jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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The truth is simple IMO .
Travis is dead because he would NEVER hurt a woman
on purpose.
Even if she was holding a .25 on him.

He was a wrestler. He was bigger and stronger than her.
IF HE HAD CHOSEN to do so he could have easily taken that gun from her and hurt her BAD.
I think because she caught him off guard.
Bullets from .25 are so small.

Now had she pointed a pistol with stopping power at him, I could see him
backing off.

at 1pm he looks kinda out of it.:waitasec:
I KNOW he was not drugged or anything.
re:BBM - I've thought this from Day 1 too. Travis would never raise his hand to hurt a woman, no matter what. I believe it is just the way he was.

(PS - First I typed "I believe it is just the way he is." I cringed when I had to backspace and type "was" at the end.) :(
OMG OMG OMG! Admittedly (sp?) I admit I am obsessed with this whole ***** show. I just got home from having a fantastic night. My tv is on HLN. I'm seeing the DT sickness. Now that I've got a taste of JM (whom I love) it makes her testiphony soooooo much worse. It's so weird. Like how soon we forget. I know most of us now are looking at the JM stuff. Go back and take a look at the DF *****. It will freak you out.

I wish I knew what the words that are *****'d out are. I don't even know what the post says and I want to go and look at the "DF ***** " to see what will freak me out - if only I knew what that was. :dunno:
Another thing that caught me. jodi tries to act like she was covered in blood as she drove away from travis house and then she ended up in the desert and cleaned off with costco calling bs. with the amount of blood in that bathroom she had to clean off before leaving. there were no bloody foot prints on the carpet outside of the bedroom or on the steps. nothing on the doornobs etc. had she went into that car bloody the whole car would be stained. i know the rental guy noted stains but if it was as much stains like leaving the house covered in blood they would've called LE IMMEDIATELY. i still believed she washed up once she realized she cut herself and her blood was on travis. what she didn't remeber was grabing the wall to steady herself while pulling him back to the shower. jodi left tbat house clean not bloody. ready to bump and grind with ryan.

She may have used the costco water to wash some blood off her hands where she was cut from the knife if it was still bleeding.
I agree, she didn't leave that house without cleaning up first.
Great post!
You mean you don't show up at your ex-boyfriend's house at 4am and walk right in the backdoor?

I though everyone did that. [just kidding] :seeya:

Last response and then I'll be all caught up....

re:BBM: I think this is on the list of words we weren't going to use in this thread anymore.
I dont know if this has been brought up, but, has anyone looked at her ebay page and the feedbacks, on Dec 6 a book called social psychology was bought from her account. I really wonder what this book is all about, did she buy this book when she was going to represent herself?
I may go to the library and see if I can chech-out this book, here is the link, look on the one that has A+++++ then on the right click on view item.
Without watching the testimony I don't recall exactly what he said about California. IIRC there were no calls after Pasadena. After that (or soon after) there were no more cell pings until it hit the tower Northwest of Kingman around 11:30 p.m. on June 4.

There may be transcripts of the cell phone activity testimony in the media/timeline thread as well.

Ok. This is interesting, if you can bear with me. If we knew how long it would take her to get there, then we would know about what time she left Mesa. Those pictures were taken around 530pm? That means she spent a couple of hours cleaning up? It would take about 3 hours to get to Kingsman from Mesa? Could she have left Mesa as late as 830 pm? She said the sun was in her eyes when she came back to her senses in the desert.
Another thing that caught me. jodi tries to act like she was covered in blood as she drove away from travis house and then she ended up in the desert and cleaned off with costco calling bs. with the amount of blood in that bathroom she had to clean off before leaving. there were no bloody foot prints on the carpet outside of the bedroom or on the steps. nothing on the doornobs etc. had she went into that car bloody the whole car would be stained. i know the rental guy noted stains but if it was as much stains like leaving the house covered in blood they would've called LE IMMEDIATELY. i still believed she washed up once she realized she cut herself and her blood was on travis. what she didn't remeber was grabing the wall to steady herself while pulling him back to the shower. jodi left tbat house clean not bloody. ready to bump and grind with ryan.

We can figure this out from the pictures and the cell records. On the face of it, it looks like she spent hours cleaning up. Also, got rid of bloody clothes and shoes.

Amazing what you can do in a fugue state.
You know, it was some crazy story about how running from him down the hall didn't work the last time so she decided to try the closet this time. All I can remember is my eyes rolling back in my head, lol. Really, if he is in hot pursuit, like she says, closing the closet door [if she even has time to do that] is not going to help.

There is a map of her route in and out of the closet which I tried to find for you, but I can't find it now.

She seems to have no sense of time, is all I can say.

here it is:

"And I don't know why I didn't run out of the room. I ran into the closet because the door was open was my thought. Last time I ran down the hallway, he caught me before I got to the door, and that was another incident in the summer, so I guess I went in the closet..."

{ I call BS on that prior incident. Funny she never mentioned it before.]
re:BBM - I've thought this from Day 1 too. Travis would never raise his hand to hurt a woman, no matter what. I believe it is just the way he was.

(PS - First I typed "I believe it is just the way he is." I cringed when I had to backspace and type "was" at the end.) :(

STOP!!! You are making my cry.

I breaks my heart that he lost his life.
Here's the crime floorplan someone posted earlier

Her gun story is just a stupid story and now her goose is cooked. Why didn't she make up a better lie to fit the timeline and logic of self-defense? It really insults everybody that hears her gun story because it's implausible and impossible.

I don't know how I'm suppose to buy that story. No way...she's just a stupid liar...yuck...forget that evil ryhmes- with-witch and starts with a B....she's done for...toast..... :eek:fftobed:
I dont know if this has been brought up, but, has anyone looked at her ebay page and the feedbacks, on Dec 6 a book called social psychology was bought from her account. I really wonder what this book is all about, did she buy this book when she was going to represent herself?
I may go to the library and see if I can chech-out this book, here is the link, look on the one that has A+++++ then on the right click on view item.

It looks like this ebay account started receiving feedback on 3/7/08. I really want to know what she purchased between then and 5/6/08 to see if there is anything that could have been used for the murder.

I also REALLY want to know what she bought on 6/7/08 and 6/10/08.... just days after killing Travis. Who shops on eBay right after they slaughter someone???

She just gets weirder and weirder.
here it is:

"And I don't know why I didn't run out of the room. I ran into the closet because the door was open was my thought. Last time I ran down the hallway, he caught me before I got to the door, and that was another incident in the summer, so I guess I went in the closet..."

{ I call BS on that prior incident. Funny she never mentioned it before.]

She just needed an excuse in her story that would make her end up in the closet to find the easily accessible gun nobody ever heard of.

That she was able to roll over, get up and run away from the big, scary, enraged wrestler is unbelievable by itself. It would be funny if they made her do a live reenactment.
ok, this is bugging me now.....anyone remember when Juan is drilling her on where someone lived....I am thinking it was Matt, with his dad maybe....and she says Phoenix...then he goes on to something else, then comes back to that same question where did you say he lived? Phoenix was the answer again...(I think)....well, this Phoenix is very close to Mesa....wonder what is up with this....tells me something is....anyone?

There's a Phoenix, Oregon as well as Arizona. I'm pretty sure the Oregon one is the one referenced. Was it Matt Whoever?
Sorry if this has already been answered. Obviously, I'm WAAAY behind...
Her gun story is just a stupid story and now her goose is cooked. Why didn't she make up a better lie to fit the timeline and logic of self-defense? It really insults everybody that hears her gun story because it's implausible and impossible.

I don't know how I'm suppose to buy that story. No way...she's just a stupid liar...yuck...forget that evil ryhmes with witch....she's done for...toast..... :eek:fftobed:


I was afraid she was going to admit to taking grandpa's gun. BUt she'd say that she wanted to kill herself, and was going to do it at TA's house. So she had it with her in her bag, but when he saw her take it out, he jumped her and she had to fight him. I think the jury might at least hang on that one.

But some of her stories are soooooooooo silly. I think the skateboarding license plate pranksters might take the cake. It would have been better if she just said she didn't know how it happened. JMO
She just needed an excuse in her story that would make her end up in the closet to find the easily accessible gun nobody ever heard of.

That she was able to roll over, get up and run away from the big, scary, enraged wrestler is unbelievable by itself. It would be funny if they made her do a live reenactment.

I think he should just make her draw a picture of where she ran, and when. And where he was at the time. That would be funny too.
It looks like this ebay account started receiving feedback on 3/7/08. I really want to know what she purchased between then and 5/6/08 to see if there is anything that could have been used for the murder.

I also REALLY want to know what she bought on 6/7/08 and 6/10/08.... just days after killing Travis. Who shops on eBay right after they slaughter someone???

She just gets weirder and weirder.

Why not? She's SINGLE. :mad:
Been there. Done that. Once you've lived with one (a sociopath, psychopath) you see it immediately. She "played" him many times just that one day! She wanted to swap the cars before he went to the meeting to see him/be with him/sway him not to go. He (normal person) took her at face value and thought she needed the car for something else so, he had a friend pick him up so she could get the car. She (sociopath that she is) was offended and angry about this (because he didn't UNDERSTAND that she wanted to see him) so she didn't pick up the car. HE is the one that was put out and didn't use his own car to go where he needed to go BUT, she is the one who is pizzed and does she say thank you or sorry? No she says the store closed and she's sleepy.

Been there. They (the people that fake that they are really people) do this chit over and over and over again until YOU think YOU'RE the crazy one!

Juan knows what she is.

I'm not sure about the jury because we can't talk to them or understand how they are interpreting events...

I have no doubts about what exactly JA is. I've seen it. And I do mean "it". They're out there!


I had one them suckers and you described them accurately. They come from the same mold with minor individuality differences. One has to be really strong to keep your reality intake to deal with them on a personal level. Sounds like you acquired a Ph.D in psychopathic persons as I have too.
Yes! Have her re-enact what she remembers!!!!

And have a 62 second timer running.

Oops Jodi... ya gotta try again and speed it up this time...
I think he should just make her draw a picture of where she ran, and when. And where he was at the time. That would be funny too.

Yes! Have her re-enact what she remembers!!!!

And have a 62 second timer running.

Oops Jodi... ya gotta try again and speed it up this time...

And have her recreate it on the projector for everyone to see!

Maybe she can borrow JB's big huge Pictionary pad and easel set up. That way, once the buzzer goes off after her 62 seconds is up she can just --flip-- to a new page and try again!
It looks like this ebay account started receiving feedback on 3/7/08. I really want to know what she purchased between then and 5/6/08 to see if there is anything that could have been used for the murder.

I also REALLY want to know what she bought on 6/7/08 and 6/10/08.... just days after killing Travis. Who shops on eBay right after they slaughter someone???

She just gets weirder and weirder.

Wait...I haven't gone back through the thread, but I was just looking at stuff she or a family member is selling and noticed all the Maricopa County and Sheriff Joe post cards she is selling!!!!! Weird!!! And weird that people are buying!!! I looked back through the feedback she has left for people. Strange!
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