jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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It was Phoenix, Oregon and JM's trying to catch her in a lie. She confirms the place three times in total IIRC.

I thought he was up to something since he asked repeatedly. What was the lie? I didn't catch it.
Exactly, and it's not like there are not a million nail places in this country. Most cities have one on every block. It's one thing to wait 20 minutes. Nobody waits 2 hours. Nobody.

ITA! That's absurd to think that you are on a road trip and you are going to sit in a waiting area at a nail place for a "couple of hours." You just walk in & they take you, or tell you to come back at a certain time. If they couldn't take her immediately, she would have gone somewhere else. Her lies are always some sort of stupid explanation she makes up for evidence that is going to be presented by Juan--no doubt she knows that there's evidence of her spending hours in a Salinas salon--getting her hair done!
Good point about not having to disclose impeachment or rebuttal evidence. So maybe this did come as a surprise to the defense attorneys.

One of the reasons I thought the defense must have had it is because there was a pre-trial motion to compel production of all materials related to the "attempted interrogation" of Matt McCarthy, and the judge ordered the state to turn over everything they had -- and one of Jodi's attorneys later acknowledged that she had received all of the materials in the State's possession. you think the defense team simply didn't investigate the mags carefully and missed the messages in the spine? TIA
I don't know the answer to that. If she had pleaded guilty, I don't know if they would have a sentencing hearing -- but I assume so, and I believe that death penalty would still be available.

The aggravating factors that must be found to impose the DP must be found by a jury. Ironically it was another AZ case, Ring vs AZ, that led the Supreme Court to find that the jury must make those findings and not a judge.

Certainly pleading guilty can go a long way toward showing remorse and the possibility of redemption that might keep a jury from imposing the DP.

My take has been that the DT has no choice but to go on with the show and present the defense their client claims, i.e., self defense, but they are dragging the victim through the mud as well so if she's convicted they can make the crime less heinous by making him out to be a bad guy.
Long time lurker first time poster here. I signed up just to post on this issue:

I've seen a lot of people curious about whether or not the DT had access to the magazines. I'm a criminal attorney but not in AZ. In my jurisdiction if you don't use a piece of evidence in your case in chief you don't have to disclose it and can hold it back for impeachment use. You have to wait for a certain witness to testify and wait for them to tell the lie and then lay it on them with the "extrinsic" (outside/extra evidence) to show they are lying. Doing this early in cross is also called "paper training the witness" to condition them to believe that every time they lie and know there may be other evidence out there that they are lying (like other written evidence) they assume you've got it when you ask the ? and then start picking up papers like you've got something and give up trying to lie. I thought that Miss Smirky Pants JA looked a great deal more humble when this came out and her DT looked very shocked. I would bet big $$ that when the mags didn't show up in discovery she didn't think JM had them and definitely didn't tell her DT. I've had clients like her and had this happen.

Just my 2 cents. I was really impressed with JM at that moment. He set her up for that one very nicely and I suspect there could be more to come.

welcome to the forum. get in touch with one of the mods so they can verify you as an attorney. we have a thread for legal questions and you could help us out with questions. welcome!!!
OMG this Jodi Arias Trial photo album has quite a few amusing photos of our [unusual person], Defendant,

This one isn't fair to Daria. She was smart and sarcastic, not a murderess.

62173_102678509919911_555410684_n.jpg you think the defense team simply didn't investigate the mags carefully and missed the messages in the spine? TIA
I think he saw the messages by the way he turned the magazine sideways to read. He objected after reading them.
Long time lurker first time poster here. I signed up just to post on this issue:

I've seen a lot of people curious about whether or not the DT had access to the magazines. I'm a criminal attorney but not in AZ. In my jurisdiction if you don't use a piece of evidence in your case in chief you don't have to disclose it and can hold it back for impeachment use. You have to wait for a certain witness to testify and wait for them to tell the lie and then lay it on them with the "extrinsic" (outside/extra evidence) to show they are lying. Doing this early in cross is also called "paper training the witness" to condition them to believe that every time they lie and know there may be other evidence out there that they are lying (like other written evidence) they assume you've got it when you ask the ? and then start picking up papers like you've got something and give up trying to lie. I thought that Miss Smirky Pants JA looked a great deal more humble when this came out and her DT looked very shocked. I would bet big $$ that when the mags didn't show up in discovery she didn't think JM had them and definitely didn't tell her DT. I've had clients like her and had this happen.

Just my 2 cents. I was really impressed with JM at that moment. He set her up for that one very nicely and I suspect there could be more to come.

Are you male or female?

This isn't my (not so secret ) crush Mark Eiglarsh? Is it? Lol

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Full disclosure notice! This post is a combination of observations I worked on with a fellow sleuth whom wants to remain UN-named and whom is brilliant! :seeya: my partner in crime! LOL

Here is her list of movies from myspace: Note the ones in RED!
Ace Ventura, Pet Detective -- Anchorman -- Braveheart -- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory -- The Color Purple -- Crash -- The Count of Monte Cristo -- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon -- Down With Love -- Dumb and Dumber -- Edward Scissorhands -- The Emperor's New Groove -- The Fifth Element -- Forest Gump -- House of Flying Daggers -- Ice Age -- Independence Day -- Legends of the Fall -- The Lion King -- Memoirs of a Geisha -- Mission to Mars -- The Notebook -- O Brother Where Art Thou? -- The One -- Shallow Hal -- Shanghai Noon -- Sleepy Hollow -- Soul Plane -- The Secret -- The Truman Show -- What Dreams May Come

If you watch: House of Flying Daggers movie you will be dumbfounded by the parallels -- I really do believe that movie affected Jodi profoundly, and that she either consciously or subconsciously incorporated many many scenes, images, and thoughts from the movie into her life. Wow. :what:

Even to the point of killing someone you love, out of a code of personal honor, because they have rejected you and have moved on... and the victim even had a premonition the killer would do so.

Just a small taste from the movie; bear in mind that these are English subtitles, imperfectly translated from Mandarin:

K= Killer(Jilted lover)
V= Victim
L= Victim's chosen lover

K: (anguished and furious) I sacrificed three years for you! How can you love him after just three days?


L: When can we meet again?
V: It can't happen. We're from different worlds. If we meet again, one of us is going to die.


(Victim has been stabbed in the heart by Killer for deciding to depart to accompany her chosen Lover on a journey of escape; she is dying.)

K: (angry, tears) You are the love of my life! I can't force you to love me. But you cannot go with him! It will cost you your life. You see? You made me destroy you.

V: (dying, stabbed through the heart) I knew that you would do this.

K: (losing it) You knew, and you will go anyway?? (freaks out, raging; angry with Victim for 'making' him do this) WHY?? WHY??

(Victim falls. Killer screams in anguish.)


The movie also includes:

The lover getting turned on after dressing the female in boy's clothes.

A woman expertly throwing lethal knives, causing a stab in the throat, and causing another person's throat to be slit.

The same woman, sweet and childlike, being arrested, interrogated by the police (martial) and threatened with torture... but she remains demure and doesn't give up her secrets.

A dance scene (subliminal sex scene) in what amounts to a brothel, where the man is very drowsy, almost falling asleep at times. He is a guy who is discussed as a colossal "flirt." In the scene, his arousal seems to include sadistic or degrading elements toward the woman. She is child-like and yet she is a stunning virtuoso at dancing (subliminal sex). She is not what she seems. She pretends to be blind. She pretends to be naive. She has secret motives.

The scene plays out similar to Jodi's 'phone sex recording,' even to the point of the sleepy man and the stealthy seductive woman singing together; him sounding sleepy, silly and off-key; her doing her best in her little girl voice.

^And notably, in this scene, the man uses his sword to cut the rope-braid closures on her clothing, and rather violently removes her outer garment.


He also attacks her by "lunging at her like a linebacker," grabbing her, spinning her around, throwing her face down and getting on top of her so she can't get up... like JA's lying testimony about TA.



She does the backward yoga stretch, too. All the way, head upside down, just like Jodi did in the interrogation room.



The girl is ordered by a female superior that she must kill the man she loves. "I have a task for you... He is no longer of use to us. You will take him out, kill him. He's a danger to our plan. His death is necessary to guard against future trouble."


When the girl is arrested, the police search her room and find a set of deadly knives. It is highly incriminating evidence. This is what leads to her interrogation. She is cool and courageous, and keeps up her cover with them.

There are many, many other parallels. Sorry to sound obsessive or boring, but it was really interesting to me. And there are other parallels in the Memoirs of a Geisha movie, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ---- all starring the same actress, Zhang Ziyi -- I think Jodi believes she resembles this actress. Again, all three movies are on her list of favorites on her myspace.

The actress, Zhang Ziyi:


Another backbend, in the Geisha movie:


And colored contacts in the Geisha movie:


(Like Jodi's)

In Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Zhang Ziyi's character is very memorable. Here's a screenshot and a blogger's explanation of the appeal of the character:

From "What Archetypes Do You Identify With Most?"

Jen from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Stole a magical sword, beat the **** out of everybody, lost her virginity to a gorgeous gypsy bandit, threw herself off a mountain because back in those times, she pretty much broke every social norm expected of a young lady of her social standing, including dishonouring her family and causing the death of two famous, honoured swordsmen (Michelle Yeoh and Chow Yun-Fat). I felt sorry for Jade Fox, her mentor/personal servant, when I heard her say that the grandmaster of Wudang was happy to sleep with her, but would not teach her swordfighting. That, for me, was the crux of the movie: Jen was the tragic fruit borne out of the seeds of Jade Fox's bitter need for revenge against men and the expected social norms of Chinese women at that time.

Note that in this movie, just like in the Flying Daggers movie, her character pretends to be young, sweet, and innocent... but is in actuality secretly a super-skilled, highly trained weapons-expert warrior wearing a sword and a ninja outfit. (again, this coorelates to my theory of her using MMA to kill Travis)

This is her sweet little cover persona; a pampered beauty, who yearns for more out of life, and who secretly sneaks out of her father's house at night:


And as a ninja warrior/sneaky thief:


FWIW, the same actress wore pigtails in her breakout role in another movie, The Road Home; her lover was a teacher with young boys as students:


Based on this and sooooooooooo many other examples that have been cited (Psycho comparison comes to mind!) -- Jodi may go down as the Plagiarism Psycho Killer.

ANJ you never cease to amaze me......thanks to you and your partner in sleuthing...I am printing this out. :cheers: I have never seen the movies, but intend to ASAP!!
Weren't the last pics that JA took was the one of her dragging Travis and the shower and throat were taken by crime scene investigators. If you rewatch Heather Connors go crime scene evidence photos and the one with Travis in shower and defensive wounds were part of prosecution’s case. You will have noticed something…the picture of gun casing, the casing is ON TOP of blood which means she didn’t shoot him first. And I thought she came out of the closet door to the bedroom? If she did then casing should have been in bedroom not in bathroom.

I have always said and always believed he was showering, had water in his eyes, turned in the shower and she plunged the knife into his chest. He then began teying to get out and away feommher, he got weak, started coughing up blood in sink and she started stabbing him in the back, he fell to the floor crawling down his hallway and collapsed. She slit his throat, likely telling him he deserved it, and then dragged him to the shower and shot him in the head. She then showered him and herslef a bit, threw everything in the washer, gathered her things and left.
why was she smiling in her mug shot?

Some say smugness, or defiance, but I think that she was in flirt mode with the cute officer that arrested her. Small town Yreka, can't be a big precinct. He might have been around, or other handsome young officers. I don't know why I think this, but I do.

She claims in a taped interview that she was thinking at that moment, "What would Travis do?" That is so freaking weird.
why was she smiling in her mug shot?

IIRC, it was because 'that's what Travis would have done', and also because she said it would be all over the internet, so why not? Something like that. Psycho-cray-cray.
Long time lurker first time poster here. I signed up just to post on this issue:

I've seen a lot of people curious about whether or not the DT had access to the magazines. I'm a criminal attorney but not in AZ. In my jurisdiction if you don't use a piece of evidence in your case in chief you don't have to disclose it and can hold it back for impeachment use. You have to wait for a certain witness to testify and wait for them to tell the lie and then lay it on them with the "extrinsic" (outside/extra evidence) to show they are lying. Doing this early in cross is also called "paper training the witness" to condition them to believe that every time they lie and know there may be other evidence out there that they are lying (like other written evidence) they assume you've got it when you ask the ? and then start picking up papers like you've got something and give up trying to lie. I thought that Miss Smirky Pants JA looked a great deal more humble when this came out and her DT looked very shocked. I would bet big $$ that when the mags didn't show up in discovery she didn't think JM had them and definitely didn't tell her DT. I've had clients like her and had this happen.

Just my 2 cents. I was really impressed with JM at that moment. He set her up for that one very nicely and I suspect there could be more to come.

When Martinez showed the defendant the magazine containing the written numbers on one page, he asked her to tell them what they were. She misunderstood him, and stated, "it's my understanding they are page numbers" , when all he wanted her to do was read them.

She volunteered that information, showing that she knew of their existence prior to seeing them that day .... of course she knew what they were, she wrote them ... however, it would be my guess the defense knew they were there ahead of time as well, otherwise she just blindsided her own defense team.
Aha! That is a good possibility!

I am confused about the door situation. We have heard that the doors were never locked, and also that his friends knew the code to the door entering through the garage. I lean more towards the doors being locked except his friends knowing the code, and the possibility that the sliding door was opened enough to act as a doggy door (I have done that as well), or had one in it?

Do you think Jodi's thrown the woman that was at Travis's that night under the bus? The one she saw stand up and snap her bra?

I do have a question though about the night Deanna came over when Jodi was house sitting Napoleon and making cookies. Was Jodi supposed to be there? Did the room mate know? Could he of called Travis when he went outside to make a call? And Deanna going up to Travis's bedroom and calling Travis too, and Travis might of told her to go his office and take/hide something? That was such a strange tale. Jodi baking cookies and playing house.
Good point about not having to disclose impeachment or rebuttal evidence. So maybe this did come as a surprise to the defense attorneys.

One of the reasons I thought the defense must have had it is because there was a pre-trial motion to compel production of all materials related to the "attempted interrogation" of Matt McCarthy, and the judge ordered the state to turn over everything they had -- and one of Jodi's attorneys later acknowledged that she had received all of the materials in the State's possession.

Very interesting. I didn't know about the motion to compel re: MM. I know they had a sidebar about it. I would be interested to know if the pros got this at a later time or claimed they didn't use it w/ their "interrogation" of MM. I really did not see a hint of recognition by the DT when reviewing the mags and no automatic "OBJECTION" like they knew what it was and had already made a list of ways to try to keep it out. As boring as Nurmi's direct was he did seem to at least draw the sting out of the bad stuff like her lies. And that blabber mouth smarty pants JA didn't have one of excuses close at hand when JM whipped them out. Maybe I'm just a big nerdy attorney but I am dying to, hopefully, eventually, find out about what happened there.
Long time lurker first time poster here. I signed up just to post on this issue:

I've seen a lot of people curious about whether or not the DT had access to the magazines. I'm a criminal attorney but not in AZ. In my jurisdiction if you don't use a piece of evidence in your case in chief you don't have to disclose it and can hold it back for impeachment use. You have to wait for a certain witness to testify and wait for them to tell the lie and then lay it on them with the "extrinsic" (outside/extra evidence) to show they are lying. Doing this early in cross is also called "paper training the witness" to condition them to believe that every time they lie and know there may be other evidence out there that they are lying (like other written evidence) they assume you've got it when you ask the ? and then start picking up papers like you've got something and give up trying to lie. I thought that Miss Smirky Pants JA looked a great deal more humble when this came out and her DT looked very shocked. I would bet big $$ that when the mags didn't show up in discovery she didn't think JM had them and definitely didn't tell her DT. I've had clients like her and had this happen.

Just my 2 cents. I was really impressed with JM at that moment. He set her up for that one very nicely and I suspect there could be more to come.

Does anyone remember the name of the guy that Jodi met with, whose parents also owned a restaraunt when she was growing up in Yereka...?
It was mentioned briefly by Juan, but I can't remember if she met him in salinas or not.
I think there may be more to the restaraunt biz than we know...and this guy from her past...where does he fit into all of this?
Just wondering.. :)

Was it Eddie Lee?
Are you male or female?

This isn't my (not so secret ) crush Mark Eiglarsh? Is it? Lol

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Female. Sorry. Hands off Eiglarsh! He's mine. He just doesn't know it yet.
When Martinez showed the defendant the magazine containing the written numbers on one page, he asked her to tell them what they were. She misunderstood him, and stated, "it's my understanding they are page numbers" , when all he wanted her to do was read them.

She volunteered that information, showing that she knew of their existence prior to seeing them that day .... of course she knew what they were, she wrote them ... however, it would be my guess the defense knew they were there ahead of time as well, otherwise she just blindsided her own defense team.

I think she blindsided them. I watched the woman lawyers face, I don't think she's that good of an actress to fake what i saw ....her face said it all...

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Wow, A News Junkie...what an interesting well researched movie post!

WOW! Thank you!
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