Drew Peterson's Trial *FIFTH WEEK* part one

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In Session The witness concedes that “it’s possible” that injuries to Savio’s arms and hands could be defensive injuries. “I wouldn’t characterize them as defensive injuries . . . I wouldn’t consider them to be typical defensive-type injuries.”
They need to get back to the "how" it happened which made no sense!
In Session “Is it your testimony here today that the hip injury, thigh, buttock, and arm were all fresh injuries at the time of the autopsy?” Objection/Sustained. “The injuries you’ve testified to were all recent?” “Correct.” “You’re aware the buttock injury was described by Drs. Baden, Blum, and Case as an abrasion?” “Yes.” “And it was described in Dr. Mitchell’s autopsy protocol, as well, as an abrasion?” “Correct . . . [but] it’s a dried artifact.”

So he relied on Mitchells pics and findings, yet he says they were not all 'correct', yet he still finds it was an accident. Or, as Drew phrases it, a "household accident". :floorlaugh:
In Session “This bruising on the right finger, on the right hand . . . that would not be a defensive injury?” “That’s correct.” Prosecutor Connor continues to ask Dr. Jentzen about the injuries suffered by Kathleen Savio, one by one.
In Session “You have previously testified that the head injury, the head impact would have occurred first?” “I don’t recall.”
So, the DT cannot claim it was KS's boyfriend or the 14 yr old next door who had something to do with KS's death. To do so would have them abandoning their claim of an accident. Right?
They need to get back to the "how" it happened which made no sense!

True, i hope they hit that hard. but they are making some headway. He has admitted it COULD have been a homicide and she COULD have defensive wounds.
In Session Once Dr. Jentzen is finished with his testimony, forensic pathologist Dr. Vincent DiMaio is expected to be the next defense witness. He’s been sitting in the courthouse hallway all day, awaiting his turn.
Prosecutor Connor continues to ask Dr. Jentzen about the injuries suffered by Kathleen Savio, one by one. #DrewPeterson

KaraOko: Connor continues to get into discrepancies between Jentzen's testimony today, and in the pre-trial hearings. #DrewPeterson

bjlutz: Jentzen says his opinion is that Savio hit hips first, then head. Head injury rendered her unconscious.
In Session Prosecutor Connor once again challenges Dr. Jentzen with previous testimony. “I don’t recall the question.”
Prosecutor Connor once again challenges Dr. Jentzen with previous testimony. “I don’t recall the question.”

Jentzen said fall landing on hip would absorb "some" of the impact. [Previous testimony he said first impact area would absorb "most."]

Dr. Jantzen said even if Savio's hip hit tub first, she still could have been knocked unconscious. [ give me a freakin break]
Prosecution challenges Dr Jentzel about his earlier testimony that in a fall there'd be one main bruise upon impact...

Draw your own conclusions, folks. Please tell me where she hit her head in this tub and ended up in the position she did.

As you can see, KS would need to step in or out 1 foot at a time. So if she slipped, one leg would have remained outside the tub, making it impossible for her to end up the way she did.
In Session “You indicated basically a total of there bruises . . . in fact, there were eight in Dr. Mitchell’s report. Would that be a fair statement?” “I don’t recall the statement.” Dr. Jentzen indicates that “the laceration was caused by a blow to the head . . . the decedent was probably rendered unconscious and drowned. There’s a possibility she could have just been stunned. But probably she was unconscious.”

Draw your own conclusions, folks. Please tell me where she hit her head in this tub and ended up in the position she did.

As you can see, KS would need to step in or out 1 foot at a time. So if she slipped, one leg would have remained outside the tub, making it impossible for her to end up the way she did.

I think he is now trying to say that she was standing up inside of the tub, then she fell. Which still makes no sense...

Draw your own conclusions, folks. Please tell me where she hit her head in this tub and ended up in the position she did.

As you can see, KS would need to step in or out 1 foot at a time. So if she slipped, one leg would have remained outside the tub, making it impossible for her to end up the way she did.

In this kind of tub I would have sat on the edge of the tile, then swung one foot around and into the tub, then the other foot. Cannot imagine getting into the tub any other way, further hard to imagine I would STAND UP, once in the tub, resulting in the fall they claim KS had.

abbie :moo:
Dr. Jentzel reads own quote "The laceration indicates a blow to the head", then agrees Savio was "rendered unconscious"...

The wound on Savio's buttock is a "dried artifact." It is not an abrasion, said Jentzen. It's caused by skin exposure to air/water.
In Session “The body of Kathleen Savio was face down, with an injury to the back of her head . . . it’s your testimony she ended up face first, despite an initial fall backwards?” “I believe she was found lying on her left side. Her face is to the left lateral position.” Despite being shown a photo of the body in the tub, Dr. Jentzen maintains “that is not a face down position.” Once again, he insists that the injury to her buttock is actually “a drying artifact . . . we see it all the time with bodies that are out in the air for some time . . they occur in certain areas of the buttock area . . . the buttock crevice area . . . I can’t explain it.”
In Session “You indicated basically a total of there bruises . . . in fact, there were eight in Dr. Mitchell’s report. Would that be a fair statement?” “I don’t recall the statement.” Dr. Jentzen indicates that “the laceration was caused by a blow to the head . . . the decedent was probably rendered unconscious and drowned. There’s a possibility she could have just been stunned. But probably she was unconscious.”

bbm......well that's rich, Mr. Expert. How much did they pay him for this? Heck, we're in the wrong field folks.
In Session “The body of Kathleen Savio was face down, with an injury to the back of her head . . . it’s your testimony she ended up face first, despite an initial fall backwards?” “I believe she was found lying on her left side. Her face is to the left lateral position.” Despite being shown a photo of the body in the tub, Dr. Jentzen maintains “that is not a face down position.” Once again, he insists that the injury to her buttock is actually “a drying artifact . . . we see it all the time with bodies that are out in the air for some time . . they occur in certain areas of the buttock area . . . the buttock crevice area . . . I can’t explain it

You see it ' all of the time' but you ' can't explain it?'
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