jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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You are right on all points but I would love to have definitive, no wiggle-room proof that she is lying to help clear Travis' name. It's frustrating because it seems that it can be resolved SO EASILY through a simple x-ray. I'd love to see her try to explain that away. Hopefully the jury has as much common sense as you. :)

any studies on that finger won't resolve when it happened though. i'd just say there's far more evidence it happened on june 4----the bandaged fingers, her interview with flores, etc.----than that it happened much sooner and she suffered in silence with it to 'protect travis.'

she could've sought treatment for that finger and just lied about how it happened (we know she's good at lying), and she WOULD have done that if it hadn't happened on the day she murdered him. but since it DID happen that day, she knew it was a red flag and she didn't seek treatment. that's logical. the jury will get that---i hope.
I will go with this in deed. How many woman say how beautiful your penis is? This talk was play acting big time to fill a man's fantasies and she knew the drill. Makes perfect sense along with her erotic knowledge. She talks about this stuff like I talk about cars and boats. Doesn't embarrass her in the least.

Not to mention she is not shy about how shall I say, sharing her well-traveled parts with the court, the internet, and the world. And with a smile.:D:D
During her interrogation with Flores, when telling the shower photo shoot story, she said about the face photo: "it's a great picture, Travis hates it. I don't know why he hates this picture."

To me, that sounded like an authentic story. But why was she speaking of him in present tense, and how could they have had time to talk about it considering that she slaughtered him seconds later?

I didn't remember that. That is eerie. Thanks for pointing it out.

Hmmmm. I think she is entirely comfortable in speaking about Travis in the present tense because having killed him, she thinks of him as 'hers' permanently. She thinks that now she gets to tell everyone who he was and define their relationship to as she saw it. She even told us what he was thinking at his funeral!

Like many of you, I tend to think that Travis had just seen her and realized that she had NOT left the house as he thought. I wonder if "What are you doing here? Why are you taking these pictures?" got translated in her mind to the innocous "I don't like this picture."
Wow - I was checking out the alanis M. video for "You Oughta Know" and decided to watch some of her other ones. The video for "Isn't it Ironic" is interesting. It shows "Alanis" driving in her car randomly and then other personalities/people (all played by Alanis) show up in the car. The one in the backseat has braids - weird!
Not to mention she is not shy about how shall I say, sharing her well-traveled parts with the court, the internet, and the world. And with a smile.:D:D

I have never seen anything like it, she is a pro for sure. Makes total sense.
I think Jodi made up a random date in that January to claim that TA attacked her -kicked her with his boot on- broke her finger-- due to the random other date- two days before when she made up that she caught him in that act.
I think JM had the diary and all the phone logs ( none of that happened )and is now using JA's testimony /perjury- against her. While Jodi was going on for days and days lying and fabricating her defense and smear campaign against TA - JM and his team have been pouring over the dates in all the evidence. I think they have a whole lot more ( including salon receipts for dye job) Through this whole cross examination JM is going to discredit every expert and witness the defense has lined up. By proving in advance everything is a lie and she has lied to everyone along the way- everyone's expert opinion is and will prove to be erroneous.

If everything is a lie- the only thing we do know- once all the BS is presented is that JA by her own admission stabbed TA 27 times, cut his head off ( nearly) and shot him in the head. She planned many parts of the road-trip- visit and get away.

also i know i keep bringing this up- anyone else think she got the knife from MM? isnt that the guy she learned the knife martial arts with?( did she see him before and after her trip?) ( could he have the murder weapon in his dishwasher>>??? :waitasec:

she wiggled out of the 'barrage' of calls on jan. 22 by saying he was on his land line for some of them. surely JM has his home phone records, no? he never mentioned them but i think he needs to prove there wasn't this 'barrage' of calls because she's still insisting there was.
The evidence all points to Jodi. No way she wouldn't try to pin it all on Matt if he had been there. She had Travis subdued. His guard was down. She slaughtered him. If Matt was there, I would think he would have been the one to drag Travis back to the shower. The pic shows it was her.

This was something personal for Jodi. Something she wanted to handle herself so she could play it over and over and over again in her mind with the satisfaction of knowing she did it on her own and now she truly owns him. His mother may have brought him into the world but Jodi has the satisfaction of knowing she, and she alone was the one who took him out. jmo
hey sacrablue, think her profile could still be on Craig's list, or escort sites?
I wanna go search, but am scared!:what:

That I wouldn't know but I find answers to puzzles are often much simpler then imagined once all the facts are put together. There is always some logic behind everything depending on the conditions. I really think JA knows her life is a waste now but she is going to get her thrills by talking nonsense the entire way. She enjoys this more then sex by far.
Please don't forget that this sex and candy session was DEGRADING for poor Jodi--she only lowered herself b/c Travis the Bad Guy wanted her to do it. Jodi only performs sex acts that Travis likes--even if they hurt--because she lives to please him. She is terrified to make him "mad" or "angry" because she'll get into the Chihuahua shakes and have to creepy crawl one of Travis' ex girlfriends. She also needs to keep calm for the drive in Travis' car to the mall to pick up a pamphlet on 'How to Overcome Your Pesky Pedophilia Problem in 10 Easy Steps' for poor Travis. She lives to serve. (Just ask one of the 32 restaurants she worked at in the 2 years she stalked Travis.)

Jodi would like everyone to believe that all those 'sex acts' were TA's idea... Let's remember that JODI was the one who introduced sex to Travis. What she doesn't realize (MOO) is she's had her moments... She's had her chance to trash Travis and his reputation on the stand. While she tries to continue in cross JM quickly shuts her down. I like that! Her "Well, HE liked it" or "HE wanted" made me want to smack her!
I watched footage of Ted Bundy last night and there are so many similarities between the two. If there is any doubt that evil exists in this world... one would only need to watch Jodi to see that Evil IS very real. She gives me the chills!
she wiggled out of the 'barrage' of calls on jan. 22 by saying he was on his land line for some of them. surely JM has his home phone records, no? he never mentioned them but i think he needs to prove there wasn't this 'barrage' of calls because she's still insisting there was.

She didn't get to wiggle out. If you listen again to the video JM nailed her on it. Jodi said Travis kept trying to call her, she stating it was because of what she caught him doing while looking at pictures of little boys. What JM did was prove it was Jodi who called Travis and started the phone exchanges which included text messages. In fact, the phone calls and text messages were at a time when she was suppose to be there in the house but looking at one of the text messages it appears she was at work. She even tells him she can't get off until 5pm, which means she was never there at the house that day. He was at a meeting in the evening and not at home. She was never there. Very interesting the way JM presented it. Locked her right into the lie. jmo
You don't. But here it goes, just remember you asked;)

Pop rocks in her mouth for BJ and tootsies pops were inserted in her vagina

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh boy! Yuk!!! There are times it's better if my inquiring mind is left in the dark. This is one of those times. (But, thank you…I think.:waitasec:)

P.S. I'm trying to quit smoking and I've been using Tootsie Pops when I crave a cigarette. Not sure I can do that anymore. Aside from the yuk factor when I open a Tootsie Pop from now on, I'll be worried what other people are thinking when I toss a bag of them in my shopping cart.
Remember TA saying in a text that she had scammed him and he was angry...IIRC it happened in May 2008. Almost like he had found out something new to be angry about. After all the other things she had done, ruining his car, slashing his tires, peeping in his windows, not paying him back......wonder what finally made him decide to tell her he didn't want her to call him anymore? MOO.
When I was getting ready to divorce my husband I started tracking his behavior to figure out if I were crazy, or if he was abusive (because it was not physical, but emotional and psychological) . Something that really confused me then is that he would go to extraordinary lengths to avoid giving a straight yes or no answer to the most MUNDANE questions.

ME: Do you want me to pack you a sandwich for your trip.
HIM: I'd rather not stop on the road.
ME: So you want a sandwich.
HIM: I'll let you make me one.

Another one

ME: More coffee?
HIM: If you're dying to pour me a cup.

Me: Did you fill the gas-tank?
HIM: There is gas in the car.

WTFAnd these are the mundane examples. Can you imagine my frustration when trying to discuss serious or emotional matters?

I had forgotten about this (and the divorce was not that long ago) until I was watching Jodi in cross and thought "Jeez, the lengths she will go to to avoid giving a yes or no answer! I was convinced my husband was extraordinarily narcissistic, if not a full-blown NPD, but this similarity to Jodi makes my skin crawl afresh. And we have children together.
Okay, another thought on the "Matt forgeries"...(which btw, he could be facing over a decade in prison - this is serious!)

Did the state ever say who they got these two magazines from? I assumed the jail handed them over to the state after they were confiscated. I'm now having second thoughts. I mean, why would Juan focus so much on the penciled writing? He reiterated the 'pencil' a few times. Maybe it was to show that the writing was done before the mags (with JA mailing labels - they can receive subscriptions? ugh) left the jail and not after.

Notice how JA first stated that all items go through a guard before they can be given to a prisoner's visitor? Then she nixed that, and added they go through a guard, then the Sargent, than another guard before visitor gets the item.

She adds lots of details when she believes it will help her. I think the mags did get to Anne(?) Campbell and she passed them on (is she the one leaving the court-room?).

Perhaps JA will use the guard's typical inspection process as evidence that she didn't write the codes. "Well, obviously it wasn't found by three separate inspectors. No, I did not write that!"

Did Matt hand them over (to save his own arse) to the state?

Beth k said she thinks it was caught by the jail- that they comb anything outgoing carefully...and the never made it to Ann Campbell
I read on a site of Jodi supporters and they think the defense has an answer of that. They are supposedly going to say that she had a super duper secret journal where she wrote about these super secret things.

Jodi even threw in a quick clue, when she said to JM, something like, ' well I didnt write about it in THERE..'

Maybe she wrote in the margins, using invisible ink! :floorlaugh:
When I was getting ready to divorce my husband I started tracking his behavior to figure out if I were crazy, or if he was abusive (because it was not physical, but emotional and psychological) . Something that really confused me then is that he would go to extraordinary lengths to avoid giving a straight yes or no answer to the most MUNDANE questions.

ME: Do you want me to pack you a sandwich for your trip.
HIM: I'd rather not stop on the road.
ME: So you want a sandwich.
HIM: I'll let you make me one.

Another one

ME: More coffee?
HIM: If you're dying to pour me a cup.

Me: Did you fill the gas-tank?
HIM: There is gas in the car.

WTFAnd these are the mundane examples. Can you imagine my frustration when trying to discuss serious or emotional matters?

I had forgotten about this (and the divorce was not that long ago) until I was watching Jodi in cross and thought "Jeez, the lengths she will go to to avoid giving a yes or no answer! I was convinced my husband was extraordinarily narcissistic, if not a full-blown NPD, but this similarity to Jodi makes my skin crawl afresh. And we have children together.

Just reading that dialogue is maddening. Totally narcissistic. Yes I'm dying to pour you a cup of coffee....over your head!

Glad he's an EX.
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