Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #7

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This is my opinion, and mine only. I believe the children and staff were killed because once he had killed his mother, for whatever reason, it didn't matter any more. He was in a rage, knew he had crossed the line. At that point it really makes no difference what other atrocities one commits - perhaps the more the better. I believe he would have kept on going if the first responders had not shown up because nothing made any difference to him any more, he knew he was a goner, wanted it that way, would have gladly kept on killing. I think he was totally in the throes of rage and mania, and would have kept on going until his mania/rage ran out, got tired, or ran out of bullets.

Why he picked THAT particular school, I don't know, but I believe we will discover there was some association, however convoluted.

My opinion only

It was reported that he attended Sandy Hook for a short time in fifth grade, despite the earlier denials.
This is my opinion, and mine only. I believe the children and staff were killed because once he had killed his mother, for whatever reason, it didn't matter any more. He was in a rage, knew he had crossed the line. At that point it really makes no difference what other atrocities one commits - perhaps the more the better. I believe he would have kept on going if the first responders had not shown up because nothing made any difference to him any more, he knew he was a goner, wanted it that way, would have gladly kept on killing. I think he was totally in the throes of rage and mania, and would have kept on going until his mania/rage ran out, got tired, or ran out of bullets.

Why he picked THAT particular school, I don't know, but I believe we will discover there was some association, however convoluted.

My opinion only

BBM - The reason may have been as simple as his neighborhood was in the Sandy Hook school district:

According to the Post, Dylan, 6, lived across Yogananda Street from where the violence began. His neighbor, Nancy Lanza, was the mother of the suspected shooter

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MOO but I don't blame NL for leaving AL alone so she could have some respite. It is very difficult taking care of someone who is mentally ill 24/7. As I stated before there are no community supports in mental health, or very few. Insurance doesn't cover that. I also believe he did at least shove her around if not worse. He obviously had impulse control issues. Still he could feed himself and he was an adult. She probably never imagined he could do what he did or she would have installed dead bolts on her bedroom door.
Family death on my end, so not up to the minute, but what the heck is all this referring to! I have not been aware of what is stated and is this just opinion or have I missed a lot??

We were discussing if he knew NL was looking into placing him into a residential treatment program and how he would have known it .. I think he snooped on her computer but that is pure speculation. Other members mentioned that NL had said he was upset and not speaking to her because of it so it is assumed he found out possibly because he overheard something or she discussed it with him.

“From what I've been told, Adam was aware of her petitioning the court for conservatorship and (her) plans to have him committed," Flashman told "Adam was apparently very upset about this. He thought she just wanted to send him away. From what I understand, he was really, really angry. I think this could have been it, what set him off.”

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He had Aspergers which isnt even considered a mental illness to begin with. He was a 20 years old adult with a drivers license and fixed people's computers .............not 2 years old and Ive never heard he had to have care 24/7. He wasnt having to be spoon fed and his hiney wiped everytime he went to the bathroom. I have read though that she did take mini-trips out of town in the past. I can certainly understand why she would need a break every now and then.

There has been no mention from anyone through all of this that AL was ever violent. All have said from the very beginning he was the total opposite of violent. He was very shy, and, socially awkward around others. One who well could have become a victim of bullying. No one ever said he tried to victimize anyone.

She had every right in the world to go back home to NH. He did not have a right to murder his own mother who had always been in his life nor did he have a right to murder innocent others. She did nothing wrong but took a much needed short break from catering to ALs every want.

ETA: He was not mentally challenged. He was super intelligent and aced all of his classes and courses.


<modsnip> he freakin killed, make that slaughtered 20 children! he was NOT MENTALLY NORMAL :furious:. its been reported by numerous reliable media that he was afraid that his mom was going to leave him. he was addicted to violent games, a loner and violent by some accounts. dont sugar coat a child killer.
We were discussing if he knew NL was looking into placing him into a residential treatment program and how he would have known it .. I think he snooped on her computer but that is pure speculation. Other members mentioned that NL had said he was upset and not speaking to her because of it so it is assumed he found out possibly because he overheard something or she discussed it with him.

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Very good post! Thanks.
I have a hard time believing that Adam was never violent before December 14th, 2012. I know that there are no official reports of him being violent towards his mother, but I believe he may have been. Maybe not punching her directly in the face or kicking her while she is down, but I believe he may have pushed and shoved her around. I think she may have been a battered woman at the hands of her son. I believe he really knew how to manipulate her. She loved him, obviously. He was her son. She carried him for 9 months. Gave birth to him. Loved him and protected him, maybe to a fault. We keep talking about how highly intelligent he was (according to reports) so it is not out of the realm of possibility that he was intelligent enough to continuously manipulate by making his mother feel guilty for his actions/issues.


ETA: I absolutely do not believe he had Aspergers. I believe he was either self-diagnosed by family or completely mis-diagnosed by doctors.
IMO, theres no way he just up and became violent that day.
AL probably was Aspie, however he could have had comorbid conditions and it certainly sounds like he did. Or he may have been misdiagnosed. In any case he certainly was mentally ill......MOO
We were discussing if he knew NL was looking into placing him into a residential treatment program and how he would have known it .. I think he snooped on her computer but that is pure speculation. Other members mentioned that NL had said he was upset and not speaking to her because of it so it is assumed he found out possibly because he overheard something or she discussed it with him.

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This Flashman guy claims somebody told him. Who told him? We don't know. Did he even know the family at all? NL and AL didn't go to his father's church. So why is any of this believable?
Eric Harris (one of the murderers at Columbine) also wanted to enlist in the Marines but was rejected because he was taking the antidepressant fluvoxamine (Luvox) as part of court-mandated anger management therapy.

IF this story about AL is true (and considering the quality of reporting on this story so far, that's a big "if"), I highly doubt he would have been allowed to enlist. By all accounts, Eric Harris was MUCH more charming and socially capable than AL, and he was rejected for a relatively small thing.

Thanks for mentioning Harris. I couldn't remember his name but I remembered his enlistment rejection.
He had no criminal record and no one described him being violent prior to the murders.

He may not have had a criminal record but his mother shared concerns about fearing him. Link? Not at the moment...however it was in interview with NLs male friend. MO
This is my opinion, and mine only. I believe the children and staff were killed because once he had killed his mother, for whatever reason, it didn't matter any more. He was in a rage, knew he had crossed the line. At that point it really makes no difference what other atrocities one commits - perhaps the more the better. I believe he would have kept on going if the first responders had not shown up because nothing made any difference to him any more, he knew he was a goner, wanted it that way, would have gladly kept on killing. I think he was totally in the throes of rage and mania, and would have kept on going until his mania/rage ran out, got tired, or ran out of bullets.

Why he picked THAT particular school, I don't know, but I believe we will discover there was some association, however convoluted.

My opinion only

Mass shooters normally plan their acts for quite some time.
I don't think he just decided to go shoot up the school after he killed his mother.
I think he planned to go shoot up the school before killing his mother.
There have been many statements from friends-some appear to be contradicting others.
I am not sure I should believe one statement over other statements.
Maybe AL did not need to be physically cared for but needed to be reminded to eat, bathe,sleep, take meds (if he had any). That responsibility is overwhelming. I know as I have done it with a mentally ill step child who was tentatively diagnosed Aspie, several personality disorders and Intermittent explosive disorder. He was abusive to me. I felt I was in prison.
He had 3 days of being isolated playing COD (probably) in the basement of the manion that had a hefty gun collection. The only person that he appeared somewhat comfortable around had been leaving him to go off and have a life. He was probably frightened that she was going to leave him for some man, just as his dad left for some woman. How could he go on with life without his mom. I think this frightened him and snapped.

My thoughts too.
Maybe AL did not need to be physically cared for but needed to be reminded to eat, bathe,sleep, take meds (if he had any). That responsibility is overwhelming. I know as I have done it with a mentally ill step child who was tentatively diagnosed Aspie, several personality disorders and Intermittent explosive disorder. He was abusive to me. I felt I was in prison.

How would she leave him for days at a time to go on mini vacations then?
How would she live him for days at a time to go on mini vacations then?

She had too for her own mental health. Actually I took breaks and was advised to do so by his psychiatrist, to see how well he functioned without me.
She had too for her own mental health.

I am sorry but this woman had a large amount of alimony paid to her, and if he couldn't be left alone, she should have been able to pay someone to take care of him.
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