jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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There were actually two different pics of Travis facing the camera. One appears to be without flash, and the other one was with the flash. They have two different time stamps.

Now this is very interesting! I have never seen the two of them with the timestamps! Is there somewhere I can see them???
Maybe she put his camera through the wash as like 'here's how much I care about your precious camera' statement .. I think she thought deleting pics and washing it was enough to destroy those.
In don't understand after having all this time to prepare this defense, why would they pick a particular date to have Jodi testify to walking in and seeing Travis viewing those pictures, when on that date there is so much evidence to prove this did not happen? Why not pick another day, when they could have slot it around the text messages and calls?

Can anyone help me out with explaining how this works? The evidence that Juan has presented, does the defense get to see this before the trial?


I think Jodi made up a random date in that January to claim that TA attacked her -kicked her with his boot on- broke her finger-- due to the random other date- two days before when she made up that she caught him in that act.
I think JM had the diary and all the phone logs ( none of that happened )and is now using JA's testimony /perjury- against her. While Jodi was going on for days and days lying and fabricating her defense and smear campaign against TA - JM and his team have been pouring over the dates in all the evidence. I think they have a whole lot more ( including salon receipts for dye job) Through this whole cross examination JM is going to discredit every expert and witness the defense has lined up. By proving in advance everything is a lie and she has lied to everyone along the way- everyone's expert opinion is and will prove to be erroneous.

If everything is a lie- the only thing we do know- once all the BS is presented is that JA by her own admission stabbed TA 27 times, cut his head off ( nearly) and shot him in the head. She planned many parts of the road-trip- visit and get away.

also i know i keep bringing this up- anyone else think she got the knife from MM? isnt that the guy she learned the knife martial arts with?( did she see him before and after her trip?) ( could he have the murder weapon in his dishwasher>>??? :waitasec:
I have no doubt that Jodi committed this crime all on her own. There is no evidence that anyone else was there. She had motive (in her mind) I think we have all heard/seen examples of incredible strength with adrenaline flow. I dont know why it's even being discussed this late in the game. I do respect however others have a right to an opinion. She did it. She owned it.

Yes, of course she did it on her own. The same thing happened with the KC case. Some wondered how on earth she was able to do it all alone. Well she did. Arias was armed with at least one knife and a gun and her victim was a naked man in the bathroom. Makes perfect sense.

Also if anyone else helped Arias murder Travis then she would have blamed that person from the very start. If she can butcher a man without blinking then why wouldn't she place blame on anyone who helped her?
According to Jodi, did Travis say "Kill you, *****" after she shot him in the head?

pretty sure she said that. interesting point. he's been shot in the head at that point, even though she doesn't describe him as being injured or slowed down at all. so from this point on, no way he was a threat to her life. (not that he ever was, mind you.)

I'll tell you, but it's not interesting. She just loves to talk about her sex acts.

She gave him oral sex with pop rocks in her mouth, and he put tootsie pops in her VJJ.

Big whoop. She thinks everyone cares.

Please don't forget that this sex and candy session was DEGRADING for poor Jodi--she only lowered herself b/c Travis the Bad Guy wanted her to do it. Jodi only performs sex acts that Travis likes--even if they hurt--because she lives to please him. She is terrified to make him "mad" or "angry" because she'll get into the Chihuahua shakes and have to creepy crawl one of Travis' ex girlfriends. She also needs to keep calm for the drive in Travis' car to the mall to pick up a pamphlet on 'How to Overcome Your Pesky Pedophilia Problem in 10 Easy Steps' for poor Travis. She lives to serve. (Just ask one of the 32 restaurants she worked at in the 2 years she stalked Travis.)
Notice this woman has an issue using pronouns when she lies (typical of a liar). She can't quote him saying "I'll kill you, b*tch."

About the rope: "it was put in a dumpster." Not "I put it in...." She does this constantly, distancing herself from the mistruth/deception.

That was one of the 'tells' I noticed back when I was doing program evaluations. An inmate who talked about his or her crime in the passive voice is more likely to re-offend. "When the event occurred..." as opposed to "When I robbed that drug dealer..." or even "When I committed my offense..."
Help, I need advice

My husband has shown a smidgen of interest in the case and I'd like advice on how I should proceed.

A little background:
Like many other WSers , I became interested in this case when I watched the first JA television interview. Was it 20/20 or 48 hrs? Anyway, it certainly peaked my interest, as her affect just seemed to be off and creepy.

I'm a crime scene/murder psychology fanatic (groupie?). I did my first real college thesis on serial killers (Abnormal Psych) back in 1991. My husband and I went to the Death Museum in So. California, (when it was located in San Diego, it is now in L.A.) for our first date. Crime scene shows are like lullabies for me, as I always have something murder'ish on the television when I'm winding down for the night.

I'm such the fanatic that I will press the back button, on the dvr, repeatedly to connect things that I may have missed. My husband hates watching anything 'murder' or 'psychological' with me. He also does not appreciate going to sleep with "murder themes" playing in the back ground (so, I wait until I hear his first snore and ON IT GOES :giggle:), says it gives him weird dreams.

Okay, back to keeping my husband interested in the case...He left for a business trip on Wednesday. As he was walking out the door he asked, "hey, if that prosecutor guy gets up anytime this week, will you record it, for me?" What? :what:

It would be so nice to share this with him and actually be able to discuss the case with someone in the household:great:

After I watched yesterday's 'Juan & Jodi Show' and the responses from many of the tv commentators, I'm a little worried he will lose interest before he really had any. I want him to understand and know what Juan is referencing and why it is important (some are 'bombshell worthy).

Any WSers had luck recruiting others (husbands?) into this circus?

Oh btw, he did say that he isn't interested in the "whole defense stuff", "just that prosecutor guy". I really think he will be lost and confused if he jumps right into Thursday's testimony.

Should I start him off with one of the television interviews, like 48 hours? Or, should I read him the police report or have him listen to the opening statements? (if he is willing - of course) Any cliff notes? I wish I could find a very condensed (like, 15 minutes) youtube video with JA' on the stand before Juan.

It appears he already gets it. Many people can see right through Jodi the minute she opens her mouth. Other see it in her eyes as there is no soul there. jmo
Please don't forget that this sex and candy session was DEGRADING for poor Jodi--she only lowered herself b/c Travis the Bad Guy wanted her to do it. Jodi only performs sex acts that Travis likes--even if they hurt--because she lives to please him. She is terrified to make him "mad" or "angry" because she'll get into the Chihuahua shakes and have to creepy crawl one of Travis' ex girlfriends. She also needs to keep calm for the drive in Travis' car to the mall to pick up a pamphlet on 'How to Overcome Your Pesky Pedophilia Problem in 10 Easy Steps' for poor Travis. She lives to serve. (Just ask one of the 32 restaurants she worked at in the 2 years she stalked Travis.)

32!! Do we know what kept getting her fired?
please don't forget that this sex and candy session was degrading for poor jodi--she only lowered herself b/c travis the bad guy wanted her to do it. Jodi only performs sex acts that travis likes--even if they hurt--because she lives to please him. She is terrified to make him "mad" or "angry" because she'll get into the chihuahua shakes and have to creepy crawl one of travis' ex girlfriends. She also needs to keep calm for the drive in travis' car to the mall to pick up a pamphlet on 'how to overcome your pesky pedophilia problem in 10 easy steps' for poor travis. She lives to serve. (just ask one of the 32 restaurants she worked at in the 2 years she stalked travis.)

lol ~
Also of she was a sex worker she wouldn't have bothered with waitressing she would have just said she was a 'professional photographer / online retoucher' or some nonsense. And it would have been discovered on her computer during the investigation. Just a gold digger methinks.
At first, assessing the likelihood of your suggestion, i thought "nah."
Then, i reassessed and thought i suppose it could be mm's.
Bottom line: i do not know who that penis belongs to, but i was suddenly struck by the realization that JA is beginning to remind me of the anti-heroine portrayed byjohn steinbeck in his east of eden novel!
Cant recall character's name.... seem to remember she might have been wayward mother of cal and aronaron??? Eve??? Never could comprehend that character - she could have so easily been loved by others if only she'd been willing to accept love! Instead she ran away from a good man to run a brothel and blackmailed clients iirc, and it seemed (in the book from what i vaguely recall) that she was driven to do this more for the sheer sense of control she experienced by being able to manipulate some of the town's bigshots, as much as she felt driven to amass money....
Cathy Ames?
That was one of the 'tells' I noticed back when I was doing program evaluations. An inmate who talked about his or her crime in the passive voice is more likely to re-offend. "When the event occurred..." as opposed to "When I robbed that drug dealer..." or even "When I committed my offense..."

OMG--that's why I find it hilarious to watch shows like 'Lock-Up' or others about violent inmates--they always refer to their crimes in the passive voice. "The incident" "occured" or "happened" --never "I murdered 50 people." Jodi is going to fit right in.
If anyone had been with JA she would have thrown him under the bus immediately. She is NOT a tiny frail woman. She is 5'6" and at the time admitted to 125 lbs on her drivers license. She probably weighed more! Not that she was heavy but she was fit. She has lost weight and they put her in that teeny chair. I could do all that and I am MUCH smaller. In my previous employment i had to sometimes wrestle and restrain much larger men and NONE of them got the better of me. At that time I was 5' and less than 90 lbs. and very fit.
Also of she was a sex worker she wouldn't have bothered with waitressing she would have just said she was a 'professional photographer / online retoucher' or some nonsense. And it would have been discovered on her computer during the investigation. Just a gold digger methinks.

If she was a sex worker, she would need a "cover" for time spent doing that--saying she was waitressing somewhere is an easy lie that nobody would question. She can get a waitressing job anywhere at any time, get hired, work a few weeks as a prostitute or whatever. If she says she's at work and someone checks up on her, she can easily lie--"they sent me home early" "I switched shifts with someone" etc.
Also of she was a sex worker she wouldn't have bothered with waitressing she would have just said she was a 'professional photographer / online retoucher' or some nonsense. And it would have been discovered on her computer during the investigation. Just a gold digger methinks.

But! She can't be a sex worker in the Mormon community. But she is so devious she would probably relish doing it under their noses, without their knowledge. the stretched-out *advertiser censored*.
(my bad)
If she was a sex worker, she would need a "cover" for time spent doing that--saying she was waitressing somewhere is an easy lie that nobody would question. She can get a waitressing job anywhere at any time, get hired, work a few weeks as a prostitute or whatever. If she says she's at work and someone checks up on her, she can easily lie--"they sent me home early" "I switched shifts with someone" etc.

I will go with this in deed. How many woman say how beautiful your penis is? This talk was play acting big time to fill a man's fantasies and she knew the drill. Makes perfect sense along with her erotic knowledge. She talks about this stuff like I talk about cars and boats. Doesn't embarrass her in the least.
If she was a sex worker, she would need a "cover" for time spent doing that--saying she was waitressing somewhere is an easy lie that nobody would question. She can get a waitressing job anywhere at any time, get hired, work a few weeks as a prostitute or whatever. If she says she's at work and someone checks up on her, she can easily lie--"they sent me home early" "I switched shifts with someone" etc.

ITA, exactly...shouldn't bosses' records and time cards be able to prove it?
I just think she has the airs and sexual promiscuity of a someone in the *advertiser censored* biz. She shoulda come over to the 'valley' here...well, she was in Pasadena...hmmm.
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