to throw JO to the wolves like that, is if the trade off would save himself. I can't believe Tommy would make up a story that would incriminate himself so much, if he wasn't involved. He'd just tell the truth, and back it up with a passed LDT. Was JO involved? maybe, but if he was, I think his and Tommy's roles were reversed. MOO

Not that Joe is a "good guy", but I still need some solid evidence that he was involved at all or even at the MH.

First of all the cousin that was/wasn't there -- believe that was Hope.

Second, still no evidence that I can see that the infamous van was anywhere near the MH. What type of vehicle did Hope drive?

Third, both Tommy and Misty were trying anything to get out of jail. Misty even said that she'd tell 'em something -- not that she'd tell 'em the truth.

Fourth, and probably most important, by the time this Joe story came, Misty and Tommy (and other Croslins) had plenty of opportunity to develop a story in case they needed it.
It's more than obvious to me holding my breath waiting for you to focus on Misty and Tommy would be unwise on my part. As far as rose colored glasses and the big picture, you keep telling yourself that. I don't believe I'm the one who is so rigid in my way of thinking I can't look at other POV's and entertain other possibilities, and all my posts are here in black and white to back it up. Can you say the same?

I don't think Misty will confess because she is the one that actually caused the death of Haleigh and it happened on her watch. I don't think Tommy will confess because I think he is a druggie nit wit that Ron and Misty knew would be dumb enough to help them get rid of a body. I think his brain has been so fried from drugs, he may not even know where or what he did with Haleigh's body. He may have gotten rid of something, not knowing it was Haleigh.

The reason I focus on Ron, is because he gave a proffer RE his daughter's case and he gave cops NEW information, info that he withheld for over a year, and that information had to do with his contact with Misty and Tommy the night his daughter vanished. That is just a fact, people can ignore and obfuscate and say it was about drugs, but I will not participate in covering up for Ron.

I think Ron is actually the "KEY" in this case, and he is the one that flipped on Misty as evident by his plea deal.

I'd like to find out (even though I don't expect LE to release it, and I understand their reasons for not doing so) what he told them, what the content of his communication with Misty/Tommy was, etc. WOULDN'T YOU?

I don't go on silly theories about Tommy being a pedophile and Misty being a victim of him simply because of an insult Lindsy hurled at him... I don't go on silly theories like the absurd Cousin Joe did it theory, simply because Misty & Tommy float that out to save themselves.

I look at the known facts, look at the plea deal and proffer by Ron, look at the obvious direction the state attorney and LE are taking and apply common sense.

Every theory that excludes Ron from being involved and/or having knowledge of what happened is so far off the reservation and doesn't have any basis in the known facts of this case.
I don't think very many people are going to get a call at work telling them their child is dead and their reaction is going to be, 'Okay, let's cover it up. Throw my child in the river so she can be gator food.'

I totally disagree with your 'the only logical reason' statement. Misty had been out partying and with another man over the weekend. It is just as logical Ron didn't trust her, and thought she might be out with this other man while he was at work. I don't find it at all illogical to not trust someone after they have cheated on you, even if they were 'on a break'. In fact, I find it much, much more logical that is the case rather than Ron was fine Haleigh was dead and wanted her thrown in an alligator infested river.

I don't believe Ron told Misty to drug Haleigh, but let's say he did. If Ron is smart enough to talk Tommy into disposing of a body for him, and Ron is smart enough to get Misty and Tommy to not incriminate him after all this time and after both of them are sitting in jail, then Ron is smart enough to know there is no way to prove he told Misty to drug Haleigh. He's also smart enough to know if Misty is that exhausted, she just might think Haleigh is dead when she really isn't, and he would probably have told her to call 911. Even if Misty said Ron told her to do it, all he has to do is say, "No, I didn't."

Tommy and Misty have both had legal counsel since they were arrested. So Ron has not just had 'nit wit Tommy' to deal with, he has also had to have set this up in such a way even Tommy's legal counsel is protecting Ron at Tommy's expense. Tommy's attorney stated after Tommy's story came out he couldn't even have Tommy admit to something like opening the car door when Haleigh's body was dumped, as it would make him an accessory. If all Tommy's involvement was was to dispose of Haleigh's body, I think his attorney could have come up with a better story than what was put out there, no matter how clever and diabolical Ron's scheme to get away with killing his child may have been.
If Misty used Ron's illegal drugs to knock Haleigh out that gives Ron a motive to go along and convince Tommy to get rid of the body.

We also know DCF would be crawling up Ron's butt if he would have called 911 and said "my teen girlfriend just killed my daughter using the illegal drugs that I deal."

It isn't like Ron cared about Haleigh, because if he did, he wouldn't have had Misty babysit her, and would have kicked her out after finding out about her behavior. Oh and he wouldn't have beat his children if he really cared about them...

So you are going on the assumption that Ron is actually a caring and responsible father and cares more about his children than himself and his lifestyle...
IMO, there is no comparison between the pictures of Haleigh with her father and the pictures of Caylee with her mother. IMO, there is no comparison between Casey Anthony and anyone in this case.

Well there are pictures of Casey partying after her child goes missing and there are pictures of Ron and Misty going out and about in NYC smiling and having all sorts of fun only weeks after Haleigh went missing.

There are pics of Casey making out with other women, and there are pictures of Ron and Misty making out with each other and smiling for the camera weeks after Haleigh went missing.

There are tons of similar traits between Casey, Ron, and Misty. It is a true study of the narcissistic psychopathic mind! A true study of how people can "delete" their children and then go on about life as if nothing ever happened.

Haven't you seen the pics of the NYC trip? <mod snip >?
Because I see a pattern. Anyone who says something or reports something that isn't favorable to Ron, the response is basically that that person "doesn't have any credibility."

Amber Brooks and Crystal Sheffield's stories of being abused by Ron. Kim Picazio, when she worked on the case and the information she learned about Ron abusing the children, Charles Jones and his story about Ron pulling a gun on him, Art Harris reporting on Ron giving NEW info to LE he previously withheld, after his plea deal, Donna Brock and her story about Ronald blowing her cover to Misty, Tim Miller recanting Ron putting the gun in his mouth and what Ron said about how he wanted to test Misty to see how good Misty lied." etc etc etc.

Are all of these people just making up stories and lying about Ron? That is very hard to believe.

It just seems when someone says something that isn't favorable to Ron, it is just brushed off and ignored. But Lindsy Croslin makes 1 comment about incest, somehow that proves that Tommy is a child molester who molested poor ole Misty, and that he murdered Haleigh.

I don't know that Kim Picazio is all that credible, either, however, she sure did have A LOT to say in her responses to the bar complaint filed by Crystal and/or her mother against her. One of the things she claims is Ron hired an attorney to protect himself because of all the false allegations made by Crystal and family. Is that true? I don't know, and there's no way to prove or disprove it. She also claimed Crystal WAS served with notice of the custody hearing and didn't show up, which I believe has been proven to be true, and she claimed the pictures Crystal was waving around claiming abuse of Haleigh by Ron were actually proven to be an accident at school, which I also understand has been proven true.

The pattern I see is anything that is out there that disputes Ron's guilt is ignored and/or twisted to not interfere with 'Ron did it'. For example, LE states publicly, actual LE, not some 'investigative journalist' with mysterious sources, some of whom seemed to believe Haleigh's bones were found in the river, but actual working for the police department and even having a badge police officer stated publicly to the media "Ron was at work, we have video." IMO, though I may stand alone, that means Ron was not there during the critical time period, he was at work, and they have video proving it.

In fact, I have to question a lot of opinions and theories in here when they are accompanied by comments and innuendoes concerning people who don't think Ron was involved having ulterior motives and being Ron supporters, etc., etc. because it is so far off base it is laughable.

I don't think Ron did it because the evidence, IMO, does not support that theory. I certainly do not have my sights set on being the next ex-Mrs. Ronald Cummings. He's too young for me, and he's not my type.

I also question if Billie Dunn is involved in her daughter's disappearance. I don't have a thing for her, either. I also don't have a blind spot for tiny little women waifs or mothers. I think Casey Anthony killed Caylee, and I think she did it deliberately. I think Darly whatever her last name is killed her sons, and I think Misty killed Haleigh. Alternatively, I think it's possible, if it wasn't Misty, that Tommy killed Haleigh. MOO

As far as the incest rumors, IIRC, those were out and about before Lindsy said anything. My opinon of that has no bearing on my theory of what happened, it just adds another possible motive of why it might have happened.

I actually find it a lot easier to believe that 'all these people are lying about Ron' than I do to believe all these people are lying FOR Ron. Ron is not a likeable guy, IMO, and in my experience, people love to make up stories and tell lies about people they don't like.
In the state of Florida the State Attorney could charge this case under the felony murder rule, ie "the hand of one is the hand of all." Basically anyone who participated in Haleigh's murder, under the law is just as guilty as the one who actually CAUSED the death. It is also known as the law of parties.

Ron's telephone calls with Misty & Tommy are key. We know for a fact that he gave LE new info regarding his communication with them as part of his plea deal. The big question is, what was it. We know the info is about Haleigh, because his proffer is SEALED. If it was about the drugs, it would be open, because those are closed cases.

Florida law only allows the state attorney to seal evidence in an ongoing case, ie Haleigh Cummings.

So I don't think the term directly or indirectly makes a difference. Tommy Croslin's attorney's even said that they had threatened to charge Tommy with felony murder, which proves the state attorney is leaning towards charging multiple people not just one person with Haleigh's murder.

So yes, I do think Ron should be heavily focused on. As well as both Misty and Tommy. You can continue to have your rose colored glasses on, but I'll keep them off and look at the big picture. I'm not going to ignore the facts and exclude someone who was obviously party to a crime.

LOL, we know Art Harris says Ron gave LE info about his phone calls that night, and Art Harris says does not make it fact.

Even if this is what happened, it doesn't implicate Ron. It's not a felony to go to your job and be at work, and it's not a felony to make phone calls. Misty and/or Tommy are both perfectly capable of killing and disposing of a five year old child all by themselves. I'm sure they could do it without Ron's micromanagement. As far as charging multiple people besides Tommy, Ron is not the only one available, there's still Misty and Joe, it could be one or both of them.

Notice it says Tommy, not Ron.
OT but I couldn't help but think about my Cherokee Grandmother and how she would have acted if my SO and I wanted to move in with her following the disappearance of her greatgranddaughter................LOL, she probably would have let us move in but would have shoved a shotgun up my SO and my own nose until the truth just "spilled out"..........:floorlaugh:

If anything happened to either of my grandsons, and it was suspicious, the parent(s) would be spending so much time at the police station, they wouldn't need to be looking for a place to stay. And the dad's current girlfriend would really wish she had never met me.
If he rallied to her defense, he had a weird way of showing it, and I doubt it was because he believed her. He would defend her, but then say something contradictory, like the bed wasn't slept in, or there was no detergent. Yes, he married her, and that may have been motivated by love, even though he claimed he was just keeping his enemies close, but IMO, he didn't believe a word she said. Him marrying the girl, and then continuing to hang out with her after the divorce, isn't just a poor choice or a mistake he can blame on his upbringing. IMO, Something else was going on here.

I disagree. Ron could have believed Misty, why not? Look how many people in here are incapable of believing Misty could do this without Ron giving her instructions. This was my stumbling block, how could Ron believe her, but again, he doesn't seem to be the only one, so why not? Maybe he had doubts from time to time, and maybe he's passive/aggressive.

I just don't expect to see what I would qualify as normal when I'm looking at a relationship between two people with the backgrounds these two people have. Ron married Misty. People were calling for blood less than 24 hours after Haleigh vanished, because Ron was 24 and Misty was 17. It continued non-stop, even after they got married. I don't know if Ron married Misty just for that reason, to keep from going to jail for statutory rape, but it doesn't strike me as outside the realm of possibility. They had only been together a few months when Haleigh vanished, and they married a month later, did anyone really expect this to have a fairy tale ending?
If Misty used Ron's illegal drugs to knock Haleigh out that gives Ron a motive to go along and convince Tommy to get rid of the body.

We also know DCF would be crawling up Ron's butt if he would have called 911 and said "my teen girlfriend just killed my daughter using the illegal drugs that I deal."

It isn't like Ron cared about Haleigh, because if he did, he wouldn't have had Misty babysit her, and would have kicked her out after finding out about her behavior. Oh and he wouldn't have beat his children if he really cared about them...

So you are going on the assumption that Ron is actually a caring and responsible father and cares more about his children than himself and his lifestyle...

How is anyone ever going to prove the drugs were Ron's? As it stands, if Misty gave Haleigh drugs, that's on her, Ron was at work. IMO, it wouldn't be difficult at all for all of this to land in Misty's lap, so it makes no sense why Ron would risk incriminating himself by getting involved in a cover-up and bringing more people in who could talk.


Can you provide any link to back this up? I am only aware of one incident of Ron 'beating his children' and that one has been disproven repeatedly.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do believe Ron was a caring and responsible father, as well as he knew how to be. IMO, Ron could have been a lot better father than he was, but he also could have been a lot worse.
Well there are pictures of Casey partying after her child goes missing and there are pictures of Ron and Misty going out and about in NYC smiling and having all sorts of fun only weeks after Haleigh went missing.

There are pics of Casey making out with other women, and there are pictures of Ron and Misty making out with each other and smiling for the camera weeks after Haleigh went missing.

There are tons of similar traits between Casey, Ron, and Misty. It is a true study of the narcissistic psychopathic mind! A true study of how people can "delete" their children and then go on about life as if nothing ever happened.

Haven't you seen the pics of the NYC trip? <snip>

Casey said she left Caylee with Zenaida and went to work. LE said Casey didn't have a job, and there was no Zenaida.

Ron said he left Haleigh with Misty and went to work. LE said Ron was at work, there's video, and there is a Misty, and Misty said Ron left for work and left Haleigh with her.

Shall I go on?
<mod snipped>
NYC trip. Ron gets home around 3am to find his daughter is missing. Later that same day, the public wants him arrested for statutory rape because he's 24 and his gf is 17. That same day, people are picking apart everything he says, accusing him of faking grief, implying he killed his child, and as the days go on, it just gets worse and worse. Haleigh's mother is telling anyone who will listen about how he stole the children from her, she's dragging out pictures of Haleigh with an injury that has already been investigated before and determined that it had nothing to do with Ron, like no one has ever seen them before. It is investigated again, with the same results. He talks to police, and he's guilty because police want to talk to him, he gets an attorney, and he's guilty because he gets an attorney, which of course proves he has something to hide, after all this he puts a sticker on his truck saying 'Only God can judge me', and of course, that has nothing to do with the non-stop accusations against him, no, that proves he's guilty, and is considered some kind of confession....<no rumors mod snip>

I can't say I'm surprised he went to NYC. I'm surprised he came back.
OT but I couldn't help but think about my Cherokee Grandmother and how she would have acted if my SO and I wanted to move in with her following the disappearance of her greatgranddaughter................LOL, she probably would have let us move in but would have shoved a shotgun up my SO and my own nose until the truth just "spilled out"..........:floorlaugh:

My grandma, she wouldn't have lied for me, but she would have needed more than what I see to think I could do something to my child. She probably would have thought I'd lost my mind and done her best to make me see sense. My other grandma, yeah, I think she would have let us move in, just to have the freedom to torture us at her leisure. Both my grandmas loved me very much, but I don't believe either of them would have lied for me if they thought I had done something, and in a situation like this, sex out of wedlock would be the last thing on their minds.
How is anyone ever going to prove the drugs were Ron's? As it stands, if Misty gave Haleigh drugs, that's on her, Ron was at work. IMO, it wouldn't be difficult at all for all of this to land in Misty's lap, so it makes no sense why Ron would risk incriminating himself by getting involved in a cover-up and bringing more people in who could talk.


Can you provide any link to back this up? I am only aware of one incident of Ron 'beating his children' and that one has been disproven repeatedly.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do believe Ron was a caring and responsible father, as well as he knew how to be. IMO, Ron could have been a lot better father than he was, but he also could have been a lot worse.

IIRC it was all 'he said, she said' through an attorney.
Seems I recall a photo or two of a couple bruises however these photos showed no faces, no times and no dates.
These bruises could have been on anyone and been caused by anything.
I tossed them out as 'factual' the moment I saw them... YEARS ago.
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