jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Yes! Have her re-enact what she remembers!!!!

And have a 62 second timer running.

Oops Jodi... ya gotta try again and speed it up this time...

Yes, this wouod be a great idea but im sure her selective memory would happen. Im honestly surprised that nurmi didnt claim she had ptsd from all of the "abuse" she suffered.

Wishing my weekend away here :(

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Just wait he is just getting started and setting her up and then pa-pow, she won't know what hit her.

I agree! A few posters feel his cross is disjointed. I don't. He had to get her out of her comfort zone right at the starting gate and show her she isn't going to run the show.

An effective attorney never asks a question he doesn't already know the answer to. (Sorry about the preposition.) He'll tie it all together for the jury.

Oh yeah…she's goin' down in flames, just like Jesse James!
Yes! Have her re-enact what she remembers!!!!

And have a 62 second timer running.

Oops Jodi... ya gotta try again and speed it up this time...

Yes, supposedly in that time span, this occurred: the body slam, the run to the closet, to the bathroom again, he lunges, she shoots, he falls on top of her, they struggle on ground, and she breaks free, and then there would be lots of knife work (instead of using the gun again for some unknown reason), and then start to drag his body, all in 62 seconds.
Yes, supposedly in that time span, this occurred: the body slam, the run to the closet, to the bathroom again, he lunges, she shoots, he falls on top of her, they struggle on ground, and she breaks free, and then there would be lots of knife work (instead of using the gun again for some unknown reason), and then start to drag his body, all in 62 seconds.

So I did a little experiment kind of to see how much ground I could cover in 62 seconds. I started in my living room along out small foyer (about 5ft) up the stairs (10 I think) and in to the bathroom which is right at the top of the landing and that took more than 62 seconds. Put it into perspective what she is claiming.

Not sure even if I briskly walked/ran that I could still do It.

Not like she is usain bolt.

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So I did a little experiment kind of to see how much ground I could cover in 62 seconds. I started in my living room along out small foyer (about 5ft) up the stairs (10 I think) and in to the bathroom which is right at the top of the landing and that took more than 62 seconds. Put it into perspective what she is claiming.

Not sure even if I briskly walked/ran that I could still do It.

Not like she is usain bolt.

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Every morning I put my coffee cup in the microwave for 60 seconds, because the milk makes it cold. I have a pretty good idea of what I can do in that 60 seconds.

I have just enough time to walk through the living room and call my dog back in from the yard and close the door, when I hear DING!

Or I can run quickly to use the bathroom, and if I hurry, I make it back just in time for the DING!.

No way I could do the list of things she describes in that time.
Well, I don't think I would sit in a room with Andrea, but I think I know what you are saying.

What I don't understand is how anyone can say JA is not mentally ill or crazy. Are we making a distinction between mentally ill and being possesed with the devil. Is there a distinction. I personally think there is. jmo
(I'm not even nearly caught up but wanted to add my thoughts...)

I tend to use terms such as afflicted or disordered because I personally really struggle with seeing Cluster B's or psychopathy as mental health disorders. There is an inherent choice and decision making process not necessarily afforded to others who suffer with mental illness. (I will wholeheartedly admit though after living with someone disordered I am hardly impartial. It quite literally nearly destroyed me - I'm not prone to hyperbole here - and the same person tore apart his family at its seams.)

They can choose not to stalk, threaten suicide as emotional blackmail, manipulate, deceive, rage as a controlling mechanism, etc. (In fact many do.) Inherent of the 'affliction' itself though is a feeling of entitlement, perfectionism, and superiority. They don't accept the problem lies within themselves and instead it is the fault of the world and everyone in it. It's one of the things that makes treatment largely ineffective and the very thing, coupled with a lack of empathy, that causes so many afflicted people to be abusive.

IMO cluster B personality disorders and psychopathy tend to be 'cancerous'. Over time the disorder takes over and becomes the primary personality. For some personality disordered people I feel descriptors like possessed, evil, and devil incarnate are not only applicable, but in a way, even necessary to warn people not well informed as to how manipulatively mischievous and cruelly cunning these creatures truly can be. When I say they destroy everyone and everything around them - I'm being very literal. Jodi is evidence of that herself. Not only did she murder a man who at one time had genuine care and concern for her...she destroyed two families with her actions, she continues to harass and harm her victim's family, friends and acquaintances likely are even reeling - and many will wonder the rest of their own lives if they could have done anything to prevent it. Not to begin to even lay claim to the insurmountable 'material' damage - like how much this is costing her parents on a financial level, the cost to the taxpayers of Arizona, the added financial burden necessary for Travis' family to be in court each day, etc.

Just my 2 pence. ;)

ETA: For those still trying to heal from relationships with disordereds, I've found this website invaluable at times, if for no greater purpose than confirming my sanity. :)
Originally Posted by Karmady
I appreciate the non-confrontational tone, so I'll say this. I know how the office runs and I know that some might choose to stick with it. In my experience, most do not. I don't know what it says about Juan since I don't know him personally. My opinion is that I don't like his style and I don't think he did a good job on Thursday. I'm not alone in that opinion (which I feel compelled to put out there since I feel like I'm the only person on the planet who doesn't think he's a God) and I completely understand that others disagree and STRONGLY disagree. That doesn't make me a bad person with en effed up agenda worthy of scathing dismissal, imo. But if that's what I get, that's what I get. I'm okay with it. Hitting the hay, so if there's further discussion I'll catch up with you tomorrow. Peace

I'm copying and pasting this as I don't see your posts karmady unless they are quoted, which this one was.

Just keepin it real.

I've seen plenty of "confrontational tone" both about Juan Martinez (repeatedly and not just about this week's cross) and about the Alexander family. And those are just about the posts that show up quoted (for me).

I'm trying very hard to keep this post within the TOS and if it's not, I'll accept the instruction and delete it.

You claim your posts dismissing Juan Martinez are just about this week and the cross. I think a simple search would show otherwise.

I also think your posts have indicated a person who's been in that courtroom far more than the first day. Just a few days ago you posted about how the whole courthouse held a certain belief about one objection Juan Martinez made. Interesting.

Originally Posted by Karmady
Really? Cause I know the court didn't love it. I personally have never, ever, heard counsel speak to the court that way. It was the topic of conversation at the courthouse today and no one thought it was cool. They all thought it was crazy and foolish. The story was told with wide-eyed "can you believe he said that" incredulity -- and not in a good way.

If you're gonna throw out tidbits then at least keep it consistent.

And no I don't think you work for the defense team either. At all.

I apologize to the moderators if this is inappropriate.

Some things require addressing sometimes I think.

After all this IS Websleuths.

With that, I head out for the night.


Very nice Katie:great:
Does anyone recall which post it was that had Travis's journals being handed over to the court by Skye Hughes after her testimony? I know I read it here yesterday, but doing a search brought no results.
re:BBM - I've thought this from Day 1 too. Travis would never raise his hand to hurt a woman, no matter what. I believe it is just the way he was.

(PS - First I typed "I believe it is just the way he is." I cringed when I had to backspace and type "was" at the end.) :(

Yes, I agree. I get this from the messages he left for her as well when he says stuff like why would you treat me, of all people, like this. "Me, of all people" - someone who has treated you so nicely, done so many things for you...
I'm glad I'm not the only one.....

That's been driving me crazy!

FHE was 1/21, right?

JA was with Travis in the morning on 1/22, right?

The car exchange was being discuss on 1/21, right?

Did Jodi need a ride from work on 1/22?

I just gotta feeling JA had Travis car.

I am still reading through the thread but wanted to comment on this from last night. When Juan kept asking her which car she was driving and she kept saying I don't recall, I was thinking whats the big deal?

Then I realized, she HAD to have his car, if she had been driving her own why the need to 'switch out cars'?

It was leading towards obsessive behavior, as I believe also, she always made excuses to see him, to continue to keep him on the phone, etc etc.

Now, I am NOT saying there isn't a possibility that her car was broken down adn she was borrowing hs car and that was why she was driving but...since she is being so 'closed' mouth about it, unlike the Jodi with the multitude of reasons/explanations, this would be easy lie for her. So, something around this event the DT was trying to get it in, the reason she had 'his' car. But, the very next day she needs a ride. So, I guess unless there is more to come on this, I have a hunch it was to show that she had TA's car, which gave her a good excuse to see him.

And it just so happens to be on the day she sees him M to kiddie pictures. She testified that he was trying to get to see her all day, begging her to come and talk about things etc etc. Yet, here we have her having his car, he LEAVES instead of staying around to talk about this event she supposedly sees...very contradicting imho to what she claims to have happened.

I have one them suckers and you described them accurately. They come from the same mold with minor individuality differences. One has to be really strong to keep your reality intake to deal with them on a personal level. Sounds like you acquired a Ph.D in psychopathic persons as I have too.

Yes, most of the thought process is not based in reality. And when something doesn't go the way she has imagined or dreamt of or whatever fantasic thing she has conjured up in her mind, she is probably hell to deal with.

Her father went so far as to disconnect something in the car. She sounds like when she wanted to do something or be with someone that is what she did come hell or high water. Impulsive, she thought it. she did it. She is the poster child for at least Oppositional Defiant. Probably one of her personality disorders. I have no PHD so that is simply IMHO.

IMHO, Jodi can lie and deny all throughout her testimony and it really doesn't matter. What does matter is that Martinez is going to get the evidence and proof of her lies out to the jury proving her lies.

She can swear on her choice of religious tome or deity she would prefer, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak.
I believe she was an inmate at the jail w/JA, possibly testifying about the magazines. Here is a link... and another...

I could be completely wrong though. Probably a common name.

I believe this is it, I mean the connection. Thursday was a wake up call for Jodi when the magazine was put into evidence right there for the first time for all to see. I had just read about the Donavan woman in the court and her connection with this mess and with the introduction of the mag she exits the court like she had an emergency. Juan walked her into the lie that made it possible for him to introduce the magazine. When Nurmi was looking at the magazine like he was looking for a picture of jodi in it then finds out that it's about secret messages the defense is baffled, bewildered, and confused. Then on friday they go to the Arizona Supreme Court and try to get the DP dropped. I would be willing to bet that this Christina Lopez will back upthe lie jodi has told. I feel in the bottom of my heart that Juan will clear Travis Alexander's name of the vicious statements she has accused him of to try to save her hide. all just my opine.:fence:
I believe this is it, I mean the connection. Thursday was a wake up call for Jodi when the magazine was put into evidence right there for the first time for all to see. I had just read about the Donavan woman in the court and her connection with this mess and with the introduction of the mag she exits the court like she had an emergency. Juan walked her into the lie that made it possible for him to introduce the magazine. When Nurmi was looking at the magazine like he was looking for a picture of jodi in it then finds out that it's about secret messages the defense is baffled, bewildered, and confused. Then on friday they go to the Arizona Supreme Court and try to get the DP dropped. I would be willing to bet that this Christina Lopez will back upthe lie jodi has told. I feel in the bottom of my heart that Juan will clear Travis Alexander's name of the vicious statements she has accused him of to try to save her hide. all just my opine.:fence:

I had thought they had made the appeal to the Supreme Court when this judge said no? Did it just happen Thurs?

I will have to go back and read, I am confused. Though its nothing new after watching so many days of ramblings. I feel like I have to reread everything.

So I've the watched cross almost thrice now. And I watched a video about JM's previous case. I'm convinced this man is an absolute genius. He's a death-row experienced lawyer. He's put a woman like Jodi (a mother of 2 small children!) on death row. He knows exactly what he's doing. Jodi's arrogance and deceit on cross didn't take him by surprise. He expected no less from her. He wants the jury to see it all on cross, even his frustration. It's all part of his brilliant tactic.

Of course we (most of us) are amateurs so we may not be able to appreciate his style but if anyone knows his business and if anyone can convince the jury to convict Arias of first-degree murder it's Juan Martinez.
Yes, most of the thought process is not based in reality. And when something doesn't go the way she has imagined or dreamt of or whatever fantasic thing she has conjured up in her mind, she is probably hell to deal with.

Her father went so far as to disconnect something in the car. She sounds like when she wanted to do something or be with someone that is what she did come hell or high water. Impulsive, she thought it. she did it. She is the poster child for at least Oppositional Defiant. Probably one of her personality disorders. I have no PHD so that is simply IMHO.


Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a Childhood Disorder.. If not caught early and get under control will lead to Conduct Disorder (the adolescent term for antisocial disorder) If the antisocial disorder with aggressive tendency doesn't get trt will follow into psychopathic disorder with aggressive tendencies.

(I am licensed retired addiction specialist).

It is easier to get an oppositional defiant seven year old treated than a 27 year old anti social personality disorder under control.

Personality Disorder is not a mental illness even though it is listed in the DSM-V. Personality Disorder is just a disorder of the Personality.. The development of the Personality did not become healthy as the person grew into adulthood.

Mental Illness are the psychotic illnesses: schizophrenia and Bi-polar
(all their different forms)

I hope this helps with clarifying disorder, personality, etc :)

I hope that briefly clarifies the difference between personality disorder and mental illness.
Karmady, I agree that wasn't a good example of the double standard, and was surprised he opened with that.

B/c you're right. I can say anything about my family, bash them all I want. But everyone knows they can't say bad things about these same people, regardless of what I have said. That's not allowed! ;)

Luckily, JM's faux pas was quite recoverable, IMO.

With that line of questioning showed me was that she did not get upset at all! He was attacking you what everyone thought was the closest thing to her, her sister. But she did not get defensive or upset at all.

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I think he should just make her draw a picture of where she ran, and when. And where he was at the time. That would be funny too.

Baez is willing to lend her the poster board and also give her a couple of (free, naturally) lessons on the intricacies of using such a board.
Here is where I am, he did not deserve to die but you can't have your cake and eat it to. Travis was living the good life at a cost it turns out. His little love child turned around and bit him on the butt when he told her to take a hike. Yes it is a tragedy but the writing was on the wall here. This was a volcano waiting to erupt.

There is no 'but' as far as I'm concerned. He did not deserve to die. Period.
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