jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 11TH DAY #55 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Are you kidding me right now. Really, Jodi. I'm sorry, there is no way on earth that he penetrated you while you were asleep and you didn't wake up, unless your body has become accustomed to entry. (That is about as non-sexual and non-lewd as I can get, sorry if it offends.)

Apparently she was always open for business.
And she didnt find out it was against the church until a YEAR AFTER RYAN...... so that would be while she is in jail she learned it was bad in the eyes of the church????


and she had to be ex communicated by then---she broke the top two--murder and pre marital sex.....
He got that jealous word in just under the wire!!!

Poor married friend of Travis is probably watching Insession!!!

Jodi could not wait to give her full name out to the whole world.
She is probably doing a happy dance now.
Abused Jodi my @ss!

This girl would never ever let anyone get over on her. No way. No how. She would hunt you down and kill you first...And gee, isn't that exactly what she did. Everyone guy who "wronged" her got the wrath of Jodi. Unfortunately, Travis was killed by that wrath.
I'm annoyed with the judge. She should have been instructing her to answer the question...yes or no!

This is really getting ridiculous.

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are we ever going to see this 'how to stop being a pedophile' pamphlets she's talked about?

You've never seen those in malls? They're in the pamphlet display between pamphlets for bargain cruises and discount carwashes.

I'm sure she won't remember a single detail about which mall she got it from, what it said, contact information, anything. Even though she was so desperately trying to "help him" (good saint that she is) , that too will be a blur.
So what do you guys think happened between yesterday and today to have her start right off in angry combative mode?

Yesterday she was Polly Purebred. Today she is Cruella DeVille.

GRACE: So she was jealous because there was an occasional e-mail between you and Travis Alexander? You know what? You better thank your lucky stars that you never met up with Jodi Arias because, I mean, she has apparently followed him on dates. She has e-mailed and contacted women that he would have casual dates with.

What was her complaint about him e-mailing you?

PETERSEN: I think she was just upset that he would e-mail any other woman besides her because like I said, I was married. I had kids. They were not inappropriate e-mails. Nothing I would not show my husband. And she was just I think upset that he was corresponding with me. Now, he and I were friends back when I was single. So maybe that`s why maybe she thought, you know, he still held a candle or something, I don`t know. But she was -- she was upset about it.
Begging here....:please:

Can someone please post the link to chat? I'm banging my head on the linen closet door here!

How did you like the "that's a compound question" bit? I almost punched her through the screen......many times. My poor poor laptop is in danger.
How can the judge allow her to be so disrespectful??

I think this is a good thing. I think it is just what Juan wants. He could object if he wanted. But the crazier and mean and spiteful she looks the better it is for him and travis's family.

This is the person that Travis had to deal with.. And it ain't pretty.

Best point was when she said, " sure I could have waited but I would have been miserable for 10 days."
That right there is the murderers attitude.
This may be a stupid question, but here it goes to the legal eagles. I read somewhere that when Jodi was acting as her own attorney she made a pretrial plea to Juan for a second degree murder and in that written motion she reiterated that no jury would ever convict her. If that plea motion exists, could it be used in trial?
That was fun!

I respectfully disagree! That was not fun! I want a raise in pay and more Cabana boys! Also more breaks, paid lunch, paid vacation, and the option to add more if this gets even more difficult to transcribe!!!!
Maybe some water boarding may refresh her memory and adjust her attitude?

Oh dang, I thought you said motor boat.

I wish one of TAs sisters would just rush the courtroom and just whip JAs *advertiser censored*.
I think this is worse than FCA and perhaps a van der sloot female evil twin.

JA really believes she is significant enough to ruin someone's marriage. Her level of feeling self-important is off the charts.

Also, I decided when she is convicted, the judge should include shaving her head as part of her sentence. She would hate that!
IMO, summing up this mornings cross, the biggest Juan accomplishment made is that he undressed Jodi's "battered, scared, chihuahua victim image" I fully understand what Travis meant in his text when he told her he was sick and tired of her games.
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