jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #47 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Jodi has done these verbal gymnastics all her life and they are maddening to anyone she is sparring (talking) with. She refuses to answer simple questions. She leaves herself wide latitude in her answers. She forces definitions of the simplest words.

People like this use this and many other tricks you will see here to not have to come out and say that they lied.

Jodi knows Juan is trying to impeach her testimony. In direct, she often gave long-winded answers with minute details and, in some cases, the exact time. Now, she is picking all the verbal nits that she can.

Juan is doing a masterful job.

This, from a high-school teacher who taught many people just like Jodi. Oh, and a few parents will do this also.

I believe Jodi also is intelligent...has verbal strengths that should not be underestimated.
I hate to say this, as I am all about Juan, but I really think she is rattling him.

She is taking him down some ratholes with her obfuscation, it seems to me.

But he is going down those ratholes WITH her, biting at her heels. It is like trying to reel in a huge swordfish---you hang on for hours, letting them go this way and that, dive up and down---but they are already HOOKED on the line.

She may feel like she is getting somewhere but she really isn't. He is reeling her in, imo.
Would a woman who has killed a man in self-defense act the way she is???? NO.
...and to think...Travis put up with this kind of carp on a daily basis. This was the drama he spoke of in his text...this was the behavior he was so scared of. He knew Jodi was dangerous...he knew. smh

IIRC, Travis told friends that she'd never hurt him or that he could handle her or something close to that.
This was pointed out on HLN so I recorded it for those who don't have it. Watch at the end how she can hardly contain her delight in herself. She thinks her semantics games and poor pitiful me, you mean guy games are working and if I were on that jury, giving up my pay and time with family and friends - I would be ready to load the needle just seeing this.
(PS - not great quality video, just done fast with the digital cam!)

I hope she gets declared a hostile witness.
I agree with the talking heads on HLN

the most telling thing I think JA said was when she compared abusive, sex deviant, scary TA to JM when stating that she gets flustered when loud, mean men talk to her.

The jury could not have missed the significance of that I hope.
The jury called her a sociopath in a text message, now the jury gets too see it with their own eyes with her action.
I am concerned. I agree with Tricia now that I am watching and hearing the cross.

JM is coming across as a bully with his continued pursuit trying to point out every single lie that was present in her endless testimony. IMO he is getting hung up on the minutia.

She continues to make every answer excruciating for him to pull out of her and by the time we do finally get the answer, I, and probably the jurors, have forgotten the point of the damned question to begin with. By the time we get an acceptable answer, I don't remember what lie JM is trying to illustrate. :banghead:

IMO he's tackling one of the big lies - the whole pedo-claim. He's proving that she could not have possibly seen that day what she claims to have seen, because the timeline doesn't work out (hence his insistence on accurate times), because the phone records don't support her claim that Travis kept calling her and she didn't answer, and because her demeanour in those texts doesn't show that she just discovered something big and disgusting about him.
It might have seemed somewhat disjointed in the beginning, but I think it's all coming together to form a very clear picture.
We're it not for a mistrial I wish JM would have asked JA since he stressed her out if she wanted to kill him as well.
Did anybody get a picture when she actually LAUGHED at Juan? I got a "smug-shot"


I got the "uhhh, you FN stupid" look

One thing is for certain, if she was as combative with TA on June 4, 2008 with that knife and gun as she is today, it's no wonder that he was found shot and sliced up like a spiral cut ham.
The word "jealousy" is a hot button. Jodi is completely made up of frothy green jealousy that bubbles out of her wonders.

She wants to be seen as being chased by Travis. The more Juan reveals her stalker jealous nature the better this is going to get.

OOHHH YESSSS. Like right now, when he says that Travis didn't seem to be the one that was calling her and needing to talk to her that night--but she was. She flared her nostrils at that.
I used to think she would cry... but now I think she will flat out say he deserved it!
I know the point of his questions. I am putting myself in the jury box and I am concerned that her BS stalling and dancing round definitions and general delay tactics in answering each and every question will cause the jury, who has not followed this case as we have, to get lost and not follow the fact that her lies are being debunked.

If I, who know more about this case than the average juror, am having trouble holding onto where we are going with this line of questioning, surely the jury is lost at this point.

I hope I am wrong. But I graduated from the FICA trial, I know how idiotic some jurors can choose to be, particularly when they have been subjected to endless defense fairytales.

he laid it our perfectly. He hammered down on her masturbation story and disproved it with evidence. I don't think the Jury is lost on this. This was a big part of her testimony and now we have evidence that this couldn't have happened. It's only hard to sit thru because she's obstructing the truth to once again serve herself. This was a big part knocked down by juan. He even brought up that she told someone else she saw him on the computer masturbating to kids.. Now we have to versions of stories, both untrue. he will tie up the rest with computer evidence.

So far theres evidence of stalking, lies, and fabricated testimony. he is exposing her for what she is. I really don't think the jury missed this point.
I can tell you my bf dosn't like Juan and he feels he is jumping all over and confusing the jury and no making his points

Prosecutors build a foundation on which to build their case. This is exactly what he is doing. He will pull it all together to show she is lying. She, again, is stalling. She loooooovvvvvvves the attention. jmo
My husband just asked what's for dinner ? Aha. Aha ahahahahahahahahahahaha
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