Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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I will wager that JA ‘s story regarding the use of a knife and gun will run something like this:
The knife was on the bathroom sink counter OR perhaps in her pocket SIMPLY because it had been used in rope tying and bondage tricks during sex.
The gun was in her purse OR on the sink since she had brought the weapon for self-protection on this excursion across the desert from Northern CA to Pasadena and then on to Mesa - ALONE. ( She had to steal the weapon from Grandpa since she otherwise would be defenseless in her travels) While TA showered JA began dressing and putting on her “make up” at the sink where a mirror was available. The gun “conveniently” and “luckily” was close at hand ( JA will use the word “serendipity” in her testimony!)
SO. . . when TA lunged and embraced her in a malevolent hug they both fell backwards and tumbled. JA then managed to get the gun from the counter and shoot him once. The bullet merely dazed him and in his rage TA maintained the murderous offensive. She fired again but the gun jammed. Then she reached in the pants and found her knife available for defense. She thrust first into the chest. He screamed at her in pain and twisted around – all the while JA kept up the forward thrusts which included the blows on TA’s backside.
TA got her in his clutch while fighting in the bedroom. Finally with one more superhuman effort JA slashed forward onto her pursuer’s neck and scored a final lethal blow to this would be killer.

This is the outline of her defense. She will of course have little memory for precise specifics since the melee after the fact was one big “awful” “whirl”.

Whose owned the camera?

Seems to me that he was crawling on all fours towards the bedroom ... perhaps he was going for his phone when she cut his arteries.
I am surprised do many people talk about being hit by their parents . I am a grandmother, and I do not recall any spankings growing up.

I have successful adult children, and the only one I spanked was my daughter when she was three and she went into the street.

I have grandchildren, and not one has been spanked. They are nice sweet children.

My DIL and I discussed the spanking with the danger situation and what to do.

I love her solution. The child is two and they practice STOP!

They make noises, or jump, or whatever and she gets to say STOP! Or the parents say STOP! This has taught her to freeze an action in a nice way.
When you hit a child, you are only teaching them to hit. When you yell at a child, you are only teaching a child to yell. The list goes on. Sorry for the O/T. I don't believe JA was abused..period.
Just popped back on to say once Nurmi asked Jodi if she killed Travis he opened the door for jM to ask her every minute detail about the murder. I can't wait.

Someone else called it.
She's gonna say...
It's all a blur.
She can't remember.

Mark my words!
When you hit a child, you are only teaching them to hit. When you yell at a child, you are only teaching a child to yell. The list goes on. Sorry for the O/T. I don't believe JA was abused..period.

I was spanked and stuff, but I do not believe in corporal punishment. Studies have shown that it can be detrimental to children (although not necessarily obviously).

[ame=""]Corporal punishment in the home - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Watching a DVR replay of trial from today. Jodi was asked about how she met Bobbi. Jodi brings up how he was talking on "party lines" and she says, "but I never got on those party lines".

I call BS and IMO this is how she met Bobbi on a party line which is a 900 number type thing where people call up to talk and meet other people. She quickly changes the subject and there is no explanation why she brought up the party line.

She is lying throughout much of her testimony. Bits of truth and lies throughout.

Its so ironic when she complains how Victor was the jealous one and would want her to walk on the inside of the sidewalk. I think she enjoyed making Victor jealous. She brought up another time how she ran into someone she knew and Victor got jealous. I think she would make him jealous on purpose.

This girl is all about jealousy and she used it as a tool as well as she was very very jealous herself.

She doesn't get why he wanted to walk on the street side of the sidewalk. She perceives that he does it because he's jealous, but in fact it is a very old fashioined habit of protecting women from passersby, traffic and mishap; it's safer to be between someone and the building than first point of contact from the street. I agree that she probably went out of her way to try to make him jealous ... she clearly had very unhealthy relationships.

He was being a gentleman, and she thought he was jealous. It sounds like she was a mismatch for Travis and the gentleman from Costa Rica who ... didn't she say she met him on a 900 Party Line and he had a son that was about her age?

At the same time her parents were very upset with her (expensive phone buills?) and there were pushy/shoovy altercations until she moved out in the middle of Grade 11 (Junior) when she was almost 18. She was mad at her parents for being grounded after skipping a final exam (claims she was studying in the parking lot).

Claims she was abused by her parents even though they enrolled her in piano, flute, art, karate ... lessons, for years, private school ... what was their abuse? In her mind, they didn't encourage her in art. This is coming from a child whose parents nurtured her interest in art by enrolling her in classes year after year ... and then her aunt gave her oil paints.
Whose owned the camera?

Seems to me that he was crawling on all fours towards the bedroom ... perhaps he was going for his phone when she cut his arteries.

I may be wrong but my understanding is it was his camera because i think i recall jodi saying that he had bought a new camera during the LE interview.

I agree about him trying to get to a phone or just get out of there.

She dragged him back. Picture of her dragging him in a white sheet.
Someone else called it.
She's gonna say...
It's all a blur.
She can't remember.

Mark my words!

I'm sure she will TRY that. But Jose can say ' does THIS help jog your memory?'
as he puts up a huge blow up of the bloody pictures she took as she dragged him along the floor.
I may be wrong but my understanding is it was his camera because i think i recall jodi saying that he had bought a new camera during the LE interview.

I agree about him trying to get to a phone or just get out of there.

She dragged him back. Picture of her dragging him in a white sheet.

Thanks that's what I thought ... that she her story is that she dropped his camera and he attacked her such that she pulled the handy gun and knife from beneath her clothing and viciously slit his throat, shot him in the head and stabbed him something like 29 time ??

That means that any discussion about whether the camera at the scene meant that she left something behind is basically a garbage debate. The camera does not play into whether it was pre-meditated. It was his camera, so the camera in the washing machine does not mean that it was not premeditated. His camera should be in the house ... and it was premeditated.

Maybe dropping his camera into the washing machine, after wiping the memory stick, was symbolic of how she was done with him.
Thanks that's what I thought ... that she her story is that she dropped his camera and he attacked her such that she pulled the handy gun and knife from beneath her clothing and viciously slit his throat, shot him in the head and stabbed him something like 29 time ??

That means that any discussion about whether the camera at the scene meant that she left something behind is basically a garbage debate. The camera does not play into whether it was pre-meditated. It was his camera, so the camera in the washing machine does not mean that it was not premeditated. His camera should be in the house ... and it was premeditated.

Maybe dropping his camera into the washing machine, after wiping the memory stick, was symbolic of how she was done with him.

1st bolded part - I totally agree this is what she will say.

2nd bolded part - I agree. I think what makes it seem pre-mediated is her stealing grams gun and getting the gas cans so she would not have to stop for gas and be seen by any cameras at gas stations

3rd bolded part - That could be. Some people think she may have mistakenly picked up the camera by accident when gathering and throwing in all the bloody clothes into the wash and then when she was in a hurry to leave she could not find the camera and she knew roomates were coming home soon and she probably never thought it was even posible it could be in the washer machine. She never would have guessed it could be there.
When she gathered up all the bloody clothes, there was probably quite a pile of laundry so i could see it maybe being thrown in by accident.

another theory is she put it in washer on purpose thinking it would have to destroy the camera.
I apologize in advance for jumping in without having read most of the previous threads and I'm sure it has been discussed plenty but I just wanted to comment how ridiculous Jodi's "suicide" claim was so obvious that she was not depressed or suicidal but completly full of herself and confident when she said " no jury will ever convict me"
There only seems to be one thing completely truthful in her testimony and that is that she'll eat those words :)
So far I have not seen anything that resembles a defense.Nothing.
I can't wait for cross eximaniation.
I also loved how JM hardly objected.I think it shows the jury that he's not worried about any lame thing she has to say,because it is not going to help her.
I apologize in advance for jumping in without having read most of the previous threads and I'm sure it has been discussed plenty but I just wanted to comment how ridiculous Jodi's "suicide" claim was so obvious that she was not depressed or suicidal but completly full of herself and confident when she said " no jury will ever convict me"
There only seems to be one thing completely truthful in her testimony and that is that she'll eat those words :)
So far I have not seen anything that resembles a defense.Nothing.
I can't wait for cross eximaniation.
I also loved how JM hardly objected.I think it shows the jury that he's not worried about any lame thing she has to say,because it is not going to help her.

Yup, Yup, Yup Totally agree. She really is not believable hardly at all. I watched the replay and it becomes so obvious the 2nd time I watch her answer questioins. She literally is making some stuff up as she goes along. She embellishes and exagerates stuff.

She puts bits of truth in stuff which is fascinating to watch.
Jodi had a "need for drama and excitement". The need for excitement is positively correlated with psychopathic symptoms.

...McCord (1982:28) states that ‘most psychopaths do not see security as a goal in itself; rather they crave constant change, whirlwind variety and new stimuli.’

Oh, yes :( This was one reason my old friend (not at all a friend, as it turned out) was so fun. In her case, her constant boredom and wanting to go do exciting things like road-trips fit well with my truly kinda boring downtime. I like fun! Fun is great. I am like a goofy dog, I think :D

So you have a goofy fun-seeker and a conniving, bored psycopath, and yet she enjoyed the adventures we got up to, like driving to the beach on a moment's notice. As long as she wasn't bored, you see.

But she also did things with other folks that she'd never suggest with me, because she knew my morals. They are chameleons and soul suckers, and they may present completely differently to two different people.

I don't mind someone riding a fun wave with me (in fact, the more the merrier!), so I didn't feel a bit used, but I had no idea what she did with other people. She did criminal things for fun with other folks that I didn't know. I only heard those stories after people knew I fell out with her (they didn't know why, btw). Then the stories came flooding in.

In any case -- boredom and lack of stimulation was the enemy with her, and I can see how JA simply dropped the married man like an old toy yet obsessed about other targets. It totally depends on what she's using them for and how quietly the non-useful can slink away. IMHO.
1st bolded part - I totally agree this is what she will say.

2nd bolded part - I agree. I think what makes it seem pre-mediated is her stealing grams gun and getting the gas cans so she would not have to stop for gas and be seen by any cameras at gas stations

3rd bolded part - That could be. Some people think she may have mistakenly picked up the camera by accident when gathering and throwing in all the bloody clothes into the wash and then when she was in a hurry to leave she could not find the camera and she knew roomates were coming home soon and she probably never thought it was even posible it could be in the washer machine. She never would have guessed it could be there.
When she gathered up all the bloody clothes, there was probably quite a pile of laundry so i could see it maybe being thrown in by accident.

another theory is she put it in washer on purpose thinking it would have to destroy the camera.

I dropped a memory stick into hot tea one morning. I thought I was doomed, but it was fine after it dried out. One would expect that by erasing the memory stick and dropping the camera into the washing machine, it would be toast ... so, was it a nikon or a canon?
I'm not following this trial all that closely besides what I catch on the news here and there but I'll throw in my 2 cents. It's been an emotional roller coaster here on WS between CA and that travesty of justice; Jessica Ridgeway; and thankfully rescuing the little boy in Alabama. I worry this case is going to go the way of CA because she sure seems to be playing the pitiful innocent female and I hope the jurors don't buy it.

First of all, I can't imagine what percentage of us could say we were spanked or hit as kids and we DON'T end up doing things like this. I got the belt a couple times, definitely was spanked, and got the 'shoe' from my grandparents. I do not advocate spanking, although I admit my daughter has been spanked a few times to which she told me to do it harder. But that's another story. It's absolutely no excuse for what she did. "She and her brother didn't like getting hit?" Reeeeaallyy now. This is so concocted and as I read the testimony, I realize this is a big self-defense angle put on by her attorney because I think Jodi isn't even buying it herself.

Second of all, why would she drive all the way to his place for a booty call if she was on her way to hook up with some other guy coupled with the fact that Travis was supposedly abusive? Makes no sense. It's pretty clear to me that her attitude was if she can't have him, no one else was going to either.

Lastly, I'm not miss america but I'm really trying to understand what is so attractive about this girl. I see people posting on other news sites about how attractive she is and I don't get it. Maybe I'm old.

I don't think she is going to get the DP - I can't see them giving her that. I think at best - at best - she will get life in prison no parole. But, I've been known to be wrong. My faith in the system is marred by the CA case.
When she talks about how she would be thrown in a padded cell until she "STABILIZES".

A fascinating choice of words for her mental state. I wonder how many times she has had to stabilize herself on her own. LOL
When she talks about how she would be thrown in a padded cell until she "STABILIZES".

A fascinating choice of words for her mental state. I wonder how many times she has had to stabilize herself on her own. LOL

Maybe that's what her parents tried to do through art, music and sports ... and eventually private school.

It seems that nothing worked with her from an early age. I didn't follow the early part of the trial, but did I read that she bonked her brother on the head with a baseball bat? Did anyone post that or am I imagining things?
I dropped a memory stick into hot tea one morning. I thought I was doomed, but it was fine after it dried out. One would expect that by erasing the memory stick and dropping the camera into the washing machine, it would be toast ... so, was it a nikon or a canon?

I think it was the memory card that was so important to LE. The card itself is all they needed to have their forensics team try to get to the pictures and even deleted pictures. My understanding is even some deleted pictures were recovered just like a computer where they really are not deleted but just marked as unused space. If no new pictures over use that space then the pictures are still in that space and can be recovered. Something like that.

The membory card from the camera was probably protected in its slot in the camera. Even though it got totally soaked and washed. They just dried it out. LOL
I'm worried that the defense will keep Jodi on the stand for another couple of days, letting her drone on and on about her past 'loves' and romantic history, yet won't ever actually question her about the killing of Travis.

What if the defense goes directly from the type of testimony we witnessed today, right to the domestic violence 'expert'?

In other words, if the defense doesn't question Jodi about what happened on the day of the murder, doesn't that mean the prosecution can't question her about it either?
Maybe that's what her parents tried to do through art, music and sports ... and eventually private school.

It seems that nothing worked with her from an early age. I didn't follow the early part of the trial, but did I read that she bonked her brother on the head with a baseball bat? Did anyone post that or am I imagining things?

You heard right. Cant remember where either, but she definitel clonked her brother on his head.

During testimony, she says she got "held back" in kindergarten. She said that herself. Off to a bad start since kindergarten. LOL
I'm worried that the defense will keep Jodi on the stand for another couple of days, letting her drone on and on about her past 'loves' and romantic history, yet won't ever actually question her about the killing of Travis.

What if the defense goes directly from the type of testimony we witnessed today, right to the domestic violence 'expert'?

In other words, if the defense doesn't question Jodi about what happened on the day of the murder, doesn't that mean the prosecution can't question her about it either?

Most of us are in agreement that the defense already opened that door because the defense attorney already asked her what happened just today and she said yes she killed him in self defense. She didnt add much more details and then the attorney said lets take a step back. But he already asked today.
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