trial day 33: the defense continues its case in chief #96

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I've said it before but I'll say it again: I love Eiglarsh! What a good heart he has!
(A tiny bit OT but not really) OK here we go: I had an appt. today with my therapist. I've been working through issues with a bad car accident when my DH passed out while driving 6 mo ago. A heart specialist just did extensive testing and said he could drive again, so a week ago he bought a truck identical to the one that was totaled. Sooooooooo, I'm telling the story today of my first time riding with him and had a horrible panic attack. She started explaining that in a "remote part of our brain...." I shouted is it the HIPPOCAMPUS???!!! I was sooo proud of myself and she was shocked I knew that word!!!!!

Lololol. I hope you didn't let on how you knew it and just let her presume you are a woman of wide and varied intellectual interests!
Because Bozo the clown was on HLN last night I missed it. What's on tonight with them? Not that I really like that show but it is better than all the moronic choices offered on our cable.
I'm catching up on coverage I missed this afternoon, so far this is my favorite part. :floorlaugh:
Go Juan go! :rocker:

Juan: I thought we were talking about being assertive.
Do you have a problem with remembering what I just asked you?

Samuels: No, I don't have anymore problem then you do sir.



Listen with your heart when you watch the Eddie Snell video of Travis says DrD. JenineD and MarkE both saying Travis had remarkable comedic timing and delivery. David Hughes sharing memories of a wonderfully alive and funny young man. Tears for losing Travis and anger at Jodi for taking this man's life.
No offense taken! But isn't this video all over the internet? Were they only able to get this from Travis' friend? I don't think so. But I didn't see the first part of the show.

It's a video of a comical act - he's playing a character. It's not like a 'secret' or odd thing - there's a crowd there. It's supposed to be funny, I think... I don't know why this would be a problem - or help the defense in any way (?).

I just remember what they did with the sex tape. Taking Travis' statements out of context. (Remember the PowerPoint?) They are a RUTHLESS bunch. I'm not sure how they would present the "mash up" of this character.

Myself? I laughed at his antics - then cried over the loss. Completely normal for me. :blushing:
You can get lightweight short sleeved tops with a hood and a front pocket. I have a couple. I wear them in the summer.

They are similar to the picture that another Wser just posted on the thread.
In heat that's over 100 degrees??? Arizona heat is very different from that of California. It's a very dry heat, not humid at all, and can get unbearable in the summer months. My cousins who lived there would leave Arizona just for the summer it gets so bad...
I have a few questions for those in the know...
1) When Jodi and Travis first met she lived in CA and he in AZ. Did he EVER go visit her in CA?

2) This drives me nuts. So, they break up and THEN she moves to AZ? WHY? This makes no sense other then proving she's a stalker. Do we KNOW what Travis thought of this?

3) Have Jodi's journals been entered into evidence and if so can we access them?

There's more but my head hurts. Thanks in advance guys and gals.
Jodi was arrested in Yreka 6 weeks after the murder. Travis' friends and Family have spoken. I wonder what lies Jodi told her Family.
I think Jodi was a cunning, manipulative gold digger who found her mark at a PPL convention. She targeted him from day one. Travis had no idea at first what he was dealing with. He was set up, used and his life thrown away like used toilet paper.
I think she should get death by stoning, just like the Bible that she claims to serve says...

:goodpost: and BBM

I was curious what method people might choose if they could decide her punishment. What you've said seems very appropriate.

As the niece of a wise guy, the method I'd pick wouldn't be as humane as that.
In heat that's over 100 degrees??? Arizona heat is very different from that of California. It's a very dry heat, not humid at all, and can get unbearable in the summer months. My cousins who lived there would leave Arizona just for the summer it gets so bad...

I wear those sometimes in the summer here in muggy Southeast Louisiana...
Some may already know this, but June 12, 2008.. 8 days after JA murdered Travis, she uploaded this onto her Youtube account (a different Eddie Snell video of Travis). She created her account May 29, 2008. This is the only video/activity on the account.
Not a lawyer, but I'm betting it's highly unlikely you'd win an ineffective council claim based on the testimony of an expert witness-especially your own.:moo:

I agree. Ineffective counsel is usually an effective argument only when it is discovered that exculpating evidence was available and not utilized by the DT. Or, in another way, if clearly objectionable evidence was not objected to by the DT, then the D could have a good argument.

IMHO, these lawyers are competent...there I said it (defends incoming slings and arrows:truce:). But, this is a loser of a case, and it's hard to find good and competent experts to justify the actions of a sociopath that had had a myriad of versions of how she butchered Travis. Remember, she tried to make a deal for 2nd degree, but JM and the family knew that she premeditated this, had no remorse, and had been a manipulating stalker way. The DT would have cut a 25 to life deal in a second.

So, they are doing their best with this shat sandwich. My guess is that Samuels was the only psych that said, "I charge $250 an hour, what's the defense that needs to be justified?" I don't feel bad for them, but they are, as they say, "Defending the Constitution." Unfortunately, they have a delusional psychopath as a client that probably insisted on testifying, and if not, her defense required it.

Sorry for the ramble...JMHO. BTW, it's likely Baez would have gone down too if CA had testified. :twocents:
Listen with your heart when you watch the Eddie Snell video of Travis says DrD. JenineD and MarkE both saying Travis had remarkable comedic timing and delivery. David Hughes sharing memories of a wonderfully alive and funny young man. Tears for losing Travis and anger at Jodi for taking this man's life.

Wondering if the part where he pulls out the toilet paper and says something about "carp" is where Jodi got her, "He made me feel like a piece of used toilet paper"!!! :what:
Thank you Janine!

Hope I can help!

I have a few questions for those in the know...
1) When Jodi and Travis first met she lived in CA and he in AZ. Did he EVER go visit her in CA? Nope

2) This drives me nuts. So, they break up and THEN she moves to AZ? WHY? This makes no sense other then proving she's a stalker. Do we KNOW what Travis thought of this? We know what his friends thought.

3) Have Jodi's journals been entered into evidence and if so can we access them?Yes, I read them randomly usually just by googling.

There's more but my head hurts. Thanks in advance guys and gals.
LoL. Mark Eiglarsh talking about Dr. S on Dr. Drew and how all he was doing is trying to explain her "fog" (which has nothing to do with the MURDER). "He had me as confused as a homeless person under house arrest." :floorlaugh:

I :heartbeat: Mark Eiglarsh.
:goodpost: and BBM

I was curious what method people might choose if they could decide her punishment. What you've said seems very appropriate.

As the niece of a wise guy, the method I'd pick wouldn't be as humane as that.

I think she should have done to her what she did to Travis. And I'll leave it there...
I'm watching HLN, which I'm not really used to doing. It's confusing me a bit. Seems like the talking heads keep saying that Samuels was her therapist. He really wasn't, was he? He was hired to psych eval her so that he could testify on her behalf—from the get go—right?

No, he was hired by the defense to reach a forgone conclusion, JMO, that she suffers from PTSD and the loss of brain fonction. Therefore the temporary loss of memories makes complete sense. :rolleyes:

He didn't seem to do a very good job of it either. I mean most defense witness' at least can make their guano look professional. This guy failed miserably at even trying to do that. JMO

Janine Driver is on and said Juan is getting underneath Samuels skin. She also says Samuels is feeling threatened by the way he postures himself. Dr Drew says Samuel s has made a big mistake by believing the defendant.

Dr Drew is also going to play the tape where Arias seems to be swiping a notebook.


Perhaps he should have readministered that test.

Seriously, Juan didn't just toast him he disintegrated him. This guy was not pro defense, he was pro Jodi and there's a big difference there. JMO
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