jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Female. Sorry. Hands off Eiglarsh! He's mine. He just doesn't know it yet.

Roflmao! Get in line! It starts behind me and is about 50 peeps deep;)

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This one isn't fair to Daria. She was smart and sarcastic, not a murderess.


Steely Dan, you are freaking me out, lol. I just saw that some Daria eps were coming up last night, and I thought this SAME THING! Or maybe it was this morning. Anyway, too funny!!
When Martinez showed the defendant the magazine containing the written numbers on one page, he asked her to tell them what they were. She misunderstood him, and stated, "it's my understanding they are page numbers" , when all he wanted her to do was read them.

She volunteered that information, showing that she knew of their existence prior to seeing them that day .... of course she knew what they were, she wrote them ... however, it would be my guess the defense knew they were there ahead of time as well, otherwise she just blindsided her own defense team.

Oh she totally knew what it was. I have had clients just like her and have been blindsided. Someone like her, IMO, is so busy knowing more than anyone else and is so busy manipulating even her own DT that if she didn't think anyone knew about them she wouldn't warn her DT and would secretly smile to herself about how she put one over on everyone right up to that moment when JM whipped them out. But that's just my theory. May have been known but I sensed some shock by her DT.
Long time lurker first time poster here. I signed up just to post on this issue:

I've seen a lot of people curious about whether or not the DT had access to the magazines. I'm a criminal attorney but not in AZ. In my jurisdiction if you don't use a piece of evidence in your case in chief you don't have to disclose it and can hold it back for impeachment use. You have to wait for a certain witness to testify and wait for them to tell the lie and then lay it on them with the "extrinsic" (outside/extra evidence) to show they are lying. Doing this early in cross is also called "paper training the witness" to condition them to believe that every time they lie and know there may be other evidence out there that they are lying (like other written evidence) they assume you've got it when you ask the ? and then start picking up papers like you've got something and give up trying to lie. I thought that Miss Smirky Pants JA looked a great deal more humble when this came out and her DT looked very shocked. I would bet big $$ that when the mags didn't show up in discovery she didn't think JM had them and definitely didn't tell her DT. I've had clients like her and had this happen.

Just my 2 cents. I was really impressed with JM at that moment. He set her up for that one very nicely and I suspect there could be more to come.

I missed the magazine testimony completely, but I saw the pic of Nurmi looking at it so assume it's been marked. What was the question and answer(s) that allowed it in for impeachment, if you know? TIA :)
Although nothing TA did would justify JA's killing him... I can't help but wonder why he didn't end things with her sooner. She displayed VERY worrisome signs...stalking, spying, slashing tires... Sure, she was a mayonaise jar always ready to indulge him, but was he so naive not to see concerns? Was he just thinking with his little head? Were there not other available women to satisfy his sexual appetites?

It appears to me from photos in his memorial video, lots of very pretty and nice girls could have been possibilities.
Sadly, Jodi had her hooks in and any girl would have been harassed.
After all, Jodi could appear in doggie doors, windows, garages, etc.
I missed the magazine testimony completely, but I saw the pic of Nurmi looking at it so assume it's been marked. What was the question and answer(s) that allowed it in for impeachment, if you know? TIA :)

Iirc it was about the last time she spoke to Matt

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I have always said and always believed he was showering, had water in his eyes, turned in the shower and she plunged the knife into his chest. He then began teying to get out and away feommher, he got weak, started coughing up blood in sink and she started stabbing him in the back, he fell to the floor crawling down his hallway and collapsed. She slit his throat, likely telling him he deserved it, and then dragged him to the shower and shot him in the head. She then showered him and herslef a bit, threw everything in the washer, gathered her things and left.

Just reading this gave me chills up my spine....evil, pure evil... :waitasec: her not you:blushing:
Lies Exposed: discuss the cross exam of Arias - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

if anyone is interested I just burned about 5 MILLION brains cells highlighting the lies in Arias version of the murder

(very interesting too.. Juan is going to have a rip fest with it!!!)

Lies Exposed: discuss the cross exam of Arias - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Huge hugs! And a big thank you! I'd throw a candy bar at you, but I ate it:)

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Bumping this comment from the end of the last thread:

Yes, she does. And in that talking she refers to them as KIDS! To me that is very telling of not just her mentality, and deeper issues, but of JA and MM's relationship. I mean she does portray herself the opposite and all in-between to other people… Is this more of what the truth is?
At the time of this tape she and MM are in their late 20s. She is describing herself and MM as KIDS. She is separating them from the status quo of their peers in that statement, IMO.
She behaves like a petulant, defiant, bratty yet 100% psycho KID on the stand of her own DP trial to JM. And who is her side-kick in bolstering her lies: MM.
I dunno - I just think there is a lot more to be said about that.

HERE is the bit where she compares herself (20 - 30 y.o.) to being a kid. START AT MINUTE 9:50

JA: "By the time I called Matt he said we're in Santa Cruz, meet us here, and I said OK, so I went to the river and... there, just kind of hang out… for… the locals…they're younger kids, our age, sort-of, twenty-somethings, and thirty-somethings, and…………"

At 5:57 on that video, Jodi states to Det. Flores there was NO argument between her and Travis.
I missed the magazine testimony completely, but I saw the pic of Nurmi looking at it so assume it's been marked. What was the question and answer(s) that allowed it in for impeachment, if you know? TIA :)

The ? Was something like "you asked someone to lie for you in a hearing in this case, right"? She said no and out they came. One of the other reasons I didn't think they were already disclosed as well was because it appeared he had to take it to the court clerk for marking and numbering, etc when all of the known exhibits are usually taken care of before trial begins. But I would have to re-watch that part. He would have known what to number it but I think the clerk still has to document it.
I haven't read back today so this may have been asked and answered but was the court reporter accused of not doing her job correctly, being related to someone connected to the trial, and having an interest in the outcome of the trial? This seems desperate to me but it may be normal considering who's on trial. :rolleyes:

Court reporter issue is the very last page (page 5).

I think that is standard procedure. I have read statements like that before tacked on the end of documents. JMO
Female. Sorry. Hands off Eiglarsh! He's mine. He just doesn't know it yet.

he is the one and only defense attorney I trust. I've also seen him speak so fondly and respectfully of his wife which makes me admire him all the more.

He should have his own show imo.
Almost caught up from yesterday :great:
I love you guys...such great ideas/insights/theories/opinions :rocker:

Mostly just wanted to :welcome3: So many new folks:party:
I'm going on my weekly walk with my friend who's a major editor in town for an alternative paper. Her husband is also covering this trial. She's wanting to hear from me about my experiences in court. I'm also wanting to pick her brain about a few things related to media.

If any of you have any questions for my expert witness, feel free to send them my way. ;)
he is the one and only defense attorney I trust. I've also seen him speak so fondly and respectfully of his wife which makes me admire him all the more.

He should have his own show imo.

He should take over DrDrews show! Let Drew sit in the corner adjusting his hinky meter.

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I am trying to catch up reading but I keep reading how Darryl was in the courtroom, sitting in the row in front of the defendant's mother.
That is not Darryl, only court personnel are allowed in front of the bar railing.
The public sit in what is called the gallery, which is behind the bar railing.


he is the one and only defense attorney I trust. I've also seen him speak so fondly and respectfully of his wife which makes me admire him all the more.

He should have his own show imo.

I agree, he is one of the few credible defense attorneys on TV. He recognizes when a DT is losing and doesn't toss out far fetched crap to make it seem otherwise. And he is way funny too.
Some say smugness, or defiance, but I think that she was in flirt mode with the cute officer that arrested her. Small town Yreka, can't be a big precinct. He might have been around, or other handsome young officers. I don't know why I think this, but I do.

She claims in a taped interview that she was thinking at that moment, "What would Travis do?" That is so freaking weird.

She talks about it ! In one of her tv interviews! Something to the effect! Why not! Not verbatim but said she thought Travis would like it! Implying he thought it would be cool
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