CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #3

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How can they say they know it's his body but also report that's it's been too hot and nobody can go inside the cabin yet?

Both were just reported on CNN.
"SWAT-bot" with camera capability mooted perhaps to be responsible for reports it's Dorner, dead. SBCSO p.i.o. left possibility open with a "I don't know."
It's police speak for we can't confirm or deny it's Dormers body inside that house but we believe someone was in there.

They won't confirm anything until they have a body and a positive ID.
ppl around here thought that big bear should have been closed down while they were having the manhunt - there is really only 2 hwys in and out, but the day they found the truck there was a big snow storm, so the officials not only did not lock down big bear, they promoted tourist to come - in fact cnn reports w/ their interview w/ the cabin owners, they were afraid to come up and sent their made to clean, and thats who doerner tied up
3 if you count Highway 18- that's how we got home last time when 330 was shut down by a boulder and there was a bad accident on 38.
CNN update ( link )

[Updated at 11:45 p.m. ET] The San Bernardino Sheriff's Department is echoing the LAPD's refutation of reports that Dorner's body was found in the burned cabin, but it acknowledges investigators believe a body is there.

"We believe (the suspect) is still inside the cabin that caught fire," an SBSD spokeswoman said.

Later, she said, "(Investigators) believe a body is in there," but that investigators still haven't been inside the cabin to look for one.

"It is too hot. (It's) still smoldering" and not safe to enter, she said.

"We believe that the person that barricaded himself inside the cabin and engaged in gunfire with our deputies ... is still inside there even though the building burned," she said.
carter reporter from kcal 9 is telling the whole story - he was caught in gun fight and was 50ft from cabin and saw everything
Please report for those of us not local, thanks!
Setting aside the horror of it all...

Thinking objectively and even philosophically, both "sides" have done wrong, IMO...acted hastily, not followed their training, let emotions take control...just food for thought. It's rather ironic, in a really horrible way.

Maybe it is a time for thinking, evaluating, and pondering. And hopefully positive changes will happen. But that will necessitate everyone looking within, rather than pointing fingers at everyone else. KWIM?

Unfortunately I lost my composed post, with bolding of MsFacetious' post about trying to be clear that she's not defending CD's actions (nor am I, not at all). And she/I/(many of us?) are trying to understand the why's and wherefores.
cbs2 said it was their contact in the LAPD - i personally blame the LAPD and the LA mayors office - they are not there and they are not involved in this investigation
Lt. Patrick Foy with CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife has had abundant info on his agency's role.
So... back to the reports... A single shot fired. The speculation that he killed himself and then set the cabin ablaze, ( link ) doesn't make any sense... I do have some thoughts, but, will wait till the results come in from SBSO.
So... back to the reports... A single shot fired. The speculation that he killed himself and then set the cabin ablaze, ( link ) doesn't make any sense... I do have some thoughts, but, will wait till the results come in from SBSO.

Yea, I don't think one can kill himself and then set the cabin ablaze.
Setting aside the horror of it all...

Thinking objectively and even philosophically, both "sides" have done wrong, IMO...acted hastily, not followed their training, let emotions take control...just food for thought. It's rather ironic, in a really horrible way.

Maybe it is a time for thinking, evaluating, and pondering. And hopefully positive changes will happen. But that will necessitate everyone looking within, rather than pointing fingers at everyone else. KWIM?

Unfortunately I lost my composed post, with bolding of MsFacetious' post about trying to be clear that she's not defending CD's actions (nor am I, not at all). And she/I/(many of us?) are trying to understand the why's and wherefores.
I love clear headed, objective posts such as this.
Yea, I don't think one can kill himself and then set the cabin ablaze.
So... back to the reports... A single shot fired. The speculation that he killed himself and then set the cabin ablaze, ( link ) doesn't make any sense... I do have some thoughts, but, will wait till the results come in from SBSO.

I really believe this is what happened and that a sniper got him. I think that was the only way it would end. He was a multiple cop killer and they needed to take him down. JMO
3 if you count Highway 18- that's how we got home last time when 330 was shut down by a boulder and there was a bad accident on 38.

you are right my bad - and i am at close to the base of the mountain - and i have been hearing a lot of sirens going up 74 to go the back way at around starting at pm
I can understand why they cannot approach the cabin until its cooled down. When a fire burn that hot, they probably cannot even get close to the cabin due to the heat.

But, surely they can douse the flames with a water air drop and cool it quickly. They need to get water on that fire or embers to cool it down so they can enter.
If they dont, it will be a long night for them.
setting aside the horror of it all...

Thinking objectively and even philosophically, both "sides" have done wrong, imo...acted hastily, not followed their training, let emotions take control...just food for thought. It's rather ironic, in a really horrible way.

Maybe it is a time for thinking, evaluating, and pondering. And hopefully positive changes will happen. But that will necessitate everyone looking within, rather than pointing fingers at everyone else. Kwim?

Unfortunately i lost my composed post, with bolding of msfacetious' post about trying to be clear that she's not defending cd's actions (nor am i, not at all). And she/i/(many of us?) are trying to understand the why's and wherefores.

I can understand why they cannot approach the cabin until its cooled down. When a fire burn that hot, they probably cannot even get close to the cabin due to the heat.

But, surely they can douse the flames with a water air drop and cool it quickly. They need to get water on that fire or embers to cool it down so they can enter.
If they dont, it will be a long night for them.
I was surprised they let it burn so long. Thank goodness they put it out, I was worried that another casualty of all of this-besides the 4 innocent lives that were lost, the cabin burned to the ground, and the 2 vehicles carjacked- was going to be a huge forest fire!!!
I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but is it possible that *if* Dorner were shot by the police, that information will never come out? Combine race volitity (manifesto wording plus ugly history/recent cluster fukery of lapd) a bunch of ballsy sign-waving supporters, and all of America watching, bringing him in alive or his death by suicide seem to be the least incendiary. Anything else would require a cover-up. Which is *not* what I'm saying happened. I'm genuinely curious what others have to say.

I'm never rejoicing in the loss of life. But I am rejoicing that hard-working police in LA can feel safe from gunfire again.

And hardworking Hispanic newspaper delivery women.

And heavy-set balding Black men.

And skinny white guys.

Jesus what a nightmare.

This guy is no cause celebre or martyr for any ethnic group. He's no hero to minorities. He killed two innocent people, a young black man and his Asian fiance, both well loved. The only people rooting for dorner are conspiracy theorists and sociopaths.

Setting aside the horror of it all...

Thinking objectively and even philosophically, both "sides" have done wrong, IMO...acted hastily, not followed their training, let emotions take control...just food for thought. It's rather ironic, in a really horrible way.

Maybe it is a time for thinking, evaluating, and pondering. And hopefully positive changes will happen. But that will necessitate everyone looking within, rather than pointing fingers at everyone else. KWIM?

Unfortunately I lost my composed post, with bolding of MsFacetious' post about trying to be clear that she's not defending CD's actions (nor am I, not at all). And she/I/(many of us?) are trying to understand the why's and wherefores.

Wow. Deeming the LAPD and dorner to be two "sides" to a conflict is like saying Kyron Horman and his step-mother were two sides to a conflict.

You said that both sides have done wrong and acted hastily and forgot their training, etc. Since when is cold-blooded, premeditated murder forgetting one's training and acting "hastily"?

I love you, friend and I;m sure you don't mean to be controversial but come on!

dorner had his day in court. The police followed proper procedures at all times when it came to his allegations of racism and police brutality. I read what they did. At one point he wanted to withdraw his allegations but they couldn't allow that and had to investigate because the allegations were serious and there are procedures to follow.

Ultimately, dorner just wasn't believed and it was found, in fact, that he lied. So how did anything the police do in that regard compare to the calculated, and methodical premeditated murder of innocent human beings?

And the shooting of the newspaper woman? That was an accident that occurred as a result of dorner's behavior. He promised to kill and use all sorts of measures and weaponry to wreak havoc. He kept his promise. Then, as officers guard a target, they see a truck similar to dorner's approaching in the darkness, rolling slowly up with no lights on, a figure emerges from the dark truck and throws something at the home.

I understand how that accident happened. Was it negligence? Was there protocol they failed to follow? Probably. But this isn't two sides to a war. This isn't the actions of one party to a "fight." This was an accident resulting from a reaction to a perceived threat and borne of the desire to protect. It cannot come anywhere close, not in the same universe, to the conduct of dorner, who intended to kill and did carry out his plan to kill, totally innocent people. Four of them. :twocents:
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