Drew Peterson's Trial *FIFTH WEEK* part one

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In Session The witness denies that part of his opinion in this case is “pure speculation.” “You indicated her necklace was still on the body, and that indicated something . . . again, that’s pure speculation?” “No, I’ve seen jewelry torn and off because of a struggle.” “She had no injuries to her face from a struggle . . . but a struggle could occur when someone approaches from behind as well, and there would be no injuries on the face?” Objection/Overruled. “I can’t answer the question; I wouldn’t know how the injuries would occur . . . I’m not sure how to answer your question.” “The mechanism of death would be the inhalation of water?” “The mechanism of death is drowning.”
In Session “The body of Kathleen Savio was face down, with an injury to the back of her head . . . it’s your testimony she ended up face first, despite an initial fall backwards?” “I believe she was found lying on her left side. Her face is to the left lateral position.” Despite being shown a photo of the body in the tub, Dr. Jentzen maintains “that is not a face down position.” Once again, he insists that the injury to her buttock is actually “a drying artifact . . . we see it all the time with bodies that are out in the air for some time . . they occur in certain areas of the buttock area . . . the buttock crevice area . . . I can’t explain it.”

buttock crevice area? what what?? Thought he was referring to the diaphragm area non-bruise that was an artifact of red blood cells.......now he's talking about Kathleens CRACK? GMAB.
expert Jentzen says that bruises to Savio thigh, shin were "insignificant" and received from every day living...

Prosecution suggests that if she were attacked from behind Savio would not have bruises on face. Defense objects...[ lol]

The witness denies that part of his opinion in this case is “pure speculation.” #DrewPeterson

Dr Jentzel says he gets paid $400/hour for his testimony. Will get about $8000 for this trial...[ I bet he gets more than that after expenses etc.]
In Session “You indicated basically a total of there bruises . . . in fact, there were eight in Dr. Mitchell’s report. Would that be a fair statement?” “I don’t recall the statement.” Dr. Jentzen indicates that “the laceration was caused by a blow to the head . . . the decedent was probably rendered unconscious and drowned. There’s a possibility she could have just been stunned. But probably she was unconscious.”

Well Doc. if she was rendered unconscious from a blow to the head, then how did she end up face down in a fetal position?
In Session The witness says he charges $400 an hour for his testimony and preparation. “For the entire case, I’m approaching probably $8,000.” The judge calls the attorneys to a sidebar.
In Session The witness denies that part of his opinion in this case is “pure speculation.” “You indicated her necklace was still on the body, and that indicated something . . . again, that’s pure speculation?” “No, I’ve seen jewelry torn and off because of a struggle.” “She had no injuries to her face from a struggle . . . but a struggle could occur when someone approaches from behind as well, and there would be no injuries on the face?” Objection/Overruled. “I can’t answer the question; I wouldn’t know how the injuries would occur . . . I’m not sure how to answer your question.” “The mechanism of death would be the inhalation of water?” “The mechanism of death is drowning.”

Uh, super-genius pathology dude: drowning IS the inhalation of water.

In Session The sidebar ends. The jurors are excused from the courtroom, and the judge calls a brief recess. He leaves the bench.
In Session The witness says he charges $400 an hour for his testimony and preparation. “For the entire case, I’m approaching probably $8,000.” The judge calls the attorneys to a sidebar.

Thank you prosecution! :cheer:

In Session The witness says he charges $400 an hour for his testimony and preparation. “For the entire case, I’m approaching probably $8,000.” The judge calls the attorneys to a sidebar.

Does his hrly rate include sidebar time? Does it include the time the jury is pop-tarted out? He stands to make more $$, huh?

Shameful he would lie like this for a measly $8k.

Does his hrly rate include sidebar time? Does it include the time the jury is pop-tarted out? He stands to make more $$, huh?

Shameful he would lie like this for a measly $8k.


The biggest liar for hire is coming up next...shows up in every high profile case...
Does his hrly rate include sidebar time? Does it include the time the jury is pop-tarted out? He stands to make more $$, huh?

Shameful he would lie like this for a measly $8k.


My dad was a defense attorney. Imo, this guy is making much more than 8 grand. But technically he does not need to add in the other sources of income here.

He will be paid for 'expenses' that he incurs, which are usually quite liberal.

And he will have probably been given other side jobs connected to this case, also at a high hourly rate. [ reading other reports and making his own report, for example.]

So when it is all added up, it will be much higher than 8 grand, imo.
If they are working pro bono, then who is paying for these expert witnesses? The defense attorneys?
In pretrial hearings, Jentzen testified that Savio hit her head first; not her hip, which he testified today. #DrewPeterson

At first he said it happened in a particular order, she hit her head first, which made her dizzy, then she fell and bruised her side and then drowned.

But later, he said she may have fallen, hurt her hip first, been stunned, then hit her head and drowned. If she fell and hit her side, then how the heck could she have hit her head hard enough to make that gash and knock her out?

That makes zero sense, imo.
Probably spending the boy's inheiritance, IMO. Also no telling what other money DP tucked away.
This witness contradicted HIMSELF in his short testimony.

At first he said it happened in a particular order, she hit her head first, which made her dizzy, then she fell and bruised her side and then drowned.

But later, he said she may have fallen, hurt her hip first, been stunned, then hit her head and drowned. If she fell and hit her side, then how the heck could she have hit her head hard enough to make that gash and knock her out?

That makes zero sense, imo.

He is going to give whatever answer benefits the defense no matter if he does have to contradict himself, IMO. He should be ashamed of himself.
If they are working pro bono, then who is paying for these expert witnesses? The defense attorneys?

maybe Drew, after he profited so handsomely from KS's death? I know he's a tightwad about money (money-grubbing) but I suspect he would pay out of his ample account to save his own azz.

jmo abbie
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