CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #6

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I understand Mom is angry but I did not take her words as gospel.
Her son is missing and went missing on Dad's watch. I can understandher anger.
I just think the last person to see a missing child needs a good looking at!
be it parent friend or stranger.

She knows this man. We dont!

I was JMO
IMO the only way LE can say Dylan did NOT run away, is if there is no scent of him leaving that home.. Since the Mom had to bring his scent in to deliver it for use, I would think Dylan didn't even enter that home, and that is why LE is confident he did NOT run away..

Sarx ( verified SAR ) post concerning scent:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #3[/ame]

Ransom's post with links concerning scent & search before items came from Colorado Springs.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 - #3[/ame]

"A K-9 alerted on the area, but officials say that doesn't mean the smell is connected to Dylan" concerning reservior area:
Since it has been stated in MSM by "other" Family members Mark could be violent I tend to believe the Mother. I'm sure they are privy to the History. All i know is i dont like what little i do know.


Redwine and his wife went through a divorce several years ago. There were accusations of domestic violence, according to court records.

Redwine told 9 Wants to Know that investigators have not brought up those past allegations. Redwine says he wants everyone to concentrate on the search for Dylan.

So investigastors have not asked him about the accusations of DV during the divorce? Does that mean they don't hold much credence, I wonder?
Weird, isn't it? I would think that everyone locally in Durango, Bayfield and Vellacito know each other. I think the family has lived there for quite some time. I know mom and kids moved to CS in July.

Why didn't someone get quoted in the paper or even leave a comment on an article to the effect...."i saw them shopping; I saw them having dinner; I waited on them at the drive-thru; I saw them go by; I saw them arrive home" Why, why, why????

It is weird... many things about this case are weird to me. I'm trying hard not to come to any conclusions, but sometimes it's hard.

Here's the weirdest thing to me, if there is no proof they stopped anywhere, if in fact they didn't stop anywhere, why did MR tell anyone that they did? He could easily have said, "Dylan was tired, I picked him up and we went straight home." That couldn't be verified either, but it's less strange (IMO) than "we stopped at a store to buy groceries" when you would know that the likelihood of running into someone who knows you would be great. Or that there would be video footage in a larger store like WalMart that would show you weren't there.

JMO, but if you "did" something to your child right after you picked him up at the airport, and you were trying to set up an alibi, why use something that should be able to be checked out, but can't be? And if they did indeed stop at a store, why hasn't someone in that small area come out and said they saw them?

Like many things about this case, it boggles my mind.

eta: Even if they did stop and didn't see anyone they knew, with the publicity surrounding his disappearance, why hasn't someone who didn't know them seen the news coverage and come forward to say they remember the man and his boy at the store?
I dont think they were made right off the hop. Days in i believe. I should clarify. Perhaps she gets this horrific call. Doesn't want to believe Dad did something but things are not adding up. Whatever their history is may be a contributing factor. As days go by she is thinking the worst of her ex. Loses it and says what she says. MOO

I would never judge her.
No one knows him better than she does.
I can't even begin to imagine what the parent of a missing child goes through. I lost my son for 3 minutes in a clothing store, he was hiding in the rack. The fear and panic was overwhelming! Three minutes!!!

That poor mom
I am just dumbfounded that there seems to be this automatic assumption with some that the only reason ER would've blamed MR for doing something is because she's a woman and "vindictive".

If any of my kids went missing under my husband's watch, I would definitely blame him for not watching them close enough. Why? Because he DOESN'T watch them close enough! It's not me being mean or vindictive, it's because it wouldn't be the first time something happened when I left him to watch them!
Evidently Mark was not able to see his lawyer the same day he picked up Dylan, but went ahead and made appointment for the morning after Dylan arrived. It must have been important to go and not be around on Dylan's first day there. I do wonder also if Mark was aware before Dylan got there that he was making plans to spend with his friends the first day in town. I wonder if Mark had anything to do with Dylan changing that he would meet his friends the next morning.
Maybe they did stop for groceries. If Dylan chose to wait in the vehicle it does nothing to prove or disprove Dads account.
I would never judge her.
No one knows him better than she does.
I can't even begin to imagine what the parent of a missing child goes through. I lost my son for 3 minutes in a clothing store, he was hiding in the rack. The fear and panic was overwhelming! Three minutes!!!

That poor mom

My Dylan went missing about 3 or 4 minutes when he was a toddler, its horrific. I would be panicked if something happened to him now even though he's nearly a teenager. I feel so horrible for Dylan's mom. Come home Dylan!
But does "run away" have the same meaning as "left the house" to LE? This is where I am totally confused. Are they saying he did not leave the house at all? And if that is NOT what they are saying, then could he have left the house and then found trouble?

I am not comfortable with the way LE has been phrasing things; how can they say he did not meet with an accident once leaving the house, for instance?

And if they really do know for sure that he did not leave the house alive, then why no arrest?? It is like they are pointing a finger at Dad but not admitting that they are.

I'm beginning to wonder about him never arriving at home. Supposing dad and son had a big fight on the way home and son says ' FINE I'll just go back home, I'll walk if i have to '' ,,, like a typical know it all teen. Dad says fine, pulls over, says there you go , have fun ! But dad has no intention of letting him attempt to walk home because he knows it's impossible. Dad figures I'll drive down the road a mile or 2 and come back and son will have come to his senses. Sounds totally like something my dad or a lot of dads I know would do and have done. But when Dad comes back........... no sign of Dylan anywhere. Dad's too ashamed to tell anyone because it seems like negligence at this point and maybe he kept thinking son would show up, call, text or something and say " ok i'm sorry, come and get me'' , so dad let a little too much time pass.
Weird, isn't it? I would think that everyone locally in Durango, Bayfield and Vellacito know each other. I think the family has lived there for quite some time. I know mom and kids moved to CS in July.

Why didn't someone get quoted in the paper or even leave a comment on an article to the effect...."i saw them shopping; I saw them having dinner; I waited on them at the drive-thru; I saw them go by; I saw them arrive home" Why, why, why????

Im sure someone has...we just arent hearing about it.... IMO
Frustrating...also IMO.
Maybe someone should make a large post every 5 pages or so that says "NOTHING NEW"...
I am just dumbfounded that there seems to be this automatic assumption with some that the only reason ER would've blamed MR for doing something is because she's a woman and "vindictive".

If any of my kids went missing under my husband's watch, I would definitely blame him for not watching them close enough. Why? Because he DOESN'T watch them close enough! It's not me being mean or vindictive, it's because it wouldn't be the first time something happened when I left him to watch them!

I totally agree with you!
Please noone think I am blaming mom for ANYthing she has said or done....I would LITERALLY go crazy....I was just saying that if she does know her ex to be violent perhaps pointing the finger at him would not be the best thing to do when she needs EVERY bit of info she can get regarding Dylan....if these statements were made right away, then that is different,,,,IMO, however, IMO if she had a few days to think about it, I found it a little odd that she would blatantly in public say those LE in private, to friend and others in private...defintely.
I do not think the mom is vindictive at all....have no idea..I do not know this is all based on what I have seen, read and heard! Okay pretty sure I have beat that to death...
Evidently Mark was not able to see his lawyer the same day he picked up Dylan, but went ahead and made appointment for the morning after Dylan arrived. It must have been important to go and not be around on Dylan's first day there. I do wonder also if Mark was aware before Dylan got there that he was making plans to spend with his friends the first day in town. I wonder if Mark had anything to do with Dylan changing that he would meet his friends the next morning.

bbm - you mean on Sunday?

I'm not being sarcastic, but do many divorce attorneys (or attorneys in general) keep weekend hours? I can see some logic in going Monday AM, to see a professional. But I've never been to a divorce attorney.
I thought one of MR's friends did an interview, giving details about Dylan's evening with MR. So this friend didn't actually see Dylan?

No, this family friend got her info from a conversation with MR. He told her they stopped at the grocery store and they talked about their Thanksgiving plans and that Dylan was tired and went right to sleep whrn they got home.

I wish they had thoroughly searched the kitchen the first day or so, because there should have been Blast O Butter popcorn or frozen pizza boxes or something like that with Dylans prints.
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